Saturday, September 16, 2023

Societal collapse-----This week in racism

This week in racism
"In Seattle, a so-called “homeless” advocate — a person who advocates for homelessness — claims that anyone discussing the open-air drug markets on the streets of the city, especially in the International District where many of them are, is guilty of racism.

KTTH radio colleague Jason Rantz reports the advocate condemned the term “open-air” because it evokes “Orientalism, a Western way of stereotyping and exoticizing peoples and cultures of Asia…”

#1 This day 1960-----Chubby Checker - The Twist (Official Music Video)

US Turns to Country Notorious for Child Labor and Unsafe Mines to Source Its EV Ambitions

US Turns to Country Notorious for Child Labor and Unsafe Mines to Source Its EV Ambitions
"In order to facilitate electric vehicle (EV) production, the U.S. is seeking to spend taxpayer dollars to develop cobalt supply chains from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), a country which is known for high prevalence of 
  • unsafe child labor in its mines, 
  • many of which are controlled by Chinese interests,
The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday...

The American dollar is dying!


High school RETALIATES Coach wins Supreme Court battle - TheBlaze

High school RETALIATES Coach wins Supreme Court battle - TheBlaze

He won the case, and the school re-hired him.

However, it hasn’t been without punishment, and he has now retired.

Coach Kennedy and his attorney Michael Berry of the First Liberty Institute joined Glenn Beck to discuss Kennedy’s story and why he chose to retire instead of waiting to get fired again.

‘We’ve cut carbon emissions by decimating working-class communities’: the leader of the GMB union on the folly of net zero

‘We’ve cut carbon emissions by decimating working-class communities’: the leader of the GMB union on the folly of net zero
"...developers worried that they couldn’t turn a profit on the amount they would be paid for energy. 
There wasn’t a single bid.
‘Communities up and down the east coast can see wind farms, but they can’t point to the jobs’
  • ‘It was very embarrassing,’ says Gary Smith, leader of the GMB union. ‘Whitehall told us wind was getting cheaper and cheaper. Now there will be no bids for the next round of licences because the wind industry can’t afford to put up the projects.’...
The renewables lobby is very wealthy and powerful,’ says Smith. ‘I think people on the left, for good intentions, have got hoodwinked into a lot of this.’...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 16

History for September 16 - 
Peter Falk 1927
  • 1620 - The Mayflower departed from Plymouth, England. The ship arrived at Provincetown, MA, on November 21st and then at Plymouth, MA, on December 26th. There were 102 passengers onboard.
  • 1810 - The Mexicans began a revolt against Spanish rule. Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, a Catholic priest of Spanish descent, declared Mexico's independence from Spain in the small town of Dolores.
  • 1908 - General Motors was founded by William Crapo "Billy" Durant. The company was formed by merging the Buick and Olds car companies.
  • 1968 - "The Andy Griffith Show" was seen for the final time on CBS.
  • 1974 - U.S. President Ford announced a conditional amnesty program for draft-evaders and deserters during the Vietnam War.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Microsoft warns China is using AI-generated propaganda to influence US voters - TheBlaze

Microsoft warns China is using AI-generated propaganda to influence US voters - TheBlaze

A September report from Microsoft warned that Chinese operatives are using artificial intelligence-generated propaganda to influence United States voters ahead of the 2024 presidential election, Reuters reported. Microsoft found a network of fake social media accounts operated by China. The corporation explained that the fraudulent accounts are using social media platforms to share AI-generated images as part of a suspected Chinese cyber information operation.

The way we were-----The Nuremberg Code

On human experiments, (1947). Doctors on trial, for crimes against humanity.

Why the Ruling Elite Is Anti-American | Constitution 101 Highlight

The Missing Source of the Virus Was a Man

The Missing Source of the Virus Was a Man - BY RICHARD FERNANDEZ
  • "The Times of London expose is reverberating through the Internet. “It has become increasingly clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the creation, promulgation, and cover-up of the Covid-19 pandemic.” 

The microbiologist Professor Richard Ebright told us this work was “by far the most reckless and dangerous research on coronaviruses – or indeed on any viruses – known to have been undertaken at any time in any location”...

They allege that the People’s Liberation Army was running a secret project alongside the publicly declared work of the Wuhan Institute of Virology...

Ben Hu, Covid patient zero, was actually the lead researcher of the Chinese team in the game of function race...

Every democrat-ruled state!-----New York Urgently Needs To Confront the Contradiction of Trying To Electrify Everything While Also Eliminating Fossil Fuels

New York Urgently Needs To Confront the Contradiction of Trying To Electrify Everything While Also Eliminating Fossil Fuels - From the MANHATTAN CONTRARIAN - Francis Menton
"In New York, politicians are selling the public a narrative that electricity is going to be the solution to climate change. 
  • We will eliminate all CO2 emissions by banning gasoline-powered cars, banning natural gas infrastructure, banning gas heat in buildings, and banning gas for cooking. 
 All of these are to be replaced with supposedly “green,” emissions-free, alternatives – which in practice consist of only one thing, electricity...
Meanwhile, it is forcing its citizens to convert essential systems like heating to electricity, with no basis to believe that the electricity will be available to prevent people from freezing in the winter only a few years from now...

Iranian president tells the truth about $6 billion in prisoner-swap deal as Biden admin claims it is for 'humanitarian' purposes - TheBlaze

Iranian president tells the truth about $6 billion in prisoner-swap deal as Biden admin claims it is for 'humanitarian' purposes - TheBlaze

The Biden administration claimed that $6 billion set to be released to Iran as part of a prisoner-swap deal will only be used for humanitarian purposes. But Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi says his government will use that money however it wants.

A Time Of Global Boiling

Almost ALL if the lies came from the "health experts"!-----Health 'Misinformation' Still in Crosshairs

Health 'Misinformation' Still in Crosshairs
  • The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) is tracking and combatting “health misinformation.”
KFF released a report, titled “KFF Health Misinformation Tracking Poll Pilot,” on August 23. KFF surveyed a sample of individuals in response to “the pervasiveness of false and inaccurate information about COVID-19 and vaccines.”
Public health officials have expressed concern over a new, highly mutated variant of the coronavirus, known as BA.2.86, renewing debate over how best to handle potential threats, though controversies surrounding policies adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic are far from resolved...

Lunch video-----Who Wouldn't Want Universal Basic Income?



Biden claimed he was at Ground Zero in New York City the day after 9/11. He wasn't. Now people are calling out the lie. - TheBlaze

Biden claimed he was at Ground Zero in New York City the day after 9/11. He wasn't. Now people are calling out the lie. - TheBlaze

President Joe Biden is being blasted over his latest lie, this time told to service members, first responders, and the families of victims on the 22nd anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In his 9/11 memorial speech Monday, Biden claimed that he visited Ground Zero in New York City the day after the attack. The truth of the matter, detailed in his own memoir and documented on film, is that he was hundreds of miles away at the time.

Our society in collapse.

“mommy, why is Joe Biden putting all these people in cages?”

Instapundit-“mommy, why is Joe Biden putting all these people in cages?”
by Glenn Reynolds

"The majority..."!!


A kid posed with his pilot dad in an airplane. Almost 30 years later they recreated the photo | CNN

A kid posed with his pilot dad in an airplane. Almost 30 years later they recreated the photo | CNN
"Ruben Flowers stumbled across the photo by accident.
It was early 2023 and he was thumbing through photo albums at his grandmother’s house. 
Suddenly, there it was: a snapshot from 1994, taken in an airplane flight deck, depicting him as a toddler, sitting next to his pilot dad... (click to see why!)

#1 This day 1982-----Chicago - Hard To Say I'm Sorry (Official Music Video)

Oberlin College lacrosse coach Kim Russell, who spoke out against trans athletes competing in female sports, is REMOVED from her role and given a paperwork job

Oberlin College lacrosse coach Kim Russell, who spoke out against trans athletes competing in female sports, is REMOVED from her role and given a paperwork job
"Russell has been asked to step aside from her role after six years following a conflict over her viewpoint on transgender athletes
  • She says administrators at the hyper-progressive school told her she is a 'hate-filled person'
  • Russell now says she has been moved to a role where she doesn't interact with students
Kim Russell had been at the center of an ongoing conflict with officials at Oberlin after she posted her personal viewpoint on transgender swimmer Lia Thomas winning an NCAA championship in 2022 in March last year...

Are they signalling their war on our electricity?

MI energy-czars are telling us there isn't enough electric production, so we must pay 50% more during the day.
And endless additional annual increases!
That's to "encourage" us to reduce our energy use.
But these same geniuses are now offering incentives to massively INCREASE our electricity use by INCREASING the subsidies to switch from our much-loved gasoline vehicles to the super-expensive, fire-starting, idiotic EVs.
  • All of which is adding to our electric bills!!!
  • We, the little people, are paying the all the freebie-subsidies for the rich to buy expensive toys!
Why are we giving them this absolute control over us?

FBI Agent Who Disputes Parts Of IRS Whistleblower Testimony Agrees Prosecutor Moved Hunter Biden Case Too Slowly | The Daily Caller

FBI Agent Who Disputes Parts Of IRS Whistleblower Testimony Agrees Prosecutor Moved Hunter Biden Case Too Slowly | The Daily Caller

A senior FBI agent on the Hunter Biden investigation who disputes details from IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony agrees Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss moved too slowly in the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) tax case against Biden.

SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis (VIDEO)

SAFE AND EFFECTIVE: Dr. Fauci Now Admits COVID Vaccines Cause Myocarditis (VIDEO)  Jim Hᴏft
"The former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Dr. Anthony Fauci, confirmed during an interview on ABC’s “This Week” that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines can cause myocarditis, particularly in young men.
This comes after months of dismissing or downplaying concerns about potential side effects of COVID-19 vaccines...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 15

History for September 15 - 
Agatha Christie 1890
  • 1857 - Timothy Alder earned a patent for the typesetting machine.
  • 1909 - Charles F. Kettering applied for a patent on his ignition system. His company Delco (Dayton Engineering Laboratories Company) later became a subsidiary of General Motors.
  • 1923 - Oklahoma was placed under martial law by Gov. John Calloway Walton due to terrorist activity by the Ku Klux Klan. After this declaration national newspapers began to expose the Klan and its criminal activities.
  • 1928 - Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic penicillin in the mold Penicillium notatum.
  • 1940 - The German Luftwaffe suffered the loss of 185 planes in the Battle of Britain. The change in tide forced Hitler to abandon his plans for invading Britain.
  • 1959 - Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev arrived in the U.S. to begin a 13-day visit.
  • 1993 - The FBI announced a new national campaign concerning the crime of carjacking.