Monday, October 16, 2023

Facing mounting pressure, the Biden administration deferred deportation of a devout Christian family who fled Germany. The matriarch told Glenn Beck 'prayers are powerful' - TheBlaze

Facing mounting pressure, the Biden administration deferred deportation of a devout Christian family who fled Germany. The matriarch told Glenn Beck 'prayers are powerful' - TheBlaze

A devout Christian family fled to the U.S. 15 years ago on account of its persecution by the German state. Despite an initially successful asylum claim and setting down roots in Tennessee, the Obama administration saw fit to deracinate the Romeike clan. The Biden administration was set to follow through with the family's expulsion this month but came up against significant opposition.

"My thoughts on Trump calling Hezbollah...(yes, a parody but totally right-on!)

Damon Imani on X: "My thoughts on Trump calling Hezbollah 'very smart' Damon Imani @damonimani
Gotta click link to see excellent, short video!

AM Fruitcake


History for October 16

History for October 16 -
Oscar Wilde 1854
  • 1793 - During the French Revolution, Queen Marie Antoinette was beheaded after being convicted of treason.
  • 1829 - In Boston, MA, the first modern hotel in America opened. The Tremont Hotel had 170 rooms that rented for $2 a day and included four meals.
  • 1859 - Abolitionist John Brown led a raid on Harper's Ferry, VA (now located in West Virginia).
  • 1869 - A hotel in Boston became the first in the U.S. to install indoor plumbing.
  • 1916 - Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic in New York City, NY.
  • 1962 - U.S. President Kennedy was informed that there were missile bases in Cuba, beginning the Cuban missile crisis.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Stanford Instructor Suspended for Targeting Jewish Students as 'Colonizers' After Hamas Terror Attack

Stanford Instructor Suspended for Targeting Jewish Students as 'Colonizers' After Hamas Terror Attack

An instructor at Stanford University has been suspended after targeting Jewish students as “colonizers” and making them stand in a corner of the room. The pro-terrorist Stanford instructor then told the students, “This is what Israel does to the Palestinians.”

The way we were-----MOST CORRUPT III: Franklin D. Roosevelt - Part II - Forgotten History

The 2003 Northeast Blackout | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror

The hate lives in their hearts, minds and is taught to their children-----Here's an updated yard sign for very caring virtue-signalers on the Left

Here's an updated yard sign for very caring virtue-signalers on the Left

From the NY Post:

...“Yesterday we sent out [messages] that we aren’t proud of,” BLM Chicago tweeted. “We stand with Palestine & the people who will do what they must to live free. Our hearts are with, the grieving mothers, those rescuing babies from rubble, who are in danger of being wiped out completely.”

The group, which has more than 60,000 followers, posted an image of a person paragliding with a Palestinian flag attached to its parachute and “I stand with Palestine” written beneath, leading to outrage.

Their original tweet was deleted but later on, the group put out a statement defending their stance. The follow-up didn't go over well either.Did it recently get awkward for some BLM supporters?...

We elected that RINO loser!-----Adam Kinzinger tells Ron DeSantis he's a governor and *he* has no power

Adam Kinzinger tells Ron DeSantis he's a governor and *he* has no power
"CNN senior political correspondent (RINO) Adam Kinzinger...
As we reported Thursday, DeSantis said that he had "issued an executive order to send airplanes to Israel to rescue the 20,000 Americans who are now stranded amid a war," with approximately 1,000 of them from Florida.
  • Kinzinger thought that was worth an eye roll.
And then he turned off replies.
We noticed that Kinzinger hasn't added an Israeli flag emoji next to his beloved Ukrainian flag.

ACT scores hit 30-year low as some universities drop admission testing requirements - TheBlaze

ACT scores hit 30-year low as some universities drop admission testing requirements - TheBlaze

Students’ ACT scores hit a more than 30-year record low, according to the organization that administers the college admissions test. Meanwhile, some universities have opted to drop admission testing requirements altogether.

High school students’ results have been declining for six consecutive years. Approximately 1.4 million students took the test this year, an increase from the previous year, and the average composite score declined by 0.3 points from 2022.

Federal Suit After Mayor Has Man Arrested at City Council Meeting

Sad, sick, morons. They could move back, ya know!


Lunch video-----He admitted it.



Video: Father of 4 strips down to spaghetti-strap crop top, short shorts at school board meeting to protest more lenient dress code proposal - TheBlaze

Video: Father of 4 strips down to spaghetti-strap crop top, short shorts at school board meeting to protest more lenient dress code proposal - TheBlaze

A father of four recently stripped down to a spaghetti-strap crop top and short shorts at a Gilbert, Arizona, school board meeting to protest a more lenient dress code proposal at his kids' school district.

What are the details?
“Under the proposed policy, this would be appropriate in a classroom,” Ira Latham told the governing board members of the Higley Unified School District last month as he removed his shirt and pants, revealing a much more — ahem — revealing getup.

Never trust the military/industrial complex. ESPECIALLY when democrats run it!


Long but worthy!! Your children should understand this!-----Jefferson and America's Lost Idea: Natural Aristocracy

Jefferson and America's Lost Idea: Natural Aristocracy - JOE LONSDALE
“The natural aristocracy I consider as the most precious gift of nature for the instruction, the trusts, and government of society… The artificial aristocracy is a mischievous ingredient in government, and provision should be made to prevent its ascendancy.” - — Thomas Jefferson in his 1813 letter to John Adams
"...When Americans learn about the founding age of this country, they learn mostly about revolutionary opposition to monarchy, foreign rule, and unjust taxation...
That’s all well and good.
  • They also learn, rightly, about the founding generation’s deep resentment of the hereditary aristocracies of Europe. In the words of the historian Gordon Wood, the founders saw American republicanism as “a vindication of frustrated talent at the expense of birth and blood. For too long, they felt merit had been denied.”
  • But there is a second, often untold story. The founders were indeed opposed to the aristocracies of Europe, and to the total rejection of egalitarianism inherent to monarchy; but they did not discount the idea that certain people had greater talents than others, and that this was relevant for government. Quite the contrary. Jefferson called this the “natural aristocracy” — an elite based not on wealth or birth, but on virtue and talent...

Loud leftists are true morons.


Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis

Charctic Interactive Sea Ice Graph | Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis
Roll your cursor over the line to see daily sea ice extent values...

#1 This day 1962-----Bobby Pickett "Monster Mash"

Hamas horror quickly reveals the bigots in our midst

Hamas horror quickly reveals the bigots in our midst - Douglas Murray
  • Sometimes a flare goes up in the darkness and you can see where everyone is standing.
"...The bodies of all the young festivalgoers, pensioners and beheaded babies hadn’t even been found before people began making excuses for their murder.
And even praised the mass slaughter.
On Sunday, just 24 hours after the atrocities, Hamas terrorists were still killing Jews in Israel.
And radical extremists were gathering in Times Square to celebrate their actions.
  • I went over to Times Square to see that “pro-Palestine” rally.
  • But it wasn’t “pro-Palestine.”
  • It was just pro-massacre...

The difference!


Megyn Kelley EXPOSES journalist SUPPORTING Hamas terror - TheBlaze

Megyn Kelley EXPOSES journalist SUPPORTING Hamas terror - TheBlaze

According to Kelly, while these horrifying images are circulating, there are Washington Post journalists liking tweets that say things like: “What did you think decolonization meant? Did you think it meant vibes? Losers.”

“That happened,” Kelly says, disgusted. “Her name is Karen Attia. She writes for the Washington Post.”

A Pandemic of Lockdown Denialism BY Jeffrey A. Tucker

A Pandemic of Lockdown Denialism BY Jeffrey A. Tucker
  • There is an old expression: “Success has a thousand fathers but failure is always an orphan.”
"We can judge the results of the pandemic response, then, by the number of people who claim it as their own. 
So far the answer seems to be: none.
These days, if you listen to the rhetoric, you would think that absolutely no one forced anyone to do anything, not even take the jab. 
  • There were no mask mandates. 
  • No one was ever locked down. 
  • There were some mistakes, sure, but those came only from doing the best we could with the knowledge we had.
  • Other than make well-considered recommendations, they didn’t force anyone to do anything...

AM Fruitcake


History for October 15

History for October 15 - 
Friedrich Nietzsche 1844 - German philosopher
  • 1860 - Grace Bedell, 11 years old, wrote a letter to presidential candidate Abraham Lincoln. The letter stated that Lincoln would look better if he would grow a beard.
  • 1883 - The U.S. Supreme Court struck down part of the Civil Rights Act of 1875. It allowed for individuals and corporations to discriminate based on race.
  • 1892 - The U.S. government announced that the land in the western Montana was open to settlers. The 1.8 million acres were bought from the Crow Indians for 50 cents per acre.
  • 1945 - Pierre Laval, the former premier of Vichy France, was executed for treason.
  • 1951 - "I Love Lucy" premiered on CBS-TV.
  • 1984 - The Freedom of Information Act was passed.

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Tearful Israeli mother whose boys, 12 and 16, are Hamas hostages accuses MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell of trying to garner sympathy for 'animal human beings' in terror group - TheBlaze

Tearful Israeli mother whose boys, 12 and 16, are Hamas hostages accuses MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell of trying to garner sympathy for 'animal human beings' in terror group - TheBlaze

A tearful Israeli mother whose boys, 12 and 16, were taken hostage by Hamas amid its surprise attack against Israel accused MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell of trying to garner sympathy for "animal human beings" in the terror organization. What are the details? The mother, whose name wasn't given, sat for a video interview with Mitchell and frequently sobbed as she gave a gut-wrenching description of listening on the phone as her sons were abducted by Hamas after hiding in a safe room in their home.

The way we were------Gas Station in the USSR. How Expensive Was Gasoline in the Soviet Union?...

WHO Pandemic treaty danger

Nice word for mass theft, "shrink" Stock Falls as Wall Street Dials Back Revenue Estimates - Barrons Stock Falls as Wall Street Dials Back Revenue Estimates -
"Walmart’s recent decision to shut down half of its Chicago stores highlights a troubling reality for big-box retailers: operating in urban markets isn’t easy...
The company says it closed the stores because they hadn’t been profitable in years...
Some observers have blamed higher levels of shoplifting for the retailer’s retreat from urban markets...
Companies including Target (TGT), Albertsons (ACI), and Lowe’s (LOW) have called out more instances of so-called inventory shrink, or the loss of inventory tied to theft, administrative errors, and damage...