Saturday, October 28, 2023

#1 This day 1962-----He's A Rebel - The Crystals

If only we had known this about solar panels BEFORE so many of us planted them on our homes or got excited about solar farms.

The following was found on FaceBook and was forwarded to me., Laurel Bay, Nextdoor Neighbor
"From a STEPHENVILLE (TX) resident, George Franklin: 
“I should start by telling you what bonafides I have for writing this. 
I am a retired aerospace engineer...
Solar panels are at best about 20% efficient..
At the same time as they are absorbing light they are absorbing heat from the sun. 
This absorbed heat is radiated into the adjacent atmosphere...
Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are capable of creating powerful forces of weather like thunderstorms and tornadoes. 
These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced by land features as they are blown downwind. 
It is all too obvious to me what will happen with the heat generated by an entire solar farm. 
Solar farms will become thunderstorm and tornado incubators and magnets... 
So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer than the original land that they were installed on, but they also produce more cooling in winter, thus exacerbating weather extremes. 
So, I conclude with this. 
  • There is nothing green about green energy except the dirty money flowing into corrupt pockets. 
  • There is no such thing as green energy. 
  • The science doesn't exist. 
  • The technology doesn't exist. 
  • The engineering doesn't exist. 
We are being pushed to save the planet with solutions that are worse than the problems.” 

Keep this in mind.


Las Vegas teens accused of running over retired police chief in stolen car continue laughing in courtroom, taunt victim's grieving family | Blaze Media

Las Vegas teens accused of running over retired police chief in stolen car continue laughing in courtroom, taunt victim's grieving family | Blaze Media

Jzamir Keys, 16, and Jesus Ayala, 18, are accused of fatally mowing down 64-year-old retired police chief Andreas Probst with a stolen car on Aug. 14 — a horrific slaying caught on film, along with the duo's maniacal laughter. In court Tuesday, the alleged murderers kept on laughing.

The victim's daughter, Taylor Probst, was present at the Regional Justice Center in Las Vegas for the hearing. She indicated that Keys and Ayala "did not respect the court whatsoever. ... They were just d**king around the entire time," reported KSNV-TV.

The duo apparently also taunted the victim's grieving family.

Newsflash: 96% of Scotland is White. That Is Awful, Says First Minister of Scotland

Newsflash: 96% of Scotland is White. That Is Awful, Says First Minister of Scotland - DAVID STROM
"...Prime Minister...Humza Yousaf, a son of Pakistani immigrants...was Health Minister during much of COVID. 
Yousaf isn’t too happy to be Scottish, it seems. 
There are just too many whites in the country. Listen:

Yousaf has a solution to the problem of having too many evil White people living in Scotland. It’s pretty simple, really: import some Palestinians from Gaza to balance the books as it were...

AM Fruitcake


History for October 28

History for October 28 -
Charlie Daniels 1936 - Singer (Charlie Daniels Band)
  • 1636 - Harvard College was founded in Massachusetts. The original name was Court of Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was the first school of higher education in America.
  • 1793 - Eli Whitney applied for a patent for his cotton gin.
  • 1886 - The Statue of Liberty was dedicated in New York Harbor by U.S. President Cleveland. The statue weighs 225 tons and is 152 feet tall. It was originally known as "Liberty Enlightening the World."
  • 1904 - The St. Louis Police Department became the first to use fingerprinting.
  • 1965 - The Gateway Arch along the waterfront in St. Louis, MO, was completed.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Grassley: FBI Had 40 Confidential Sources with 'Criminal Info' on Bidens

Grassley: FBI Had 40 Confidential Sources with 'Criminal Info' on Bidens

The FBI had more than 40 confidential sources with “criminal information” on Hunter, James, and President Joe Biden before political pressure might have caused an FBI investigation into the Bidens to be shut down “subject to foreign disinformation,” Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) wrote in a Tuesday letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

The FBI ran the confidential human sources from multiple FBI field offices across the nation, including the FBI Seattle Field Office, FBI Baltimore Field Office, and FBI HQ holdings, Grassley stated.

The way we were-----1950s A Decade of Dreams and change. A Glimpse into the all American 1950s

Rand Paul: What They Didn’t Want You To Know About Covid, the Lab Leak, ...

As Investors Lose Interest, Sustainability Funds Don’t Appear to be….Sustainable

As Investors Lose Interest, Sustainability Funds Don’t Appear to be….Sustainable - Leslie Eastman
"I recently reported that investors are fleeing renewable energy funds due to rising costs and escalating rates.
Now, it looks like “Sustainability Funds” are not sustainable...
Investors pulled $2.7 billion from U.S. sustainable funds in 2023′s third quarter, for a total of $14.2 billion over the past year...

This trend is a dramatic shift from the golden days of 2021...

Those Who Promote Antisemitism Will Destroy America, Too

Those Who Promote Antisemitism Will Destroy America, Too - Laura Hollis 
"After the Oct. 7 slaughter in Israel, author Brigitte Gabriel posted on X (formerly Twitter) about her experiences growing up in Lebanon. 
She described her childhood in the once-prosperous and peaceful country as "idyllic" and recalled how its capital, Beirut, had been hailed as the "Paris of the Middle East."
  • All that changed as Muslim extremists gained control of the country and plunged it into war. Both Jewish and Christian families like Gabriel's were persecuted...
Mobs have swarmed into our city streets, decrying Israel as an "oppressor" and an "apartheid state." 
Israel is blamed for making Gaza an "open-air prison" without the corresponding acknowledgment that if the Palestinian "leadership" had not devoted every dollar and ounce of effort into wiping Israel off the map...Gaza could be a little paradise..
  • Social media is filled with videos of people tearing down posters of kidnapped Israelis, screaming obscenities at pro-Israel speakers, and carrying signs calling for "decolonization" or the "cleansing" of Jews from the Middle East.
Most Americans are shocked; where has this come from?
In no small part from our colleges and universities...
It's time to hold academia accountable...

Jamaal Bowman will plead guilty to falsely pulling fire alarm and pay a fine | Blaze Media

Jamaal Bowman will plead guilty to falsely pulling fire alarm and pay a fine | Blaze Media

Progressive Democrat Rep. Jamaal Bowman of New York will face a misdemeanor charge for falsely pulling a fire alarm at the Cannon House Office Building during budget negotiations at the end of September. Bowman was widely criticized and ridiculed for the incident after he claimed that he got confused on the way to voting in Congress.

Did Republicans Die More During COVID b/c they are Dumb Anti-vaxxers? I...

'This Is Crazy': College Grad Breaks Down Over Working a 9-5 Job | MRCTV

'This Is Crazy': College Grad Breaks Down Over Working a 9-5 Job | MRCTV - BRITTANY M. HUGHES
The internet is laughing hysterically at a young woman who posted a video complaining that her first full-time job fight out of college has left her with little time to go to the gym or enjoy her life. 
And I’m not gonna lie - it’s pretty funny.

“I know I’m probably just being so dramatic and annoying, but this is my first job, like my first 9-to-5 job after college, and I’m in person, and I’m commuting in the city. It takes me f***ing forever to get there,” the sobbing young woman complains to her cell phone camera...

Lunch video-----Tucker Carlson Talks War With Iran



Dem governor slams school district in his state for banning Halloween events to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion | Blaze Media

Dem governor slams school district in his state for banning Halloween events to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion | Blaze Media

On Oct. 6, Dr. Ronald G. Taylor, superintendent of the South Orange-Maplewood School District, informed parents that Halloween celebrations at schools would not take place this year. The reasoning? Taylor suggested in a letter to parents that school-sponsored Halloween activities could create "indirect and unintentional financial hardships for students and families," could "violate the dignity of some of our students and families, either culturally or religiously," and may run afoul of the district's DEI commitment.

How it starts!


Must read all and watch video!!!-----Why are Western leaders so eager to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China? It’s about depopulation, stupid

Why are Western leaders so eager to go to war with nuclear-armed Russia and China? It’s about depopulation, stupid 
With A.I. and robots, Israeli historian and WEF mouthpiece asks: ‘What do we need so many humans for?’
Israeli historian and World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari is back in the public eye, making the Forum’s case for a depopulated world
Harari doesn’t come right out and say, let’s kill off half or more of the human beings on the planet. 
No, he’s much more subtle and cagey in the way he approaches the subject. 
He backs into it.
Listen carefully to the philosophy of the most dangerous organization on the planet that most Americans have never heard of, the World Economic Forum, and it’s chief philosophical adviser, Yuval Harari...



Good one!-----Embrace the Chaos - How the US Speakership outcome shows the path forward

Embrace the Chaos - JUPPLANDIA 
"So here it is.
The Swamp can be crossed, the Swamp can be beaten.
We were told that when Matt Gaetz was brave and honest enough to hold Kevin McCarthy to account for his broken promises it was a disastrous, dumb move. It was disunity. It was extremist stupidity. It was typical MAGA ‘incompetence’.
The representatives who take their money and instructions from the military industrial complex and donor interests inimical to the interests of actual Republican voters were frothing at the mouth.
Some of the invective against Gaetz from other Republicans read like a Hamas description of Israeli Jews. Gaetz was a malign clown, a showboating idiot causing destruction and ruin. Removing McCarthy was the action of a madman, apparently.
It was interesting to see that the Polite Republicans, the RINOs and the Never Trumpers, were capable of passion and feeling. 
Only what they are passionate about is preserving control of their party against the wishes of their voters...

#1 This day 1964-----The Supremes - Baby Love

Not really great news.-----U.S. GDP grew at a 4.9% annual pace in the third quarter, better than expected

Reported as "big surprise" but the estimate was 4.7% increase. 
AND, this is our "honest" government's "Advance Estimate". Notoriously optimistic and often changed later.
Also note "GOVERNMENT CONSUMPTION" is 27% of the GDP. Increased government spending is ultimately fiscal suicide. That ain't good!!!
Add in inflation, which distorts the numbers. Spending more for less AIN'T GOOD!

"Gross domestic product, a measure of all goods and services produced in the U.S., rose at a 4.9% annualized pace in the third quarter, ahead of the 4.7% estimate. 
The sharp increase came due to contributions from consumer spending, increased inventories, exports, residential investment and government spending...


US destroyer shoots down 3 missiles, drones fired over Red Sea by Iran-backed faction in Yemen | Blaze Media

US destroyer shoots down 3 missiles, drones fired over Red Sea by Iran-backed faction in Yemen | Blaze Media

The United States Navy shot down three cruise missiles and a set of drones stemming from a faction in Yemen who launched them over the Red Sea. These weapons could have "potentially" been heading towards Israeli targets. The USS Carney took down the missiles and drones after they were launched from the Arabian Peninsula, the Pentagon stated in a press conference briefing.

OMG, we're all gonna die...unless we give more power to the rich?-----1.5C – “Unfortunately, Time is Up”

1.5C – “Unfortunately, Time is Up” - Essay by Eric Worrall 
  • Earth’s vital signs have never been worse, as climate scientists warn of ‘unbearable heat and shortages of food and freshwater’ - “Unfortunately, time is up.”...Life on planet Earth is under siege. We are now in an uncharted territory...
"The report claims extreme weather is worse, but we’ve all heard this nonsense before.
Greens are responsible for creating a food crisis we don’t have to have.
As for the claims of climate instability, there is no paleo climate evidence that a warmer climate is less productive. 
Quite the opposite...

AM Fruitcake

History for October 27

History for October 27 - 
Theodore Roosevelt (U.S.) 1858
  • 1787 - The first of the Federalist Papers were published in the New York Independent. The series of 85 essays, written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay, were published under the pen name "Publius."
  • 1925 - Fred Waller received a patent for water skis.
  • 1938 - Du Pont announced "nylon" as the new name for its new synthetic yarn.
  • 1954 - The first Walt Disney television show "Disneyland" premiered on ABC.
  • 1997 - The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 554.26 points. The stock market was shut down for the first time since the 1981 assassination attempt on U.S. President Reagan.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

MTG: House Investigators Have Hunter, James Biden's Financials�

MTG: House Investigators Have Hunter, James Biden's Financials�

“The money laundering scheme is the same type of money laundering scheme that many people have been put in jail for. What you do is you basically buy a company that’s going bankrupt or invest in a company that’s going bankrupt to save the company, and then you run money through it — through criminal enterprises,” she told Breitbart News. “In this case, that was selling out Joe Biden’s power and influence, and they received — it’s going to be hundreds of millions of dollars — it’s going to be a lot of money.”