Tuesday, October 31, 2023

AM Fruitcake


History for October 31

History for October 31 - On-This-Day.com 
Chiang Kai-Shek 1887
  • 1517 - Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses on the door of the Wittenberg Palace Church. The event marked the start of the Protestant Reformation in Germany.
  • 1922 - Benito Mussolini became prime minister of Italy.
  • 1940 - The British air victory in the Battle of Britain prevented Germany from invading Britain.
  • 1941 - Mount Rushmore was declared complete after 14 years of work. At the time the 60-foot busts of U.S. Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were finished..
  • 1969 - Wal-Mart Discount City stores were incorporated as Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.
  • 1984 - Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated near her residence by two Sikh security guards. Her son, Rajiv, was sworn in as prime minister.

Monday, October 30, 2023

Exclusive -- MTG on Censuring Tlaib: She Led Pro-Hamas Insurrection

Exclusive -- MTG on Censuring Tlaib: She Led Pro-Hamas Insurrection

The pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas movement in the U.S. is a “real danger” and could be “bigger” than Black Lives Matter (BLM), Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said during an appearance on Breitbart News Saturday, walking listeners through her decision to file a resolution to censure Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), whom she claims led an “insurrection.”

Greene spoke about the pro-Palestinian, pro-Hamas movement growing in the states and identified it as a “real danger,” predicting that it could become bigger than BLM.

The way we were-----World War II Submarine Warfare - rare footage

Why Mechanics Are QUITTING

Clarice Feldman | Facebook

Clarice Feldman | Facebook -Clarice Feldman

"Sarah Tuttle-Singer  - “Hide your Jewish star,” my homeroom teacher whispered to me on the first day of 9th grade.
“What?!?” I asked.
“Don’t let them see!” she reached for the silver star dangling in the soft spot at the base of my neck. “I’m Jewish too!,” she whispered, in an accent reppin the shtetl. “It is not safe to let them see!”
Them? Oh, you mean the other 9th graders?
Them? The guy with the pink hair and the earring slouched in the corner.  The girl who wore silver star stickers over her pimples?
Them? The girl with the dred locks and hemp necklace. The boy with the glasses?
Two feelings swam through me.
1. Chill, this is LA. They play the Hanukkah Song on the radio, and half the school is MIA during the High Holydays.
2. OMG, what a life she must have had to make her afraid, even now, even years after moving to America.
  • But that was the beginning of a journey for me – a journey where I became That Kind of Jew: I’d wear a chai (in gold) or a magen david (in silver) depending on my eye makeup. I had an Israel Defense Forces T-shirt (olive) and a Coca-Cola in Hebrew T-shirt (red) …
But the thing is, even in LA where you can float down Fairfax Boulevard in a sea of yarmulkes, where I swear to you I once heard a guy wearing a big old diamond cross around his neck tell his son to “stop schlepping,” where they sell Hanukkah gelt at the checkout aisle at RiteAid, I know that the tides are shifting, and the old nasty anti semitism scourage of the earth is eking out into our waters, contagious and vile. 
From whispered  little cruelties to tirades  on Fox News to signs on freeway  overpasses to outright  mayhem and murder. To actual violence against Jewish people. 
To the wholesale slaughter of 1400 people on a cool blue morning in Israel and the ensuing gaslighting and justification  and even  outright glee across the world in the face of our suffering, It’s true:  A LOT of People hate Jews.  
We are living  it right now.
No one is pretending anymore.
A lot of people hate Jews, and wish more of us would just line up and die. 
But am I scared? No
Angry?  Hell yeah.  But I’m not scared. 
We are strong — sure, there are a lot of people who want to wipe us off the map but that is never going to happen. Want to know why? Because we we won’t let them.  
For the first time in far too long, we are united. 
Moyshe has left the ghetto, ladies and gentlemen.  And the day we start hiding our identity is the day we begin to believe we have something to apologize for….
It’s a lot to take on, I know — it’s a heavy weight to carry, sure.  But I would rather shoulder this burden with pride  and rock my Jewish star than tuck it back beneath my shirt with tears in my eyes.  
We have a chance to be the change we want to see in the world by meeting others who have no idea who we are or what we are about. And if we go out into the world with our shoulders back and a smile in our eyes maybe they’ll see us for who we are: people. Wonderful, proud, open, caring, insistently  thriving people  who grew from the roots of a deep and storied history. 
And if not? Their loss. And to HELL with them. 
Because we aren’t going anywhere and we won’t hide and we will shine on. Jewish and proud.

'Too Big To Fail' Banks - Are About to Fail Again - SETON MOTLEY

'Too Big To Fail' Banks - Are About to Fail Again - SETON MOTLEY
  • The Bigger They Are…
"Big Banks are again about to destroy the global economy.
And this time - they’ll probably help execute the US’s coup de grace in the process.
After Big Banks in 2008 destroyed the global economy?
DC pretended to care about banks being “too big to fail.” - while giving the Big Banks about 29 trillion of our dollars.
DC then pretended their 2010 Dodd-Frank bank “reform” legislation - would end “too big to fail” banks.
Except by 2012 - Big Banks were already 30% bigger
Because the “reform” legislation - was already well into the process of murdering many 1,000s of small banks.
Having watched DC’s legislation murder many 1,000s of their competitors? Big Banks used DC’s bailout money to purchase the corpses - and their assets.
Flash forward to 2023. 
And the Big Banks - which DC pretended to end? Are about to end US...
Bidenomics: Big Banks Writing Off Most Bad Loans Since China Virus Lockdowns:...

The Dead End Of Victimhood Benefits Only Its Promoters - American Thinker

The Dead End Of Victimhood Benefits Only Its Promoters - American Thinker - Vince Coyner
"For weeks, we’ve seen videos exposing Hamas’s depravity. 
Its soldiers’ blatant disregard for human life and the seeming joy with which they carried out their depravity was disheartening.
Sadly, this kind of depravity can be found closer to home, too, where videos abound of black crime across America, with people shot, pushed in front of trains, sucker punched, beaten to a pulp, and even killed by individuals, gangs, or groups of “teens.”
In both cases, the perpetrators have an ostensible enemy at whom their anger is directed. 
  • For Hamas, it’s Jews, and for blacks, it’s whites. 
Apologists for both groups claim it’s the actions of the “oppressor” that caused the “victims” to react...

Exclusive: 1800 Migrants Cross into Texas Border Town in 24 Hours

Exclusive: 1800 Migrants Cross into Texas Border Town in 24 Hours

After a brief slowdown in migrant crossings into the small border town of Eagle Pass, Texas, nearly 1,800 migrants were apprehended between Thursday evening and Friday afternoon, according to a source within CBP. Border Patrol agents assigned to the two stations located in the city responded to multiple large migrant groups crossing into the heart of downtown Eagle Pass and points farther south of the city.

Mother Sues to Evict 'Parasite' Adult Children from her Home

What Were They Thinking?! Vienna, Austria Unveils HIDEOUS New Fountain in Public Square

What Were They Thinking?! Vienna, Austria Unveils HIDEOUS New Fountain in Public Square
"This year the city of Vienna, Austria celebrates the 150th anniversary of the 'I. Wiener Hochquellenwasserleitung', the First Vienna Mountain Spring Pipeline...
To mark the event the city commissioned the artist group 'Gelatin' to design and construct a decorative fountain, which they did... although 'decorative' might be too strong a word for what they built. Please watch the video so you can take in every detail of this... thing...

Lunch video-----Benjamin Franklin's Life Lessons Men Should Learn As Soon As Possible


Biden's Approval Rating with Democrats Takes Double-Digit Hit Over Israel

Biden's Approval Rating with Democrats Takes Double-Digit Hit Over Israel

President Joe Biden’s most recent poll numbers have been taking a major hit — even among Democrats — as Americans finally begin to turn their attention to the coming 2024 race for the White House. And his actions in Israel are particularly hurting him among his own party.

Biden’s approval number suffered a drastic 11-point drop among Democrat voters in just the last month alone, according to Gallup Polling, Axios reported on Thursday.

“He made sure that Dominion Voting System was in all the battle grounds states for the 2020 election”

“He made sure that Dominion Voting System was in all the battle grounds states for the 2020 election”

America's enemies are funding anti-America groups. Inside the fence!-----Soros funneled $15 M-plus to groups rallying for Hamas

Soros funneled $15 M-plus to groups rallying for Hamas
"Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.
A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims...

#1 This week 1982-----First Blood (1982) - Trailer (HD)

We are "wired" differently.-----The Day the Delusions Died | The Free Press

The Day the Delusions Died | The Free Press - By Konstantin Kisin 
  • A lot of people woke up on October 7 as progressives and went to bed that night feeling like conservatives. What changed?
"When Hamas terrorists crossed over the border with Israel and murdered 1,400 innocent people, they destroyed families and entire communities. 
They also shattered long-held delusions in the West...
What changed?
The best way to answer that question is with the help of Thomas Sowell, one of the most brilliant public intellectuals alive today. 
In 1987, Sowell published A Conflict of Visions
In this now-classic, he offers a simple and powerful explanation of why people disagree about politics. We disagree about politics, Sowell argues, because we disagree about human nature. 
We see the world through one of two competing visions, each of which tells a radically different story about human nature.
  • Those with “unconstrained vision” think that humans are malleable and can be perfected. They believe that social ills and evils can be overcome through collective action that encourages humans to behave better...We need only to say the right things, enact the right policies, and spend enough money, and we will suffer these social ills no more. This worldview is the foundation of the progressive mindset.
  • By contrast, those who see the world through a “constrained vision” lens believe that human nature is a universal constant. No amount of social engineering can change the sober reality of human self-interest, or the fact that human empathy and social resources are necessarily scarce. People who see things this way believe that most political and social problems will never be “solved”; they can only be managed. This approach is the bedrock of the conservative worldview.
Hamas’s barbarism—and the explanations and celebrations throughout the West that followed their orgy of violence—have forced an overnight exodus from the “unconstrained” camp into the “constrained” one.
The Reality of Woke Ideology...

#1 This day 1975-----Island Girl

Siemens Energy’s Green Dream Meets Reality: Renewables in Distress

Siemens Energy’s Green Dream Meets Reality: Renewables in Distress - Charles Rotter-ZeroHedge

In a recent revelation, the green energy sector shows signs of distress, as illustrated by the plummeting shares of Siemens Energy. 

An article on ZeroHedge meticulously unfolds the tale of challenges and uncertainties clouding the renewable energy sector, with Siemens Energy at its epicenter...

Insider spills anti-Semitic truth about DEI agenda

Insider spills anti-Semitic truth about DEI agenda

At first, as DEI chief, several Jewish students approached her and complained about the "anti-Semitic" environment on campus. "Assuming her role, she attempted to bring inclusion for Jewish students by inviting Jewish speakers to campus," the report explained, only to have those plans "quickly shut down by the institution."

You will own nothing...-----Climate Change Gone Too Far? - Farmers Face Killing 41,000 Healthy Cows Over Regulations

Climate Change Gone Too Far? - Farmers Face Killing 41,000 Healthy Cows Over Regulations
"More than 40,000 Irish cows are in danger of being on the receiving end of an “animal welfare catastrophe,” according to one farming politician...
  • According to the United Nations Environment Programme, excess nitrate in the environment “exacerbates climate change and depletes the ozone layer.”
  • Nitrates enter the environment “from the use of synthetic fertilizers, the discharge of wastewater or the combustion of fossil fuels,” according to the UNEP, all of which would obviously be connected with dairy farming.
  • Thus, the purported need to reduce the number of cattle per hectare. (A hectare is 10,000 square meters, or about 2.5 acres — just under 12,000 square yards.)

AM Fruitcake


History for October 30

History for October 30 - On-This-Day.com 
John Adams (U.S.) 1735
  • 1831 - Escaped slave Nat Turner was apprehended in Southampton County, VA, several weeks after leading the bloodiest slave uprising in American history.
  • 1894 - The time clock was patented by Daniel M. Cooper of Rochester, NY.
  • 1938 - Orson Welles' "The War of the Worlds" aired on CBS radio. The belief that the realistic radio dramatization was a live news event about a Martian invasion caused panic among listeners.
  • 1961 - The Soviet Union tested a hydrogen bomb with a force of approximately 58 megatons.
  • 1975 - The New York Daily News ran the headline "Ford to City: Drop Dead." The headline came a day after U.S. President Gerald R. Ford said he would veto any proposed federal bailout of New York City.
  • 2001 - In New York City, U.S. President George W. Bush threw out the first pitch at Game 3 of the World Series between the New York Yankees and the Arizona Diamondbacks.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Google invests $2 billion in AI company whose CEO admits has a one in four chance of destroying humanity | Blaze Media

Google invests $2 billion in AI company whose CEO admits has a one in four chance of destroying humanity | Blaze Media

Alphabet, Google's parent company, has injected $2 billion into AI start-up Anthropic. Anthropic is generally considered a rival to Open AI, which is the company behind ChatGPT that has become well-known over the past year. The Daily Mail reported that Anthropic's CEO and co-founder, Dario Amodei, claimed earlier this week that AI has anywhere between a 10 and 25 percent chance of destroying humanity.

The way we were-----The Crash of 1929 & The Great Depression (PBS) 1of6

Rand Paul: What They Didn’t Want You To Know About Covid, the Lab Leak, ...

It doesn’t make them better actors; it makes them nuts.

It doesn’t make them better actors; it makes them nuts. John F. Di Leo 
"Just a random thought this morning…
How many of Marilyn Monroe’s problems were really caused by her difficult childhood and her difficult marriages?
I guess some would call this an “unpopular opinion” - but I attribute it to her acting classes at the actors studio.
She had starred in some of her greatest starring roles by the end of 1954, before she took any of those stupid classes, which occupied her for much of 1955.
Gentlemen prefer blondes, how to marry a millionaire, monkey business and the seven year itch all pre-dated her idiotic decision in 1955 to go to New York and study The Method.
  • I think method acting warps the minds of most of the people who study it.
  • It doesn’t make them better actors; it makes them nuts.

State-facilitated suicides jumped 31% in 2022, accounting for over 4% of all deaths in Canada | Blaze Media

State-facilitated suicides jumped 31% in 2022, accounting for over 4% of all deaths in Canada | Blaze Media:

Canada's Trudeau government recently released its fourth annual report on the northern nation's assisted-suicide regime, providing startling insights into the staggering number of lives that have been snuffed out by the state in recent years. Last year, 4.1% of all deaths across the country were the result of state-facilitated suicide, up almost one point over 2021. Hundreds of victims weren't moribund at the time of their executions. Previous reports have also cast doubt on whether all of these victims were voluntary or eligible.

After Luton - Why car parks will eventually BAN all EVs | MGUY Australia