Tuesday, August 29, 2023


Watch: New Yorkers Protesting Migrant Camps Chant 'Pasty White Liberals' at Open Borders Activists

Watch: New Yorkers Protesting Migrant Camps Chant 'Pasty White Liberals' at Open Borders Activists

On Sunday, New Yorkers protested outside of Gracie Mansion — the residence of Mayor Eric Adams (D) — against the city setting up migrant camps in residential neighborhoods.

When open borders activists showed up to counter-protest, the residents started chanting, “Pasty white liberals!”

Ya ain't gonna win if ya ignore the crooked-crime-family in the center of the room!


Climate Lawfare

Climate Lawfare - Rud Istvan
  • Lawfare has come into the general lexicon since Trump came down the elevator. It is the idea of weaponizing the legal system against opponents...
  • Climate lawfare has come in two distinct, so far failed tranches; the Harvard Law School conference (a summary is available at corpgov.law.harvard.edu) newly proposes a third. Plus there is the newly decided Montana children’s case that is an outlier peculiar to Montana.
...Despite the IPCC and now AR6, no one has ever shown that CO2 is causing a climate crisis. 
And every ‘climate disaster’ supposed to have happened by now hasn’t. 
  • Sea level rise did not accelerate as Hansen predicted in 1988. 
  • Arctic summer sea ice did not disappear by the mid 2010’s as Wadhams predicted...

This doctrine lives in a grey area between torts (public nuisance is technically a tort) and contract law. It is frequently referred to as ‘quasi contractual obligations’. It usually arises from a lack of lawyering, so proposing it’s use as lawfare is certainly novel. The doctrine has three elements:

  1. A benefit received by a defendant.
  2. At plaintiff’s expense.
  3. Where it would unjust to retain the benefit without compensation.

There are two common types of state court cases.

One is where a written contract should have been in place but wasn’t. For example, a painter verbally agrees to paint a house for a few thousand dollars. Under the Uniform Commercial Code, the value is such that a written contract should be in place. Verbal isn’t enforceable. The painter buys the paint and paints the house. Then the homeowner refuses to pay because there was only a verbal agreement. The homeowner is unjustly enriched.

The other is where a couple lives together and commingles finances. Then there is a ‘divorce’. One sues the other (usually the poorer sues the richer) claiming unjustly enriched by the relationship. Messy. There are actually lawyers (hopefully not from Harvard Law) who advertise specializing in this mess.

So now junior EU law professors are proposing suits based on ‘unjust climate enrichment’. Their legal reasoning is at best sketchy. They say climate stability, like clean air and water, has long been recognized as public property. (This is NOT true. In the US the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act established those public rights by legislation in the early 1970’s. There is as yet no Climate Stability Act.) Then they argue climate polluters (carbon pollution, by which is really meant CO2) are making enormous profits off the asserted climate crisis, which comprises ‘unjust climate enrichment’ and new lawfare grounds.

This idea is goofier than Merchants of Doubt and public nuisance. It doesn’t logically work at all. Exxon makes a legal profit selling the public gasoline. Ford makes a legal profit selling the public ICE vehicles. The PUBLIC is the one unjustly enriched by enjoying the enabled driving convenience!

Finally, since it is current and topical, we have the very recent outlier ruling in favor of Montana children who sued the state for enabling fossil fuel extraction. Montana has very little natural gas extraction, and only a modest amount of crude oil from the Williston Basin. But it is the US #1 producer of steam coal from the Powder River Basin.

The state court ruling is based on the Montana state constitution (MSC), and almost certainly does not apply elsewhere. The MSC A2 (inalienable rights) §3 specifically includes “the right to a clean and healthful environment”. MSC A9§1 provides “The state SHALL maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment for present and future generations.”

I don’t think the outlier ruling means much in terms of future Montana action. Ironically, despite A9§1, Libby Montana is home to the US largest asbestos contaminated Superfund site thanks to decades of mining asbestos contaminated vermiculite And Montana has done nothing about it. And a Libby clinic was just fined $5 million for submitting false asbestos injury claims.

Arrest 'em all!


Buying democrat votes with YOUR KID's future!-----1 Million Borrowers Could Have $0 Payments Under New Student Loan Plan

1 Million Borrowers Could Have $0 Payments Under New Student Loan Plan
"The Biden administration formally launched a new income-driven repayment plan this week, as student loan payments are set to resume later this summer.
Top officials are touting the plan as the most affordable student loan repayment plan ever created. 
  • Under the program, many borrowers will have low or even $0 payments.
Here’s the latest.
‘Most Affordable’ Student Loan Payment Plan Ever, Says Biden Administration...

#1 This day 1955-----The Yellow Rose Of Texas - Mitch Miller (Video Version)

America's Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable | Mises Wire

America's Big Three Entitlement Bankruptcies Are Inevitable | Mises Wire
"America’s federally sanctioned entitlement programs, Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, each face bankruptcy in the next few years...
  • These three entitlement programs consume about fifty cents of every federal budget dollar, or $2.7 trillion in fiscal year 2023...
  • Medicaid’s costs are swamping state budgets, climbing from 9 percent in 1989 to 20 percent today...

Will the truth ever come out?


GOP hopeful rips prospect of Harris presidency if Dems win in '24: 'Send a chill up every American's spine' | Fox News

GOP hopeful rips prospect of Harris presidency if Dems win in '24: 'Send a chill up every American's spine' | Fox News

Former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley blasted the prospect of Vice President Kamala Harris becoming commander in chief if Democrats walk away with a win in 2024, warning Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo on Sunday that the notion should "send a chill up every American's spine." The former South Carolina governor, in her appearance, cautioned against electing former President Donald Trump, who faces multiple indictments and looks at a series of lengthy and distracting legal battles.

The headlines were a lie!-----99% of 'Covid deaths' not primarily caused by the virus, CDC data shows | Daily Mail Online

99% of 'Covid deaths' not primarily caused by the virus, CDC data shows | Daily Mail Online
"Nearly 99 percent of 'Covid deaths' reported by the CDC each week are not primarily caused by the virus, official data shows...
The figures suggest just a handful of American lives are being lost directly to the virus each week. 
For comparison, the virus was behind one in three 'Covid deaths' at America's pandemic peak in 2021.
  • The primary or underlying cause of death is defined as the disease, situation or event that initiated the chain of events directly resulting in death.

AM Fruitcake


History for August 29

History for August 29 - On-This-Day.com
John Locke 1632
  • 1833 - The "Factory Act" was passed in England to settle child labor laws.
  • 1842 - The Treaty of Nanking was signed by the British and the Chinese. The treaty ended the first Opium War and gave the island of Hong Kong to Britain.
  • 1949 - At the University of Illinois, a nuclear device was used for the first time to treat cancer patients.
  • 1990 - Iraqi President Saddam Hussein, in a television interview, declared that America could not defeat Iraq.
  • 1992 - The U.N. Security Council agreed to send troops to Somalia to guard the shipments of food.

Monday, August 28, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: Montana AG Asks SCOTUS To Take Up Case Challenging State Agency That Encouraged Social Media Censorship | The Daily Caller

EXCLUSIVE: Montana AG Asks SCOTUS To Take Up Case Challenging State Agency That Encouraged Social Media Censorship | The Daily Caller

A group of nine attorneys general led by Knudsen filed an amicus brief Friday urging the Supreme Court to hear O’Handley v. Weber, a lawsuit challenging the California Secretary of State’s Office of Election Cybersecurity’s practice of flagging “false or misleading” election information for removal by Twitter. The states call the agency’s actions an “anathema” to the First Amendment and argue they reflect similar conduct occurring at the federal level.

The way we were-----Soviet Menace | From The First Russian Bombers, To The Nuclear Tupolev T...

50 Years of FAILED Climate Predictions in 15 Minutes (or Less!) | Louder...

Most Democrats Blame Climate Change for Maui Wildfire - Rasmussen Reports

Most Democrats Blame Climate Change for Maui Wildfire - Rasmussen Reports
  • The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. voters believe it is likely that climate change caused the Maui wildfire, including 26% who think it’s Very Likely. 
  • Forty-five percent (45%) say it’s not likely the wildfire was caused by climate change, including 27% who believe it is Not At All Likely. (To see survey question wording, click here.)...

Gold Star Families Accuse Biden Of Covering Up Evidence That Kabul Bombing Was Preventable

Gold Star Families Accuse Biden Of Covering Up Evidence That Kabul Bombing Was Preventable - Sarah Arnold
  • Two years ago, in 2021, a suicide blast ravaged the streets of Kabul's international airport, killing 13 American service members.
"To this day, the families who lost their loved ones feel President Joe Biden has ignored their pleas for answers on the deadly event...
The father accused Biden of withholding crucial information on the attack that led to his son's death...
“He’ll never learn from his mistakes; he’s proven that time and time again,” Schmitz said. “He doesn’t even accept responsibility for anything he did. I believe he said that what he did was an ‘extraordinary success.’ He’s the exact polar opposite of a leader.”...

Biden's 'unlawful food stamp expansion' is driving 'massive spikes in grocery prices': Report - TheBlaze

Biden's 'unlawful food stamp expansion' is driving 'massive spikes in grocery prices': Report - TheBlaze

The Biden administration's "unlawful food stamp expansion" is driving "massive spikes in grocery prices," a new government watchdog report finds. A study released Thursday by the Foundation for Government Accountability reported that the largest permanent increase in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in 2021 has been linked to a national spike in grocery prices.

Bjorn Lomborg-- The Cost of Climate Alarmism

How US Politicians Empower Anti-American Jihadists and Other Aggressors :: Gatestone Institute

How US Politicians Empower Anti-American Jihadists and Other Aggressors :: Gatestone Institute - by Bassam Tawil
"When people such as Vivek Ramaswamy, a candidate for the Republican Party nomination in the 2024 US presidential election, call for decreasing aid to Israel, they are actually sending a message of support to the 
  • mullahs in Tehran and their proxies, 
  • Hamas and 
  • PIJ, as well as the 
  • Iran-funded Hezbollah terrorist militia in Lebanon and to 
  • nations that would like to see Israel and America "out of the way."





Biden Admin Sought Power to Spy on TikTok Users, Moderate Content

Biden Admin Sought Power to Spy on TikTok Users, Moderate Content

In yet another sign of the Biden Administration’s determination to control, censor, and spy on American social media users, the draft of a proposed deal between Chinese-owned TikTok and the Biden administration shows the latter requesting extraordinary authority over the platform.

The proposed deal, outlined in a 100-page draft obtained by Forbes, would give the U.S. government the power to examine TikTok’s servers with no notice — something that could potentially allow the government to spy on American users.

"climate change fires"


Project Veritas v. James O’Keefe: Parties “engaged in productive discussions to attempt to resolve this case”

Project Veritas v. James O’Keefe: Parties “engaged in productive discussions to attempt to resolve this case” - William A. Jacobson
"Project Veritas is going down, according to multiple media reports. 
Turns out suing James was a bad business decision. 
A recent court filing by Project Veritas suggests there have been settlement negotiations to end the lawsuit.
Project Veritas and James O’Keefe, its founder and most identifiable personality, had a massive falling out, with lots of ugliness as PV went on the offensive. 

#1 Movie this week 1983-----Mr. Mom (1983) Trailer

"Crises"! The "mother's milk" of government/education.-----Decoding the Climate Psychology Certificate

Decoding the Climate Psychology Certificate - Charles Rotter
"So, it’s come to this: the “Climate Psychology Certificate” offered by the California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS). 
Just when you think you’ve seen every twist on climate change, along comes a course that combines it with… psychology? 
Interesting combo.
The CIIS states,
Psychology has a vital role in addressing the climate and ecological crises, yet it is often missing from the conversation.”https://www.ciis.edu/public-programs/climate-psychology-certificate
But one has to wonder, is it genuinely missing, or have most people been occupied with real life?
Here’s the thing: while the program might want to discuss our “collective trauma” about the Earth’s future, it’s vital to ask a simple question: where’s the emergency? 
Overwhelming evidence suggests that the changes we’re observing in climate aren’t particularly unprecedented or dire. 
Instead, such shifts have been a regular part of our planet’s history. 
So what makes this moment so traumatizing that we need an entire course to psychologically unpack it?...

#1 This day 1969-----The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women (Official Music Video)

"beset"!-----Quit Aiming for the Ankles - American Thinker

Quit Aiming for the Ankles - American Thinker - By Clarice Feldman
"It may seem like small potatoes at a time of political lawfare, gross government mismanagement leading to at least 1,000 dead in Maui, the prospect of continuing war in Ukraine, and high inflation, but the government’s use of its powers to beset us on a daily basis and make life more expensive, less efficient, and more dreary is evident every day. 
Two things that come to mind -- and there are, I concede, many more -- are 
  • urban bike lanes and 
  • administrative fiddling with everything from light bulbs to home appliances...
So I was delighted to see the satire site Babylon Bee prick the Bikeazi bubble:

SEATTLE, WA — In a statement delivered to a line of 100 drivers who had been stuck behind him for the past 3 hours, local bicyclist Florian Skuzz said that he wants to be treated just like a car on the road, but also to just kinda be able to break the rules whenever he wants to. 

"I'm an important bicyclist deserving your respect, and should be granted all the rights and privileges of a car at all times!" said Skuzz to the parade of honking automobiles behind him. "But also, I don't carry insurance for when I cause an accident and would like to disregard traffic lights and signs whenever I want. It is my divine right! NOW STARE AT MY SPANDEXED BUTT FOR THE NEXT 30 MILES AND LIKE IT!"...