Saturday, August 26, 2023

USDA is not your friend - by Robert W Malone MD, MS

USDA is not your friend - by Robert W Malone MD, MS
"...I often argue that the death warrant for small town America (and the decentralized family farms that supported it) was signed by Earl Butz, Secretary of Agriculture under the Nixon and Ford Administrations.

In theory , his mission as Secretary of Ag was to assist small farmers. However he wrote them off with a flip remark which has become infamous.

Get big or get out!

To provide some sense of the man, Mr. Butz’ political career abruptly ended when John Dean (yes, that John Dean) reported the following exchange in an article published in the issue of Rolling Stone dated October 7:

Dean wrote:

Pat [Boone] posed a question: “John and I were just discussing the appeal of the Republican party. It seems to me that the party of Abraham Lincoln could and should attract more black people. Why can’t that be done?” This was a fair question for the secretary, who is also a very capable politician.

“I’ll tell you why you can’t attract coloreds,” the secretary proclaimed as his mischievous smile returned. “Because colored only wants three things. You know what they want?” he asked Pat.

Pat shook his head no; so did I.

“I’ll tell you what. In today's AV world,  coloreds want. It’s three things: first, a tight pussy; second, loose shoes; and third, a warm place to shit. That's all!”

Pat gulped twice.

Fast forward to today, just a few decades later we have the “harvest of deception” described by Texas Slim, laboratory fermentation produced “meat” involving cultured cell lines (“cultivated meat”), and World Economic Forum (WEF) efforts to discourage meat consumption

Examples of the latter (WEF) include the following essays and position papers, among many others:

Eating lots of meat is bad for the environment

Why eating less meat is the best way to tackle climate change

Here’s a simple way to convince people to eat less meat

Biotech can provide solutions to the global food crisis. Here’s how

Have we reached the end of meat?...

Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Maryland Parents Have No Right to Opt Their Children Out of Woke LGBTQ Curriculum | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald

Biden-Appointed Judge Rules Maryland Parents Have No Right to Opt Their Children Out of Woke LGBTQ Curriculum | The Gateway Pundit | by Cassandra MacDonald

"...United States District Judge Deborah L. Boardman ruled against the Muslim-led group of parents who did not want their children exposed to far-left propaganda about sex and gender.
The parents sought an injunction before the first day of school on August 28 after the district changed its policies in March to no longer allow parents to opt their children out of being assigned books that advocate pride parades, gender transitioning, and pronoun preferences for kids as young as pre-kindergarten...

Merging of Public Health & Climate: American Medical Association declared climate change a public health crisis – Physicians Urged to discuss ‘climate change’ with patients

Merging of Public Health & Climate: American Medical Association declared climate change a public health crisis – Physicians Urged to discuss ‘climate change’ with patients - From CLIMATE DEPOT
"At the 2022 annual meeting of the American Medical Association (AMA), climate change was declared a public health crisis. 
AMA Board Member Ilse R. Levin, DO, MPH, stated that “the scientific evidence is clear — our patients are already facing adverse health effects associated with climate change, from heat-related injuries, vector-borne diseases, and air pollution from wildfires to worsening seasonal allergies and storm-related illness and injuries.” …
“How Can Physicians Be Prepared To Discuss Climate Change With Patients?…By recognizing the effects of extreme weather caused by climate change, physicians can be better prepared to address symptoms and appropriately diagnose patients. An effective method for discussing the effects of climate change is to emphasize the health consequences of the weather event. By starting a discussion about how a particular symptom is caused by climate change, physicians can appeal to the patient’s main interest

DeSantis doubles down on vow to whack the cartels and drug manufacturers responsible for the fentanyl crisis - TheBlaze

DeSantis doubles down on vow to whack the cartels and drug manufacturers responsible for the fentanyl crisis - TheBlaze

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis does not simply want to secure the U.S.-Mexico border — he wants to flatten the criminal elements on the other side whose illegal drugs helped kill at least 109,000 Americans last year alone.

During Wednesday's Republican presidential debate, DeSantis reiterated that he would send U.S. special forces to go down to Mexico blasting.

All Climate All The Time

" from the obsession of our elite with climate change no matter what the ostensible topic to to the latest bad news on the cost of Canada's subsidy to Volkswagen to the inability of the Canadian government to hit any climate target to declining belief worldwide that humans are causing climate change to another MSM fact check on us, but not Al Gore, to environmentalists delivering social justice in their spare time, flubbing basic math and knowing nothing about Arctic ice to Canada's Public Health Agency embracing Communism and climate alarmism instead of focusing on health, the Canadian government having no idea where GHGs are coming from or in what amounts, more #CoolClimateData from Ole Humlum's Climate4You on sea level temperature, and a dry as dust study of... dust from that shows that yes there was a Medieval Warm Period and a Little Ice Age.

It is actually the healthiest food for... - Sergio Hadar Tezza | Facebook

It is actually the healthiest food for... - Sergio Hadar Tezza | Facebook

Lunch video-----The latest Covid variant is more likely to infect those people who have ...

"The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States has admitted that being vaccinated against Covid-19 actually makes people more vulnerable to catching Covid.



Fulton County DA hit with congressional investigation over Trump indictment: 'Your actions raise serious concerns' - TheBlaze

Fulton County DA hit with congressional investigation over Trump indictment: 'Your actions raise serious concerns' - TheBlaze

The House Judiciary Committee is launching an investigation into Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D) and the indictment of former President Donald Trump. In a letter to Willis, Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R) explicitly questioned her motivations for prosecuting Trump.



All about $$$! ("more research is needed")-----Can Michigan’s red flaw laws reduce gun violence? (answer? No!)

Can Michigan’s red flaw laws reduce gun violence?
"If implemented properly, firearm legislation can make a difference when it comes to preventing gun-related injuries and death according to a recent policy study from researchers at the University of Michigan.
How much of a difference, however, remains to be seen...
This means more research on the topic is needed to make a clearer link according to the study...
“...It is inarguable that more research is needed on both the implementation and outcomes of these gun safety laws; however, the research that we currently have is compelling,” the study read...
On a more micro level, however, “research found no evidence of an association”...

What the democrat party is doing is exactly what happens in countries like Russia, N. Korea, China and other tyrannical led countries...


Carlos Santana, 76, Apologizes for Speculating That a Woman 'Is a Woman'

Carlos Santana, 76, Apologizes for Speculating That a Woman 'Is a Woman' - By Alex Parker
"...At a New Jersey concert in late July, Santana felt compelled to comment on biology....
"When God made you and me, before we came out of the womb, you know who you are and what you are. Later on, when you grow up and you see things, and you start believing that you could be something that, it sounds good, but you know it ain’t right. Because a woman is a woman and a man is a man. That’s it. Whatever you wanna do in the closet, that’s your business. I’m okay with that.”...
A sampling of trauma-tainted tweets:
  • "[C]arlos Santana is a transphobe? No more of his music for me."
  • "[Forget] him and every transphobe. Wish you hadn't been such [a jerk], Santana."
  • "[N]ot Carlos...being a transphobe. ... Learning he’s a [cruddy] person [stinks]. Anyway, [forget] you, Carlos. You can’t be about love and activism and hate people for being who they are."...
...Across media, a few headlines:
  • Carlos Santana Goes on an Anti-Trans Rant Onstage... 
  • Carlos Santana Goes on ‘Most Insane’ Anti-Transgender Rant During Concert
  • Carlos Santana Slammed for Bizarre Transphobic Speech in NJ...
As for that last one, on Thursday, the repentant rocker took to Facebook:
I am sorry for my insensitive comments. They don’t reflect that I want to honor and respect all person’s ideals and beliefs. I realize that what I said hurt people and that was not my intent. I sincerely apologize to the transgender community and everyone I offended...

#1 This day 1962-----Tommy Roe - Sheila

The only way eco-loons "win" is with lies-----SOMEONE HAS CHANGED THE POSITION OF THE BUOY ON GOOGLE EARTH.

"About two weeks ago, Anthony Watts posted an article on his website calling out the media’s dishonest reporting on a single seawater temperature reading of 101.1°F recorded at a buoy in Manatee Bay, Florida, claiming it was due to climate change... 
In his article, he had a screenshot from Google Earth showing the very-near-to-shore-positioning of the buoy and explained how the location of the buoy, coupled with the low tide, produced a water temperature reading that was very high, yet not indicative of either the bay’s water temperature or the temperature of the adjoining Atlantic Ocean.
  • Since the publication of Anthony Watts’ article SOMEONE HAS CHANGED THE POSITION OF THE BUOY ON GOOGLE EARTH...
All reactions:


All comments

  • Richard Brown
    Unless that buoy has been physically moved, then it is fraud, fraud, and more fraud with deception, trickery and lies thrown in!!

A strong leader! A true leader!


Virginia school named in honor of Revolutionary War hero announces name change | Fox News

Virginia school named in honor of Revolutionary War hero announces name change | Fox News

Thomas Nelson, the fourth governor of Virginia, a Revolutionary War hero, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, was the school’s original namesake, but school officials decided to change the name as he was also a slave owner.

The College and Facilities Naming Taskforce determined a change to the college’s name was appropriate and on July 1, 2022, Thomas Nelson Community College officially rebranded to the Virginia Peninsula Community College.

The dream!-----Michelle Obama 2024 DETAILS RELEASED – ‘Replacement’ plan underway!

Michelle Obama 2024 DETAILS RELEASED – ‘Replacement’ plan underway!
"As President Joe Biden continues to slide in the polls, Democrat insiders are allegedly working to convince a former first lady to throw her hat in the ring.
Sources reportedly told RadarOnline that the desperation is building up behind the scenes, with some “begging” Michelle Obama to consider running for the Oval Office. 
Their efforts are bolstered by a recent poll that shows an announcement by the wife of former President Barack Obama would immediately put her in a hefty lead above the incumbent president...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 26

History for August 26 - 
Irving R. Levine 1922
  • 55 B.C. - Britain was invaded by Roman forces under Julius Caesar.
  • 1873 - The school board of St. Louis, MO, authorized the first U.S. public kindergarten.
  • 1920 - The 19th amendment to the U.S. Constitution went into effect. The amendment prohibited discrimination on the basis of sex in the voting booth.
  • 1939 - The first televised major league baseball games were shown. The event was a double-header between the Cincinnati Reds and the Brooklyn Dodgers.
  • 1945 - The Japanese were given surrender instructions on the U.S. battleship Missouri at the end of World War II.
  • 1957 - The first Edsel made by the Ford Motor Company rolled of the assembly line.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Turley warns of the 'single most dangerous constitutional theory' being pushed to disqualify Trump in 2024 - TheBlaze

Turley warns of the 'single most dangerous constitutional theory' being pushed to disqualify Trump in 2024 - TheBlaze

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley condemned on Tuesday a constitutional argument being floated to disqualify Trump from the White House. An increasing number oflegal scholars have argued that Trump is constitutionally disqualified from ever holding office again under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. They claim Trump participated in an "insurrection" or "rebellion" against the U.S., pointing to the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6.

The way we were-----The Atomic Café | Full Documentary Movie

‘When will politicians listen?’: Another green energy project ‘bites the...