Friday, September 08, 2023

JD Vance proposes measure related to mask mandates - TheBlaze

JD Vance proposes measure related to mask mandates - TheBlaze

Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio is proposing a measure that would prohibit the imposition of federal mask mandates for air travel, public transit, and educational institutions. In addition to barring federal officials and entities from imposing mask mandates in those three areas, the aptly titled "Freedom to Breathe Act" would also bar schools and institutions of higher education that receive federal funds, airlines, and public transit operators from refusing service to people who choose not to wear a mask.

There's nowhere near enough power on the grid to convert the U.S. truck ...

  • One fleet tried to electrify just 30 trucks at a terminal in Joliet, Illinois. Local officials shut those plans down, saying that would draw more electricity than is needed to power the entire city.
  • Another California company tried to electrify 12 forklifts. Not trucks, but forklifts. Local power utilities told them that's not possible.
If the product, charging infrastructure, and power is not available to comply with these unrealistic timelines, then regulators are setting trucking -- and the American consumer -- up for failure.
More of Andrew Boyle, ATA first vice chair and co-president of Boyle Transportation, testifying before the Senate EPW committee here:

AM Fruitcake


History for September 8

History for September 8 -
Sid Caesar 1922
  • 1565 - A Spanish expedition established the first permanent European settlement in North America at present-day St. Augustine, FL.
  • 1892 - An early version of "The Pledge of Allegiance" appeared in "The Youth's Companion."
  • 1966 - NBC-TV aired the first episode of "Star Trek" entitled "The Man Trap". The show was canceled on September 2, 1969.
  • 1974 - U.S. President Ford granted an unconditional pardon to former U.S. President Nixon.
  • 2015 - British researchers announced that evidence of a larger version of Stonehenge had been located about 2 miles from the Stonehenge location. There were 90 buried stones that had been found by ground penetrating radar.

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Biden ditches Medal of Honor ceremony early, leaving heroic Vietnam War veteran alone during benediction - TheBlaze

Biden ditches Medal of Honor ceremony early, leaving heroic Vietnam War veteran alone during benediction - TheBlaze

Immediately after setting the Medal of Honor around Taylor's neck and giving the tearful veteran a handshake, Biden abruptly bolted out of the East Room as if to beat the traffic. One reporter can be seen in the video of the ceremony impressed with a look of confusion at the sight of Biden hurrying out, and for good reason: the event was far from over. Now alone, Taylor remained at his post, waiting for the closing benediction.

The way we were-----1951 C-124 disappearance

WEF : CO2 And Methane Emissions Cause Pandemics

"A World Economic Forum Spokesperson says CO2 and methane emissions cause pandemics which we have no immunity to.

THIS is election interference!-----HERE WE GO: Six Republicans File Lawsuit to Remove Trump from 2024 Ballot in Colorado

HERE WE GO: Six Republicans File Lawsuit to Remove Trump from 2024 Ballot in Colorado - By Jim
"A coalition of six Republicans and unaffiliated Colorado voters, including former state and federal officials, filed a lawsuit Wednesday seeking to disqualify former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s 2024 presidential ballot.
The plaintiffs are represented by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), a nonprofit and “nonpartisan” watchdog organization...
The case argues that Trump violated Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disqualifies any individual from holding federal office if they have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the United States...

Shouting down "fringe climate crisis deniers"!-----Jordan Peterson Generates Millions of YouTube Hits for Climate Crisis Deniers - DeSmog

Jordan Peterson Generates Millions of YouTube Hits for Climate Crisis Deniers
"Fringe climate crisis deniers who claim that the earth is “cooling” and greenhouse emissions are good for “biological productivity” are getting 
exposed to millions more people than they normally would on YouTube thanks to conservative influencer Jordan Peterson. 
That’s according to viewership data newly reviewed by DeSmog, which reveals a massive visibility boost for public figures who’ve been active in the climate denial movement for years but whose ideas — such as the claim that plants are growing much better due to increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere — are now rarely taken seriously by most legacy media outlets...
This is especially worrying to climate scientists and disinformation experts because Peterson for years has been actively courting alienated males in their 20s and younger...

Vance to introduce measure preventing federal officials from imposing mask mandates in schools, on airplanes | Fox News

Vance to introduce measure preventing federal officials from imposing mask mandates in schools, on airplanes | Fox News

Ohio Republican Sen. JD Vance will introduce legislation Tuesday to crackdown on the ability by the federal government or commercial airlines to force Americans into wearing face masks amid a string of new coronavirus variants. Titled the Freedom to Breathe Act, the legislation, if passed and signed into law, would prevent President Biden and federal agencies from implementing face mask requirements for public transit passengers or students in schools until Dec. 31, 2024. Additionally, Vance's office said the measure would prevent federal spending from being used to propose face mask requirements or force Americans to wear face coverings.

What *Really* happens to used Electric Car Batteries? - (you might be su...

Paying off failed-leftists with your money!-----Lori Lightfoot starts her Harvard tenure... lecturing students on how to 'run a city and deal with the media during a crisis' | Daily Mail Online

Lori Lightfoot starts her Harvard tenure... lecturing students on how to 'run a city and deal with the media during a crisis' | Daily Mail Online

Lori Lightfoot starts her Harvard tenure... lecturing students on how to 'run a city and deal with the media during a crisis'

  • Former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot says she's starting as a Harvard lecturer
  • She'll teach students one day per week for 'health policy and leadership' studies
  • The 61-year-old said her students wanted her because she was 'in the trenches'

Lunch video-----The Moral Case For Fossil Fuels -Why Global Human Flourishing Requires M...

Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas--Not Less



Pennsylvania's Democratic governor set to cut off state funds to non-profit that cares for women who choose not to kill their babies: 'Shapiro is choosing extremism' - TheBlaze

Pennsylvania's Democratic governor set to cut off state funds to non-profit that cares for women who choose not to kill their babies: 'Shapiro is choosing extremism' - TheBlaze

Democrats appear keen to defund those pro-life initiatives that leftist militants could not otherwise destroy or intimidate into closure. Real Alternatives is a non-profit charitable organization that has for decades provided mothers with support and counseling in Pennsylvania and Indiana. It offers pregnant women temporary shelter; childbirth and parenting classes; referrals; abstinence education; adoption information; free pregnancy self-test kits; mentoring; and various other services.

Masks never worked as promised! NEVER!


The economic case against Brexit has now totally collapsed.

Instapundit - OF COURSE IT DID: Brexit Worked: The economic case against Brexit has now totally collapsed.
"Revised GDP figures have exploded one of the most pervasive Remainer myths about UK economic growth.
“These updated figures suggest that the UK economy is as much as two per cent larger than previously believed. 
This means that the UK can no longer be considered the worst-performing economy in the G7. 
In fact, post-Brexit, the UK recovered from the pandemic at a similar rate to France and at a faster pace than Germany, Europe’s largest economy. 
The ONS’s revision is extraordinary. 
As one leading economist put it: ‘The entire UK economic narrative – post-pandemic – has just been revised away.’ The very basis for the Remainer elites’ narrative of doom has now been shattered before our eyes.”
Just as with our BLS, there’s a well-publicized figure that supports the preferred narrative, revised much later with much less publicity to a more truthful figure that does not. - by Glenn Reynolds



American cities ordered to give over $68 million to Antifa, BLM agitators after 2020 riots caused $2 BILLION in damage | The Post Millennial |

American cities ordered to give over $68 million to Antifa, BLM agitators after 2020 riots caused $2 BILLION in damage | The Post Millennial | - Hannah Nightingale
  • ...Most recently, the Denver City Council approved a settlement of $4.7 million to over 300 people who attended Black Lives Matter riots in the summer of 2020 and were arrested by Denver police. The settlement will go to the activists who said that their First Amendment rights were violated by Denver officers, according to CBS News.
  • Late last month, a California jury awarded $3.75 million to a man who was hit by Los Angeles officers with hard foam bullets, which are non-lethal weapons, on the night of May 29, 2020 as riots overtook downtown after George Floyd's May 25 death in Minneapolis. Another man was awarded $375,000 for the same reason in March. That same man was awarded an additional $860,000 by the Los Angeles City Council.
  • In New York City, officials have agreed to pay more than $13 million to settle a civil rights lawsuit brought forth by around 1,300 people that were arrested by police in the city during the riots. Another class action was settled by the city earlier this year, with an agreement to pay around $45,500 each for at least 200 protestors for "kettling" a group of activists...

#1 This day 1967-----Bobby Gentry - Ode to Billy Joe

This reality appears to be a surprise to the writer. Notice the 2 words not mentioned? "Biden", "Whitmer"-----Michigan residents cutting back on groceries, recreation to save money -

Michigan residents cutting back on groceries, recreation to save money -
"After putting herself on a budget, Karen Young-Roby, 63 of Lansing, has had to spend wisely.
Her fixed income doesn’t allow for frivolous purchases, so her disability payments typically go toward keeping a roof over her head, food and her medicine.
“Well, some things that you want to do, you have to cut back,” Young-Roby said. “Do you want food, medicine or do you want to go out and have a good time? So you have to pick and choose what’s more important.”
...In July, the retail index – a 100-point scale used to gauge the state’s retail industry activity – dropped to 45.3 from 56 in the previous month.
Andrea Bitely with the Michigan Retailers Association said anything below 50 is generally a bad sign, especially during what’s typically a busy month for Michigan’s tourism season...

"...mainstream media lies again."


Levin: The Democrat Party's fetish for the 14th Amendment is a vile attack on our elections directed at one man: Donald Trump - TheBlaze

Levin: The Democrat Party's fetish for the 14th Amendment is a vile attack on our elections directed at one man: Donald Trump - TheBlaze

The modern Democrat Party has an unhealthy fetish for the 14th Amendment, one of the three post-Civil War constitutional amendments. Democrats are constantly and relentlessly trying to rewrite it to accommodate their political ends.

A few months ago, Joe Biden and his party insisted that Section 4 of the 14th Amendment granted the president power to unilaterally increase the debt ceiling, which would destroy Congress’s sole power under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution to tax, spend, and borrow. Of course, Section 4 of the 14th Amendment does no such thing, and there is nothing in the history of the amendment that supports such an interpretation. Here’s the relevant language:

RINO cowardice! This is why vote theft will continue!-(from 2021)-----Michigan Republicans Debunk Voter Fraud Claims in Unsparing Report - The New York Times

Michigan Republicans Debunk Voter Fraud Claims in Unsparing Report - The New York Times
"The report, produced by a G.O.P.-led committee in the State Senate, exposes false claims made about the 2020 election by Trump allies in Michigan and other states.
A committee led by Michigan Republicans on Wednesday published an extraordinary debunking of voter fraud claims in the state, delivering a comprehensive rebuke to a litany of accusations about improprieties in the 2020 election and its aftermath.
The 55-page report, produced by a Michigan State Senate committee of three Republicans and one Democrat, is a systematic rebuttal to an array of false claims about the election from supporters of former President Donald J. Trump...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 7

History for September 7 -
David Packard 1912
  • 1813 - The nickname "Uncle Sam" was first used as a symbolic reference to the United States. The reference appeared in an editorial in the New York's Troy Post.
  • 1888 - Edith Eleanor McLean became the first baby to be placed in an incubator.
  • 1915 - Johnny Gruelle received a patent for his Raggedy Ann doll. (U.S. Patent D47789)
  • 1927 - Philo T. Farnsworth succeeded in transmitting an image through purely electronic means by using an image dissector.
  • 1966 - The final episode of the original "The Dick Van Dyke Show" was aired on CBS-TV.
  • 1971 - "The Beverly Hillbillies" was seen for the final time on CBS-TV.
  • 1977 - The Panama Canal treaties were signed by U.S. President Carter and General Omar Torrijos Herrera. The treaties called for the U.S. to turn over control of the canal's waterway to Panama in the year 2000.

Wednesday, September 06, 2023

Blackburn: Democrats Would Like a Government Shutdown Because It Would Halt House Investigations

Blackburn: Democrats Would Like a Government Shutdown Because It Would Halt House Investigations

During this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told fill-in host Jason Chaffetz that she believed Democrats were rooting for a government shutdown as a congressional spending bill deadline looms

The way we were-----MORE 1950s in Color - Life in America

The Fall COVID19 Booster is a PUBLIC HEALTH FIASCO - It has no clinical ...

Dec 2022. Not yet passed. YET!-----House Considering Removal of Gendered Pronouns From US Code in National Archives | The Epoch Times

House Considering Removal of Gendered Pronouns From US Code in National Archives | The Epoch Times - By Mark Tapscott
"...The NARA bill was originally introduced in August by Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) with bipartisan support, including Yvette Herrell (R-N.M.) and Byron Donalds (R-Fla.) as well as Gerald Connolly (D-Va.), Katie Porter (D-Calif.), Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), and Danny Davis (D-Ill.).
...The proposal, according to the official text, concerns every instance in the U.S. Code where a gendered pronoun is used with reference to the National Archivist or any other senior NARA official...