Friday, August 25, 2023

All according to their plan...-----Feds Arrest 300 in COVID Aid Fraud Schemes Totaling $830 Million. Just $300 Billion to Go.

Feds Arrest 300 in COVID Aid Fraud Schemes Totaling $830 Million. Just $300 Billion to Go. - BY RICK MORAN
"There will never be a full accounting of COVID-19 aid fraud in the United States. 
  • Part of the reason is that no one in government really wants to know.
The fact that the supposed guardians of the public purse got away with such incredible incompetence with few, if any, federal employees losing their jobs is criminal.
The best guess regarding losses of taxpayer money to fraud is $300 billion and rising. 
There’s at least another $125 billion that budget watchdogs considered “wasted.” 
  • Whose heads are rolling?...

65 Afghan Suspected Terrorists Let Into the US

65 Afghan Suspected Terrorists Let Into the US
"Over 65 terrorists identified as “national security risks” were allowed into the U.S. in the 12 months after the catastrophic withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Some of these individuals included militants who left fingerprints on improvised explosive devices (IEDs) intended to kill Americans in Afghanistan, and a prisoner freed by the Taliban.
The Biden administration's flawed vetting process and severe staff shortages were cited as reasons for allowing these individuals into the U.S...

Court rules against Dr. Jordan Peterson, upholds regulatory group's requirement that he undergo 're-education' for expressing his opinions online: 'I will let the world know' - TheBlaze

Court rules against Dr. Jordan Peterson, upholds regulatory group's requirement that he undergo 're-education' for expressing his opinions online: 'I will let the world know' - TheBlaze

The CPO's inquiries, complaints, and reports committee concluded in November 2022 that the doctor's comments were "degrading, demeaning and unprofessional," adding that his conduct "poses moderate risks to the public" and runs the risk of "undermining public trust in the profession of psychology, and trust in the college's ability to regulate the profession in the public interest."

They don’t want you to see this … Big Tech does its best to limit what news you see. Make sure you see our stories daily — directly to your inbox.
Peterson's offending speech included:

Myocarditis, don't bother to report

"TGA to stop reporting myocarditis"

HERE'S THE PROOF: The FBI and Attorney General Nessel Hid These from the People of Michigan - Piles of Fraudulent-Manufactured Ballot Registrations from the 2020 Election

HERE'S THE PROOF: The FBI and Attorney General Nessel Hid These from the People of Michigan - Piles of Fraudulent-Manufactured Ballot Registrations from the 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Benjamin Wetmore and Patty McMurray  - by Benjamin Wetmore And Patty McMurray
Two weeks ago, The Gateway Pundit published our exclusive report on MASSIVE 2020 voter registrations fraud that our sources uncovered in Michigan.
  • The report included information on 8,000-10,000 fraudulent registrations and a police raid on a Democrat election registration group’s office in October 2020.
  • The police found semiautomatic weapons, silencers, burner phones, bags of pre-paid cash cards, and blank registrations in a GBI Strategies’ voter registration manufacturing center.
These photos and the source confirm that Muskegon Clerk Ann Meisch received these voter applications and received them in multiple batches, sometimes through the mail and sometimes in person.
This is possibly why Muskegon, far-left AG Nessel, and the FBI don’t want to give the Gateway Pundit access to the files: because the voter fraud is so obvious that all the voter signatures are in the same handwriting and just printed signatures, not real signings...

  • Why is no one being prosecuted for these crimes after three years?
  •  The Muskegon Police told the Gateway Pundit that they can’t get the FBI to return their phone calls about this case...

Lunch video-----Wagner Group Embraer EMB-135BJ RA 02795



Judge awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over 2019 attack in Portland - TheBlaze

Judge awards Andy Ngo $300,000 in damages over 2019 attack in Portland - TheBlaze

Post Millennial senior editor Andy Ngo was awarded $300,000 after three alleged Antifa defendants failed to defend themselves in court as part of a lawsuit that accuses them of assault during a 2019 protest in Portland. Multnomah County Circuit Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai divided the damages among the three defendants who did not show up to defend themselves. The trial, which took approximately one hour, featured Ngo giving his unchallenged testimony.

How come?


FLASHBACK: When Democrats Were Cool With Calling Elections 'Stolen'

FLASHBACK: When Democrats Were Cool With Calling Elections 'Stolen' - Thaleigha Rampersad
  • "Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC with Rachel Maddow on Monday, where the two discussed how "bad actors" who say "every election is stolen ... wounds us as a democracy." "I think, you know, the truth matters," Clinton said...
A Washington Free Beacon review of the historical record reveals Clinton and other prominent Democrats have questioned the legitimacy of nearly every significant Republican win in the past two decades.
  • "If she had a fair election, she already would have won," Clinton said in 2018 after Democrat Stacey Abrams lost the Georgia gubernatorial race to Republican Brian Kemp. After her 2016 loss to Donald Trump in the presidential election, Clinton repeatedly called Trump an "illegitimate president."
Democrats' questioning of elections goes as far back as the 2000 presidential election, which Clinton, along with Joe Biden and Terry McAuliffe, painted as stolen by the Supreme Court.

It's the sun!


Petty little tyrants!-----Canceled: Washington & Lee University removes plaque honoring Robert E. Lee’s horse

Canceled: Washington & Lee University removes plaque honoring Robert E. Lee’s horse - ANDREW THOMPSON
"Traveller, the horse which served Confederate General Robert E. Lee, has long been a fixture of campus culture at Washington and Lee University, as the famous steed, known for his courage and stamina, is buried on campus.
But Traveller’s Confederate connections recently led university officials to remove two markers erected in his honor, his gravestone as well as a plaque honoring the beloved companion....
“We have reviewed campus symbols, names and practices, and we are making changes to remove doubt about our separation from the Confederacy and the Lost Cause,” the university’s board of trustees stated...

#1 This day 1978-----FRANKIE VALLI - Grease (1978)

COVID Mask Mandates Return | The Epoch Times

COVID Mask Mandates Return | The Epoch Times
"Nearly one year after President Joe Biden declared the pandemic over, some colleges and work places have reinstituted mask mandates amid reports that the administration is set to roll out new COVID regulations as early as next month.
The COVID sub-variant, currently known as Eris, which has been seen in more than 50 countries including Denmark and Israel, has spurred increasing numbers of medical professionals and health activists to begin calling for a reinstatement of COVID-era restrictions, including forced face coverings...

It's funny. And true!


'A huge win for women': International Powerlifting Federation changes policy after man dominates female competitions - TheBlaze

'A huge win for women': International Powerlifting Federation changes policy after man dominates female competitions - TheBlaze

The International Powerlifting Federation has changed its policy seemingly in response to outrage generated by a male dominating female competitions, breaking records along the way.

Male competitor Anne Andres, 40, recently defeated all female competitors at the Canadian Powerlifting Union’s 2023 Western Canadian Championship by lifting a combined score of 1,317 pounds, beating the second-place finisher by more than 450 pounds.

"FREE" money everywhere!-----Biden’s Multi-Billion Dollar Carbon Capture Gamble

Biden’s Multi-Billion Dollar Carbon Capture Gamble -Charles Rotter

"It appears that the Biden administration is steadfastly determined to invest billions into addressing a carbon dioxide non-problem
But given the nature of carbon dioxide and the energy dynamics involved, one has to wonder: Is this just an expensive venture chasing after a non-issue?...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 25

History for August 25 -
Bret Harte 1836
  • 1718 - Hundreds of colonists from France arrived in Louisiana. Some settled in present-day New Orleans.
  • 1916 - The National Park Service was established as part of the U.S. Department of the Interior.
  • 1944 - Paris, France, was liberated by Allied forces ending four years of German occupation.
  • 1949 - NBC Radio debuted "Father Knows Best." The show went to TV in 1954.
  • 1998 - A survey released said that 1/3 of Americans use the Internet.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Oversight Committee: Biden 'Lied' at Least 16 Times About Family Business

Oversight Committee: Biden 'Lied' at Least 16 Times About Family Business

President Joe Biden “lied” at least 16 times about his family’s elaborate business schemes, the House Oversight Committee recounted Thursday.

The committee says Joe Biden lied in five different ways about his family’s foreign business endeavors: 1) That Joe Biden never spoke to his family about their business dealings; 2) His family did not receive $1 million through a third party; 3) Hunter Biden never made money in China; 4) Hunter Biden’s dealings were ethical; 5) and his son did nothing wrong.

Nevada officials 'actively investigating' Biden's vacation rental of $18 million Lake Tahoe mansion - TheBlaze

Nevada officials 'actively investigating' Biden's vacation rental of $18 million Lake Tahoe mansion - TheBlaze

Nevada officials are "actively investigating" whether President Joe Biden improperly rented billionaire Tom Steyer's $18 million Lake Tahoe mansion. Last Friday, Biden arrived at the Nevada property for yet another weeklong vacation. Amid criticism that Biden has stayed for free at vacation homes owned by rich Democrats, the White House clarified in a statement that Biden is paying to rent Steyer's home.

The way we were-----Virginia Hey - The Buggles - Video Killed The Radio Star (Music Video)

Well, that was quick...

Another leftist mob!


Offshore Wind Power Isn’t ‘Clean and Green,’ and It Doesn’t Cut CO2 Emissions

Offshore Wind Power Isn’t ‘Clean and Green,’ and It Doesn’t Cut CO2 Emissions - By Craig Rucker
"America is preparing to spend trillions of taxpayer and ratepayer dollars to install thousands of offshore wind turbines – for illusory benefits....
  • A single 12 MW (megawatts) offshore wind turbine is taller than the Washington Monument, weighs around 4,000 tons, and requires mining and processing millions of tons of iron, copper, aluminum, rare earths and other ores, with much of the work done in Africa and China using fossil fuels and near slave labor.
  • Relying on wind just to provide electricity to power New York state on a hot summer day would require 30,000 megawatts. That means 2,500 Haliade-X 12 MW offshore turbines and all the materials that go into them. Powering the entire U.S. would require a 100 times more than that.
These numbers are huge, but the situation is actually much worse...

'Read the room:' Biden jokes about the 'hot ground' while observing Maui fire damage | Fox News

'Read the room:' Biden jokes about the 'hot ground' while observing Maui fire damage | Fox News

President Biden joking about the "hot ground" in Maui didn’t go over well for many X users on Monday.

Biden arrived in Hawaii that day to give remarks on the aftermath of that devastating wildfires that have taken the lives of over 110 people. Prior to his speech, he met and shook hands with a group of officials, stopping in front of a search and rescue dog. While petting the dog, he joked the boots the canine was wearing.

People Are Beating Up Defenseless Robots

"The government puts out about $2.5 billion for climate research every year. It only gives that money to scientists who will produce scientific results that support the global warming hypothesis."

"The government puts out about $2.5 billion for climate research every year. It only gives that money to scientists who will produce scientific results that support the global warming hypothesis."

Lunch video-----"underground climate change"-Climate Trouble Underground
