Thursday, October 26, 2023

The way we were-----The Tunguska Event | A Short Documentary | Fascinating Horror

AM Fruitcake


If you want to see our new Speaker of the House in action, check out how he catches Alejandro Mayorkas in a lie!

If you want to see our new Speaker of the House in action, check out how he catches Alejandro Mayorkas in a lie!

‘I Was Fired for Setting Academic Standards’

‘I Was Fired for Setting Academic Standards’ - By Kendrick Morales
"Grade inflation is now widespread at American universities. 
Sure, you could study hard to get a degree. 
But at Spelman, where I taught, you could also get a top administrator to change your grades.
When I accepted a tenure-track position in the economics department of Spelman College in the spring of 2021, handing out bogus grades was the last thing on my mind...

RFK Jr. just came out in support of black reparations: | Blaze Media

RFK Jr. just came out in support of black reparations: | Blaze Media

Unfortunately, RFK Jr. leans left on a number of important issues. Not only is he on the climate change bandwagon and an advocate for abortion rights, he’s also recently “come out in favor of reparations,” or at least, “that’s what it sounds like,” says Pat.

The newly declared independent candidate has stated that he intends to “rebuild black infrastructure, like banks and businesses, and direct redress payments or tax credits rather than no-strings cash giveaways,” says Pat, adding that the candidate also claimed that “communities that were specifically targeted for destruction need to be specifically targeted for repair.”

Money is Gone: Airlines Start Layoffs Soon

Gaza Hospital Fiasco Offers A Vivid Example Of Journalism's Rot

Gaza Hospital Fiasco Offers A Vivid Example Of Journalism's Rot BY: DAVID HARSANYI
"When news broke yesterday that Israel had bombed Al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, killing patients, children, and staff, every “anti-Zionist,” “critic of Israel,” and most big American journalism outfits ran with the horrible story. 
The tale incited worldwide condemnation and recrimination. 
But it wasn’t true. 
Israel did not hit the hospital. 
The Islamic Jihad did. 
Hundreds of people did not die. 
The missile landed in a parking lot. 
It was Hamas disinformation.
  • The media’s disastrous failure on the Gaza hospital bombing story is one of the most vivid and instructive examples of the structural and inherent problems plaguing contemporary journalism. 
  • It mirrors many other fiascos of the past decade...

Lunch video-----Tucker Carlson reveals the TRUTH everyone is AFRAID OF!!!



Kids are in the crosshairs of the huge new Disney-TikTok deal | Blaze Media

Kids are in the crosshairs of the huge new Disney-TikTok deal | Blaze Media

While Disney, TikTok, and the companies’ defenders have insisted against mounting evidence that their core values place children’s well-being first, American parents are increasingly apt to see the mega-corps as more concerned with the safety of brands than the safety of children.

After a bruising political season that saw Disney have to backpedal on its aggressively queer-forward programming and principles, the TikTok partnership reflects Disney’s further difficulty in independently navigating the complexities and challenges of the digital audience space.

Our new Speaker!

America has fallen!-----Instapundit-THE LEFT REVEALS ITSELF: Anti-Semitic Nuts are Coming Out of the Woodwork in California, New York.


THE LEFT REVEALS ITSELF: Anti-Semitic Nuts are Coming Out of the Woodwork in California, New York.

Related (from Glenn): Cooper Union Jewish Students Locked in Library by Security for Protection against Angry Protestors.

In a just society, the “angry protestors” would be the ones in need of protection. by 

Teach your children well.

A law-breaking society can't support civilized security-----Insurance Premiums Spike As Companies Deny Claims, Pay Out Less

Insurance Premiums Spike As Companies Deny Claims, Pay Out Less - Jathan Sadowski
" premiums for everything from home insurance to car insurance skyrocket, more of us are being forced to dwell on the opaque and convoluted insurance industry.
  • In the past year, real-estate developers have reported rate increases of up to 50%, and auto insurance has spiked 17%. 
  • And the home-insurance crisis is so bad, more people are forgoing coverage each year.
...The direction the industry is heading is to use this flood of data to optimize pricing to the extent that your insurance policy is dynamic and constantly changing. 
For example, insurers are testing new business models like on-demand insurance: Rather than purchase an annual contract for something like car insurance, every time you drive, your insurance would activate, and when you aren't driving, it would deactivate. 
Each of these activations would be treated as a new transaction with a new contract — and a new price.
Driving to get groceries on a sunny weekend morning might cost less than, say, picking up your kids during rush hour on a rainy evening. 
This emerging model is spreading as insurers experiment with new products such as single-day heat insurance that you can activate using a mobile app..

#1 This day 1955-----AUTUMN LEAVES - Roger Williams

Detroit News fires Charlie LeDuff over c-word insult | Metro Detroit News | Detroit | Detroit Metro Times

Detroit News fires Charlie LeDuff over c-word insult | Metro Detroit News | Detroit | Detroit Metro Times
  • In an interview with Metro Times, LeDuff was defiant and said he has “nothing to apologize for”
""Charlie LeDuff, the polarizing Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who has increasingly peddled right-wing outrage on his podcast, was fired from the Detroit News after using a vulgar, coded phrase aimed at Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel.
LeDuff came under fire over the weekend for telling Nessel in a social media post, “See you next Tuesday,” a backronym for the word “cunt.” 
It’s often written, “C U Next Tuesday.””..
“I’m not apologizing. I have nothing to apologize for. … I stand by it,” LeDuff says. “I said something clever on my own space because I am fucking pissed.”
LeDuff alleged in a Detroit News column last week that Nessel “subtly pressured her staff to close” an investigation into a friend, Traci Kornack, a personal injury lawyer and treasurer of the Michigan Democratic Party
Kornack was accused of bilking an insurance company out of nearly $50,000 by using the account of an elderly, brain-damaged client...

Why can't we be allowed to see?


Watchdog Sues DHS for Hiding Policy to Fly Deported Illegals Back to U.S.

Watchdog Sues DHS for Hiding Policy to Fly Deported Illegals Back to U.S.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) is suing President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) for withholding details about its policy to fly certain illegal aliens back to the United States after they were deported under prior administrations.

On Monday, executives with IRLI announced their lawsuit against DHS, accusing the agency of refusing to disclose details about its policy, announced in July 2021, to allow certain illegal aliens who served in the U.S. Armed Forces to return to the U.S. despite having been deported for committing crimes.

Must, must, must read!----The Stinking Privilege of the Green New Deal

The Stinking Privilege of the Green New Deal - ELIZABETH NICKSON
  • Green is a racket, a massive, illegal and unconstitutional theft of wealth by the educated elites, bureaucrats, engineers, consultants and the filthy rich.
  • Welcome to the lovely future they've planned for you.
"...This too is a perfect micro-illustration of the “Green Economy” or the the "Green New Deal.” 
It is "green" only for the wealthy or privileged by virtue of education....
Today, life is very green for the hosts of eager young professionals at that conference who have in the intervening years insinuated themselves into every government structure, inserting siphons whereby they literally suck money out of the system in torrents of green.
When I think of that conference, full of bright-eyed (expensively educated) enthusiasts, who were hell-bent on selling their ideas to the wider culture, I think: who the hell brought you up?
Because this is a moral question, a profoundly ethical question.
And everything you do is profoundly immoral....

History for October 26

History for October 26 - 
Hillary Rodham Clinton 1947 - First Lady: wife of 42nd U.S. President William J. Clinton, U.S. Senator from New York, U.S. Presidential candidate in 2008
  • 1825 - The Erie Canal opened in upstate New York. The 363-mile canal connected Lake Erie and the Hudson River at a cost of $7,602,000.
  • 1858 - H.E. Smith patented the rotary-motion washing machine.
  • 1881 - The "Gunfight at the OK Corral" took place in Tombstone, AZ. The fight was between Wyatt Earp, his two brothers and Doc Holiday and the Ike Clanton Gang.
  • 1979 - South Korean President Park Chung-hee was shot to death by Kim Jae-kyu, the head of the Korean Central Intelligence Agency.
  • 1991 - Former Washington Mayor Marion Barry arrived at a federal correctional institution in Petersburg, VA, to begin serving a six-month sentence for cocaine possession.
  • 1998 - A French lab found a nerve agent on an Iraqi missile warhead.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Biden's 2023 Flood: One Migrant for Every American Newborn

Biden's 2023 Flood: One Migrant for Every American Newborn

President Joe Biden’s deputies welcomed at least one economic migrant into the United States during the last 12 months for every American newborn or high-school graduate.

More than 4 million economic migrants crossed the southern border during the government’s October-to-September budget year, according to federal data released October 21.

The way we were-----47 Wonderful Color Photographs Streets of the U.S in the 1950s

Victor Davis Hanson warns America is having 'complete meltdown'

At Harvard, there are 2,600 more administrators than undergrads | The College Fix

At Harvard, there are 2,600 more administrators than undergrads | The College Fix - TERRANCE KIBLE - DUQUESNE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW
"Harvard University employs about 1,352 full-time administrators for every 1,000 undergraduate students enrolled at the university, an analysis conducted by The College Fix found...
  • During the 2021-22 school year, the most recent year for which data are available, Harvard had 10,120 full-time administrators and support staff on its payroll; 
  • in contrast, it had 3,899 full-time teaching and instructional staffers. The total number of undergrads that year was 7,483...
The growth in personnel at Harvard is almost entirely for non-teaching positions, including many jobs focused on advancing diversity, equity and inclusion at the Ivy League institution, according to the analysis...

Poll: Majority of young adults consider Hamas attack 'genocide' - and 'justified' - The Midwesterner

Poll: Majority of young adults consider Hamas attack 'genocide' - and 'justified' - The Midwesterner - BY KYLE OLSON
  • While considering it 'genocide'!
A poll conducted by Harvard CAPS Harris October 18-19 found a majority of young adults believe the attacks by Hamas were “justified.”
“Do you think the Hamas killing of 1200 Israeli civilians on Israel can be justified by the grievances of Palestinians or is it not justified?” the survey asked...

China stationed 6 warships Middle East this goes wrong WWIII | Blaze Media

China stationed 6 warships Middle East this goes wrong WWIII | Blaze Media

China is reportedly stationing six warships in the Middle East, and the U.S. Navy is increasing its presence in the area. To top it all off, Iran might have a nuclear weapon.

And to add fuel to an already out-of-control fire, the Biden administration is allegedly attempting to delay Israel’s ground invasion in order to free more hostages.

Debunking the Palestine Lie

America's future?-----NHL Team Literally Cannot Light the Lamp – Seattle's Green Energy Hockey Arena Has Internal Blackout

NHL Team Literally Cannot Light the Lamp – Seattle's Green Energy Hockey Arena Has Internal Blackout - By Brad Slager
Barely one minute into the game, play was halted, and the officials had to convene to make some harsh conclusions. It was decided that in the interest of fairness, the teams would be switching ends of the ice every ten minutes.
This decision came about because, at the 1:09 mark of gameplay, the lighting at one end of the arena suddenly cut down significantly. The only explanation given has been that there was an issue with the electrical grid inside the arena.

...The newest arena in the NHL has been touted for a number of reasons, most of those environmental in nature, as there was a serious effort to develop an entirely “green” sports complex.

The Kracken play in Climate Pledge Arena, and this is more than a naming sponsorship promotion – the hockey rink and the sports complex site are said to be powered entirely with 100 percent renewable energy...

Lunch video-----Toyota's Announcement Shocks the Entire Car Industry
