Sunday, October 29, 2023

This how your city/county/state bosses launder your money to their friends, family, own, pockets. Totally unethical. Mostly legal!-----Detroit cancels $1 million in contracts tied to Bobby Ferguson

Detroit cancels $1 million in contracts tied to Bobby Ferguson 
Detroit — The city of Detroit has canceled $1 million in clean-up contracts with an outside firm after the company was found to be affiliated with Bobby Ferguson, a former controversial contractor who was convicted of extorting millions of dollars in city contracts a decade ago...Staffing Equipment Evolution was linked to Ferguson, 54, who served eight years of a 21-year federal prison sentence for helping friend and former Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick turn City Hall into a criminal enterprise.
  • Bianca Bush, Ferguson's daughter, owns Staffing Equipment Solutions, and it shares a business address with Ferguson’s company on Wyoming Street in Detroit...
"Bobby Ferguson’s name did not appear on any of the bid proposals and city staff had no indication he had any relationship with SEE during the performance of those contracts," mayor's spokesman John Roach said...

Lunch video-----Why the Middle East’s Borders Guarantee Forever Wars



Ford, Honda, and GM announce scale back of electric vehicles | Blaze Media

Ford, Honda, and GM announce scale back of electric vehicles | Blaze Media

At the same time, Honda ditched plans to co-develop electric vehicles with GM. The goal was to produce a brand that could be sold for under $30,000, but Honda CEO Toshihiro Mibe said the market was too unpredictable, so the plans were canceled. "After studying this for a year, we decided that this would be difficult as a business, so at the moment we are ending development of an affordable EV," Mibe told Bloomberg.

The enemy within!

UK has fallen-----Guess Where Some Hamas Big-Wigs Were Found Living

Guess Where Some Hamas Big-Wigs Were Found Living - BY KEVIN DOWNEY JR. 
"Hamas heavyweight Muhammad Qassem Sawalha, 62, was discovered living in London in a home bankrolled by UK citizens. 
  • Here’s the kicker: he lives in a Jewish neighborhood. Apparently, living amongst Jews isn’t so bad if a huge chunk of your home is paid for with someone else’s cheddar.
  • Sawalha and his wife scored a tasty $136,500 taxpayer-funded kiss when they bought a two-story home in London for $390,000. The house is paid off.
Sawalha, who is wanted in Israel for being a member of Hamas, skedaddled to London using a cousin’s passport in the 1990s and snagged his own British passport in the early 2000s...
But wait, there’s more. 
More terrorists!...

It's the GENOCIDE!


Victor Davis Hanson - Premodern Diversity vs. Civilizational Unity | RealClearPolitics

Premodern Diversity vs. Civilizational Unity | RealClearPolitics - Victor Davis Hanson
"...marauding Goths, Ostrogoths, Visigoths, Huns, and Vandals...crossed the unsecured Rhine and Danube borders to harvest Roman bounty...focused on destroying the civilization they overran rather than peacefully integrating into and perpetuating the Empire...
  • The unity of these diverse peoples fused into a single culture that empowered Rome. 
  • In contrast, the later disunity of hundreds of thousands of tribal people flooding into and dividing Rome doomed it.
To meet the challenge of a multiracial society, the only viable pathway to a stable civilization of racially and ethnically different people is a single, shared culture...
  • Some nations can find collective success as a single homogenous people like Japan or Switzerland.
  • Or equally, but with more difficulty, nations can prosper with heterodox peoples -- but only if united by a single, inclusive culture as the American melting-pot once attested.
  • But a baleful third option -- a multicultural society of diverse, unassimilated, and often rival tribes -- historically is a prescription for collective suicide.
We are beginning to see just that in America, as it sheds the melting pot, and adopts the salad bowl of unassimilated and warring tribes...

#1 This day 1973-----Gladys Knight & The Pips "Midnight Train To Georgia" (1974)

GOP Congressman Proposes Amendment to Slash Top Biden Official’s Salary to $1

GOP Congressman Proposes Amendment to Slash Top Biden Official’s Salary to $1

"The case against Secretary Granholm, as laid out by the supporting Republicans, consists of several major points:

  1. Conflict of Interest: Granholm was accused of using her office to promote a company where she previously served on the board. This raises questions about the ethical boundaries between public service and private interests.
  2. Failure to Secure Energy Independence: Rep. James argued that instead of securing American energy independence, Granholm is actually depleting it. He pointed out the sale of strategic petroleum reserves as one example.
  3. Poor Track Record: Drawing from her time as Governor of Michigan, James labeled her policy history as one of failure, suggesting that this past performance has been a reliable indicator of her current actions.
  4. Lack of Accountability: Both Rep. Norman and Rep. James emphasized that reducing Granholm’s salary is an exercise in accountability, which they see as lacking in the current regime.

James argues that this isn’t simply an act of political theater but a direct attempt to bring accountability into the government..

Better EVERY year!


Mr. Speaker, release the J6 footage | Blaze Media

Mr. Speaker, release the J6 footage | Blaze Media

The narrative about January 6 is being used as a wedge that our ruling class mercilessly hammers to separate “good” and “respectable” Republicans who go along with it from — according to Joe Biden — “extremist,” “authoritarian,” “insurrectionist” Republicans who threaten the very soul of our nation.

But if anyone truly cares about justice under the law and our system of government, the question of what happened that day should not revolve around whether someone is a Democrat or a Republican or whatever they happen to think about Joe Biden or Donald Trump.

All Americans should care about one thing above all else: the truth.

Get your children OUT of public schools!-----Pittsburgh public schools to ponder racism ’embedded’ in its math curriculum

Pittsburgh public schools to ponder racism ’embedded’ in its math curriculum - DAVE HUBER 
  • The Pittsburgh Public Schools Board of Education is bringing in a consulting group to help teachers “dismantle racism” from their math curricula.
"According to The Center Square, the board decided on October 25 to shell out $50,000 to Quetzal Education Consulting, which claims it readies teachers “to identify, disrupt, and replace white supremacy culture practices in math instruction with practices that center the wellness of students of color.”...

AM Fruitcake


History for October 29

History for October 29 -
Bill Mauldin 1921
  • 1652 - The Massachusetts Bay Colony proclaimed itself to be an independent commonwealth.
  • 1863 - The International Committee of the Red Cross was founded.
  • 1901 - Leon Czolgosz, the assassin of U.S. President McKinley, was electrocuted.
  • 1929 - America's Great Depression began with the crash of the Wall Street stock market.
  • 1945 - The first ballpoint pens to be made commercially went on sale at Gimbels Department Store in New York at the price of $12.50 each.
  • 1960 - Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) won his first professional fight.
  • 1974 - U.S. President Gerald Ford signed a new law forbidding discrimination in credit applications on the basis of sex or marital status

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Texas immigration bill allowing local police to arrest migrants clears state house | Fox News

Texas immigration bill allowing local police to arrest migrants clears state house | Fox News

The Texas state House of Representatives passed three bills Thursday morning intended to bolster border security. 

One bill sets aside over $1 billion to construct border barriers, and the second increases sentences for human trafficking.

The third — known as House Bill 4 — would allow local police to arrest and deport illegal migrants.

The way we were-----Flashback to 1971 - A Timeline of Life in America

Why I Quit My Teaching Job and Left the Classroom | Now What?

Unbelievably Massive Pro-Hamas Protest in London Spells Doom for Europe

Unbelievably Massive Pro-Hamas Protest in London Spells Doom for Europe

"Pro-Hamas protesters march in London (10/28/23). Credit: Sky News
A massive pro-Hamas protest took place on Saturday in London, with videos showing what appears to be hundreds of thousands of people participating.
The protesters demanded an end to hostilities against Hamas even after the terrorist government of Gaza slaughtered 1,400 Israelis on October 7th. Some shouted antisemitic chants while others held up signs that read things like "Queers for a free Palestine."...



Well, we certainly don’t want “violence and extremism” to break out among Palestinians. 

That might lead to decades of terrorist violence, and the rejection of peace offers. Oh, wait. - 

50-year-old man competes against 13-year-old girls in swimming competition | Blaze Media

50-year-old man competes against 13-year-old girls in swimming competition | Blaze Media

A 50-year-old man was allowed to compete against teenage girls in a regional swimming competition in Canada, after swimming officials said they were simply going with national swimming guidelines.

A man named Nicholas J. Cepeda, who goes by "Melody Wiseheart," competed against young girls ages 13-17 at the Richmond Hill Aquatic Centre’s Fall Classic hosted at the Markham Pan Am Centre, near Toronto, Canada.

Nothing To Sea Here Folks

"In this "Fact Check" video from the Climate Discussion Nexus, Dr. John Robson expands on our Sea Level Check series to rebut claims of dangerous, accelerating, man-made sea level rise by examining the actual history and current state of melting land ice, changes in the land and other complex factors that contribute to this non-crisis

Drugged America-----Adderall shortage causing long-term problems for students with no end in sight |

Adderall shortage causing long-term problems for students with no end in sight |
(The Hill
"Parents and students are stuck in a web of confusion and frustration amid an Adderall shortage that has lasted more than a year, with grades slipping and caretakers driving for hours to fill prescriptions...
  1. “Their grades are suffering, they’re falling behind academically and they’re losing some motivation,” said Parker Houston, a pediatric psychologist and owner of Central Ohio Pediatric Behavioral Health, who has been working with students on coping strategies during the shortage.
With little hope for relief in sight, professionals are urging better communication among doctors, parents and schools to create an environment that can best help students who are missing their medication...

This guy is GREAT!-----Doing This With WD-40 Will Save You Thousands in Car Repairs



Some Democrats and one Republican reject Israel resolution | Blaze Media

Some Democrats and one Republican reject Israel resolution | Blaze Media

In a 412-10 vote, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved a resolution expressing support for Israel and condemning terror attacks perpetrated against the Jewish state. But one Republican and nine Democrats voted against the resolution, while six other Democrats voted present.

The resolution declared, among other things, that the chamber "reaffirms Israel’s right to self-defense," "condemns Hamas' brutal war against Israel," and "stands ready to assist Israel with emergency resupply and other security, diplomatic, and intelligence support."

We do NOT WANT your intrusion into our lives!


Climate Policies Are Hurting The Poor, Not A Mildly Warming Planet - Climate Change Dispatch

Climate Policies Are Hurting The Poor, Not A Mildly Warming Planet - Climate Change Dispatch
“Climate impacts hit the world’s poor the hardest”.
By sheer dint of repetition in countless “expert” reports and mass media articles, this line in the climate change narrative has become a truism...
The World Economic Forum states that “the lowest income countries produce one-tenth of emissions, but are the most heavily impacted by climate change.”...
But, by a tragic turn of irony, moves to “fight climate change” are precisely what is hurting the poor most.
In 2019, out of the world total of almost 760 million people without access to electricity...
This was brought home brilliantly by Geoff Hill at a talk in the House of Lords in Westminster on Monday...
  • With electricity unavailable or too expensive for 600 million people in Africa, vast areas of forest are being denuded for fuelwood or charcoal to cook and to warm homes by those who have no other fuel...
  • With deforestation, the land degrades and soon enough there’s a desert where the jungle once stood.
  • As Geoff points out, “Africa is losing its forest. Not just a few trees here and there: an area the size of Switzerland is cleared every year… 
  • A staggering 90% of the timber is used as firewood, commonly turned into charcoal, and sold in markets across the continent.”...

Democrat "insurrectionist" likely gonna walk free. Why?


Germany: Employer Now Docking Wages Of Employees Who Eat Meat, Drive Autos!

Germany: Employer Now Docking Wages Of Employees Who Eat Meat, Drive Autos! - From the NoTricksZone - P Gosselin
"...Germany’s APOLLO NEWS here reports that soccer club VfL Osnabrück is now “penalizing its employees with climate fines.”
“Based on an individual CO₂ footprint calculated by the club, deductions are made from their salaries as a penalty for climate-unfriendly behavior,” reports the German site....
According to the APOLLO site: “The soccer club calculates the amount of salary that is deducted based on things like how far its employees travel to work or how much meat they consume.”...