Wednesday, August 23, 2023

AM Fruitcake

History for August 23

History for August 23 - 
Mark Russell 1932 - Comedian
  • 1947 - Margaret Truman, U.S. President Truman's daughter, gave her first public performance as a singer. The event was at the Hollywood Bowl and had an audience of 15,000.
  • 1962 - The first live TV program was relayed between the U.S. and Europe through the U.S. Telstar satellite.
  • 1982 - The parliament of Lebanon elected Bashir Bemayel president. He was assassinated three weeks later.
  • 1990 - President Saddam Hussein appeared on Iraqi state television with a group of Western detainees that he referred to as "guests." He told the group that they were being held "to prevent the scourge of war."
  • 1993 - It was confirmed by Los Angeles police that Michael Jackson was the subject of a criminal investigation.
  • 1998 - Protestors in Sudan carried a sign that bore the resemblance of Monica Lewinsky and the words "No War for Monika." The anti-U.S. demonstration was in Khartoum, Sudan.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Report: Hunter Biden's lawyers sought to spook prosecutors by threatening to put Joe Biden on the stand for the defense - TheBlaze

Report: Hunter Biden's lawyers sought to spook prosecutors by threatening to put Joe Biden on the stand for the defense - TheBlaze

Additionally, the plea deal negotiated between Clark and government lawyers, which was widely criticized as being too lenient on the president's son, fell apart when questioned by the judge overseeing the trial. The prosecutor overseeing the now-defunct deal has also been made a special prosecutor, a move that has also been widely criticized given his involvement in the controversial plea deal. And Hunter Biden now appears headed for trial during the upcoming election season.

The way we were-----Here's What EXACTLY Happened In Columbia's Final Moments (Re-upload)| Co...

Virgin Galactic: The Myth of Informed Consent for Space Tourism

Biden Botches Remarks in Maui, Tells Jokes, and Appears to Zone Out

Biden Botches Remarks in Maui, Tells Jokes, and Appears to Zone Out - By Nick Arama

"...Yes, it might be hot given that there was a disastrous fire there. Biden is sometimes just unbelievable...

Then he referenced the banyan tree and remarks someone had made about it, repeating himself. 

But perhaps the worst part was at the end where he just seemed to stop and not know what to do. It's like he's looking for the handler who usually helps him, but he's not there. He just stood there for a moment appearing confused. He looked like he was completely zoned out. 

Where democrats rule-----Seattle City Council Gives Drug Crime a Pass

Seattle City Council Gives Drug Crime a Pass - Eileen Griffin
"The Seattle City Council decided to allow drug activities to continue without consequences.
Despite a state law enacted in 2021, the city of Seattle has not updated its city ordinances to align drug crime policing and prosecution policies with the state, an editorial in The Wall Street Journal stated on August 18...
Without the vote to criminalize drug use, Seattle has now made the city a safe zone for addicts and drug crime within the state of Washington.
The council members who voted against the change told the WSJ that jailing addicts is not the way to handle public drug use...

Company behind contentious Michigan battery factory quietly appeared as Chinese foreign principal in filings | Fox News

Company behind contentious Michigan battery factory quietly appeared as Chinese foreign principal in filings | Fox News

But just one day after her statement, on April 21, Gotion Inc. was quietly registered as a Chinese foreign principal, according to FARA filings, which appears to have gone previously unreported. The U.S. subsidiary's document declares that its "wholly owned and controlled" by the China-based Hefei Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd.

Appeals Judge Removed After 36 Ethics Violations

Neurosis and the Curley Effect - by Glenn Harlan Reynolds

Neurosis and the Curley Effect - by Glenn Harlan Reynolds
"...To see just how deep this nation has plunged into a rancid broth of fear, take a look at this STAT-Harris poll taken after last fall’s election. 
  • It found that 75% of the public supported the idea of Joe Biden mandating mask-wearing, while two-thirds of Americans thought he “should ban gatherings involving more than 10 people.”
  • A March poll by the Morning Consult determined that “57% of voters said they would continue to fully adhere to precautions like mask-wearing and social distancing even if state requirements were lifted.” 
  • A poll taken earlier this week, with infections and deaths falling, and vaccinations rising, found that 42% still believe everyone in their “area should continue to wear masks outdoors regardless”...
I&I called this behavior neurotic, and I think that’s right. 
It’s irrational behavior, based on irrational feelings and obsessions rather than reality...
He continues: Surveys show that, after 50 years of feminism, American women are increasingly likely to report themselves as unhappy, a characteristic especially marked in unmarried young liberal women with no religious connection.
Likewise, Jonathan Haidt notes that the rapid decline in mental health among young (under 35) people took place first and fastest among young liberal women, and the charts he displays are dramatic...
Reading all of these pieces I’m seeing a story that goes something like this: Depressed, neurotic people (especially single women) are more likely to support Democrats. 
  •  Democrats support policies and messaging that produce more depressed, neurotic people, especially single women.
Now maybe this is an accident, but maybe it isn’t. Enter the “Curley Effect.”...

Lunch video-----FDA and ivermectin

"FDA explicitly recognizes that doctors do have the authority to prescribe ivermectin to treat COVID.



Biden quietly auctions off border wall parts to stunt Republican effort to restart construction: report | Fox News

Biden quietly auctions off border wall parts to stunt Republican effort to restart construction: report | Fox News

The Biden administration reportedly has been selling off millions of dollars’ worth of border wall materials in a race against Republicans vying to pass legislation to finish its construction. 

"... using violent force would be justified if that's what is needed to keep President Donald Trump out of the White House..."

Yes. There IS a difference between the political parties!-----Biden quietly sells off border wall material so the project can not begin again

Biden quietly sells off border wall material so the project can not begin again - KAREN TOWNSEND
"On Joe Biden’s first day in the White House, he put a stop to the border wall construction. 
Biden is vehemently anti-wall and border control. 
  • Now the Department of Defense is quietly selling off materials that were purchased but not used. 
Joe Biden does not want the construction of the border wall to begin again...

Important!!-----Uniparty’s Plan to Save ‘Our Democracy™’ Unfolds

Uniparty’s Plan to Save ‘Our Democracy™’ Unfolds - By Roger Kimball
  • Trump is an existential threat to their continued existence
"...I have been amused by the absolute certitude of the chattering class, which assures us with hands wringing that 
  1. Trump is a very bad man 
  2. That he cannot win the general election but that 
  3. The clever but insidious Dems will assure that he wins the nomination, thus assuring a Republican defeat come November 2024.
Maybe. But maybe the Dems keep indicting Trump because they are terrified that he could win, and then what?...
The real question was posed by Michael Anton in “They Can’t Let Him Back In,” a black-pilled essay he published in Compact last summer. “The people who really run the United States of America,” Anton wrote, “have made it clear that they can’t, and won’t, if they can help it, allow Donald Trump to be president again.
Who are those people? 
Mostly Democrats, yes, but really, it’s a bipartisan, deep-state consensus, a uniparty assumption that Trump, being an existential threat to their continued existence must be kept from political power by any means necessary...
It is curious, as Anton also points out, that for all the fury directed at Trump the individual, the real target of deep state animus is not Trump himself but his supporters, his “base.” 
Trump was right when he said “they’re not after me. They’re after you. I’m just standing in the way.” 
Anton got to the nub of the issue when he observed that “Anti-Trump hysteria is in the final analysis not about Trump. The regime can’t allow Trump to be president not because of who he is (although that grates), but because of who his followers are.”...

Pure racism!

The Daily Chart: Supplying Racism | Power Line

The Daily Chart: Supplying Racism | Power Line
"It has been observed that the demand for racism outstrips the supply, and hence the need for defining racism down to sweep up any observable disparity between racial groups or “microaggression,” or the proliferation of outright race hoaxes, such as racist graffiti on college campuses, etc. 
Academia and the media are driving this trend. 
Zach Goldberg a while ago charted out the rise in mentions of race and racism in the major media, but worth repeating here:

Exit question: what happened about 2010-2012 that sent this into overdrive?

They knew!-----Naomi Wolf: Pfizer docs show the COVID jab 'murders babies in the womb' - LifeSite

Naomi Wolf: Pfizer docs show the COVID jab 'murders babies in the womb' - LifeSite
  • Naomi Wolf emphasized that the CDC promoted the COVID jab as 'safe' for pregnant women even after knowledge of multiple mRNA shot-induced deaths to unborn babies.
(LifeSiteNews) — Feminist author and journalist Naomi Wolf has doubled down on her assertion that the Pfizer COVID mRNA injection was known to be lethal to unborn babies before being rolled out, declaring that the company’s own documents show it “murders babies in the womb.”...
When challenged by Bannon to back up her use of the word “murder,” which he pointed out suggests “criminal elements” involved in the COVID shot release, Wolf affirmed that the evidence supports this term....
The Pfizer document revealed that in its clinical trials, “adverse events” occurred in over 54 percent of cases of “maternal exposure” to the vaccine...

#1 This day 1975-----Hamilton Joe Frank & Reynolds - Falling In Love

A pack of lies but you gotta read how easily they distort facts (yes, most "children" are 18/19 year old gang criminals and suicides)-----Gun deaths among children and teens in the U.S. reached a new record in 2021, study finds

Gun deaths among children and teens in the U.S. reached a new record in 2021, study finds
"Gun-related deaths among children in the U.S. reached a distressing peak in 2021, claiming 4,752 young lives and surpassing the record total seen during the first year of the pandemic, a new analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data found.
The alarming statistic clearly indicated that America’s gun violence epidemic has gotten worse, experts say.
More than 80% of the gun deaths were among males 19 and younger. 
Black male children were more likely to die from homicide. White males 19 and younger were more likely to kill themselves with guns...
This grim reality marks the second consecutive year in which gun-related injuries have solidified their position as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, surpassing motor vehicles, drug overdoses and cancer...
Across the U.S., higher poverty levels correlated with higher death rates from guns.
Structural inequity, structural racism, social determinants of health, food insecurity are all root drivers of violence,” including gun violence, Sathya said...

Why Can’t You and I Get Rich Quick?

Instapundit- Why Can’t You and I Get Rich Quick?
It’s true, of course, that most well-off people come from at least reasonably well-off parents. 
But while some of that may be embedded socioeconomic privilege, it may also be due to heritable traits that promote wealth, just as a propensity toward alcoholism or a short time horizon does the opposite. 
To his credit, Freddie admits this: “Now, because I’m me, I would point out that because academic ability is heritable and academic ability is moderately to strongly correlated with financial success, it wouldn’t be correct in a simplistic sense to suggest that this means that the persistence of family wealth is random or independent of the ability of the individual.”
But it’s also true — and increasingly so, I’d say — that society is run largely for the benefit of the upper quintile, if not the upper decile, and all sorts of policies both reflect and reinforce that. 
Indeed, pushback against that, and the over-the-top reaction thereto, is the hallmark of Trump-era politics. - Glenn Reynolds



Longtime retailer warns San Francisco is unlivable, may move iconic Gump's store: 'It's really tragic' | Fox News

Longtime retailer warns San Francisco is unlivable, may move iconic Gump's store: 'It's really tragic' | Fox News

Gump's owner John Chachas discussed how San Francisco's "sad state of affairs" may lead him to move the iconic retail store outside of California on "The Story with Martha MacCallum."

History for August 22

History for August 22 -
Dorothy Parker 1893
  • 1642 - The English Civil War began when Charles I called Parliament and its soldiers traitors.
  • 1775 - The American colonies were proclaimed to be in a state of open rebellion by England's King George III.
  • 1846 - The U.S. annexed New Mexico.
  • 1906 - The Victor Talking Machine Company of Camden, NJ began to manufacture the Victrola. The hand-cranked unit, with horn cabinet, sold for $200.
  • 1910 - Japan formally annexed Korea.
  • 1984 - The last Volkswagen Rabbit rolled off the assembly line in New Stanton, PA.
  • 1996 - U.S. President Clinton signed legislation that ended guaranteed cash payments to the poor and demanded work from recipients.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Ford CEO takes a road trip in one of his own company's electric vehicles, calls the experience 'challenging' and a 'reality check' - TheBlaze

Ford CEO takes a road trip in one of his own company's electric vehicles, calls the experience 'challenging' and a 'reality check' - TheBlaze

Even though the bulk of the trip took place in California, which has invested more heavily in electric vehicle infrastructure than any other state in the country by far, Farley admitted that the experience of finding good charging stations — and the delays caused by bad ones — were a major source of delay and hassle for customers.

The way we were-----War Comes To America (1942)

Three Gorges Dam: The World's Most Powerful Dam

" While it generates electricity for millions of people, it is also repeatedly criticized for being at risk of collapse.

14 American Cities Aim to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030

14 American Cities Aim to Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030 - By Ward Clark
"In a move that is just downright daffy, not to mention leaning hard into totalitarianism, 14 American cities are aiming at what is sure to be an elusive target: banning meat and dairy consumption and the use of private automobiles - in just seven years...
C40’s dystopian goals can be found in its “The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1.5°C World”...
The organization is headed and largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg. 
Nearly 100 cities across the world make up the organization, and its American members include Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York City, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Seattle...
Climate activists are also advocating for “climate lockdowns,” in the same way there were Covid lockdowns. Ideas floated for a climate lockdown have ranged from shuttering people in their homes and restricting air travel to providing a Universal Basic Income and introducing a maximum income level...

What does it mean to “trust science”?

What does it mean to “trust science”? - by Jason Crawford 
"And this, my children, is why we do not say things like “I believe in science”...
Should we “trust science” or “believe in science”?...
What does it mean to “trust science?”
  • Does it mean “trust scientists”? Which scientists? They disagree, often vehemently. Which statements of theirs? Surely not all of them; scientists do not speak ex cathedra for “Science.”
  • Does it mean “trust scientific institutions”? Again, which ones?
  • Does it mean “trust scientific papers”? Any one paper can be wrong in its conclusions or even its methods. The study itself could have been mistaken, or the writeup might not reflect the study.
  • And it certainly can’t mean “trust science news,” which is notoriously inaccurate...