Thursday, November 09, 2023

Why EV insurance will soon be TOO EXPENSIVE | MGUY Australia

More Terror Suspects Reaching the U.S.: Here Are 'Known Unknowns' of the Biden Border Crisis - James Varney

More Terror Suspects Reaching the U.S.: Here Are 'Known Unknowns' of the Biden Border Crisis | RealClearInvestigations - James Varney 
"Hundreds of people on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist have almost certainly slipped into the United States amid millions of other illegal immigrants during the last three years, according to former federal officials and experts...
  • “You have to be extremely naïve to not be significantly concerned about this,” said Rodney Scott, former chief of U.S. Border Patrol from 2020 to 2021. 
“Regardless of what the Biden administration may claim, what it said during the campaign and the executive orders taken in January 2021 have been interpreted around the world as the border is open. You’re insane if you don’t think terrorists will use that to their advantage.”...

Lunch video-----Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World - Full Video



Judge upholds fairness in women's sports by dismissing lawsuit against DeSantis | Blaze Media

Judge upholds fairness in women's sports by dismissing lawsuit against DeSantis | Blaze Media

"Biological differences matter. As more women lose opportunities to men with natural physical advantages, lawmakers are acting to preserve equal opportunities and common sense. If men are allowed to compete in women's sports, women will continue to face discrimination that Title IX prohibits," Kiefer added.

"...protected by Israeli tanks"!

Why So Many ‘Tolerant’ People Are Actually the Opposite

Why So Many ‘Tolerant’ People Are Actually the Opposite
  • It’s become common to point out that those who most preach “tolerance” are often themselves highly “intolerant.”
"But why is that?
...A big problem in society today is that the virtue of tolerance is often isolated and promoted apart from traditional virtues such as justice, temperance, courage, and, of course, prudence. 
The result is a society populated by many people who extol tolerance, but who lack the wisdom necessary to avoid the extremes of softheadedness and narrowmindedness described above...

Double standards!


Political Doom Spiral: What if Both Biden and Trump Died Next Summer?

Political Doom Spiral: What if Both Biden and Trump Died Next Summer? - JAZZ SHAW 
"...It turns out that there are provisions in place to deal with such a turn of events, but it would be chaotic and most people likely wouldn’t be happy with the results...
On election day next year, Trump will be eight years older than the Donald Trump we watched run in 2016. 
So how would things play out in the event that both parties’ presidential nominees were suddenly, shall we say… “made unavailable” at a late date? 
As it turns out, both the RNC and the DNC have reserved significant power for themselves if such an event were to take place. 
  • Read Liz’s entire article for the details from the conference rules, but if the nominees were to suddenly be MIA, each conference could hold an emergency meeting and pick a replacement. 
That’s right… all of the primaries, the debates, and the speeches would mean nothing...

#1 This day 1978-----Donna Summer (Macarthur Park Live 1978)

The Incredible Lightness of Barack Obama

The Incredible Lightness of Barack Obama - Victor Davis Hanson  @VDHanson
"Joe Biden is caught in a quadfecta of 
  • corruption, 
  • cognitive decline, 
  • a failed agenda, and 
  • eroding polls. 
Amid this apparent vacuum, an opportunistic Barack Obama — who used to be more discreet in managing his third term—is reentering the arena...
Yet just as he seems somewhat clueless about the contradictions of an erstwhile “community organizer” turned into a hyper-capitalist, consumption-addicted elite, so too Obama has little self-awareness about how much of Biden’s unpopularity derives from his continuation of Obama’s own agendas on the
  • economy, 
  • border, 
  • crime, 
  • race, 
  • foreign policy, and 
  • energy...

"Wife of the JUDGE"?!!

Bill Maher's face Neil deGrasse Tyson refuses to define man' | Blaze Media

Bill Maher's face Neil deGrasse Tyson refuses to define man' | Blaze Media

Bill Maher’s “Club Random” podcast has certainly stayed true to its name by hosting an array of random characters.

One of the latest is Neil deGrasse Tyson, who believes so much in science that he can’t define what a man is.

Pennsylvania Voting Machines Changing Votes Sparks Outrage

Pennsylvania Voting Machines Changing Votes Sparks Outrage
"An error with voting machines in Pennsylvania, causing votes to change amid an output print error, is sparking outrage online Tuesday.
Officials with the Northampton County Elections Office released a statement Tuesday saying that it appears when voters select "Yes" or "No" for one of the candidates for Pennsylvania Superior Court, the vote is recorded for the other candidate...
In the release on Tuesday, officials said that the Elections Division of the County of Northampton "notified all poll workers by text message that they are to instruct voters before the voter enters the voting booth that there is an issue with the recording of their vote for the candidates for retention to the Pennsylvania Superior Court."..

AM Fruitcake


History for November 9

History for November 9 - 
Carl Sagan 1934
  • 1911 - George Claude of Paris, France, applied for a patent on neon advertising signs.
  • 1923 - In Munich, the Beer Hall Putsch was crushed by German troops that were loyal to the democratic government. The event began the evening before when Adolf Hitler took control of a beer hall full of Bavarian government leaders at gunpoint.
  • 1938 - Nazi troops and sympathizers destroyed and looted 7,500 Jewish businesses, burned 267 synagogues, killed 91 Jews, and rounded up over 25,000 Jewish men in an event that became known as Kristallnacht or "Night of Broken Glass."
  • 1961 - Major Robert White flew an X-15 rocket plane at a world record speed of 4,093 mph.
  • 1979 - The United Nations Security Council unanimously called upon Iran to release all American hostages "without delay." (the request was laughed at) Militants, mostly students had taken 63 Americans hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran, Iran, on November 4.

Wednesday, November 08, 2023

California has spent $4 million on prisoners' sex changes | Blaze Media

California has spent $4 million on prisoners' sex changes | Blaze Media

The state of California has spent over $4 million of taxpayer funds on surgeries related to sex changes, cosmetic procedures, and more for prisoners since 2017. Some of the prisoners who received procedures were on death row, as well. The Washington Free Beacon reported that since California became for the first state to offer to pay for sex changes for prisoners, millions of dollars have been spent on surgeries and procedures for 157 inmates, with four of those inmates being on death row.


The Big Problem Behind Shrinking Cities

They know the harm they are causing!-----Michigan energy transition will cost people their jobs, lawmakers admit

Michigan energy transition will cost people their jobs, lawmakers admit 
  • Lawmakers create bureaucracy to make plan for workers displaced by energy transition
"...As the House Fiscal Agency explains:
Senate Bill 519 would create a new act, the Community and Worker Economic Transition Act, to provide for the creation of a state entity to develop a plan regarding, and coordinate efforts addressing, the impact on workers and communities of the societal and economic shift away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy resources.
Read it for yourself: Senate Bill 519 of 2023
The bill identifies three groups likely to be affected: 
  • auto workers, 
  • construction workers and 
  • energy workers.
Last week, Michigan lawmakers passed Senate Bill 271, mandating that utilities such as DTE and Consumers run on 100% clean energy by 2040.

‘No Lives Were Saved’ by COVID-19 Vaccines, Scientists Estimate

‘No Lives Were Saved’ by COVID-19 Vaccines, Scientists Estimate
"...The number of deaths clearly increased, but upon closer examination, they noticed that the excess deaths did not coincide with the time when the pandemic was declared
  • Instead, it had a strong correlation with the timing of the COVID-19 vaccine program rollout.
The same thing happened in nine other countries: Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, and Uruguay.
After studying over a dozen countries in the Southern Hemisphere, the scientists concluded that the 13.5 billion COVID vaccines that were given out worldwide caused 17 million people to lose their lives from the vaccines alone...

Peter Doocy asks perfect question after Biden says he wants Israel to 'pause' military response: 'My goodness, Peter' | Blaze Media

Peter Doocy asks perfect question after Biden says he wants Israel to 'pause' military response: 'My goodness, Peter' | Blaze Media

On Thursday, Doocy asked John Kirby, coordinator for strategic communications at the National Security Council, the pressing question about what a "pause" would mean for Israel. "As you push the Israelis for humanitarian pauses, are they just supposed to sit back and let Hamas attack them and attack them and attack them and not fight back?" Doocy pressed.

Understanding the Timing Behind Hamas's Invasion of Israel | Victor Davi...

Lunch video-----Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Explained in One Minute



NYC Mayor Adams says he's 'not familiar' with company at center of campaign investigation | Blaze Media

NYC Mayor Adams says he's 'not familiar' with company at center of campaign investigation | Blaze Media

New York City Democratic Mayor Eric Adams stated Sunday that he is "not familiar" with the company at the center of an investigation into the politician's campaign. During an interview with WPIX's Dan Mannarino, Adams was asked whether he knew anyone from Brooklyn-based KSK Construction Group, which allegedly has ties to a Turkish hotel chain.

Defy humanity!


I Told You So, Jerks - Kurt Schlichter

I Told You So, Jerks - Kurt Schlichter 
"Let me begin by saying to all you leftists that I told you so.
Lots of leftists are supporting raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans, and they are mad that they are now being treated like people who support raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans. 
Apparently, this is a terrible attack on free speech and McCarthyism and probably Islamophobic and transphobic and is the worst thing ever since the last thing that was the worst thing ever.
Well, I think it’s kind of funny.
They are mad and accuse us conservatives of now embracing cancel culture
  • ...I just want supporters of raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans to be driven from civilized society for supporting raping, mass-murdering Seventh Century semi-humans...
Of course, one of the key circumstances is the existence of the New Rules...

Libs are wired differently.


Coming to your home and employer soon?-----‘It’s impossible’: Restaurant owner says he had to close after getting $40,000 energy bill

‘It’s impossible’: Restaurant owner says he had to close after getting $40,000 energy bill
"NEW ORLEANS (WDSU) - A popular restaurant in New Orleans had to close its doors after its owner said they were given an ultimatum by the energy company.
Eric Cook said he had to not only close his Saint John restaurant but lay off more than 40 people....
He had to close the restaurant’s doors after he said he received a bogus bill for $40,000 from Entergy.
Cook said he had been paying well over $2,000 a month to Entergy before he was hit with the bill that he claims came from a meter that he didn’t even know existed.
“We’re talking about $40,000, talking about adding $5,000 a month to your bills,” Cook said...