Friday, November 10, 2023

10 American Cities That Are DEAD Forever

Why the Left Hates Israel and America - Part 2.

Why the Left Hates Israel and America
"...In 2020, when the country was torn apart with riots after the death of George Floyd, my organization did a campaign posting billboards in low-income neighborhoods promoting the "success sequence."
The "success sequence," based on policy research in Washington, points to the personal behavior that leads to the best chances of avoiding poverty and moving from low-income status to middle class...
When we posted billboards with this message that this is the way to avoid poverty, Black Lives Matter went to the billboard company and demanded they take them down.
What about our message so offended Black Lives Matter?
  • They reject, along with all those on the left, values that rest on personal responsibility
  • They embrace only a culture of victimhood and blame.
In this worldview, the only explanation for achievement is exploitation.
  • This is their explanation for the success of Israelis, who built, from nothing, a modern country with per capita GDP higher than most European countries. 
  • And this is their explanation for those who have achieved success and wealth in our own country...
Our shared values with Israel go beyond democracy. 
They are about the most basic ingredient of a free society. 
Personal responsibility. 
This is the value that the left so deeply hates.

Why the Left Hates Israel and America

Why the Left Hates Israel and America - Star Parker
"...Regarding Tlaib, per Census Reporter, her district is 43% Black; the poverty rate is 21% (150% the national average); and 61% of adults are unmarried -- a rate 25% higher than the national average.
Tlaib's voting record is hardcore left. 
  • She gets a 100% rating from NARAL and Planned Parenthood, reflecting her support of abortion
  • She gets a 100% rating from teachers unions, reflecting support of failing government schools and opposition to parental choice in education. 
  • And she gets a 0% rating from organizations supporting lower taxes and spending, such as Americans for Prosperity, Campaign for Working Families, and National Federation of Independent Business.
  • Tlaib consistently supports, along with her colleagues of "the squad" -- Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts -- the left-wing agenda expanding the welfare state, 
  • tilting at climate change windmills and 
  • supporting values like abortion that contribute to the breakdown of the traditional family.
In other words, Tlaib aggressively supports the very policies that keep her district poor...

Former Muslim shares viral conversation with his father dismantling the narrative blaming Israel for 'genocide' | Blaze Media

Former Muslim shares viral conversation with his father dismantling the narrative blaming Israel for 'genocide' | Blaze Media

Author Harris Sultan went viral over the weekend for sharing a story about a conversation he had with his father that destroys the narrative accusing Israel of a "genocide" against Palestinians.

Brown-Shirt government !-----Prison For A Meme? Tucker Talks To Convicted Twitter Troll 'Ricky Vaughn'

Why the really hate Snow White - Don Surber

Why the really hate Snow White - Don Surber
  • "...The original, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was a revolutionary classic that generated the money that turned a small cartoon studio around and on its way to what eventually would become the world’s largest media conglomerate...
The film changed the movie industry for the better...
Given the importance and excellence of this film, that the people now in charge of Disney would hold it in such reverence that they would protect it with their lives.
  • They hired Zegler who said she hated the original. She said, “People are making these jokes about ours being the PC Snow White, where it's like, yeah, it is — because it needed that. It's an 85-year-old cartoon, and our version is a refreshing story about a young woman who has a function beyond Someday My Prince Will Come.”..
  • Zegler is a piece of work. She called Prince Charming a stalker, which shows she never watched the original and she does not know what a stalker is. He didn’t follow Snow White around like a lovesick incel. He was a hero who searched for her and saved her life...
  • After Peter Dinklage, a short actor, complained about stereotypes, Disney fired all but one of the dwarves, replacing the rest with escapees from a Men Without Hats video...

Lunch video-----The Story of the Edmund Fitzgerald | A Short Documentary | Fascinating H...



Tucker Carlson reveals Elon Musk told him day he was fired | Blaze Media

Tucker Carlson reveals Elon Musk told him day he was fired | Blaze Media

When Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox News, the world couldn’t believe it.

Many would argue that his show was the sole reason they tuned in. However, while his show’s cancellation has proven a great loss for the network — it hasn’t been one for Tucker.

And that hasn’t gone unnoticed.

“It’s brave for people to get out of the system,” comedian Theo Von told Tucker Carlson on his podcast “This Past Weekend.”

Hmmm. "Experts" assured us this could not happen.

Where democrats rule-----San Francisco's Post-Apocalyptic Hellscape Is on Full Display in This Viral TikTok Video | ZeroHedge

San Francisco's Post-Apocalyptic Hellscape Is on Full Display in This Viral TikTok Video | ZeroHedge
Authored by Jon Del Arroz via,
  • San Francisco used to be one of the most beautiful places in the world...
Recent years have seen this elegant city descend into a post-apocalyptic hellscape with rampant crime, homelessness, drug use, and feces in the streets.
  • A recent viral TikTok video horrifies viewers worldwide, showing how terrible the city has become.
  • Crime has become so bad that major retailers have exited the city, with retail shops closing their doors due to an absurd policy in the city where police don’t respond to shoplifting incidents under $950. 
  • Criminals have become wise to this policy, and break-ins have increased with little recourse...

Police lights flashing, litter in the streets, and homeless encampments in doorways with sketchy individuals loitering everywhere are on full display in the video...

"...more likely to comply..."


Progress?-----Photo: Ready for RoboCop?

Photo: Ready for RoboCop?
"The Knightscope K5 Autonomous Security Robot is getting a two-month pilot program in New York City's Times Square subway station...
Instead, it's a 5-foot-2-inch 420-pound rolling camera and help desk phone (with a top speed of 3 mph). During the pilot, New York is leasing the K5 for $9 an hour and it will be accompanied by a human officer at all times.

#1 This day 1960-----Ray Charles Georgia On My Mind 1960)

They're "Completely Petrified" Of Trump: Greenwald & Carlson Unravel "The Two Defining Tragedies Of Our Age" | ZeroHedge

They're "Completely Petrified" Of Trump: Greenwald & Carlson Unravel "The Two Defining Tragedies Of Our Age" | ZeroHedge
"The two defining tragedies of our age, the war in Ukraine and the presidency of Joe Biden, are finally, both inevitably coming to an end."...
  • "The West is just tired of funding this war... they're now dragging 45 and 50 year olds off buses and sending them to the front," adding that "NATO seems to have acknowledged that this is not actually going to work."..
  • Parallel to the Ukrainian conflict is the political theater in the US, where Biden's presidency is seemingly caught in the riptide of public opinion (within and without his own party over Israel support) amid a contentious political environment fraught with double standards and shifting narratives.

"The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" - Gordon Lightfoot (HD w/ Lyrics)

Ben Shapiro two word question PERFECT response Free Palestine | Blaze Media

Ben Shapiro two word question PERFECT response Free Palestine | Blaze Media

While the students who debate Ben Shapiro are typically indoctrinated with woke ideology, you have to at least give them some credit for their boldness. It takes some courage to challenge one of the most well-read, articulate men alive. These kinds of Shapiro vs. progressive student debates usually end quickly, as it takes Shapiro mere seconds to dismantle his opponent’s argument.

Normalizing insanity-----Olympic Champion: My 'Testicles Don’t Make Me Less of a Woman'

Olympic Champion: My 'Testicles Don’t Make Me Less of a Woman' - Sarah Arnold
"A double Olympic champion middle-distance runner is defending himself after facing backlash for being allowed to compete against women in track events without having to reduce his testosterone levels.
Caster Semenya claimed that being "born with internal testicles doesn't make her less of a woman," accusing athletic leaders of "turning women against women...
The Olympic runner has promised to "fight injustice, fight for inclusivity and diversity."..

AM Fruitcake


History for November 10

History for November 10 -
Oliver Goldsmith 1728 - Novelist, playwright, poet
  • 1775 - The U.S. Marines were organized under authority of the Continental Congress. The Marines went out of existence after the end of the Revolutionary War in April of 1783. The Marine Corps were formally re-established on July 11, 1798. This day is observed as the birth date of the United States Marine Corps.
  • 1871 - Henry M. Stanley, journalist and explorer, found David Livingstone. Livingstone was a missing Scottish missionary in central Africa. Stanley delivered his famous greeting: "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
  • 1951 - Direct-dial, coast-to-coast telephone service began when Mayor M. Leslie Denning of Englewood, NJ, called his counterpart in Alameda, CA.
  • 1954 - The Iwo Jima Memorial was dedicated in Arlington, VA.
  • 1975 - The Edmund Fitzgerald, an ore-hauling ship, and its crew of 29 vanished during a storm in Lake Superior.
  • 1980 - CBS News anchor Dan Rather claimed he had been kidnapped in a cab. It turned out that Rather had refused to pay the cab fare.
  • 1982 - In Washington, DC, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial was opened to visitors.
  • 2001 - The World Trade Organization approved China's membership.

Thursday, November 09, 2023

EXCLUSIVE: Universities Hit With Civil Rights Complaints Alleging Tuition Programs Illegally Discriminate Based On Race | The Daily Caller

EXCLUSIVE: Universities Hit With Civil Rights Complaints Alleging Tuition Programs Illegally Discriminate Based On Race | The Daily Caller

The Equal Protection Project (EPP) filed civil rights complaints against the University of North Dakota (UND) and UND School of Law for tuition reduction programs that are “only available to non-white applicants,” according to complaints obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. UND’s website cites the authority of North Dakota State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) policy that encourages institutions to use tuition waivers to “promote enrollment of a culturally diverse student body.”

Texas voters overwhelmingly approve measure greenlighting more fossil fuel development | Fox News

Texas voters overwhelmingly approve measure greenlighting more fossil fuel development | Fox News

Texas voters overwhelmingly approved a ballot proposition Tuesday establishing a billion-dollar state-managed energy fund to bolster natural gas power plant infrastructure.

Proposition 7 to create the so-called Texas Energy Fund passed in a 65% to 35% vote with more than 2.5 million ballots cast, according to the latest data compiled by the Texas Secretary of State's office. The ballot measure — which was supported by the energy industry, but opposed by environmentalists — sets aside $5 billion to guarantee low interest loans for new dispatchable power generation in the state.

The way we were-----South Bend's Studebaker Legacy

Century’s Biggest Scam, The Hidden side of Electric Cars: Are They Reall...

Used Vehicle Prices Record Largest Maximum Drawdown In History | ZeroHedge

Used Vehicle Prices Record Largest Maximum Drawdown In History | ZeroHedge
"Auto research firm Cox Automotive - the owner of the closely followed Manheim price index - published new data this week for October that shows wholesale used-vehicle prices continue to slide and have reached the lowest levels since April 2021...

...The most significant drawdown in history for wholesale used car prices only means that more and more Americans who panic-bought cars during Covid peak will find themselves underwater in auto loans.

Silence and Violence

Silence and Violence - By Jay Bergman 
“O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.”
"In this injunction in Article Seven of the Hamas Covenant, ratified in 1988, one finds the reason for the invasion of Israel that began on October 7. 
Hamas does not merely seek the extermination of Jews. 
  • That is why it exists. 
  • That is why its fighters decapitate Israeli babies, rape Israeli women and burn them alive. 
  • That is why they humiliate Israel children and grandmothers before killing them. 
  • That is why they slaughter over two hundred Israeli teenagers gathered peacefully at a concert.
  • Everyone in Israel Hamas has murdered were murdered for one reason and one reason only – because they were Jews. 
  •  According to the same covenant, which reads like an addendum to Hitler’s Mein Kampf, Jews are devoid of humanity, a demonic people responsible for everything Hamas objects to in human history, from the French Revolution to World War II.
The atrocities Hamas has committed are not a regrettable byproduct of warfare that occur in all wars. 
They are its purpose...

Online speech allegedly censored ahead of 2020 election | Blaze Media

Online speech allegedly censored ahead of 2020 election | Blaze Media

"The federal government and universities pressured social media companies to censor true information, jokes, and political opinions," the report stated. The censorship was allegedly bipartisan, labeling social media posts by Republicans and conservatives as "misinformation."

Why EV insurance will soon be TOO EXPENSIVE | MGUY Australia

More Terror Suspects Reaching the U.S.: Here Are 'Known Unknowns' of the Biden Border Crisis - James Varney

More Terror Suspects Reaching the U.S.: Here Are 'Known Unknowns' of the Biden Border Crisis | RealClearInvestigations - James Varney 
"Hundreds of people on the FBI’s terrorist watchlist have almost certainly slipped into the United States amid millions of other illegal immigrants during the last three years, according to former federal officials and experts...
  • “You have to be extremely naïve to not be significantly concerned about this,” said Rodney Scott, former chief of U.S. Border Patrol from 2020 to 2021. 
“Regardless of what the Biden administration may claim, what it said during the campaign and the executive orders taken in January 2021 have been interpreted around the world as the border is open. You’re insane if you don’t think terrorists will use that to their advantage.”...

Lunch video-----Thomas Sowell: Common Sense in a Senseless World - Full Video