Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Here's What Would Happen if Biden Took a Bad Fall

Here's What Would Happen if Biden Took a Bad Fall - BY CHRIS QUEEN
AP Photo/Andrew Harnik
"But the worst scenario I can imagine is what might happen if, Heaven forbid, Biden takes a fall that’s drastic enough to lead to his death. 
Whether that happens during this term or, Heaven continue to forbid, a second Biden term, he would become a martyr to the left.
I could see Democrats in both houses of Congress rallying to push every left-wing measure they could drum up. 
  • “It’s what Joe would have wanted,” they would assert. 
It’s also not beyond the realm of possibility that the Democrats could pull some support from squishy Republicans to ram Joe’s radical legacy down the throats of unsuspecting Americans...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 27

History for September 27 -
Meat Loaf (Marvin Lee Aday) 1947
  • 1939 - After 19 days of resistance, Warsaw, Poland, surrendered to the Germans after being invaded by the Nazis and the Soviet Union during World War II.
  • 1954 - The "Tonight!" show made its debut on NBC-TV with Steve Allen as host.
  • 1968 - The U.K.'s entry into the European Common Market was barred by France.
  • 1989 - Two men went over the 176-foot-high Niagara Falls in a barrel. Jeffrey Petkovich and Peter Debernardi were the first to ever survive the Horshoe Falls.
  • 1994 - More than 350 Republican congressional candidates signed the Contract with America. It was a 10-point platform they pledged to enact if voters sent a GOP majority to the House.

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government blasted for giving two standing ovations to a veteran Waffen-SS Nazi days before Yom Kippur - TheBlaze

Justin Trudeau and his Liberal government blasted for giving two standing ovations to a veteran Waffen-SS Nazi days before Yom Kippur - TheBlaze

After Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an address to the Canadian Parliament on Friday, Liberal House Speaker Anthony Rota lavished praise on a 98-year-old who had served with Heinrich Himmler's Waffen-SS in World War II. Trudeau and his socialist ally Jagmeet Singh, head of the NDP, joined Rota and their respective parties in honoring the Nazi veteran with two standing ovations just days ahead of Yom Kippur.

The way we were-----FORGOTTEN BEER that are now EXTINCT

27 world leaders have declared war against free speech

Gotta see short video!

"Confidence in vax"...smashed!

No Straight Lines in Gay Geometry - Taki's Magazine

No Straight Lines in Gay Geometry - Taki's Magazine - Steven Tucker
"Now that your kids are “safely” back at school and college this September, what are they actually learning? 
How to eat shit, that’s what.
  • In 2022, teaching materials endorsed by American teaching union the NEA were leaked online, instructing children how to perform all kinds of queer-tastic sex acts so obscure even Sam Smith hasn’t tried them. One particular fact sheet enlightened children about “RIMMING: Stimulating the anus of another person using the tongue and mouth.”...
Mathematical Impossibilities
...The classic example comes with mathematics. 
Last week we saw how pedagogical indoctrinators were trying to make math racist. 
Now we shall see how they are also trying to turn it gay. 
How can you queer math? is called Queer Theory...
  • Recall how, last week, we observed leftist math teachers claiming 2 + 2 may legitimately not equal 4 to a black student: That equates to “queering” math in the name of race. 
  • In this new way of considering the sum, perhaps 2 + 2 may generally equal 4, but not necessarily; to some blacks and Hispanics blessed with “other ways of knowing,” it may occasionally equal 3 or 5 instead.
  • This is analogously similar to transgenderism, where a penis may generally equal “male” but now, somehow, may occasionally equal “female” instead, somehow. 
  • The old way of looking at things could be expressed by the following paired equation: (2 + 2 = 4) = (Penis = Male)...

GOP Predicts Biden Business Received $50M, $30M More than Shown

GOP Predicts Biden Business Received $50M, $30M More than Shown

“This will go down as one of the most politically corrupt presidents and families in U.S. history,” Mace added. “And we’ve got to show and prove it to the American people. We’ve got to show them everything that we have.”

Speaking with Fox News’s Sean Hannity, House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) supported Mace’s $50 million prediction. “Do you believe that number is realistic and right?” Hannity asked.

How Chicago Plans to SAVE Their Food Desert Crisis: Taxpayer-Owned Groce...

Is the Left Happy That They Got Their Wish? - By Victor Davis Hanson

Is the Left Happy That They Got Their Wish? - By Victor Davis Hanson
  • Woke continues because its privileged creators believe “What I create for others, certainly will not apply to me.”
"America has been in a veritable cultural revolution since the 1960s. 
Nearly all our major institutions finally became woke—the 
  • administrative state, 
  • traditional and 
  • social media, 
  • universities, 
  • K-12, 
  • the corporate boardroom, 
  • entertainment, 
  • professional sports, and 
  • the foundations.
So the Obama and the Biden administrations finally seemed to have achieved their aims, in what the Obamas once boasted would be the “fundamental transformation” of America into something unrecognizable by its Founders. 
But what they gave us was nihilism—the destruction of norms, laws, and customs. 
There is no border, no criminal justice system, no real president any more...

Lunch video-----When YOUR BOSS does THIS, WALK AWAY - Jordan Peterson



Eagle Pass mayor tells CNN exactly who is to blame for the border crisis: 'Enforce the laws that are on the books' - TheBlaze

Eagle Pass mayor tells CNN exactly who is to blame for the border crisis: 'Enforce the laws that are on the books' - TheBlaze

"Just enforce the laws that are on the books. We are a nation of laws. That's all I ask for — it shouldn't be like this. We should be able to enforce laws," the mayor said.

"If you want to come here — good, come legally. A lot of people have in the past," he added. "It takes a lot of money and years to do it the right way. And it's not fair for those people that now we have thousands of people coming in, without one single consequence. It's just not fair."

The most depraved now are our rulers!


Scary place!-----Bryn Mawr College rolls out 59-point plan to combat ‘privilege, oppression perpetuated at the college’

Bryn Mawr College rolls out 59-point plan to combat ‘privilege, oppression perpetuated at the college’ - RAFAEL OLIVEIRA - THE KINGS COLLEGE 
  • New mandatory ‘Power, Inequity and Justice’ class part of institutional DEI overhaul
"Bryn Mawr College has re-energized its effort to promote diversity, equity and inclusion on campus, rolling out a 59-point action plan for the 2023-24 school year that encompasses every aspect of campus life, from curriculum to policies to financial aid.
Bryn Mawr College, a private all-female institution just outside Philadelphia, states on its website it needs to implement the plan to get a handle on “understanding of the processes by which power, privilege, and oppression are perpetuated at the College,where annual tuition costs $61,190, plus $18,690 for housing and meal plans...

When did we stop teaching this?


FEMA to test national alert system

FEMA to test national alert system
"The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is joining with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) that is scheduled to commence at 2:20 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Oct. 4.
  • According to FEMA’s press release, while the upcoming alert marks the third nationwide test, it will only be the second time all consumer cellular devices are included.
Depending on individual handset settings, users will receive the message in either English: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. 
No action is needed,” or Spanish: “ESTA ES UNA PRUEBA del Sistema Nacional de Alerta de Emergencia. No se necesita acción.”...

#1 This day 1965----MaCoys - Hang on sloopy.mpg



Diverting Hate" has nearly $700,000 in funding from the Department of Homeland Security, which views online hate as a driver of targeted violence and domestic terrorism. The group targets younger men—ages 18 to 34.”

Again, Gender Studies departments — and much of the rest of the campus — at universities everywhere foster female anger, and do it proudly. 

But this is a problem of “hate” — probably because of growing evidence that young men are trending Republican.

Remember: Hate that boosts Democrats and leftist causes is “passion for justice.” When it’s young men who feel that they’re getting a raw deal, that’s “hate” — if it might lead them to vote for the GOP.   

And it's all gone...again?!!


Mississippi auditor proposes cutting 'useless degrees' that are fertile ground for political radicalization - TheBlaze

Mississippi auditor proposes cutting 'useless degrees' that are fertile ground for political radicalization - TheBlaze

Mississippi's auditor characterized several social science and humanities degree programs as "indoctrination factories," claiming that the state should reduce funds to many college majors and instead lend support to the subjects that match the state's workforce needs.

"Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time": Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview | ZeroHedge

"Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time": Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview | ZeroHedge - Authored by Urs Gehriger via,
“They’re all afraid”..
Carlson is far less kind about his colleagues in the press. 
  • “They're all fearful people,” the 54-year-old scoffs. Instead of holding the powerful to account, “they do exactly the opposite.” Indeed, “they do their bidding.”
  • Looking ahead to the Presidential elections in 2024, he says: “They're trying to put Trump in prison for the crime of running against Joe Biden … That's what this election's about. Are we going to allow that, or aren't we? And I just don't think we can.”...

AM Fruitcake


History for September 26

History for September 26 -
Ivan Pavlov 1849 - Physiologist
  • 1950 - U.N. troops recaptured the South Korean capital of Seoul from the North Koreans during the Korean Conflict.
  • 1955 - The New York Stock Exchange suffered its worst decline since 1929 when the word was released concerning U.S. President Eisenhower's heart attack.
  • 1960 - The first televised debate between presidential candidates Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy took place in Chicago, IL.
  • 1962 - "The Beverly Hillbillies" premiered on CBS-TV.
  • 2000 - The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act. The act states that an infant would be considered to have been born alive if he or she is completely extracted or expelled from the mother and breathes and has a beating heart and definite movement of the voluntary muscles.
  • 2006 - Facebook was opened to everyone at least 13 years or older with a valid email address.

Monday, September 25, 2023

CBP southwest land border encounters August 2023 - TheBlaze

CBP southwest land border encounters August 2023 - TheBlaze

Massive numbers of migrants have been flooding America's southern border throughout President Joe Biden's White House tenure and the trend is showing no signs of stopping. U.S. Customs and Border Protection reported a whopping 232,972 southwest land border encounters during the month of August, a figure that represents a significant spike from the 183,494 in July.

The way we were-----The Doodlebug Disaster | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror

The Sad Reality Of Low IQ People

Tampa Bay's New Baseball Stadium Will Cost Taxpayers at Least $600 Million

Tampa Bay's New Baseball Stadium Will Cost Taxpayers at Least $600 Million
  • But will it solve the team's attendance woes? Probably not. - ERIC BOEHM
"...Tampa Bay Times reports that taxpayers in the city of St. Petersburg and those in Pinellas County (which includes the city) will split the $600 million public contribution to the project...this is an exorbitantly expensive price tag—one that is likely to increase as it moves along—for a stadium that will seat only about 30,000 people when finished, making it the smallest in Major League Baseball...

Thanks to the Policies of the Obama and Biden Administrations, the New Axis of Evil – Russia, China, North Korea, Iran – Posing a Worldwide Existential Threat

Thanks to the Policies of the Obama and Biden Administrations, the New Axis of Evil – Russia, China, North Korea, Iran – Posing a Worldwide Existential Threat - by Majid Rafizadeh
"The Biden administration... is also financing the ruling mullahs of Iran with billions of dollars to put the finishing touches on the country's nuclear program and for delivering more weapons to Russia with which to attack Ukraine.
  • "We're sitting still, and the Chinese, the Russians, Iran, North Korea, and several others, are moving to shore up their relations and threaten us in a lot of different places." — Former US National Security Advisor John Bolton, The Hill, March 12, 2023.
  • Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the Biden administration seems to be allowing Iran's ruling mullahs to prosper from the war and emerge as the winners...
  • "Today, China, Russia, North Korea and Iran continue to invest in technologies to expand their capabilities to hit the United States with nuclear weapons. All four countries have also escalated their threatening rhetoric, indicating their willingness to use nuclear weapons in a military conflict. By expanding their nuclear programs, each has made clear that our nuclear arsenal is no longer a deterrent to their potential use of nuclear weapons." — U.S. Rep. Mike Turner, Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee and a senior member of the House Armed Services Committee, Fox News, May 4, 2023...