Sunday, August 20, 2023

Wonder why libs will do anything to stop Trump?-----"...that would be the end of the world"


More on our liberal, loon rulers.-----"Water Requires Conversations Around Equity" - Meet the Radical, Obama-Loving Official...

"Water Requires Conversations Around Equity" - Meet the Radical, Obama-Loving Official Who Delayed Life-Saving Water to Maui for SEVERAL HOURS While the Fires Were Contained (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger


The commission is responsible…to protect and manage all water resources in the state. One water is … looking at it from a holistic system perspective, and that’s not any different than how Hawaiians traditionally manage water.

You know, in essence we treated — Native Hawaiians treated water as one of the earthly manifestations of a God… and so that reverence for a resource and that reciprocity in relationship was something that was really, really important to our worldview and well-being, right, living in an island and isolated from other civilizations.

...Like, we can share it, but it requires true conversations about equity.

No wonder the Hawaii state government is trying to cover up their actions before and after the fires. Blood is all over their hands.

#1 This day 1974-----(You're) Having My Baby - Paul Anka and Odia Coates

Where libs rule.

What could possibly go wrong? - John L Hoh Jr
"The real problem is that grocers who served Chicago’s neighborhoods closed shop because of shrinkage. 
The Chicago PD and Cook County AG refuse to prosecute. 
So will a grant change anything?
Why doesn’t the state just drive semi loads of groceries in and give it away?
May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'State seeks to combat food deserts with $20 million program to seed independent grocers The state of Illinois is creating a $20 million grant program aimed at bringing grocery stores to areas that lack easy access to fresh foods under a measure Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed into law Friday.'
All reactions:
Jim Riley

Where liberals rule.


anti-white statement by Ilhan Omar should have ENDED career - TheBlaze

anti-white statement by Ilhan Omar should have ENDED career - TheBlaze

Ilhan Omar loves to point the finger at white men.

This isn’t the first time she’s said something overtly racist, although we’re certain she wouldn’t call her statements racist, since racism allegedly doesn’t exist if it’s pointed at white people.

Chicago City Council member backs 'The Purge'-style idea to control shootings

Chicago City Council member backs 'The Purge'-style idea to control shootings
"Not long ago Chicago voters showed their previous lefty mayor the door and replaced her with somebody even more to the Left who objects to using words like "mob" to describe, well, a mob...
“That’s not appropriate. We’re not talking about mob actions,” Johnson said. “We have to be careful when we use language to describe certain behavior. There’s a history in this city, and, I mean, to refer to children as like baby Al Capones is not appropriate.”...
From The Daily Mail:
...Alder Maria Hadden, a Democrat, boosted a proposal by the group Native Sons calling for 'The People's Ordinance' - a ceasefire between 9am and 9pm...

AM Fruitcake

History for August 20

History for August 20 - 
Ron Paul 1935
  • 1866 - It was formally declared by U.S. President Andrew Johnson that the American Civil War was over. The fighting had stopped months earlier.
  • 1882 - Tchaikovsky's "1812 Overture" debuted in Moscow.
  • 1939 - The National Bowling Association was founded in Detroit, MI. It was the first bowling association in the U.S. for African-Americans.
  • 1953 - It was announced by the Soviet Union that they had detonated a hydrogen bomb.
  • 1964 - A $1 billion anti-poverty measure was signed by U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • 1968 - The Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact nations began invading Czechoslovakia to crush the "Prague Spring" liberalization.
  • 1997 - Britain began voluntary evacuation of its Caribbean island of Montserrat due to the volcanic activity of the Soufriere Hills.

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Son of Disney's original 'Snow White' director sounds off against bastardized 'woke' remake: 'I think Walt and he would be turning in their graves' - TheBlaze

Son of Disney's original 'Snow White' director sounds off against bastardized 'woke' remake: 'I think Walt and he would be turning in their graves' - TheBlaze

Concerning the new film, he said, "I mean, it's a whole different concept, and I just totally disagree with it, and I know my dad and Walt would also very much disagree with it. ... I think it's pathetic that people feel that way." Hand noted that the original film was done "with good taste when it was written ... and I disagree with this whole new concept... but I know Disney's getting into that mode," which he called a "disgrace."

The way we were-----The Devastating Long Term Effects of Krakatoa

Remember Your Car?

"... from the plan to take away your car in case the green transition doesn't make us richer to rethinking food in case the green transition doesn't make us richer to the nonexistent Canadian Northern Corridor being done in by nonexistent warming to Germany buying LNG, just not from Canada, the ongoing green subsidy trade war and Canada's oil and gas companies still not understanding Net Zero to Canada's plan to have a plan to the "broken window" fallacy about green energy to the magic power of the word "environment" to the horror of geoengineering, Al Gore ranting about climate refugees in Davos and warming in Greenland... or the lack of it.

The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle - by Quoth the Raven

The Unforgivable Ivermectin Swindle - by Quoth the Raven
  • Ivermectin was maliciously and purposefully portrayed as something it wasn't during the height of the pandemic. 
  • The media's and FDA's dishonesty on the issue was beyond grotesque and shameful.
This month, lawyers for the Food and Drug Administration admitted in a U.S. court that doctors “do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID”, an admission that stands at stark odds with a multiple year campaign to misinform, misalign and tarnish the reputation of one of the world’s most successful drugs, which could have been used to save hundreds of thousands of lives during the pandemic...

REPORT: How Charities Secretly Help Win Elections -Capital Research Center

REPORT: How Charities Secretly Help Win Elections -Capital Research Center - by Parker Thayer

This investigation reveals the shocking true story of the Everybody Votes campaign—the largest and most corrupt “charitable” voter registration effort in American history—that may have decided the 2020 presidential election and could decide 2024...
Our exclusive research reveals how a little-known organization called the Voter Registration Project (VRP) leveraged connections with billionaire private foundations, Sam Bankman-Fried’s mother, and foreign billionaires with a history of breaking U.S. election law to raise $190 million for the Everybody Votes campaign and register 5.1 million people...
Our investigation proves, once and for all, that Democrats used truckloads of money from private foundations and public charities to give their donors enormous tax breaks and pad their electoral margins in 2020, even though charities and foundations are strictly forbidden by law to operate with the effect, much less the intent, of benefiting a political party.

Biden's Department of Justice risks the greatest threat of all | Fox News

Biden's Department of Justice risks the greatest threat of all | Fox News

Americans are losing faith in the credibility of the Department of Justice, and it is dangerous. The drip feed of stories coming out of Washington, D.C. is making Americans believe, and not without reason, that justice is no longer blind, and the law is no longer equally applied. What has happened over the last few weeks only serves to reinforce this damaging trend.

Moderna paid 400 million to NIH

Where liberals rule-----Hundreds Of New Yorkers Protest ‘Tent City’ For 1,000 Illegal Immigrant Men Opening Near Elementary School

Hundreds Of New Yorkers Protest ‘Tent City’ For 1,000 Illegal Immigrant Men Opening Near Elementary School - By Zach Jewell
"Hundreds of New York City residents gathered in Queens on Wednesday to protest the opening of a shelter that is expected to house around 1,000 illegal immigrant men near an elementary school and senior center.
The protesters held up signs and chanted “no tent city,” opposing the move by state officials to house illegal immigrants in the new shelter as hotels and homeless shelters in the Big Apple are overrun with thousands of people who illegally entered the country and were bused to New York. 
The tent city, approved by state leaders, opened Tuesday after being set up in 10 days in the parking lot of a psychiatric facility in Queens, Fox 5 reported...

Lunch video-----How Geography Shaped Africa | Thomas Sowell



Hunter Biden tax charges dismissed by federal judge following plea deal breakdown | Fox News

Hunter Biden tax charges dismissed by federal judge following plea deal breakdown | Fox News

Hunter Biden's misdemeanor tax charges have been dismissed by a federal judge in Delaware, an expected move after his "sweetheart" plea deal fell through last month during his first court appearance in the case. The Justice Department submitted a filing last week to dismiss the case ahead of a possible trial on Biden's felony gun charge in a different district.

Oprah stated: “If you’re 7-years-old and someone is stroking your penis, it feels good,” and “Molestation, if done right the child shouldn’t able to recognize that they were abused”

Oprah stated: “If you’re 7-years-old and someone is stroking your penis, it feels good,” and “Molestation, if done right the child shouldn’t able to recognize that they were abused”

A warning to all YOU red-hat wearers?-----A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse - Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet

A NATIONAL DISGRACE: Photos Leaked of Horrific January 6 Prisoner Abuse - Tortured 5 Months in Isolation in a Closet Room with Light on and a Bucket for a Toilet -- Where are the ACLU, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch? | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
A NATIONAL DISGRACE: January 6 prisoner Ryan Samsel pictured in the closet room he was held in for 5 months in isolation.
January 6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel has been held in prison without trial now since January 2021.
During his two-and-a-half years without trial Ryan has been moved around to 17 different facilities. Ryan has been beaten, abused, tortured, and neglected since his arrest in January 2021...

She cudda done same to the entire country if elected!


Official Who Ignored Request for Water During Maui Inferno: 'Water Requires Conversations Around Equity'

Official Who Ignored Request for Water During Maui Inferno: 'Water Requires Conversations Around Equity' - By Jennifer Van
"During the inferno that devastated part of the island of Maui, wiping entire towns off the map and possibly killing more than a thousand people (once a full assessment can be made), people on Maui begged state officials to allow West Maui stream water to be diverted to fill up reservoirs for firefighting. 
That request went to M. Kaleo Manuel, Deputy Director of Hawaii's Commission on Water Resource Management, and he delayed approval of that water for five hours - five hours in which the once-contained fire exploded. 
...Manuel, an Obama Foundation Leader for the Asia Pacific Region, is a climate change activist and DEI devotee who's said, "Like, we can share [water], but it requires true conversations about equity."
Glenn Tremble with the West Maui Land Company gave the chronology in a letter sent to Manuel, and obtained by the Honolulu Star-Advertiser....

#1 This day 1062-----Little Eva - Loco-motion(1962)

Did the CIA work to rig the 2020 election?

Instapundit-Did the CIA work to rig the 2020 election?

"THAT’S HARDLY A CRAZY CONSPIRACY THEORY: Did the CIA work to rig the 2020 election?

A “rigged” election is not the same thing as a stolen election; stealing requires changing votes. “Rigging” is about changing the rules, the information landscape, or other factors that can influence voters using illegitimate means. Spreading misinformation can be a form of rigging, as of course censorship or “debunking” of true information...

But certainly, the election was rigged. Lots of illegal changes to election laws were made without legislative approval, Big Tech censored conservatives based on phony claims, and the media colluded with outside groups to distort the truth or deny facts.

Among the riggers was the CIA, apparently. Not just former CIA agents, about which we already knew, but the CIA as an organization...

...I think we all know the truth. by 

It's time!


Biden administration considering plea deals for 9/11 mastermind and 4 co-conspirators that would shield them from death penalty - TheBlaze

Biden administration considering plea deals for 9/11 mastermind and 4 co-conspirators that would shield them from death penalty - TheBlaze

The Biden administration is considering plea agreements for the suspected architect of the September 11, 2001, attacks and four other cohorts that would mean they never face the death penalty. The Associated Press gained possession of a letter that was sent to several families of the victims of the terrorist attacks, which provided notice that a plea deal could soon be negotiated. In the letter the FBI and the Pentagon advised the families that a plea deal could eliminate the possibility of the death penalty for the suspects.

Trump Plans to Skip First GOP Debate, Sit for Tucker Carlson Interview Instead | National Review

Trump Plans to Skip First GOP Debate, Sit for Tucker Carlson Interview Instead | National Review
"...The exact timing of the Tucker Carlson interview is still up in the air, but if the sit-down streams live on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, during the debate time slot, it could simultaneously strike a blow against Fox and diminish Trump’s Republican primary opponents, all of whom are currently running well behind the frontrunner...

AM Fruitcake