Thursday, October 05, 2023

AM Fruitcake


History for October 5

History for October 5 -
Vaclav Havel (Czechoslovakia) 1936
  • 1813 - Chief Tecumseh of the Shawnee Indians was killed at the Battle of Thames when American forced defeated the British and the allied Indian warriors.
  • 1921 - The World Series was broadcast on the radio for the first time. The game was between the New York Giants and the New York Yankees.
  • 1947 - U.S. President Harry S Truman held the first televised presidential address from the White House. The subject was the current international food crisis.
  • 1955 - The play "The Diary of Anne Frank" opened at the Cort Theatre in New York.
  • 1989 - The Dalai Lama (Lhama Dhondrub, Tenzin Gyatso) was named the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent campaign to end the Chinese domination of Tibet. Gyatso was the 15th Dalai Lama. (Obama won soon after)
  • 1998 - The U.S. paid $60 million for Russia's (Clinton president) research time on the international space station to keep the cash-strapped Russian space agency afloat.

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Electric vehicle battery factory breathes new life into coal plant - TheBlaze

Electric vehicle battery factory breathes new life into coal plant - TheBlaze:

 A new electric vehicle battery factory in Kansas will require so much energy that a coal plant slated for closure will now remain open, plus it will be expanded. Panasonic is building a $4 billion EV battery factory in De Soto, Kansas. The upcoming lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility is expected to start mass production of EV batteries by the end of March 2025.

The way we were-----When Whales Attack

How We’re Fooled By Statistics

The WHO is trying to adopt amendments that... - Paula VandenBosch | Facebook

The WHO is trying to adopt amendments that... - Paula VandenBosch | Facebook - Paula VandenBosch
Sonrepdots015ugcag48i6h530h0ha1t4m6lh915lt69f7t2glt6cu14fg00 ·
"The WHO is trying to adopt amendments that would make it easier to develop and profit from new viruses that could cause more pandemics! 
Our federal government needs to object in order to stop this otherwise it will be implemented. 

September had the most border encounters of all time with over 260,000, setting monthly and yearly record - TheBlaze

September had the most border encounters of all time with over 260,000, setting monthly and yearly record - TheBlaze

Reports have suggested that U.S. agencies experienced the highest number of border crossings at the southwest land border in a single month in September 2023, which would also push the yearly numbers past all-time records. U.S. Customs and Border Protection sources provided Fox News correspondents Bill Melugin and Griff Jenkins with initial border crossing numbers that have yet to be officially released.

Maine's Radical Solution to the Energy Crisis

Gotta read!-----Nobel Mistakes From Bombs to Vaccines - by Jupplandia

Nobel Mistakes From Bombs to Vaccines - by Jupplandia 
  • A grotesque award for grotesque times
"When Barack Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009, just a few scant months into his 8 year two term Presidency, we already knew what the Nobel Prize had become. 
What was once a serious award with some credibility behind it...had become in it’s own way little different to the medals sitting on the chests of Third World dictators.
It had become a badge of honor that powerful globalists award to themselves, irrespective of actual achievements... 2023 the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine...these scientists can arguably lay claim to even more deaths. 
Because what they have been awarded the prize for is the development of the mRNA technology behind the Moderna and Pfizer COVID 19 ‘vaccines’.
They are given this prize, because as the BBC puts it:
“The technology was experimental before the pandemic, but has now been given to millions of people around the world to protect them against serious Covid-19...”
What this mainstream media account does not include, of course, was that the technology these scientists developed never actually passed full and proper safety tests, that the swift development times the BBC also praise came with no testing for long term effects and no testing for actually reducing transmission rates...

Lunch video-----The FULL Judith Curry Interview: Climate Scientist Says World Won't End



Biden admin's latest vaccine push falls on deaf ears, with majority indicating they will not get the COVID-19 shot - TheBlaze

Biden admin's latest vaccine push falls on deaf ears, with majority indicating they will not get the COVID-19 shot - TheBlaze

Eighty-year-old President Joe Biden, who last caught COVID-19 in July 2022, got an updated booster on Sept. 22 and encouraged all Americans to do likewise. The latest Kaiser Family Foundation COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor poll revealed last week that 52% of U.S. adults don't feel much like following the president's lead.



Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Now There is Evidence the FBI Planned the January 6 Operation and Planted Documents Days Earlier That Were Later Used Against Innocent Americans | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft 
"In February of this year, The Gateway Pundit’s Cara Castronuovo wrote about a shocking development in the US government’s case against the Proud Boys.
It was discovered that the Government itself was the author of the mysterious “1776 Returns” document.
The 1776 Returns document is the title of a 9-page paper that outlined strategic plans for the takeover of US government buildings on January 6, 2021.
It was confirmed in court that the FBI was behind the document and and FBI operative was the author of the document.
...“This means that the most damning document in this trial was authored by the intelligence community—someone “groomed” by the FBI itself,” said Roger Roots (the Proud Boys attorney who authored this Blockbuster Motion)...

American hero!

We KNOW what WORKS!-----In the war over literacy, phonics wins By Molly Macek

In the war over literacy, phonics wins - By Molly Macek 
  • For years, a ‘whole language’ approach taught students to guess, not to read
"...Here’s the problem: Balanced literacy doesn’t teach students to read...
  • Phonics-based instruction, which used to be the dominant method for reading instruction, teaches these decoding skills systematically and sequentially so that students can read new words in any context.
  • Balanced literacy approaches don’t work because they do not place enough emphasis on systematic phonics. Instead, they encourage students to use pictures and other contextual cues to essentially guess the word in question. Lacking decoding skills, students must figure out unrecognizable phonemes on a page. This is particularly problematic for students with dyslexia and other learning challenges.
...In Michigan, each district selects or develops an academic curriculum to meet the state’s academic standards. 
This means some districts will choose a curriculum centered on phonics to support the state’s K-5 Reading Standards
Others will opt for a curriculum like balanced literacy...

#1 This day 1966-----The Association - Cherish (1966)(Stereo)

Tell me Matt Gaetz is the bad guy!-----US National Debt by Year

US National Debt by Year 
  • Ross Perot gave us the Clinton crime family because GOPers wouldn't stop the spending when debt was $4 trillion. 1992!
  • The T-Party wanted only 1 thing, fiscal responsibility! $11 TRILLION! 2009. Republican leaders were deaf. Dems, media, RINOs and most of the GOP establishment destroyed the movement.
  • National debt today $33 trillion.
  • Unfunded liabilities (SS, Medicare/Medicaid, govern. pensions, etc.) an additional +$93 TRILLION!



Trudeau Govt Orders Podcast Platforms to Register with State Regulator

Trudeau Govt Orders Podcast Platforms to Register with State Regulator

The increasingly authoritarian government of Justin Trudeau in Canada has mandated that podcasting platforms and streaming services must register with the government’s broadcasting regulatory body and actively promote “meaningful contributions to Canadian and Indigenous content.”

In potentially a further threat to freedom of speech, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) quietly announced on Friday a major overhaul to how independent media operates within the country.

PC is killing our country!-----The REAL Fire Alarm Is White Supremacy - JIM TREACHER

The REAL Fire Alarm Is White Supremacy - JIM TREACHER
  • You're a racist for noticing a black man caught on camera committing a federal crime
There are any number of plausible reasons Jamaal Bowman pulled a fire alarm in a congressional office building as his party was preparing for a vote they feared they’d lose...

...That means any White person — I mean white person — who criticizes Bowman is a racist. 
And any Black person who criticizes him is in league with racists. It all makes sense when you don’t think about it...
Here’s Bowman’s explanation, you racist:

AM Fruitcake


History for October 4

History for October 4 -
Charlton Heston 1924
  • 1535 - The first complete English translation of the Bible was printed in Zurich, Switzerland.
  • 1648 - The first volunteer fire department was established in New York by Peter Stuyvesant.
  • 1953 - "I Led Three Lives" was first seen in syndication. The TV show was never on network
  • 1957 - "Leave it to Beaver" debuted on CBS-TV.
  • 1957 - The Soviet Union launched Sputnik I into orbit around the Earth. Sputnik was the first manmade satellite to enter space. Sputnik I fell out of orbit on January 4, 1958.
  • 1993 - Dozens of Somalis dragged an American soldier through the streets of Mogadishu. A videotape showed Michael Durant being taken prisoner by Somali militants.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

Gangs of illegal immigrants committing burglaries in Michigan - TheBlaze

Gangs of illegal immigrants committing burglaries in Michigan - TheBlaze

"Transnational gangs" from South America are committing high-end burglaries on upscale homes in Michigan, according to law enforcement. Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard is sounding the alarm over a rash of burglaries targeting luxurious homes. Bouchard is warning local residents to secure their houses because illegal immigrants are committing home invasions to steal high-end goods.

The way we were-----Whatever happened to GLOBAL COOLING?

Make Your Car Engine and Transmission Last a Very Long Time - Top 5 Tips...

"Equal justice under the law" a thing of the past.


Anthony Fauci Was America's Warmup Dictator

Anthony Fauci Was America's Warmup Dictator
  • He institutionalized the purposeful lie, suppressed critics, mastered emergency politics, even sold himself as a sex symbol. 
  • Anthony Fauci gave the next monster a playbookMATT TAIBBI
"Exposés in Public and Racket this week showed Anthony Fauci engaged in the bureaucratic version of witness tampering, using a dubious “Proximal Origin” paper he helped engineer to divert attention from the possibility that Covid-19, too, was a viral Frankenstein’s monster. 
Apart from a few conservative outlets, no one picked up the story. 
How screwed up is the U.S. right now? 
  • The nation’s top medical official for years worked in public and private to stifle investigation of our worst health crisis, which increasingly looks like a unparalleled man-made catastrophe. 
He’s going to skate on it, because upper-class America is now so deep into mass mental illness that it’s more likely to make a sex symbol of corruption than punish it...

White House prohibiting official travel to fossil fuel conferences, internal memo shows | Fox News

White House prohibiting official travel to fossil fuel conferences, internal memo shows | Fox News

The White House is prohibiting senior administration officials from traveling for international energy engagements that promote carbon-intensive fuels, including oil, natural gas and coal, Fox News Digital has learned.

The guidance — which originated from the White House National Security Council (NSC) — was revealed in a Department of Energy (DOE) memo issued internally to agency staff on Sept. 15 and obtained by Fox News Digital. The memo was authored by Deputy Secretary of Energy David Turk who outlined travel restrictions and stated officials are required to obtain approval from the NSC before attending any global energy engagement.

“Do something!” Seattle Biz owner pleads for help, doesn’t think anyone ...