Saturday, September 23, 2023

Tucker Carlson goes to Argentina — and shows us what it's like to live in a country where the government can't stop printing money

Tucker Carlson goes to Argentina — and shows us what it's like to live in a country where the government can't stop printing money - By Monica Showalter
"Argentina is a developed country, with an educated population, a huge middle class, and tremendous natural resources....
The problem is inflation — 165% inflation as of July, according to Steve Hanke's inflation index, which is the most accurate reading.
Tucker Carlson went down to Buenos Aires to find out exactly what that is like, exploring in a mere ten minutes on Twitter just how normal people have to live with it on an extended basis, all because its socialist government can't stop printing money.
It's a doozy. See it here...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 23

History for September 23 -
Caesar Augustus 63 B.C.
  • 1779 - John Paul Jones, commander of the American warship Bon Homme, was quoted as saying "I have not yet begun to fight!"
  • 1806 - The Corps of Discovery, the Lewis and Clark expedition, reached St. Louis, MO, and ended the trip to the Pacific Northwest.
  • 1930 - Flashbulbs were patented by Johannes Ostermeier.
  • 1951 - The first transcontinental telecast was received on the west coast. The show "Crusade for Freedom" was broadcast by CBS-TV from New York.
  • 1952 - Richard Nixon gave his "Checkers Speech". At the time he was a candidate for U.S. vice-president.

Friday, September 22, 2023

EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: 7K Migrants Cross into One Texas Border Town in 72 Hours

EXCLUSIVE VIDEOS: 7K Migrants Cross into One Texas Border Town in 72 Hours

EAGLE PASS, Texas — Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 7,000 migrants during the past three days, according to sources operating within U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This includes the approximately 3,000 migrants crossing on Wednesday morning.

Breitbart Texas traveled to Piedras Negras, Coahuila, on Wednesday to observe migrants making their way from staging areas to the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande. The video shows the mostly Venezuelan migrants making their way through busy streets and into the brush before entering the water to cross to Eagle Pass, Texas.

The way we were-----Space Shuttle At Mach 25 | Hoot Gibson Episode 14 | Managing The Dangers...

Thomas Sowell: This is why the left only focuses on race

"Hoover Institution senior fellow Thomas Sowell discusses his new book 'Social Justice Fallacies' and makes the case for why race is not always to blame on social justice issues on 'Life, Liberty & Levin.'

How the Federal Budget Deficit Doubled in a Single Year

How the Federal Budget Deficit Doubled in a Single Year
  • It's not the first time that has happened, but there are key differences about what happened this year.
"...This year will likely be added to that list. The Congressional Budget Office last week projected that the federal government will post a deficit of $2 trillion when the current fiscal year ends on September 30...
  • The drivers of this year's rising deficit are four-fold, and three of them are the result of decades of poor policymaking: rising interest costs on the $33 trillion national debt, higher Social Security outlays, and more Medicare spending. As Axios points out, those three categories added more than $390 billion to the deficit relative to last year—a tremendous jump in a single year.
  • The fourth category is falling federal income tax revenue, which is responsible for about $171 billion of the added deficit this year versus last...

Dishonest WaPo Reporter Caught Completely Off Guard During Recorded Call With Dave Portnoy | The Daily Caller

Dishonest WaPo Reporter Caught Completely Off Guard During Recorded Call With Dave Portnoy | The Daily Caller
"When Barstool Sports founder Dave Portnoy discovered the Washington Post’s Emily Heil had contacted his advertisers and labeled him as a person with a “history of misogynistic comments,” he took matters into his own hands and called her.
Portnoy posted the 11-minute confrontation in its entirety on Twitter. 
Heil initially lies, saying she didn’t characterize Portnoy as a misogynistic racist, before being confronted with her own words.
  • “We have this Pizza-fest happening on Saturday, and you’re reaching out to our advertisers,” Portnoy said. “You’re basically sending an e-mail that says, to the effect, ‘Dave’s a misogynic racist. Do you want to defend yourselves advertising at this event?’ Right?” he asked Heil...

Commentary: God save us from the presidency! - TheBlaze

Commentary: God save us from the presidency! - TheBlaze

Every four years, we choose the person who's allegedly going to run the country, and then he sets out to put the entire nation on the path of his personal will. We're now living through “Bidenomics,” the current president says, because the person occupying the White House has put the finances of 330 million people on a course he's declared into being. The president shapes energy markets with his pen, signing oil, coal, and natural gas into decline or into ascendance through executive orders. Prices at the grocery store rise and fall as a supine Congress puts the president's budget priorities into action: let's do a few trillion more, man!

Russell Brand and the Online Safety Bill; the British government is tryi...

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty: Why Totalitarianism Doesn’t Require Gulags or Concentration Camps

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty: Why Totalitarianism Doesn’t Require Gulags or Concentration Camps
"...Americans tend to think of themselves as anti-authoritarian and willing to be independent-minded and to challenge consensus. 
  • But even rugged American individualists still want a news source or source of information that they can trust. 
  • They still want to believe that public officials who have responsibility for this or that aspect of our lives more or less know what they're doing and are doing a decent job. 
Otherwise, what's the alternative to that? 
  • The alternative to that is pretty terrifying—you can't trust anyone, and nobody knows what the heck is going on....



Footage shows a Las Vegas teen in a stolen car laughing manically while fatally running over a retired police chief. Prosecutors intend to try suspect as an adult. - TheBlaze

Footage shows a Las Vegas teen in a stolen car laughing manically while fatally running over a retired police chief. Prosecutors intend to try suspect as an adult. - TheBlaze

A 64-year-old retired police chief was riding his bike near his northwest Las Vegas home when the driver of a stolen 2016 Hyundai Elantra targeted him and fatally ran him over. Footage taken by the perpetrators later revealed this bloody incident was no accident. Two thugs inside the stolen car filmed the incident as well as a previous hit-and-run, documenting how they cackled manically and expressed their intention to "hit his a**" ahead of mowing down Andreas Probst, whose daughter suggested he had been everyone's dad, "like being next to a ray of sunshine."

SUVs cool the planet?


In South Carolina, a classroom anti-discrimination law is working - American Thinker

In South Carolina, a classroom anti-discrimination law is working - American Thinker - By Andrea Widburg 
"In response to the racism inherent in Critical Race Theory (“CRT”)—i.e., that blacks are victims and whites are evil—18 states have passed laws prohibiting schools from engaging in race-based teaching. 
South Carolina was one of those states and, according to a laugh-out-loud funny article in the Washington Post, the law is working. Incidentally, the article isn’t intended to be funny. It is, instead, intended to be a heartrending human interest story about a martyred leftist female teacher who violated the law and got caught.
In its general appropriations bill for 2021-2022, the South Carolina legislature, for the first time, inserted a specific clause aimed at blocking leftist-style racism and sexism in education...

Guilty cuz government ministers say!


Amazon’s Whole Foods Argues SCOTUS Website Designer Ruling Allows Company to Fire Employees for Wearing BLM Attire at Work

Amazon’s Whole Foods Argues SCOTUS Website Designer Ruling Allows Company to Fire Employees for Wearing BLM Attire at Work
  • The employees argue they wore BLM attire to protest workplace racism, such as when the grocery store offered ‘free food to police during the time of a protest against police brutality,’ which left black employees ‘concerned for their safety.
  • ...An employee “testified she was aware [her] ‘Black Lives Matter’ face mask would ‘offend some customers,’ but she did not care.” The employee believed offended customers “should shop elsewhere.”

#1 This day 1964-----Roy Orbison - Oh, Pretty Woman (from Black & White Night)

A-10 Pilot's Compelling Case For Replacing Warthogs With Super Hornets

A-10 Pilot's Compelling Case For Replacing Warthogs With Super Hornets - PATRICK “BURT” BROWN - THE WAR ZONE
  • An A-10 Weapons Instructor lays out how buying (NAVY!) F/A-18E/Fs fits the Air Force’s imperatives and keeps the A-10’s unique braintrust intact.
"The U.S. Air Force wants to retire the A-10 Warthog, an aircraft I have flown for years around the globe, by the end of the decade. 
While many may think all of us in the A-10 community want to hold onto our beloved mount for dear life, that isn’t necessarily the case. 
What many of us do want is a suitable replacement, of which there is none currently planned. 
This new aircraft should be relatively economical while also bringing additional capabilities to the fight, especially one in the Pacific against China. 
That aircraft should be the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet for a slew of reasons, some of which may be surprising...

Climate brown-shirts!


SpaceX sues US government, says DOJ's claims of anti-immigrant hiring practices are unconstitutional - TheBlaze

SpaceX sues US government, says DOJ's claims of anti-immigrant hiring practices are unconstitutional - TheBlaze

When Musk was questioned about why he did not hire people from outside the company, he said: “I think people are a bit confused about this. Unfortunately, this is not up to us.”

“If you’re working on rocket technology, that’s considered an advanced weapons technology. So, even a normal work visa isn’t sufficient unless you get special permission from the secretary of defense or the secretary of state,” he added.

Guess What Iran Did Right After Biden Gave Them $6 Billion

Guess What Iran Did Right After Biden Gave Them $6 Billion - Katie Pavlich
"...The move has been widely criticized as an incentive for the Iranian regime, and other adversarial governments, to kidnap Americans...
  • During remarks at the United Nations General Assembly in New York this week, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi proved Biden's critics correct and threatened to assassinate American officials.
  • Currently, the Iranian government has bounties on the heads of former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, former National Security Advisor John Bolton, former Iran Envoy Brian Hook and a number of Iranian-American activists living in the United States...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 22

History for September 22 -
Tommy Lasorda 1927 - Baseball manager
  • 1789 - The U.S. Congress authorized the office of Postmaster General.
  • 1862 - U.S. President Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It stated that all slaves held within rebel states would be free as of January 1, 1863.
  • 1903 - Italo Marchiony was granted a patent for the ice cream cone.
  • 1961 - U.S. President John F. Kennedy signed a congressional act that established the Peace Corps.
  • 1980 - A border conflict between Iran and Iraq developed into a full-scale war.

Thursday, September 21, 2023

Rep. Nancy Mace schools ABC anchor for doing Biden's bidding on impeachment inquiry: 'The facts are everywhere' - TheBlaze

Rep. Nancy Mace schools ABC anchor for doing Biden's bidding on impeachment inquiry: 'The facts are everywhere' - TheBlaze

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) shut down ABC News anchor Jonathan Karl on Sunday for claiming there is "no evidence" to support an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden. On ABC News' "This Week," Karl asked Mace about criticism from Rep. Ken Buck (R-Colo.), who opposes the impeachment inquiry. But Mace quickly dismissed her colleague's concerns because, in her view, "the facts are everywhere."

The way we were-----Inside The Third Reich - Part One

Canada's Economy is Collapsing

After wasting 10s of millions of "free" covid money!-----As budget shortfall looms, Seattle City Council debates need for new revenue | The Seattle Times

As budget shortfall looms, Seattle City Council debates need for new revenue | The Seattle Times
"With the city budget projected to come up short by $224 million on average in 2025 and 2026, a revenue work group, convened by Mayor Bruce Harrell in October, has asked the City Council to explore nine possible new revenue sources.
  • The work group, which has been meeting without allowing the public to attend, concluded this week and offered a list of potential revenue sources for the council to study , but made no formal recommendations or legislation.
  • Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda, who chairs the Finance & Housing Committee and led the work group, said the group was asked to review “Seattle’s tax structure and identify ways to make it more equitable and raise new progressive revenue,” before presenting the list of options to the committee on Thursday.

America Is Becoming a Joke - Kurt Schlichter

America Is Becoming a Joke - Kurt Schlichter 
"The United States just lost an F-35 as part of its campaign to reduce itself from the greatest superpower in human history to a pitiful punchline. 
Ah, the magic of leftism – only it can make a great country like America ridiculous. 
  • From an inability to find its fighters to an 
  • unwillingness to defend its borders or 
  • prosecute criminals – with the exception of conservatives framed for the crime of conservativing – our country has become the Three Stooges without the dignity...