Wednesday, November 08, 2023

#1 This day 1977-----DEBBY BOONE - You Light Up My Life (1977)

Catching-up on Monarch Butterflies - Watts Up With That?

Catching-up on Monarch Butterflies by Kip Hansen
"It is time for the Great Journey South for the Monarch butterflies of North America...
  • The orange arrows on the continental map show the direction of travel in the fall of the year. 
  •  The yellow areas are where monarchs are traveling from, an area extending all the way north into Canada...
In the west, there was good news this past spring:
While totals were down, it is reported that this was the result of winter storms in California... 
Still, the count reveals that the stunning, unbelievable recovery from 2020-2021’s feared near-extinction event was not just a fluke but a strong resurgence in overall population...

"Forcing locals..."!!


Young black voter leaves CNN host slack-jawed over what he says about Biden's 2024 campaign: 'My jaw literally dropped' | Blaze Media

Young black voter leaves CNN host slack-jawed over what he says about Biden's 2024 campaign: 'My jaw literally dropped' | Blaze Media

CNN host Phil Mattingly admitted Friday that his jaw "literally dropped" after hearing a young black voter admit that he doesn't know if he will vote for President Joe Biden in 2024. CNN anchor John King recently traveled to Milwaukee where he gauged the pulse of the black community there. What he discovered, according to him, is a "giant problem" for Biden's re-election hopes.

Yes, MSM Is the 'Enemy of the People'

Yes, MSM Is the 'Enemy of the People' - DAVID STROM
"...Yeah, well, Trump was right. 
They are trying to destroy you and me, at least as free people enjoying liberty, living prosperous lives, and living under the rule of law as determined by our Constitution. 
They really do want to fundamentally reshape American society, and part of that means disempowering people they don’t like.
Time and again the media proves 
  • that they want you and me to sit down, shut up, and do what we are told. 
  • They push for censorship, 
  • they lie all the time, 
  • they cover for Democrat malfeasance, and 
  • shill for radical Left-wing policies.
The sheer brazenness and quantity of propaganda are breathtaking...

AM Fruitcake

History for November 8

History for November 8 - 
Margaret Mitchell 1900
  • 1805 - The "Corps of Discovery" reached the Pacific Ocean. The expedition was led by William Clark and Meriwether Lewis. The journey had
  • 1895 - Wilhelm Roentgen while experimenting with electricity discovered the scientific principle involved and took the first X-ray pictures.
  • 1923 - Adolf Hitler made his first attempt at seizing power in Germany with a failed coup in Munich that came to be known as the "Beer-Hall Putsch."
  • 1950 - During the Korean conflict, the first jet-plane battle took place as U.S. Air Force Lt. Russell J. Brown shot down a North Korean MiG-15.
  • 1956 - After turning down 18,000 names, the Ford Motor Company decided to name their new car the "Edsel," after Henry Ford's only son.
  • 1966 - Ronald Reagan was elected governor of California.

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Jordanian national trained with weapons to possibly commit an attack in Texas | Blaze Media

Jordanian national trained with weapons to possibly commit an attack in Texas | Blaze Media

A Jordanian man – who was living in Texas with an expired visa – had "trained with weapons to possibly commit an attack" and was researching how to construct bombs, according to federal authorities.

Sohaib Abuayyash was arrested in Houston on Oct. 19. The possible terror suspect has remained detained pending further criminal proceedings.

The 20-year-old Jordanian national was charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person.

Abuayyash is accused of illegally purchasing a Canik model TP9 Elite SC 9 mm pistol.

The way we were-----The American Experience - Sears Catalog

Do NOT Shut Down Your Computer! (here's why)

Google’s ‘Project Green Light’ uses AI to improve traffic flow, cut emissions in Seattle and elsewhere

Google’s ‘Project Green Light’ uses AI to improve traffic flow, cut emissions in Seattle and elsewhere

Google’s Project Green Light has been implemented at a couple intersections along 15th Avenue Northwest in Seattle’s Ballard neighborhood. (GeekWire Photo / Kurt Schlosser)
  • Next time you avoid sitting at a red light in Seattle, Google’s “Project Green Light” might have something to do with it.
  • The tech giant is working with 13 cities around the world — with Seattle being the first in the U.S. — to help optimize traffic lights and make traffic flow more efficiently. 
  • Google’s ultimate goal is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles stuck in stop-and-go traffic...

Along With Points of Entry, the USA also has Exit Doors-AFNN

Along With Points of Entry, the USA also has Exit Doors-AFNN 
"...How about street crime? 
  • The nation is suffering from an explosion of violent crime, primarily in our big cities. 
Downtown shopping districts and suburban malls, big box stores and convenience stores alike, already struggling from shrinkage, are collapsing under the weight of armed robberies, flash mobs, and other wilding. 
Most of these criminals are homegrown, but some are immigrants, often members of foreign gangs like MS-13. 
Soros-funded prosecutors don’t prosecute many of these crimes because (they claim) the punishment isn’t worth the cost of pursuit and trial, but foreign criminals can be deported for this. 
  • If we wanted, we could deport any non-citizen, whether here on a visa or a green card, or here illegally, based on a single conviction of such serious crimes. 
  • But we don’t, do we? 
  • Why not?...

Second U.S. Aircraft Carrier Arrives in Eastern Mediterranean to Deter Iran

Second U.S. Aircraft Carrier Arrives in Eastern Mediterranean to Deter Iran

U.S. Central Command said the Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group arrived in the Middle East early Sunday making it part of the CENTCOM area of responsibility. The U.S.S. Dwight D. Eisenhower and its accompanying elements will join the U.S.S. Ford in the eastern Mediterranean to deter Iran from opening a second front against Israel from Lebanon using the Hezbollah terror group and its rocket arsenal, as Breitbart News reported.

Jordan Peterson ~ The Reason We Have So Many People With ADHD/ADD

"@michellewinkler39851 - In 2000 when my son started 1st grade, the new 1st grade young teacher diagnosed (medically) 3 of her students. 2 of the students parents listened to her and put their kids on Ritalin immediately. I told the teacher she was nuts and we didn't. I also was in the class after that, volunteering  My son is one of the most amazing, brightest people on the planet, and in high school scored #1 in the state for computer program solving, then went to the FBLA nationals and scored #6. Thank god I listened to my gut!

'The Elephant in the Room': The Real Source of Jew-Hatred in the Middle East :: Gatestone Institute

'The Elephant in the Room': The Real Source of Jew-Hatred in the Middle East :: Gatestone Institute - by Lawrence A. Franklin
  • For [many Muslims], the Koran, every word of it, is the dictated word of Allah (God) as told by the Angel Jibril (Gabriel) to Allah's prophet Muhammad....
"...The "elephant in the room," which few commentators have had the courage to explore, is that for many Muslims, "Jew-hatred" is dogma. 
The 114 sura (chapters) of the Koran are replete with passages of Jew-hatred...
"So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens. That [is the command]." Koran 47:4..
Beheading "infidels" is a centuries-long tradition in Islam, and still used today...

Lunch video-----The Big Problem Behind Shrinking Cities



Bidens Caught Red-Handed? Oversight Committee Says WH Is Attempting to 'Stonewall' Smoking Gun Evidence

Bidens Caught Red-Handed? Oversight Committee Says WH Is Attempting to 'Stonewall' Smoking Gun Evidence

What it looks like is an administration taking a “talk to the hand” attitude toward legitimate questions about whether Joe Biden spent the years before his presidency — both as President Barack Obama’s vice president as a a private citizen between government jobs — thanks to the offices the American people trusted him with.

What it looks like, in a word, is “corruption.” And it looks like the White House is engaging in the time-honored Washington response of being caught red-handed: Stonewalling.

Financial invasion of America!


Learning to cheat from the best, liberal elites!-----Harvard's secret backdoor for ultra-rich, under-qualified kids

Harvard's secret backdoor for ultra-rich, under-qualified kids - Rikki Schlott 
  • "What does Harvard University do when faced with well-connected applicants — the children of mega-donors or other highly influential people — who have less-than-ideal SAT scores and GPAs?
They put them on the Z-List, according to a college admissions coach.
That means the students are advised to matriculate after taking a gap year, making them so-called “data ghosts” — meaning their lackluster academic statistics are not reported in the incoming freshman class.
  • That way Harvard doesn’t take a hit to its stellar academic averages — or institutional rankings...

Always trust the media!


Israel's 15 ceasefires - Don Surber

Israel's 15 ceasefires - Don Surber
  • Palestinians broke each one. Former AP reporter says the media enables them.
"...Palestinians use ceasefires to reload before breaking the truce by attacking Israel again. 
Israel reloads as well as it plans counterattacks.
AP has sided with the Palestinians for as long as I can remember. 
For over a decade, its bureau in Gaza City provided cover for Hamas — the latest name for Palestine’s terrorist army. Hamas governs Gaza...
In 2021, Israel finally unveiled the ruse, called AP, gave them an hour to pack up and leave, and then destroyed the building...
Israel did not start this war. 
  • Palestinians did by attacking Israelis on October 7.
  • Every single target was civilian. 
Terrorists even attacked a Rave for Peace as Palestinians raped women, tortured the elderly, beheading babies and burning people. 
  • The violations of international law make every single member of Hamas liable and its leader war criminals.
But leave it to Barack Hussein Obama to side with the war criminals...

#1 This day 1966-----Poor Side Of Town - Johnny Rivers {Stereo} 1966

How we ended up in this mess!-----Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022) - Ballotpedia

Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022) - Ballotpedia

Michigan Proposal 2, Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment (2022)

Michigan Proposal 2
Flag of Michigan.png
Election date
November 8, 2022
Voting policy measures and Elections and campaigns
Approved Approved
Constitutional amendment

Michigan Proposal 2, the Voting Policies in Constitution Amendment, was on the ballot in Michigan as an initiated constitutional amendment on November 8, 2022. The ballot measure was approved.

“yes” vote supported adding several election and voting-related policies to the Michigan Constitution, including some policies that exist in statute and others which would be new. Proposal 2 added the following policies to the state constitution:  

• creating a nine-day early voting period; 

• requiring voters to present photo identification or sign an affidavit when voting in person or applying for an absentee ballot;

• requiring that military and overseas ballots postmarked by election day are counted;

• providing voters with a right to request an absentee ballot;

• requiring the state to fund prepaid stamps and a tracking system for absentee ballots;

• requiring the state to fund a number of absentee ballot dropboxes;

• providing that local governments can accept charitable and in-kind donations to assist with running elections as long as donations are disclosed and aren’t from foreign entities; and

• providing that election officials are responsible for election audits, requiring election audits to be conducted in public, and requiring election results to be certified based on votes cast.

Proposal 2 also added constitutional language saying that "harassing, threatening, or intimidating conduct," as well as laws, regulations, and practices, that have "the intent or effect of denying, abridging, interfering with, or unreasonably burdening the fundamental right to vote" are prohibited.

“no” vote opposed adding these election and voting-related policies to the Michigan Constitution.

Election results

Michigan Proposal 2


Approved Yes

Results are officially certified.


Education fail. Big time!


UW gave gender-transition surgeries without proper consent: lawsuit | Fox News

UW gave gender-transition surgeries without proper consent: lawsuit | Fox News

The patient allegedly had a "series of traumatizing events within her childhood home, including being sexually abused." She eventually fled the home and was diagnosed with anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the report. She stopped taking testosterone in the last year and began the process to "detransition" after determining that her childhood trauma sparked mental distress, not her biological sex, the outlet reported.

The people wanting a “pause” or a “cease fire” only want that because Israel is winning.


"FRANTICALLY FAILING IS THE BLINKEN M.O.: Blinken ‘Frantically’ Fails to Find Support for ‘Pause’ in Gaza.

  • The people wanting a “pause” or a “cease fire” only want that because Israel is winning. That’s been made obvious. - by 

AM Fruitcake


History for November 7

History for November 7 - 
Albert Camus 1913 - Author, journalist
  • 1811 - The Shawnee Indians of chief Tecumseh were defeated by William Henry Harrison at the Battle of Wabash (or (Tippecanoe).
  • 1837 - In Alton, IL, abolitionist printer Elijah P. Lovejoy was shot to death by a mob (supporters of slavery (D)) while trying to protect his printing shop from a third destruction.
  • 1874 - The Republican party of the U.S. was first symbolized as an elephant in a cartoon by Thomas Nast in Harper's Weekly.
  • 1916 - Jeanette Rankin (R) of Montana became the first woman elected to the U.S. Congress.
  • 1917 - Russia's Bolshevik Revolution took place. The provisional government of Alexander Kerensky was overthrown by forces led by Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.
  • 1989 - Richard Ramirez, convicted of California's "Night Stalker" killings, was sentenced to death. (never executed!)

Monday, November 06, 2023

Is House speaker releasing Jan. 6 footage to Blaze News? | Blaze Media

Is House speaker releasing Jan. 6 footage to Blaze News? | Blaze Media

"It is certainly true that we have been putting pressure on House Republicans to give us access and approval. As I said last week, it's time for the House Republicans to keep their promise," said Peterson. Blaze News has already succeeded in obtaining previously unreleased frames from USCP CCTV video footage through the efforts of Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA), chairman of the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight.