Sunday, October 22, 2023

A Long Saga that Isn't Over

Are Therapists Suffering Climate Anxiety Helping their Patients?

Are Therapists Suffering Climate Anxiety Helping their Patients? - Essay by Eric Worrall
  • Reinforcing climate delusions, or being a relatable mental health worker?
  • Climate Change Is Keeping Therapists Up at Night
  • How anxiety about the planet’s future is transforming the practice of psychotherapy...

The patients suffering climate anxiety obviously have trouble relating to therapists who don’t believe in the climate crisis...

I'm beginning to think it's **not necessarily** just anti-semitism or anti-Israeli | Facebook

 I'm beginning to think it's  - Jim Riley
  • I'm beginning to think it's not necessarily just anti-semitism or anti-Israeli.
  • It's anti-anything, anyone who supports America.
  • Or opposes any leftist "dream".
  • Think how quickly they turned on Trump, Rowling and Musk.
May be an image of 2 people, crowd and text

Reporters reveal what happened when they confronted Rashida Tlaib with truth about Gaza hospital bombing - TheBlaze

Reporters reveal what happened when they confronted Rashida Tlaib with truth about Gaza hospital bombing - TheBlaze

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) allegedly ran away from reporters on Wednesday when confronted with the truth about the purported bombing of the the Al-Ahli Hospital in Gaza. On Tuesday, Hamas authorities claimed Israel bombed the hospital and killed over 500 people. Without any evidence to back their claim, Tlaib rushed to judgment and regurgitated the pro-Hamas propaganda.

City Used Tax Dollars to Spy on Residents

Good God, the physcho-nuts are "confirming" it's "settled science"!! - Climate Change and Mental Health Connections - Climate Change and Mental Health Connections
  • Learn about the connection between climate change and mental health
"The impacts of climate change are familiar — more and more we see news about extreme weather events, droughts, water scarcity, wildfires, and flooding and their impacts on agriculture and human systems. 
The impact of these events on health and mental health is becoming clear. 
The air pollution and higher temperatures that come with rising greenhouse gases significantly increase the risk of neurological and psychiatric problems like strokes and dementia
Changes in the supply and nutritional content of food contribute to psychiatric illness, and changes in infectious disease patterns are exposing more people to the neuropsychiatric consequences of encephalitis.


Parliamentary speech on excess deaths



RFK Jr. says his 'disaffection with the Democratic Party accelerated during COVID' - TheBlaze

RFK Jr. says his 'disaffection with the Democratic Party accelerated during COVID' - TheBlaze

Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. noted in a post on X that his dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party ramped up amid the COVID-19 pandemic. He said that Democrats exhibited more of a willingness than Republicans to pursue policies such as lockdowns and mandates.

A spoof... or true?


Morons running a leaderless coven of fools!-----Michigan State apologizes for Hitler image on videoboard - ESPN

Michigan State apologizes for Hitler image on videoboard - ESPN
EAST LANSING, Michigan -- Michigan State issued an apology Saturday night after an image of Adolf Hitler was displayed on the videoboard before the Spartans' home game against Michigan.
The image appeared as part of a trivia question about Hitler's place of birth.
Michigan State later issued a statement on the videoboard, saying the school uses a third party for the content and will no longer be using that company...

Gaetz and crew are heroes!


Leftist Campus Embrace Of Hamas Barbarism: “We’re in the ‘suddenly’ phase” of Higher Ed collapse

Leftist Campus Embrace Of Hamas Barbarism: “We’re in the ‘suddenly’ phase” of Higher Ed collapse

  • "...regarding how we got to the point in education that students and faculty are openly embracing the attack by Hamas in which over 1000 Israeli civilians were murdered, tortured, raped, and/or kidnapped, including the statement by a Cornell History professor about feeling “exhilarated.”...

#1 This day 1967-----Four Tops - Reach Out (I'll Be There) (1967) HD 0815007

MSU Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated by MSU; his landmark paper showing over 250,000 killed by the COVID vaccine is now back in the peer-reviewed literature

MSU Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated by MSU; his landmark paper showing over 250,000 killed by the COVID vaccine is now back in the peer-reviewed literature - STEVE KIRSCH
  • MSU Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated by MSU; his landmark paper showing over 250,000 killed by the COVID vaccine is now back in the peer-reviewed literature
  • After a 7 month review by his university, Mark Skidmore, was exonerated of all charges and his new, improved paper was published in a more credible peer-reviewed journal.
...Bottom line: After a 7-month ethics investigation, Michigan State University found that Mark did nothing wrong!
Note: What this really means is that they tried for 7 months to find something they could nail him on, and they failed.
...Please help share the good news about Mark Skidmore with others. 
  • It’s important we let the world know that their governments have been lying to them.



MacIntyre: Whoops! A moderate notices replacement migration - TheBlaze

MacIntyre: Whoops! A moderate notices replacement migration - TheBlaze

While the events unfolding in the conflict between Hamas and Israel are horrific, they have provided some critical moments of startling clarity as many liberals say the quiet parts out loud. Dan Carlin, the host of the popular “Hardcore History” podcast, is a self-described libertarian who came down with a nasty case of Trump derangement syndrome after the election of the 45th president. He now dutifully parrots mainstream media talking points about the ominous brand of authoritarianism that the former reality television host represents.

Look Who's Funding Islamist Extremism in America

Look Who's Funding Islamist Extremism in America - Mia Cathell
"It's no surprise that terrorists support terrorists
Like birds of a feather, Antifa anarcho-communists and Islamist extremists are bound by a shared goal of overthrowing the U.S. constitutional republic and its institutions that enforce law and order.
Despite being divided by varying ideological differences, they're united by an agenda to wage war against the common enemy: America.
In particular, one Antifa anarchist organization has cast a sprawling Soros-esque web of influence across America through crowdfunded donations...

AM Fruitcake

History for October 22

History for October 22 - 
Timothy Leary 1920
  • 1797 - Andre-Jacques Garnerin made the first recorded parachute jump. He made the jump from about 3,000 feet.
  • 1836 - Sam Houston was inaugurated as the first constitutionally elected president of the Republic of Texas.
  • 1907 - The Panic of 1907 began when depositors began withdrawing money from many New York banks.
  • 1962 - U.S. President Kennedy went on radio and television to inform the United States about his order to send U.S. forces to blockade Cuba. The blockade was in response to the discovery of Soviet missile bases on the island.
  • 1981 - The Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization was decertified by the federal government for its strike the previous August.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Massachusetts governor says family shelters are at capacity, will not end 'right to shelter' despite overload of illegal immigrants - TheBlaze

Massachusetts governor says family shelters are at capacity, will not end 'right to shelter' despite overload of illegal immigrants - TheBlaze

Governor of Massachusetts Maura Healey has acknowledged that family shelters in the state are at capacity but said she will not end a policy that guarantees newcomers a place to stay. The state's emergency family shelter system will be full by the end of October 2023, TimCast reported. The system was of course intended to assist homeless families. However, the flow of illegal immigration in the state has pushed the shelters to their capacity, with thousands looking for homes.

The way we were-----B-47 over the USSR

South Africa's Slow, Inevitable March Towards Collapse

The truth about climate change - Satguru's blog

The truth about climate change - Satguru's blog
How dangerous is warming? Here we see the latest comparative figures.

  • Stop press. It turns out satellite sea level measurements were altered to follow the altered temperatures. To corroborate see how the direct surface surface levels show no change in trend.
The data shown all contradicts the official media and political line, apart from heatwaves all other extreme weather are not increasing, yet every day TV and radio stations continue to tell us about unprecedented floods or wildfires, which with the benefit of the internet, can be disproved in a minute...

Leadership matters-----RNC makes insane choice to host next presidential primary debate - American Thinker

RNC makes insane choice to host next presidential primary debate - American Thinker - By Eric Utter
"The ever feckless Republican National Committee (RNC) recently announced that it is going to have NBC News (MSNBC) host its next presidential primary debate. 
This seems an odd choice, if only because NBC News hates Republicans. 
...The Fox Business Channel’s Republican debate of September 27 was an embarrassing exercise in meaningless gotcha “journalism,” so what does the RINOC RNC think the MSNBC debate will be like?!
  • Couldn’t the RNC get Al Jazeera or the (North) Korean Central News Agency to host the debate? 
  •  Was China’s Xinhua News Agency unavailable?...

Liberal media and activists appear keen to gloss over critical detail about fatal police shooting of Leonard Cure in Georgia - TheBlaze

Liberal media and activists appear keen to gloss over critical detail about fatal police shooting of Leonard Cure in Georgia - TheBlaze

A man was shot Monday by a sheriff's deputy in a traffic stop that went sideways in Camden County, Georgia. In the days since, there have been cries of "injustice" and accusations of racism. The widespread presumption of police wrongdoing in the death of 53-year-old Leonard Allan Cure appears to have been driven, in part, by how the incident has been presented by the liberal media and other activist groups.

Here’s Why Rams are the Biggest POS Vehicles Ever Made

What could possibly go wrong?!!-----US preps for possible attack on DC with simulated incoming missiles | Daily Mail Online

US preps for possible attack on DC with simulated incoming missiles | Daily Mail Online
"America has begun preparing for a major attack on the nation's capital - by simulating incoming missiles and hijacked airplanes...
The Beltway-area around Washington DC, known by defense personnel as the 'National Capital Region,' was successfully defended against 'simulated cruise missiles and 'compromised aircraft,' the company said...

Lunch video-----MUST WATCH: John Kennedy Absolutely Goes Off On New CFPB Rule
