Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The way we were-----TRUTH about the Bay of Pigs - Forgotten History

Is Academia a Ponzi Scheme?

Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals | ZeroHedge

Millions Of Brits Told Not To Heat Homes At Night As Part Of 'Net Zero' Climate Goals | ZeroHedge
  • Britain's Climate Change Committee (CCC) has urged millions of Britons to not heat their homes in the evening to help the government hit its net zero target.
  • No, they aren't urging elites to ditch their private jets for commercial, or not to burn 1,000 of fuel taking the yacht out for a jaunt...
Contained in a document on "behavior change," the CCC recommended that Britons instead "pre-heat" their houses in the afternoons when electricity use is lower, and would theoretically save families money...

Mashup: The Covid Lie That Started It All - by Matt Taibbi

Mashup: The Covid Lie That Started It All - by Matt Taibbi
  • Matt Orfalea's new video chronicles one of the earliest and most damaging Covid mischaracterizations
"Look on the WHO webpage and you’ll see a count of over 769 million confirmed cases of Covid-19, above 6,955,141 (as of this writing) cumulative deaths. 
This is still a serious mortality rate, but as Matt Orfalea’s damning new video above shows, far short of what the same organization estimated at pandemic’s start. 
We were told experts estimated a 3.4% death rate, which scared the pants off a lot of people, leading to fears of interaction with workers delivering food and all sorts of other behaviors...

'This should be the headline in every news outlet in America'

'This should be the headline in every news outlet in America'

This should be the headline in every news outlet in America. Just think of it, the simplicity of it. Here's the summary: the president bribed or pressured a foreign leader to fire that country's top prosecutor because the prosecutor was investigating his son and he used $1,000,000,000 of U.S. taxpayer money to have that bidding done and then he bragged about it on video. I can't understand why every news outlet is not covering this as the first story this morning and throughout this process.

Climate Expert Dr Fauci

"Dr. Fauci weighs in about climate, and Toto fact-checks him.

Another BRICS in the Fall - by Jupplandia

Another BRICS in the Fall - by
  • The Failure of Western Aggression
"As I write South African President Cyril Ramaphosi is hosting the 15th Annual BRICS Summit at the Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg. 
It’s a meeting that takes on far more meaning today than any of the 14 previous annual summits of the economic alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa...
The balance of power also known as the ‘international order’ or ‘the international rule of law’ is broken...
The collective GDP of the BRICS nations has now surpassed that of the G7 nations, for the first time. 
Economically, these nations matter. 
Whilst the European nations of the EU have been in stuttering decline mode for decades, and whilst even US Presidents popularly considered successful have had the most modest of economic ambitions, BRICS nations have boomed...
  • There are over 40 nations wanting to join BRICS. 
  • Wanting to join what has become the Sino-Russian dominated alternative to the declining West...

Lunch video-----The Coddling of the American Mind moderated by Malcolm Gladwell


Burisma's Devon Archer met with then-Secretary of State Kerry just weeks before Shokin was fired | Fox News

Burisma's Devon Archer met with then-Secretary of State Kerry just weeks before Shokin was fired | Fox News

Hunter Biden’s former business partner and fellow Burisma board member, Devon Archer, met with then-Secretary of State John Kerry just weeks before the Ukrainian prosecutor who was investigating Burisma was fired in 2016.

Former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired on March 29, 2016, less than four weeks after Archer met with Kerry at the State Department in Washington, D.C., according to a State Department email.

"Brave" New World

KDJ's 'Gun Myth' Fact Check: Liberals vs. Americans, Part 2: Mass Shootings

KDJ's 'Gun Myth' Fact Check: Liberals vs. Americans, Part 2: Mass Shootings-KEVIN DOWNEY JR. 
"A certain brilliant radio talk show host posits that Democrats keep criminals on the streets for two reasons: 
  • Crime causes chaos, which communism needs to successfully spread across the country.
  • Higher gun-related crime statistics are used to justify saying, “We need to abolish guns.”
In other words, leftists encourage criminals to break the law and then use the crime stats as a means of taking guns from We the People. Mass shootings are especially tasty crimes for gun grabbers.
FACT-O-RAMA! A mass shooting is defined as four or more people shot, not including the shooter(s), in a fluid situation. Meaning, If I blaze up a Denny’s and shoot three people, go home, take a nap, catch the 3:10 showing of “Barbie,” and shoot three more in the theatre, this is not a mass shooting.
Let’s take a look at what the leftoids at Johns Hopkins University (JHU) are saying about mass shootings:
FACT: Nearly 70% of mass shootings involve domestic violence...

What will YOUR governess do?


The collapse of American society-----WATCH: Mass Youth Brawls Hit California Malls

WATCH: Mass Youth Brawls Hit California Malls - JOEL B. POLLAK
LOS ANGELES, California — Two massive brawls were reported on Sunday at malls in California, including one at the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance in L.A., and one at the Bay Street Mall in Emeryville, near Oakland.
The Los Angeles Times reported:

...Police also reported a large brawl among juveniles in the Bay Area city of Emeryville on Sunday afternoon. … 200 to 250 young people gathered at the mall, and several fights broke out near the courtyard. A gun was fired near Bay Street and Ohlone Way, though no one was reported hurt. Near Elm Street, a juvenile was stabbed, and was taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening wounds...

#1 This day 1958----Volare - Domenico Modugno - Nel blu dipinto di blu

Recall the days when this would reflect on the President?-----Suicide DISCOVERY – White House refuses to admit it…

Suicide DISCOVERY – White House refuses to admit it…
"Suicides by women in Afghanistan are skyrocketing according to a new report that has come out a year after President Biden catastrophically pulled US forces from the country handing it over to the Taliban.
The despair of Afghanistan women suffering under the deadly oppression of the Taliban is palpable to all women and it should bring great shame to the Biden administration...

Hate's OK if it comes from libs.


Chicago mayor mocked for suing automakers for car thefts: 'Criminals running rampant' but it's a 'Kia problem' | Fox News

Chicago mayor mocked for suing automakers for car thefts: 'Criminals running rampant' but it's a 'Kia problem' | Fox News

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson is facing backlash after filing suit against Kia and Hyundai over claims they manufactured cars that lacked appropriate anti-theft measures, ultimately leading to a surge in car crimes. Democrat Alderman Raymond Lopez mocked Johnson over the lawsuit on "Fox & Friends," calling the move a "play from a socialist playbook" as crime continues to ravage streets in the Windy City.

Whitmer to call for election protections, paid leave, 100% clean energy in new speech -

Whitmer to call for election protections, paid leave, 100% clean energy in new speech -
"After eight months of sweeping policy changes and record spending, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer will deliver a “What’s Next” address Wednesday, calling for 
  • paid family leave
  • a transition to 100% clean energy and 
  • additional election legislation.
...This will be the first time Whitmer has scheduled a second public speech in the same year to lay out additional goals...

AM Fruitcake


History for August 30

History for August 30 -
Huey P. Long 1893
  • 1146 - European leaders outlawed the crossbow.
  • 1645 - American Indians and the Dutch made a peace treaty at New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam later became known as New York.
  • 1780 - General Benedict Arnold secretly promised to surrender the West Point fort to the British army.
  • 1905 - Ty Cobb made his major league batting debut with the Detroit Tigers.
  • 1984 - U.S. President Ronald Reagan, and several others, were inducted into the Sportscasters Hall of Fame.
  • 1994 - Rosa Parks was robbed and beaten by Joseph Skipper. Parks was known for her refusal to give up her seat on a bus in 1955, which sparked the civil rights movement.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Arson arrests for Greece wildfires media blamed on climate change - TheBlaze

Arson arrests for Greece wildfires media blamed on climate change - TheBlaze

Greek officials arrested 160 people on arson charges for the wildfires that ravaged Greece this summer. Previously, the media almost exclusively blamed the Greek wildfires on climate change.

Wildfires have scorched Greece this summer. In the past week, at least 21 people – including two children – lost their lives in connection with the wildfires.

The way we were-----MOST CORRUPT: Lyndon Baines Johnson - LBJ - Forgotten History

Bjorn Lomborg Declares “False Alarm” on Climate Hysteria

National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES to forward government information and discuss business with son Hunter | Daily Mail Online

National Archives reveals it has 5,400 Biden emails in which the president potentially used FAKE NAMES to forward government information and discuss business with son Hunter | Daily Mail Online
  • NARA has acknowledged holding around 5,400 emails, electronic records, and documents suggesting President Biden used pseudonyms while Obama's VP.
  • The existence of the emails came to light in response to a Freedom of Information Act request submitted in June 2022.
  • Emails are connected to the aliases Robin Ware, Robert L. Peters, and JRB Ware — all pseudonyms the 80-year-old president was known to utilize while serving.

The Border Crisis You Don’t Hear About

The Border Crisis You Don’t Hear About
  • No one knows who they are, where they’re from, or where they’re going. But there are millions of them in the United States.”
"So begins Charlotte Cuthbertson’s “The Gotaways: The Hidden Crisis at the Border.”
By now, most Americans are surely aware that, on day one of his presidency, Joe Biden and his administration opened the U.S. border with Mexico to essentially unlimited immigration. 
Since then, more than 6.7 million of these migrants have crossed the border and turned themselves over to authorities, claiming to seek asylum...
What we don’t see are those known as the “gotaways,” the illegal immigrants who slip into America undetected, evading the Border Patrol and other law enforcement and scattering out across the country...

Exclusive: Utah Mayor Trent Staggs Vows to Refuse COVID Mandates

Exclusive: Utah Mayor Trent Staggs Vows to Refuse COVID Mandates

Senatorial candidate and Riverton, Utah, Mayor Trent Staggs (R) vowed to “hold the line” and refuse to enforce coronavirus protocols, insisting on his belief in “freedom” and the ability of Americans to decide for themselves.

In an exclusive statement to Breitbart News on Thursday, Staggs expressed his ongoing opposition to COVID mandates.

Man Gets DUI Driving Power Wheels Jeep

The Weaponization of Justice - American Thinker

The Weaponization of Justice - American Thinker - By Clarice Feldman
"If you read nothing else this week, read Victor Davis Hanson’s article in American Greatness detailing how Obama began “the most radical revolutions” in our history. 
As legal matters -- the lawfare waged against former President Trump and the Department of Justice’s pussyfooting around the Biden bribery took this week’s center stage, it’s useful to note his remarks on the weaponization of justice in this country.

Here’s a sample:

Administrations and their efforts to stock the justice department with supporters come and go. But in the last decade the Left has viewed the Department of Justice as a political extension of the party -- whose unchecked power must properly be directed to hurt enemies and help friends. [snip]

Never in U.S. history have the Department of Justice and sympathetic state and local prosecutors indicted a leading opposition candidate and likely nominee of one of the two major parties, and at the beginning of a presidential campaign. Donald Trump is currently charged with nearly 100 felonies by at least two prosecutors. He likely eventually will be hit with more than- 500 indictments, from four prosecutors, every one of the latter with a long record of either leftwing associations or Democratic service...

Lunch video-----Why Were Southern Whites So Bad At Business? | Thomas Sowell