Tuesday, September 05, 2023

Electric vehicles catch fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Idalia

Electric vehicles catch fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Idalia - Essay by Eric Worrall 
"My question – could salt spray from a windy day at the beach also trigger a deadly battery fire?

“Saltwater exposure can trigger combustion in lithium-ion batteries. If possible, transfer your vehicle to higher ground,” the Palm Beach fire department wrote in a Facebook post. 

Two electric vehicles in Palm Beach, Florida caught fire after being exposed to saltwater from Hurricane Idalia, according to reports...

“If you own a hybrid or electric vehicle that has come into contact with saltwater due to recent flooding within the last 24 hours, it is crucial to relocate the vehicle from your garage without delay,” the department wrote in a Facebook post...

It was always, only about this green--$$$.


The numbers are in, and we can say it with certainty: Lockdowns were worse than useless | Washington Examiner

The numbers are in, and we can say it with certainty: Lockdowns were worse than useless | Washington Examiner - by Dan Hannan, Contributor
"It was all for nothing. Really, for nothing. 
  • The miseries we inflicted on ourselves after March 2020 — the school closures, the ruined businesses, the debts, the authoritarianism — were caused by a moment of lightheaded panic.
How can I be so sure? 
Because, three-and-a-half years on, the results are in. 
And, let me warn you, they make dismal reading for anyone who went along with the lockdowns. 
You see, there was a counterfactual all along. 
  • Sweden did not impose mask mandates or stay-at-home orders. It did not close its borders or its businesses...

#1 This day 1969-----The Rolling Stones - Honky Tonk Women (Official Music Video)

CNBC's List of 'Worst States to Live In' Perfectly Illustrates the Left's Political Pathology

CNBC's List of 'Worst States to Live In' Perfectly Illustrates the Left's Political Pathology - By Bonchie
"...CNBC is here to let you know what the "10 worst states to live in" are. 
Apparently, many of you are living in an oppressive third-world hellhole and just didn't know it. 
Thankfully, our liberal betters are here to set the record straight.
So what are the states in question? 
  • Coming in at number 10 is Florida, followed by Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Alabama, South Carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas. 
Yes, according to these geniuses, one of the most popular destinations in the country is actually the worst state to live in.
What are the reasons given? 
Here's what the "study" says about Tennessee... (read 'em all!)

Tennessee has enthusiastically passed laws targeting LGBTQ+ rights, even if it has meant crossing the bounds of constitutionality — like a ban on drag shows where children are present...

Yes, 3 cops were sent to the beach. Fishing during covid!


Biden says he's been too busy to visit East Palestine, but has record vacation days - TheBlaze

Biden says he's been too busy to visit East Palestine, but has record vacation days - TheBlaze

President Joe Biden claimed that his busy schedule has prevented him from visiting the disaster site in East Palestine, Ohio. However, a new report found that President Biden is taking a record number of vacation days.

DID HE PLAGIARIZE NEIL KINNOCK AGAIN? Biden touts his middle class roots in Labor Day speech.

Instapundit DID HE PLAGIARIZE NEIL KINNOCK AGAIN? Biden touts his middle class roots in Labor Day speech.

"There’s nothing normal or authentic about Joe. He’s a creep and a crook and a tool. - by 

AM Fruitcake


History for September 5

History for September 5 - On-This-Day.com 
Darryl F. Zanuck 1902
  • 1698 - Russia's Peter the Great imposed a tax on beards.
  • 1793 - In France, the "Reign of Terror" began. The National Convention enacted measures to repress the French Revolutionary activities.
  • 1881 - The American Red Cross provided relief for disaster for the first time. The disaster was the Great Fire of 1881 in Michigan.
  • 1901 - The National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues was formed in Chicago, IL. It was the first organized baseball league.
  • 1906 - Bradbury Robinson executed the first legal forward pass in football. Robinson threw the ball to Jack Schneider of St. Louis University in a game against Carroll College.
  • 1914 - The Battle of the Marne began. The Germans, British and French fought for six days killing half a million people.
  • 1960 - Cassius Clay of Louisville, KY, won the gold medal in light heavyweight boxing at the Olympic Games in Rome, Italy. Clay later changed his name to Muhammad Ali.

Monday, September 04, 2023

Indiana school district fights back after court blocks rule separating bathrooms by biological sex - TheBlaze

Indiana school district fights back after court blocks rule separating bathrooms by biological sex - TheBlaze

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita has come out in support of a school district that wants to maintain bathrooms based on biological sex. Metropolitan School District of Martinsville filed an appeal on August 24 after a U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit reversed its decision to "preserve the autonomy of school boards to make decisions."

The way we were-----Aircraft Turrets And Defense Tactics | Interesting Historical Facts You...

A mass robbery in Los Angeles, a growing trend in the United States whic...

Child abuse!-----'Horrified' hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender | Fox News

'Horrified' hospital employee leaks DEI training pushing 3-year-olds identifying as transgender | Fox News
"A "horrified" hospital employee at Kaiser Permanente leaked a sex change training for diversity, equity and inclusion, which promoted the idea that a 3-year-old can be transgender.
"The employee, who wishes to remain anonymous for fear of losing her job, was horrified," according to the Wednesday report from Libs of TikTok.
As part of the hospital system's DEI training, medical employees were expected to watch a video with children explaining they knew they were transgender at age 3 and 4.
"Many transgender people have ALWAYS known their true gender," the video said...

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next

From One Unapologetic Media Hoax to the Next - Victor Davis Hanson
"...Yet the media can no longer hide the reality that the president of the United States likely took bribes to influence or alter U.S. policy to suit his payers. 
Those two crimes -- bribery and treason -- are delineated explicitly in the Constitution as impeachable offenses.
In denial, the media has instead pivoted with hysterical glee over various weaponized prosecutions of former President Donald Trump.
But now, to use a progressive catchphrase, the proverbial "walls are closing in" on Joe Biden.
So will we at last expect the media to confront the truth?
  • Answer -- only if Joe Biden's cognitive and physical health continues to deteriorate geometrically to the point that he can no longer finish his term or run for reelection -- and thus becomes expendable.
Such a cynical view of the media is justified, given their record of both incompetence and unapologetic deceit...

Biden's ATF creating sneaky backdoor against gun owners

Biden's ATF creating sneaky backdoor against gun owners

The next year he was at it again, announcing huge restrictions on dealers to make guns harder to sell and therefore more expensive to buy. The irony here is that criminals are not affected by any of Biden's rules. Criminals don't attend gun shows or buy guns from a law-abiding neighbor. All these orders and regulations only serve to make it more difficult for normal citizens to exercise their right to bear arms.

Natural immunity wins

Is was fine with these "humanitarians" when it was "red states"-----National Guard Activated in Massachusetts as the Left-Wing Chickens Come Home to Roost

National Guard Activated in Massachusetts as the Left-Wing Chickens Come Home to Roost - Bonchie
AP Photo/Morgan Lee

The Democrat Governor of Massachusetts has activated the National Guard following an outcry by aid groups as the state sees an influx of illegal immigrants due to the Southern Border crisis. 

The blue state had been insulated in previous years from the repercussions of lax border policies, but campaigns by Republican governors to bus illegal immigrants to "sanctuary" jurisdictions have changed the game...

Lunch video-----The Bayesian Trap

"I didn't say it explicitly in the video, but in my view the Bayesian trap is interpreting events that happen repeatedly as events that happen inevitably. They may be inevitable OR they may simply be the outcome of a series of steps, which likely depend on our behaviour. Yet our expectation of a certain outcome often leads us to behave just as we always have which only ensures that outcome. To escape the Bayesian trap, we must be willing to experiment.



Massachusetts governor activates National Guard after declaring state of emergency over migrant crisis - TheBlaze

Massachusetts governor activates National Guard after declaring state of emergency over migrant crisis - TheBlaze

Democratic Massachusetts Governor Maura Healey announced on Thursday a plan to activate up to 250 National Guard members to help tackle the migrant crisis. Last month, Healey declared a state of emergency due to the surge of asylum-seeking migrants overwhelming Massachusetts' shelter system. Healey previously reported that migrant programs are costing the state $45 million per month.

"White guilt is a mental disorder"

End Wokeness on X: "White guilt is a mental disorder

They lied!-----Pfizer tested its ‘Booster’ on 23 people before Biden’s FDA unleashed injections on all Americans; no questions asked

Pfizer tested its ‘Booster’ on 23 people before Biden’s FDA unleashed injections on all Americans; no questions asked
"Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer tested its Covid “boosters” on fewer than two dozen people before Joe Biden’s Food and Drug Administration approved the mRNA shots for full public use, explosive new documents reveal.
The watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained documents through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit which forced the government to turn over the information.
The organization has published the first batch of those documents and they expose Pfizer’s lax testing practices...

#1 Movie this week 1971-----The French Connection (1971) Trailer

"We Have Videotapes of Someone - Bringing in Thumb Drives, Bringing in Ballots " - Democrat County Supervisor Accuses Democrats of Rigging Primary After Discovering MASSIVE Election Fraud (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

"We Have Videotapes of Someone - Bringing in Thumb Drives, Bringing in Ballots " - Democrat County Supervisor Accuses Democrats of Rigging Primary After Discovering MASSIVE Election Fraud (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
  • Democrats being Democrats
"Hinds County Supervisor David Archie accused his Democrat opponent of cheating during the recent primary election for County Supervisor.
Archie held a press conference Thursday where he announced he now has videotape of County Democrat Party Chairwoman Jacque Amous bringing thumb drives and ballots into the the counting room and inserting them in the ES&S machines.
David Archie told reporters he has photos of the cheating.
Via George Behizy.

#1 This day 1961-----The Highwaymen "Michael, Row The Boat Ashore" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Lying media foments hate!


Appeals Court blocks Iowa school district rule punishing students who ignore gender pronoun preferences - TheBlaze

Appeals Court blocks Iowa school district rule punishing students who ignore gender pronoun preferences - TheBlaze

A U.S. Appeals Court struck down a rule by a school district in Iowa that would punish students and staff who didn't respect others' gender pronoun preferences. The Linn-Mar Community School District had issued the guidelines in August 2023 after the Iowa legislature passed a law requiring districts to inform parents when their child wants to use a new name or gender, as well as other transgender restrictions.

Van Drew: Biden's Thinking of Sending Migrants to Smaller City with Critical Security Operations to Save a Sanctuary City

Van Drew: Biden's Thinking of Sending Migrants to Smaller City with Critical Security Operations to Save a Sanctuary City

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Rep. Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ) reacted to reported plans by the Biden administration to send migrants to Atlantic City International Airport in Egg Harbor Township, NJ by pointing out that the plan is to send migrants to a town of 50,000 people to help alleviate stress on New York City, a city with a population of 8.3 million people that chose to be a sanctuary city and noting the security risks of housing migrants at an airport that has both an FAA Technical Center and the 177th Fighter Wing of the New Jersey Air National Guard.

Renewable Fail: East Coast Aussie States Are Failing or About to Fail Energy Reliability Standards

Renewable Fail: East Coast Aussie States Are Failing or About to Fail Energy Reliability Standards -
Essay by Eric Worrall - First published JoNova;
"...Once you cut through the “opportunity” doublespeak, the stark reality is South Australia has already fallen below the reliability standard. 
Other states are set to join them in the near future – NSW (2025-25), Victoria (2026-27) and Queensland (2029-30 and 2030-31)...
Any businesses operating in South Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland are sometimes required by the government to curtain operations to reduce the risk of domestic supply blackouts during periods of peak demand, like heatwaves or cold snaps.
Why has the outlook suddenly worsened?...