Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Elon Musk on X: "Worth listening.

Elon Musk on X: "Worth listening. These are important issues."

Lunch video-----20 US Jobs That Artificial Intelligence Will Kill.



Morris: Ten Questions the Bidens Should Be Asked by Congress

Morris: Ten Questions the Bidens Should Be Asked by Congress

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) subpoenaed Hunter and James Biden on Thursday, as Congress looks to discern to what extent President Joe Biden is tied up in his family’s overseas business deals.

Throughout their investigation into the Bidens, House Republicans have revealed significant evidence showing Joe Biden’s involvement in the family business, including, but not limited to: photos, texts, video, bank records, an audio recording, alleged bribes, along with IRS and former business partner whistleblower testimonies.

This video is a masterpiece and documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty.

This video is a masterpiece and documents the people who have been complicit in crimes against humanıty.

Instapundit- GOODER AND HARDER, PHILADELPHIA: Shocking moment brazen masked kids loot Footlocker, Lululemon...

Instapundit - GOODER AND HARDER, PHILADELPHIA: Shocking moment brazen masked kids loot Footlocker, Lululemon and Apple stores
as Philadelphia descends into anarchy
— with footage showing cops brawling with thieves and punching one in the face.

Flashback: First homicides, now shoplifting plague Philadelphia thanks to radical DA.

First, it was homicides. Then, it was carjackings. And now, it is shoplifting. Philadelphia is an absolute mess. The city’s government has been a complete disaster in protecting its law-abiding citizens and business owners from those who repeatedly cause harm. And, once again, much of the blame belongs to the city’s radical, left-wing, Gorge Soros-funded, ineffective District Attorney Larry Krasner...


Jamaal Bowman and the Wisdom of Orwell | The Epoch Times

Jamaal Bowman and the Wisdom of Orwell | The Epoch Times
"What's the most famous line in George Orwell’s novel "Animal Farm"?
One good candidate comes when the animals wake up one day to discover that the uplifting, egalitarian motto that had been painted on the side of the barn for all to see—“All Animals Are Equal”—had acquired a codicil.
  • “All Animals are Equal,” it now read, “But Some Are More Equal Than Others.”
It’s a proclamation for our time.
Don't be surprised if Attorney General Merrick Garland decides to substitute it for the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) current motto “QUI PRO DOMINA JUSTITIA SEQUITUR”: “Who prosecutes for Lady Justice.”...

#1 This day 1959-----Bobby Darin "Mack The Knife" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Congress blasts Pentagon for 'dreadful' barracks conditions

Congress blasts Pentagon for 'dreadful' barracks conditions - BY PATTY NIEBERG
"A bipartisan group of Congress members blasted the Pentagon over “reprehensible” conditions in military barracks, citing troops living amid mold and contaminated water and, in some instances, forced to clean up “biological waste” left behind by the suicides of fellow servicemembers.
  • In a scathing letter addressed to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, lawmakers accused the Pentagon of failing to “provide the most basic oversight and care” of barracks at 10 installations cited in a recent report and called it a “failure of leadership” by Austin “that cannot be ignored.”
  • The letter comes as a response to a damning Government Accountability Office investigation released last week that rebuked barracks conditions at 10 different bases as posing “serious health and safety risks,” for junior enlisted servicemembers...

Teach your children well!

Homeless Portlanders sue the city over homeless ban, alleging it goes against state's constitution - TheBlaze

Homeless Portlanders sue the city over homeless ban, alleging it goes against state's constitution - TheBlaze

“The ordinance subjects the approximately 10,000 Portlanders living outside every night to 30 days in jail for violating a law that is impossible to understand or comply with,” the lawsuit claims.

As the ban currently stands, the homeless are not allowed to set up camp on public land between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Violators will reportedly be issued two warnings, and the third violation could result in a fine or jail time, per the report.

“I was literally just in a rush to go vote, man. That's all it was.”

“I was literally just in a rush to go vote, man. That's all it was.”

AM Fruitcake


History for October 3

History for October 3 - On-This-Day.com
Gore Vidal 1925
  • 1941 - Adolf Hitler stated in a speech that Russia was "broken" and they "would never rise again."
  • 1942 - The Office of Economic Stabilization was established by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He also authorized controls on rents, wages, salaries and farm prices.
  • 1954 - "Father Knows Best" began airing on CBS-TV.
  • 1955 - "Captain Kangaroo" premiered on CBS-TV.
  • 1955 - "The Mickey Mouse Club" premiered on ABC-TV.
  • 2006 - North Korea announced that it would conduct a nuclear test as a key step in the manufacture of atomic bombs that it viewed as a deterrent against a U.S. attack. A date for the test was not announced.

Monday, October 02, 2023

Reactions to Jamaal Bowman pulling fire alarm at Capitol - TheBlaze

Reactions to Jamaal Bowman pulling fire alarm at Capitol - TheBlaze

Lawyer Harmeet K. Dhillon: "Whoever put this statement out, or gave legal advice on it, or tried to cover it up with lies, is part of a criminal conspiracy to interfere with the operations of our revered Congress. RICO charges for all involved! Isn’t that how it works?"

Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah): "Does anyone believe the 'I thought the fire alarm would open the door' line?"

The way we were-----Penicillin: From Fleming to the Pharmacy

Sinister developments

Why Was a Violent, Gender-Confused Boy Allowed to Stay in Portland School After Beating up Girls? BY VICTORIA TAFT

Why Was a Violent, Gender-Confused Boy Allowed to Stay in Portland School After Beating up Girls? BY VICTORIA TAFT
"After a boy passing as a girl beat up another girl in the halls of a Portland, Ore., area middle school, a clearly frustrated superintendent delivered to the media what can best be described as a turd sandwich with a dash of gaslight sauce.
She wanted Portland to eat it...
It takes a special kind of gall to attempt to divert attention away from the real victim of hate here — the girl — to mollify the trans mafia, and this effort was beyond heinous considering what she was trying to paper over. Watch the video below, but caution: it is disturbing.

And here’s another angle...

How transgenderism became the new Tide Pod challenge

How transgenderism became the new Tide Pod challenge - JAZZ SHAW
"This week, American Compass released a new survey that all of the GOP 2024 hopefuls should probably pay attention to...
  • There was a time when “the Tide Pod challenge” was alarming adults around the world. Children were filming themselves eating colorful packets of laundry detergent and posting their antics on social media. Some of them literally died.
We can view the spread of transgender mania in the same light. 
Gender confusion was long known to be an exceedingly rare mental disorder that primarily affected the young. 
  • But once it gained acceptance among adults, all children suddenly saw a tiny minority of their peers being heralded as “special” and deserving of additional rights and protections... 
And the medical industry saw the birth of a multibillion-dollar industry falling into their laps, so the choice was obvious...
  • This isn’t just a battle for the present. It’s a fight for the future. Tragically, it’s also a fight where conservatives are still facing an uphill battle. The Tide Pod Challenge of our time is not going well.

Rand Paul offers his theories for Dr. Fauci's alleged secret visit to CIA headquarters: 'Further the cover-up' - TheBlaze

Rand Paul offers his theories for Dr. Fauci's alleged secret visit to CIA headquarters: 'Further the cover-up' - TheBlaze

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) floated on Thursday his theories for why Dr. Anthony Fauci allegedly visited the CIA headquarters to advise the intelligence agency on the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

162 MPH During Rush Hour!?

Media cover-up in full force!-----Biden Selling out the U.S. - American Thinker

Biden Selling out the U.S. - American Thinker - By Clarice Feldman
  • The Biden impeachment investigation began this week. If your source of news is CNN,MSNBC, and the Big Four TV networks, you didn’t know about this, the fourth such inquiry in U.S. history, because they blacked it out...It apparently wasn’t very significant to the press. 
  • Not like the round-the-clock coverage of the lie that Trump was colluding with Russia, a lie generated by Hillary Clinton and megaphoned by them...
    Professor Jonathan Turley has set out ten reasons why the impeachment inquiry is justified and in this list, you can see the multiple ways President Biden sold out our interests to Ukrainians and Chinese.
  • Hunter Biden and his associates were running a classic influence peddling operation using Joe Biden as what Devon Archer called “the Brand.”…millions were generated for the Bidens from some of the most corrupt figures in the world.
  • Some of the Biden clients pushed for changes impacting United States foreign policy and relations, including help in dealing with Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin investigating corruption.
  • President Biden has made false claims about his knowledge of these dealings repeatedly in the past, including insisting that he had no knowledge of Hunter’s foreign dealings which Archer has declared “patently false…”
  • The President had been aware for years that Hunter Biden and his uncle James were accused of influence peddling…
  • President Biden was repeatedly called into meetings with these foreign clients and was put on speakerphone. He also met these clients and foreign figures at dinners and meetings.
  • Emails and other communications show Hunter repeatedly invoking his father to secure payments from foreign sources…
  • A trusted FBI source recounted a direct claim of a corrupt Ukrainian businessman that he paid a “bribe” to Joe Biden through intermediaries.
  • Hunter Biden reportedly claimed that he had to give half of his earnings to his father and other emails state that intermingled accounts were used to pay bills for both men…
  • At least two transfers of funds to Hunter Biden in 2019 from a Chinese source listed the President’s home in Delaware…
  • Some of the deals negotiated by Hunter involved potential benefits for his father, including office space in Washington. At least nine Biden family members reportedly received money from these foreign transfers…

Lunch video-----NYC Bans Airbnb Forever...


Rep. Nancy Mace sends Democrats into an uproar when she gives them dose of their own medicine: 'She actually said it' - TheBlaze

Rep. Nancy Mace sends Democrats into an uproar when she gives them dose of their own medicine: 'She actually said it' - TheBlaze

Rep. Nancy Mace (R-S.C.) sent Democrats into a tizzy on Thursday when she brought attention to a "hypocritical" argument that Democrats are making to protect President Joe Biden.

Rape capital?!!


For Some, Open Border Chaos Is the Goal | RealClearPolitics

For Some, Open Border Chaos Is the Goal | RealClearPolitics - By Pete McGinnis
  • Beware, the crisis at the southern border may be much worse than it appears.
Free Apple watches, bus and plane tickets all across the continental United States, and sophisticated lawyers standing by to counsel migrants...
  • The increase in crime may be the biggest concern. Violent crime rates are up, and violent incidents are prominent on the nightly news...
  • Human trafficking has gained more attention as its shocking reality is (very) slowly exposed...
  • Then there are the drugs. The opioid epidemic has gotten substantially worse in the last few years, with annual overdose deaths, after a slight decline from 2017 through 2019, increasing dramatically in the last several years. 
  • As if this isn’t bad enough, the opportunities for smuggling in other illegal contraband have increased as well...

#1 Movie this week 1996-----The First Wives Club (1996) Official Trailer #1 - Goldie Hawn Movie HD

Friday "You will comply" RULES-dump on America!-----Biden admin issues restrictions on gas furnaces in latest war on appliances | Fox News

Biden admin issues restrictions on gas furnaces in latest war on appliances | Fox News
"The Biden administration announced its latest regulatory action targeting home appliances late Friday, this time targeting popular home gas-powered furnaces...
  • "At the direction of Congress...slashing harmful pollutants in homes across the nation," Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.
  • "...underscores President Biden’s commitment to save Americans money and deliver healthier communities," she continued.
DOE's finalized regulations, which are slated to go into effect in 2028, specifically require furnaces to achieve an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) of 95%...current market standard AFUE for a residential furnace is 80%....