Friday, October 20, 2023

Adam Schiff fact-checked on social media after claiming House speaker counts presidential electoral votes | Fox News

Adam Schiff fact-checked on social media after claiming House speaker counts presidential electoral votes | Fox News

Rep. Adam Schiff’s, D-Calif., knowledge of civics got called into question by social media platform X, formerly Twitter, on Tuesday after the lawmaker warned that Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, would be the one counting the electoral votes in the next presidential election if he’s elected speaker of the House.

In the middle of Congress voting on whether Jordan would be the new speaker — following the ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., from the role — Schiff warned that Jordan would be in a prominent position to sway next year’s presidential election if he received the gavel.

The Holocaust 2.0 Is on the Horizon, and a Lot of Americans Are Okay With It BY KEVIN DOWNEY JR.

The Holocaust 2.0 Is on the Horizon, and a Lot of Americans Are Okay With It BY KEVIN DOWNEY JR.

"...One would think that we Americans, instrumental in the destruction of the Third Reich, would be unanimously against anything that even smells like modern-day Nazism. But thanks to the Marxist professors who have taken over our schools and universities and an influx of immigrants from the Middle East, the United States and the rest of the Western world are starting to look like Germany circa 1933.

PINKO-RAMA! There are 45 goals of communism to take over the United States, as entered into the Congressial Record. Number 17 reads, “get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.”

A professor from Cornell University referred to Hamas’s brutal attack as “exhilarating” and “energizing.” One jackpudding from Columbia University called the attack “astonishing” as well as “astounding” and even “incredible.” He went on to call the attack a “stunning victory of the Palestinian resistance” against whom he called “cruel colonizers.”

Then there are the 30-plus student groups at Harvard who sided with the Hamas terrorists’ slaughter of Jews...

For those fools in the “It can’t happen again” camp, hear me out. It’s already happening in the U.S. and across the world...

AM Fruitcake


History for October 20

History for October 20 - 
Ellery Queen (Frederic Dannay) 1905 - Author
  • 1803 - The U.S. Senate approved the Louisiana Purchase.
  • 1818 - The U.S. and Great Britain established the boundary between the U.S. and Canada to be the 49th parallel.
  • 1935 - Mao Zedong arrived in Hanoi after his Long March that took just over a year. He then set up the Chinese Communist Headquarters.
  • 1947 - Hollywood came under scrutiny as the House Un-American Activities Committee opened hearings into alleged Communist influence within the motion picture industry.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Hundreds Protest Outside BBC HQ over Refusal to Call Hamas 'Terrorists'

Hundreds Protest Outside BBC HQ over Refusal to Call Hamas 'Terrorists'

Hundreds of people descended upon the BBC’s headquarters in London on Monday evening to protest the British publicly-funded broadcaster’s continued insistence on refusing to refer to Hamas terrorists as “terrorists”.

The way we were-----Back in 1972

"Television commercials from way back in the early 1970s. I wasn't even thought of back then, and my parents, both of whom are now in their mid 70s, were in their early 20s back then! So hard to picture them so young. Enjoy this really old, retro classic tv ad film 1972. United Airlines.

California's Green Dream: Coming to YOUR State!?

An ungovernable nation - Don Surber

An ungovernable nation - Don Surber
  • We need a divorce — from Washington.
"Reader John McCall, who writes John’s Substack, left an excellent comment yesterday.
He said, “Has it escaped anybody’s attention that this nation is ungovernable? A columnist, yesterday or so, wrote the first of a series on how to fix things. His first post made a cogent case for elimination of Civil Service so that unelected bureaucrats would be much less able to make policy according to their own agenda, rather than carry out the policies agreed to by elected officials.

“Anybody want to lay money on achieving THAT? There is a better chance of scorched earth in Gaza. The Uniparty is busy with destruction of this nation for the rest of us in order to gain it for themselves (and buy time to accomplish such by throwing the rest of us minimal scraps)...

The Mental Illness of Trump Hate Continues

The Mental Illness of Trump Hate Continues - BY LIBERTY PAIGE
"TDS, or Trump Derangement Syndrome, is still alive and well in America. Democrats can’t seem to give it up. 
They have sold their souls to get rid of Donald Trump – committed crimes, rigged elections, indicted him, put MAGA supporters in in jail, etc. 
There are no limits to what they will do in the name of TDS.
  • Some have even made it into a lucrative business like the Lincoln Project does. 
  • Others also seem to have Trump on the brain 24/7 like washed up actor and filmmaker Rob Reiner who can’t go a single day without posting something about Trump on X.
  • There’s also fake Republican Michael Steele who was at one time the leader of the Republican National Committee (RNC) but in October of 2020 endorsed Joe Biden for President. Now he’s a political analyst for MSNBC. Big shocker...

Exclusive: 11 Middle Eastern Migrants Found in Texas Border Sector in One Week

Exclusive: 11 Middle Eastern Migrants Found in Texas Border Sector in One Week

According to a source within CBP, eleven “Special Interest Aliens” from Middle Eastern nations were encountered in less than one week in the Border Patrol’s Del Rio Sector. During the week of October 8 to October 14, Border Patrol agents apprehended six Iranian nationals, three Lebanese nationals, one Egyptian national, and one Saudi Arabian national that made landfall in Texas on the banks of the Rio Grande.

A referendum on immigration has been held and the result surprised nobod...

It's the democrat ruled cities!-----Again: Axios Shows Cities in Red States Have the Highest Gun Homicide Rates

Again: Axios Shows Cities in Red States Have the Highest Gun Homicide Rates
"...How many times are they going to reprint this chart?...

Lunch video-----What Makes The Scan Sounds in MRI Machines?



Horowitz: How we turned our universities into Hamas cheerleaders - TheBlaze

Horowitz: How we turned our universities into Hamas cheerleaders - TheBlaze

How did nearly every major college campus turn into the Third Reich overnight, with large gatherings of belligerent rally-goers chanting genocidal slogans against Jews? It didn’t happen overnight. Over a generation, we’ve imported the Muslim world to our college campuses. Not surprisingly, we also imported some of the slogans, chants, and values undergirding it.

Is this what we really need for our civilization?

He (or someone of his ilk) "teaching" your children?




Judge Chutkan says Trump “does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases.”

Judge Chutkan says Trump “does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases.”
Joey Mannarino
"Judge Chutkan says Trump “does not have the right to say and do exactly what he pleases.” 
Well if this is still America, he definitely has the right to say “BIDEN CHEATED” if he wants to. 
It’s called the 1st Amendment, and it still stands. 
Trump believes he was cheated in 2020. 
Most of us believe that now. 
The fact that they won’t let us question the election that gave us the worst president in history, proves we’re right. 
And also a fact: Trying to silence a presidential candidate during an election year is also “CHEATING.” No “judge” has the power to cancel out first Amendment rights, and this asshole should be recused for judicial overreach. America First and always.

China owns our media too?!!-----Mystery group stirs up criticism of battery plants linked to China -

Mystery group stirs up criticism of battery plants linked to China -
"Two multibillion-dollar battery plants, one from Gotion Inc. and another from Ford Motor Co., are singled out in the video 
The message is clear: “What China is doing here in Michigan is dangerous.”
On the other hand, the origin and motives of the organization aren’t clear at all...

#1 This day 1961-----DION ~ RUNAROUND SUE

GOP candidate gets no "Equal justice for all". Now a thing of the past for those deemed "enemies of the big state"!-----Ex-gubernatorial candidate sentenced to 2 months behind bars for Capitol riot role |

Ex-gubernatorial candidate sentenced to 2 months behind bars for Capitol riot role |
"WASHINGTON (AP) — A judge on Tuesday sentenced a former Republican candidate for Michigan governor to two months behind bars for joining a mob’s Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, where he riled up other rioters and ripped a tarp outside the building...
U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper told Kelley that he misused his platform as a candidate for public office by promoting lies about election fraud, including the baseless claim that Jan. 6 was somehow part of an FBI plot.
“A lot of folks voted for you. A lot of folks followed you,” Cooper said before sentencing Kelley to 60 days of imprisonment and ordering him to pay a $5,000 fine...

"...inventions of the western mind..."


ANOTHER genocide in Middle East probably didn't know about - TheBlaze

ANOTHER genocide in Middle East probably didn't know about - TheBlaze

While the horrors committed by Hamas in Israel are tragic, there’s yet another genocide occuring under our noses.

In Azerbaijan, there’s a liquidation going on of the Armenian people. They happen to make up the first Christian nation on earth.

Michael Smith - Israel is surrounded by Arab countries. There are... | Facebook

Michael Smith - Israel is surrounded by Arab countries. There are... | Facebook
  • "Israel is surrounded by Arab countries. 
There are 55 predominantly Muslim nations around the world.
Yet there is one, single, solitary Jewish state.
That's it. In the entire world, there is only one. 
Israel is the Highlander of nations.
  • I was in Gaza before and after Israel turned it over to the PLO. The Israelis left everything intact. Houses, businesses, massive greenhouses. 
  • When I was there about a year after, the greenhouses were destroyed, the businesses were empty and many of the houses looked like they were a century older than they were.
  • The "Palestinians" descended on Gaza like a swarm of locusts, consuming what was easy to consume and destroying the rest.
  • They don't want a two state solution, they just want Israel gone.

AM Fruitcake


History for October 19

History for October 19 -
John le Carre (David Cornwell) 1931 - Author ("The Russia House")
  • 1765 - In the U.S., The Stamp Act Congress met and drew up a declaration of rights and liberties.
  • 1812 - Napoleon Bonaparte's French forces began their retreat out of Russia after a month of chasing the retreating Russian army.
  • 1814 - In Baltimore, MD, the first documented performance of "The Defence of Fort McHenry" with music took place at the Holliday Street Theatre. The work was later published under the title "The Star-Spangled Banner."
  • 1944 - The U.S. Navy announced that black women would be allowed into Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES).
  • 1987 - The Dow Jones industrial average dropped 508 points. It was the worst one-day percentage decline, 22.6%, in history.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Stage 'Insurrection' in U.S. Capitol Office Building

WATCH: Pro-Palestinian Protesters Stage 'Insurrection' in U.S. Capitol Office Building

Pro-Palestinian protesters, who want a ceasefire that would benefit the Hamas terrorist organization in Gaza, stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday and staged a protest inside the Cannon Rotunda that one observer likened to an “insurrection.”

Levin Hamas "Nazi murderers" bring "the second Holocaust" - TheBlaze

Levin Hamas "Nazi murderers" bring "the second Holocaust" - TheBlaze

“These terrorists, these Nazi murderers, they want to do the same to every human being in the United States. Every one of us, and they did attack us more than once, and they’re going to attack us again, which is why Iran must be denied a nuclear weapon,” Levin says.

The way we were-----The Fascinating Story Behind the Simple Stethoscope

Many black people in Africa long to be looked after and cared for once a...