Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Lunch video-----Update - The Philly Soda Tax Scam…5 Years Later



Pool of Siloam, site of Jesus miracle of healing blind man, uncovered in Jerusalem - TheBlaze

Pool of Siloam, site of Jesus miracle of healing blind man, uncovered in Jerusalem - TheBlaze

Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed a sacred Christian site in Jerusalem, where Jesus performed a miracle by healing a blind man. The steps to the ancient Pool of Siloam haven't been seen for more than 2,000 years.

The discovery of the steps is a bit of a miracle as well. Construction was being conducted in 2004 to repair a large sewage pipe south of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount in the City of David. During the repair procedure, a strange scrapping noise was heard. Archaeologists identified ancient stone steps in the vicinity.

"...“No evidence” in democrat means “evidence we ignore”


If you must "trust" government, make sure to VERIFY!-----JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800 - American Thinker

JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800 - American Thinker - By Jack
"...Having gathered information through his own network of aviation insiders, Russell sent a summary e-mail to his associates with the message, “TWA Flight 800 was shot down by a U.S. Navy guided missile ship which was in area W-105. It has been a cover-up from the word go.”...
  • As to Salinger’s motives, Russell believes that he seriously disliked the Clintons. He remained a loyal enough Democrat, however, to sit on his information until it lost its political punch. He broke his silence at an aviation conference in the French resort city of Cannes two days after the November 4 presidential election...
  • When Salinger went public, the FBI was still a year away from closing the case, however deceptively. That uncertainty did not stop the Times from savaging Salinger and anyone else who challenged the shifting party line...
  • What Johnson was attempting to do, and he was hardly unique in so doing, was to paint TWA 800 as one wacky anti-Clinton conspiracy out of many. 
  • What he did not do -- no one at the Times did after the first two days -- was speak to any of the 258 FBI witnesses to a likely missile strike...

Sooo, Pence...?


Experts agree!-----FDA advisory panel says widely used decongestant considered ineffective

FDA advisory panel says widely used decongestant considered ineffective
"A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory panel declared Tuesday an ingredient widely used in over-the-counter cold and allergy medications doesn't work.
  • All 16 members of the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee (NDAC) unanimously agreed that oral phenylephrine, found in common versions of Sudafed, Mucinex, Vicks, Allegra and Dayquil, isn't effective in offering relief from nasal congestion.
  • Not only did the panel declare the drug ineffective, but it also warned that, at a higher dose, it can also cause someone's blood pressure to reach dangerous levels, according to a report from The Associated Press...

#1 this day 1972-----Three Dog Night - Black & White - LIVE (1972)

Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven't Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President

Breitbart Business Digest: We Haven't Had a Year This Bad Since Obama Was President
"The last time Americans saw a drop in household income as large as we did last year, Barack Obama was president.
The Census Bureau on Tuesday released its calculations for the change in real median household income for last year. By its calculations, the median income of U.S. households fell in 2022 by 2.3 percent, the worst decline since 2010...
That’s before taxes. 
Once you calculate in changes to the taxes paid and subsidies handed out, household income fell 8.8 percent...

"...the highest rate since after World War 2..."


Resurfaced video of TWA pilot talking about near crash with 9/11 plane that hit World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, 22 years ago. - TheBlaze

Resurfaced video of TWA pilot talking about near crash with 9/11 plane that hit World Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, 22 years ago. - TheBlaze

A TWA pilot needed to take "evasive action" on September 11, 2001, to "dodge" a hijacked airliner that crashed into the World Trade Center, according to a new report. An alleged resurfaced video shows the pilot and passengers talking about how close they were to crashing into one of the planes used in the 9/11 attacks in New York City that killed 2,977 people.

The New York Post recently reported, "The pilot on TWA Flight 3 took 'evasive action' twice before safely landing — first to avoid colliding with United Flight 175, which struck the World Trade Center, and then Flight 93, which crashed in Pennsylvania, according to a New York-based flight attendant who was on the crew."

Whitlock: No one will learn anything from Mel Tucker’s mistake - JASON WHITLOCK

Whitlock: No one will learn anything from Mel Tucker’s mistake - JASON WHITLOCK
  • There are no good guys or girls in the Mel Tucker saga. None.
  • The rise and fall of the Michigan State football coach is a story about the complicated and disingenuous relationships between brand-builders, influencers, billionaires, and institutions...
"Over the weekend, Michigan State University suspended its fourth-year head coach without pay pending the conclusion of a Title IX sexual harassment investigation. 
Most people expect Tucker to be fired shortly. 
The investigation is mere formality....
So what happened? 
How did flirty friends become mortal enemies?...
  • Everyone involved in this story is a fraud. Tucker. Tracy. Michigan State. The billionaire boosters – Mat Ishbia and Steve St. Andre – who bankrolled Tucker’s payday. The media.
Let’s start with Brenda Tracy. 
She gallivants around the country pretending to offer unique advice to young men on how to avoid sexual misconduct. 
She’s really just a traveling photo op for coaches seeking to immunize themselves from being accused of harboring a culture of rape...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 13

History for September 13 - 
J.B. Priestley 1894
  • 1759 - The French were defeated by the British on the Plains of Abraham in the final French and Indian War.
  • 1789 - The United States Government took out its first loan.
  • 1922 - In El Azizia, Libya, the highest shade temperature was recorded at 136.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • 1960 - The U.S. Federal Communications Commission banned payola.
  • 1981 - U.S. Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig said the U.S. had physical evidence that Russia and its allies used poisonous biological weapons in Laos, Cambodia and Afghanistan.
  • 1994 - U.S. President Bill Clinton signed a $30 billion crime bill into law.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Horowitz: The open border reveals our backward homeland security mentality 22 years after 9/11 - TheBlaze

Horowitz: The open border reveals our backward homeland security mentality 22 years after 9/11 - TheBlaze

The central lesson of 9/11 is that we had too many dangerous people who should never have been in the country who were able to operate and plot evil acts undetected. We needed to focus on our own border and immigration system rather than saving the world. Yet we did the exact opposite. We squandered two decades refereeing Sunni-Shia civil wars and then bringing in dangerous people from both sides of them. Here we are today, with an open and lawless border and millions of people pouring in every year, not just from Latin America but from all over the world, with zero accountability. We built a police state after 9/11, yet it’s nowhere to be found in protecting us from external threats.

The way we were-----The Flying Dutchman of Lake Superior: SS Bannockburn

Feds Spend Billions to Fund Civil Asset Forfeiture Seizures

Treason!-----OUTRAGE: The Biden Gang Preparing to Wire $6 Billion to Iran in Prisoner Swap This Week

OUTRAGE: The Biden Gang Preparing to Wire $6 Billion to Iran in Prisoner Swap This Week

Newsmax shares:

When $6 billion of unfrozen Iranian funds are wired to bans in Qatar as early as next week..

...Rather than destroying the equipment before leaving the country, Joe Biden decided to leave the nearly $85 billion worth of US military equipment to the Taliban.

Stealing the education of YOUR children!-----Middle School Secretly Replaced Coding/Robotics With Unapproved Verizon-Sponsored 'Immersive Media' Class

Middle School Secretly Replaced Coding/Robotics With Unapproved Verizon-Sponsored 'Immersive Media' Class - By Jennifer Van Laar 
"The Glendale Unified School District (CA) has been in the news over the last several months because parents there are fighting back against a hypersexualized curriculum implemented with little-to-no parental input...

What a great way to get kids trained and hooked on your apps, obtain free photos and videos of the students for use in advertising your products, and gather data to keep those new customers loyal to Verizon for life (and likely for other purposes, too). 
  • And this is happening at hundreds of schools all across the country, under the guise of philanthropy...

Albuquerque DA Refusing to Enforce Governor's Suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights: 'Clearly Unconstitutional'

Albuquerque DA Refusing to Enforce Governor's Suspension of 2nd Amendment Rights: 'Clearly Unconstitutional'

As a lawsuit is challenging the headline-grabbing order issued by New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham that banned legal gun owners from carrying their weapons in and around Albuquerque, a top prosecutor says he wants nothing to do with the edict.

Serious adverse events

Toronto Star: It's not a parent's right to know their child's gender identity Brett T.

Toronto Star: It's not a parent's right to know their child's gender identity Brett T.
"We told you earlier about Sage Blair, who was "transitioned" by her school without letting her parents know. 
Progressives think that schools should be safe spaces where transgender kids can be their authentic selves without worrying about their parents finding out. 
Laws requiring schools to disclose this to parents are part of the "trans genocide" campaign; California State Senator Scott Wierner believes such laws will get trans kids killed.
There was an opinion piece in the Toronto Star Sunday arguing that it's a parent's privilege, not a right, to know their own child's gender identity.
Julie Malbogat writes:
My son, Zack, is transgender. He told us — nonchalantly at bedtime — three years ago. Because he’s only 11, so far his transition has been strictly social: new pronouns, new clothes, new haircut, new name. With few exceptions, it’s been as nothingburger as it sounds...

Lunch video-----Climate crisis ‘isn’t what it used to be’ from a few years ago


California voters issue strong rebuke to Dem plan to offer cash reparations: poll | Fox News

California voters issue strong rebuke to Dem plan to offer cash reparations: poll | Fox News

Fifty-nine percent of California voters oppose cash payments, while 29% of voters support the idea, according to a UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll that was cosponsored by the Los Angeles Times. A total of four-in-ten respondents reported they "strongly" oppose cash reparations. The poll comes after Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bill in 2020 that established the California Reparations Task Force, which was launched to explore how the state could lead the nation on a potential reparations program.

How are these fools elected? REELECTED?!!!


Show us the facts!


Junk science is politics with a scalpel!-----Modern The Science & The Unpersoning Of Evidence

Modern The Science & The Unpersoning Of Evidence - William M. Briggs
"There is no typo in the title. 
  • We are discussing The Science, and not science...
Which is defined as science-sounding claims by rulers, elites, and Experts which they demand we swear allegiance to.
Last week, the Regime trotted out their hired-for-her-Diversity-and-sexual-interests spokescreature and had her recommend masking. 
Again. One summary: “White House Spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre reminds the press that per current CDC COVID guidance based on hospital admissions, approximately ‘93% of the country’ should be considering mask mandates”...

#1 This day 1962-----The 4 Seasons - Sherry

The Frightened Left - Victor Davis Hanson

The Frightened Left - Victor Davis Hanson - American Greatness
"...But weaponizing impeachment is just one baleful legacy of the Left. 
There are plenty more of their own precedents that Leftists now would not wish to have applied to themselves:
  • Will the next president have the FBI pay social media censors to suppress the dissemination of any news it feels is unhelpful to the reelection of a Republican president?
  • Is it OK now for the next Vice President to invite his son onto Air Force Two to cement multimillion dollars deals that benefit both, with Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs who enjoy government ties?
  • Should a conservative billionaire stealthily insert $419 million late in the 2024 campaign to absorb the work of registrars in key voting precincts?
  • If a Democratic president wins the 2024 election should conservative groups riot at the Capitol on Inauguration Day? Should a conservative celebrity yell out to the assembled crowd of protestors that she dreams of blowing up the White House? And if a Republican wins, should he prosecute any Democratic rioters who once again swarm Washington on Inauguration Day and charge them with “insurrection,” meting out long prisons sentences to the convicted?
  • Is Joe Biden now vulnerable to being impeached for systematic family corruption, or using the Department of Justice to obstruct the prosecution of his son in his last days in office, and then being tried in the Senate as a private citizen?...