Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Cancer reactivation

Victor Davis Hanson - Israel, Our White-House Absurdities, and the Left’s Empire of Lies

Victor Davis Hanson - Israel, Our White-House Absurdities, and the Left’s Empire of Lies
"The Biden administration is furiously trying to contextualize its past, unsupportable policies that have sown global chaos, especially in the Middle East. 
But the more it spins, the clearer its culpability.
Does it really believe that the long-agreed-upon U.S. green-lighting of $6 billion in sanctions relief to Iran has had no role in Iran’s terrorist support of Hamas, whether psychological or material or both? 
  • Do they think we are that stupid? 
Even a first-grader might surmise that if a terrorist state knows that an impending $6-billion bonanza will shortly arrive in its coffers, then it will more readily in the here and now send arms to Hamas—on the logical assumption that those costs soon will be more than covered...

Lunch video-----That Moment CNN Realizes IT'S OVER !!


Migrants throughout Europe celebrate Hamas' attacks against Israel - TheBlaze

Migrants throughout Europe celebrate Hamas' attacks against Israel - TheBlaze

Migrants throughout Europe have reportedly praised and celebrated Hamas' latest attacks against Israel. The attacks have resulted in more than 150 deaths, and the conflict appears to have no end in sight. Videos have circulated across social media, appearing to show people cheering for the horrific attacks that have been carried out against Israeli citizens. Many of those cheering are reportedly asylum seekers throughout Europe, according to the Telegraph.

"...in a MAGA disguise"!


The US Government Shutdown Isn't the Problem. Public Debt Is | The Epoch Times

The US Government Shutdown Isn't the Problem. Public Debt Is | The Epoch Times - By Daniel Lacalle
"...As of August, it costs $808 billion to maintain the debt, which is 15 percent of the total federal spending, according to the U.S. Treasury. 
Interest rates are rising at the same time as the government rejects all budget constraints. 
This is a monetary timebomb.
All empires believe that their currency will be eternally demanded, until it stops...
When confidence in the currency collapses, the effect is sudden and insurmountable...

We know who paid. The whole world knows!

The "intelligence isn't just artificial.-----The Jaded Warrior | Here's something fun.. | Facebook

The Jaded Warrior | Here's something fun.. | Facebook - Jonathan E Groves
"Here's something fun...
I was curious to test for leftist-progressive biases built into Bing Chat-GPT4.
I asked BingChat-GPT4 to adopt the style of Shakespeare and generate his take on Donald Trump and of Joe Biden.
Here is what Artificial Intelligence Chat GPT-4 came up with. Do you see any built-in prejudice?
  • First... Here's Bing Chat GPT-4... presenting DONALD TRUMP in the style of Shakespeare:
"What tongue can tell the madness of this man, Whose words are wind, whose deeds are full of woe? He raves and rants, he lies and cheats and scams, He sows discord where’er he deigns to go...
  • Next, here is Bing Chat GPT-4 presenting JOE BIDEN in the style of Shakespeare:
"This man of age and wisdom hath the grace To bear the burden of a troubled time. He speaks with calm and reason, not with haste, And seeks to heal the wounds that plague our clime.
He is no tyrant, but a gentle king, Who rules with love and mercy, not with fear. He has a noble heart, and honouring The common good, he lends a listening ear...

#1 This day 1965-----Yesterday (With Spoken Word Intro / Live From Studio 50, New York City

After the Hamas attacks, what’s the wise path forward?

After the Hamas attacks, what’s the wise path forward?

Yet the eco-nuts are silent.


How Biden Helped Fund Hamas's Allies Before Unprecedented Israel Attack

How Biden Helped Fund Hamas's Allies Before Unprecedented Israel Attack

Entities known to maintain friendly ties to the Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas, from the Iranian Islamist regime to Venezuelan socialist dictator Nicolás Maduro, have enjoyed years of financial benefits from eased sanctions under leftist President Joe Biden – benefits meriting closer scrutiny in light of the unprecedented wave of terrorism striking Israel on Saturday.

The Modern Left and the Problem of Proportion - AFNN

The Modern Left and the Problem of Proportion - AFNN -  John F. Di Leo
"...But at least in the past we could convince ourselves that both sides’ views were reasonable, that they were legitimate options for their time and place...
This is no longer the case...
For example:
...Barack Obama announced that his administration would be pushing for projects to derive energy from algae, as if this was some brilliant and worthy scientific advancement.
Barack Obama presented it as if it was a great discovery, and we never knew that we could obtain energy from algae before....
There isn’t enough algae in the world for this to be worth the bother. Anyone with sense can see that...
Sure enough, their base ate it up. The fundamental flaw was invisible to them.
Since then, we have seen countless other examples:
  • Masks to stop a virus hundreds of times smaller than the spaces in the mask.
  • Vaccines that were tested on a sample size so small they were, for all intents and purposes, untested.
  • A one-time stimulus check to make up for high gas prices, when the stimulus check is less than a fifth of the increased annual fuel cost the people are suffering.
  • Celebrating job creation stats when the new jobs are lower-paying and with less advancement opportunity than the old jobs that are always disappearing...

AM Fruitcake


History for October 10

History for October 10 - On-This-Day.com
James Clavell 1924
  • 1845 - The United States Naval Academy opened in Annapolis, MD.
  • 1865 - The billiard ball was patented by John Wesley Hyatt.
  • 1913 - U.S. President Woodrow Wilson triggered the explosion of the Gamboa Dike that ended the construction of the Panama Canal.
  • 1965 - The Red Baron made his first appearance in the "Peanuts" comic stripe last game of his National Football League (NFL) career.
  • 1978 - The U.S. bill authorizing the Susan B. Anthony dollar was signed by U.S. President Jimmy Carter.
  • 2001 - U.S. President George W. Bush presented a list of 22 most wanted terrorists.

Monday, October 09, 2023

Report: Democratic Socialists of America Cheer Hamas Terrorist Attack on Israel

Report: Democratic Socialists of America Cheer Hamas Terrorist Attack on Israel

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) will host an “All Out for Palestine” rally in New York’s Times Square on Sunday, gathering in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel that has claimed more than 500 lives and left several thousand more injured.

The New York Post reports via an op-ed attributed to its Editorial Board that DSA supporters are urged to, “Wear a mask so you’re not recognized” while being told, “Best to just let the swastikas do the talking.”

The way we were-----Deadly Coincidence: The Elizabeth Plane Crashes | A Short Documentary | ...

Why was the wheel not invented in Africa?

Biden Pardons New York Times Writer Charged as Iran Agent as New ‘Influence Operation’ Exposed

Biden Pardons New York Times Writer Charged as Iran Agent as New ‘Influence Operation’ Exposed - by Ira Stoll
"The frequent New York Times contributor pardoned by US President Joe Biden after being charged as a paid foreign agent of Iran...was among five Iranians included in a prisoner swap deal in which five Americans were freed by Iran and the United States released $6 billion to Iran...
Biden’s “full pardon” of Afrasiabi, issued on Sept. 14, includes four terms...
The presidential pardon of Afrasiabi came as a new scandal was erupting over undisclosed Iranian influence in American media and universities...

Will history repeat?-----Germans against Hitler: The Witness of the White Rose by David Novak | Articles | First Things-1990

Germans against Hitler: The Witness of the White Rose by David Novak | Articles | First Things
"It is hard to imagine a Jew today who would come to Germany without a profound sense of uneasiness...
...The White Rose Group was a small coterie of students (led by the brother and sister Hans and Sophie Scholl) and one of their teachers at the University of Munich who, beginning in 1942, anonymously scattered leaflets in Munich and some other German cities calling for the overthrow of the Nazi regime. 
Needless to say, this was an act of enormous courage, and most members of the White Rose Group were eventually caught by the Gestapo and executed...
...People like those in the White Rose, on the other hand, did have an unequivocal moral choice. 
They exercised the moral agency that was theirs to choose good and resist evil...

Smith & Wesson officially moves headquarters out of blue state to Tennessee | Fox Business

Smith & Wesson officially moves headquarters out of blue state to Tennessee | Fox Business

"Congratulations to Smith & Wesson on their grand opening in Tennessee. This move is a testament to their enduring legacy, their commitment to firearm excellence, and to the importance of preserving America’s gun industry and Second Amendment rights in a fair environment," NRA Executive Director of Advancement Tyler Schropp told Fox News Digital in an exclusive comment. 

Court Throws Out $224M Talcum Powder Verdict

It's Clarice, read it all!-----Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism - Clarice Feldman

Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism By Clarice Feldman
"The Democrats are making no effort to hide their totalitarian impulses. 
Certainly, Hillary Clinton isn’t. 
In an interview this week with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour. she suggested that Trump supporters were part of a cult and needed formal deprogramming.

"Whatever the reason, you know, make America great again was a bid for nostalgia to return to a place where people could be in charge of their lives, feel empowered, say what they want, insult whoever came in their way. And that was really attractive to a significant portion of the Republican base. So, it is like a cult.

And somebody has to break that momentum."

...But there’s nothing new and nothing funny about the totalitarian impulse on the Left. Last January a Rasmussen survey indicated that one-third of Democrats thought children should be removed from the homes of unvaccinated parents (despite the very low rate of COVID infections and mortality in children) and a whopping 50% of them wanted to imprison the unvaccinated...

Indeed, the same week Hillary advocated deprogramming, Newsweek ...reported that the FBI seeks to track and counter Trump supporters...

Lunch video-----The Great Urban Heat Island Wave



Updates for Israel war with Hamas, video shows hostages taken - TheBlaze

Updates for Israel war with Hamas, video shows hostages taken - TheBlaze

Hamas militants fired thousands of rockets into several areas of Israel on Saturday during the Jewish high holiday of Simchat Torah. The unprecedented, multi-front early morning attack included Hamas guerrillas bypassing heavy fortifications and invading more than 20 Israeli communities along the Gaza border – where they engaged in gun battles and took hostages.

Their hate is palpable!

“The Palestinians who invaded Israel have focused on kidnapping civilians, mostly young women.

“The Palestinians who invaded Israel have focused on kidnapping civilians, mostly young women. 
"...They took a number of young women captive there. This video has been seen millions of times. 
There is a naked young woman in the back of a truck, murdered (and God knows what else) by the Palestinians. The Arabs in the truck are yelling ‘Allahu Akbar!’ ‘God is great!’ Terrific religion they’ve got there. 
  • What is notable, I think, is the jubilant reaction of the crowd. 
  • Note the boy who spits on the woman’s corpse... 
It is much like Nazi Germany–most Germans were not members of the party, but the vast majority supported Hitler until it was clear that Germany was losing the war...
And maybe that whole “rave for peace” idea wasn’t so good, and shouldn’t be repeated.
Peace comes when a war ends, and wars usually end when one side loses decisively. That should be the Palestinians. - Glenn Reynolds

#1 Movie this week 1988-----Alien Nation (1988) - Trailer