Thursday, November 16, 2023

2022 Nobel Prize Winner says there is No Climate Crisis

2022 Nobel Prize Winner says there is No Climate Crisis - NAKEDEMPEROR.SUBSTACK.COM
"John Clauser, an American theoretical and experimental physicist...was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics just last year...
He critically examined the spread of information, lamenting the fact that "wrong information is being spread by those with political and opportunistic purposes."...
Turning his critique towards the international scientific community, Clauser voiced his concerns about the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), accusing it of disseminating misinformation about the state of the planet's climate. 
He said, “I don’t think there is a climate crisis…I think the key processes are exaggerated and misunderstood by a factor of about 200.”
In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis. There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis. The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science...

#1 This day 1960-----Maurice Williams & the Zodiacs - Stay

Too bust watching school board meetings?-----WHY DO WE BOTHER WITH WATCHLISTS WHEN THEY’RE NEVER WATCHED?


His dementia getting worse...every day!


Massive fire in or near homeless camp causes indefinite shutdown of busy section of Interstate 10 in Los Angeles | Blaze Media

Massive fire in or near homeless camp causes indefinite shutdown of busy section of Interstate 10 in Los Angeles | Blaze Media

The overall destruction was so severe that the stretch of I-10 between Alameda and the East L.A. Interchange — a stretch which 300,000 motorists utilize on any given day — had to be closed indefinitely. That section "will remain closed until further notice, and there is currently no estimated time for reopening," said California Highway Patrol Officer Michael Masir.

Surprise, Surprise! Guess What Was Found in Yet Another Gaza Hospital

Surprise, Surprise! Guess What Was Found in Yet Another Gaza Hospital - Spencer Brown
"As Israel Defense Forces continued clearing out Hamas terrorists around Gaza City this week, they made their way to the Al-Shifa Hospital, long believed to be a base of operations for the Iran-backed terrorists, and found exactly what they expected: 
  • weapons caches, 
  • bastardized hospital equipment, and 
  • all the signs of a Hamas HQ hidden within a hospital to use Gazan civilians as human shields...

AM Fruitcake


History for November 16

History for November 16 - 
Elizabeth Drew 1935 - Journalist
  • 1871 - The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) was first chartered in the State of New York.
  • 1915 - Coca-Cola had its prototype for a contoured bottle patented. The bottle made its commercial debut the next year.
  • 1952 - In the Peanuts comic strip, Lucy first held a football for Charlie Brown.
  • 1973 - U.S. President Nixon signed the Alaska Pipeline measure into law.
  • 1981 - A vaccine for hepatitis B was approved. The vaccine had been developed at Merck Institute for Therapeutic Research.
  • 2000 - Bill Clinton became the first serving U.S. president to visit Communist Vietnam.

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Scores of looters swarm gas stations and wreak havoc in America's most violent city | Blaze Media

Scores of looters swarm gas stations and wreak havoc in America's most violent city | Blaze Media

Scores of thugs swarmed two Memphis gas stations over the weekend, stealing thousands of dollars of merchandise and destroying property. Looters also hit a 53-foot FedEx semi-trailer, stealing multiple packages. While last year, former District Attorney Amy Weirich indicated that Memphis would trend in this direction if soft-on-crime Democratic professor Steve Mulroy was elected chief prosecutor, the exasperated mayor of America's most dangerous city indicated this week the courts were to blame for failing to ensure that criminals are locked up.

The way we were-----The Beverly Hillbillies 🌸🌷The Social Climbers🌸🌷

How data is manipulated to sell the climate hysteria narrative | Marc Mo...

Foreigners funding the war on Americans!-----Abortion Activists Spent $67 Million Buying Ohio Vote, Had 3-1 Advantage on TV Ads -

Abortion Activists Spent $67 Million Buying Ohio Vote, Had 3-1 Advantage on TV Ads -
"...The incredible level of spending, with significant amounts of dark money coming into Ohio from out of state and out of the country, raises questions about whether the Issue 1 vote accurately depicts the will of Ohio voters or merely reflects an inordinate amount of leftist spending to buy votes...
AP indicated that “the largest donations” supporting the pro-abortion “yes” campaign came from outside of Ohio. 
  • This included “three gifts totaling $5.3 million from the progressive Sixteen Thirty Fund, based in Washington, D.C.” The Sixteen Thirty Fund is largely bankrolled by Hansjörg Wyss, a Swiss billionaire...

Some of Those Pro-Palestine Protests Are Co-Organized by a Wealthy American Marxist Living in China

Some of Those Pro-Palestine Protests Are Co-Organized by a Wealthy American Marxist Living in China - JOHN SEXTON
"If you were thinking that those large pro-Palestine protests popping up everywhere seem awfully organized, you’re not wrong. 
Today the Free Press points out that at least four rallies, including one in New York which was later denounced as too extreme by AOC, were co-organized by a group called The People’s Forum.

...But a review of public disclosure forms show that multimillionaire [Neville Roy] Singham and his wife [Jodie] Evans have donated over $20.4 million to The People’s Forum from 2017 to 2022 through a series of shell organizations and donor advisory groups—accounting for nearly all of the group’s funding...

'I cannot stay here': Migrants placed in new NYC shelter refuse to stay, demand better accommodations | Blaze Media

'I cannot stay here': Migrants placed in new NYC shelter refuse to stay, demand better accommodations | Blaze Media

On Sunday, the city bused a group of migrants to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn. The airfield was recently converted into a makeshift tent city by Democratic Governor Eric Adams' administration to provide additional housing to the more than 65,000 migrants using the city's overwhelmed shelter system. The Post reported that the first busload of migrants who arrived at the airfield Sunday afternoon refused to stay. One individual told the news outlet, "We weren't told where we were going."

Grab a hankey-----AMAZING TRIBUTE by 15 year old Rylee Preston "Soldier's Light"

Adolf's children!-----Nothing To See Here: Democrat Media Arm Scrambles As It Becomes Clear They Knew About Hamas Invasion Of Israel Before It Happened

Nothing To See Here: Democrat Media Arm Scrambles As It Becomes Clear They Knew About Hamas Invasion Of Israel Before It Happened

What were they thinking? 
What were they doing? 
  • Why didn’t they alert Israel about the impending attack or alert Israel when the true evil taking place in front of their “embedded with Hamas” eyes became crystal clear? 
  • Obviously, U.S. intel knew about these intel-directed ‘journalists’ embedded with Hamas, so there was no need to alert the White House. 
They already knew...

Lunch video-----Challenging The Taboos


Prominent atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali publicly professes her newfound faith: 'Christianity has it all' | Blaze Media

Prominent atheist Ayaan Hirsi Ali publicly professes her newfound faith: 'Christianity has it all' | Blaze Media

Ali indicated that her conversion to Christianity — which she previously wished for Muslims across the world — is the result of multiple factors.

"Part of the answer is global. Western civilisation is under threat from three different but related forces: the resurgence of great-power authoritarianism and expansionism in the forms of the Chinese Community Party and Vladimir Putin's Russia; the rise of global Islamism, which threatens to mobilise a vast population against the West; and the viral spread of woke ideology, which is eating into the moral fibre of the next generation," wrote Ali.

And they're promising MORE?!!


‘We are butchering children’: Academics unite against ‘medical transitioning’ of kids

‘We are butchering children’: Academics unite against ‘medical transitioning’ of kids - GRAEME STRAUGHN - THE KINGS COLLEGE
  • ‘The premise of the current ‘gender-affirming’ model of care is unsound and leads to serious harm,’ conference participant and biologist said
"Academics, clinicians, writers, and others critical of contemporary gender ideology gathered in Denver at a conference hosted by an international group opposing “gender-affirming care” for children...
Genspect launched its “Bigger Picture Conference” Nov. 4-5 to advance its mission and build community. The group formed in 2021 “as a coalition of parent and professional groups, united in concern about the inappropriate social and medical transitioning of young people questioning their gender,” according to its website.
...At the conference, Genspect doctors, academics and other experts drafted “The Gender Framework,” an alternative guide to gender dysphoria that affirms biological reality...

Funny how they change when in POWER!


Law enforcers are quietly shifting the traditional concept of self defense in favor of the criminals: Here’s what you need to know

Law enforcers are quietly shifting the traditional concept of self defense in favor of the criminals: Here’s what you need to know - 
"Let’s break down a crime scene from last week in a major U.S. city that I believe will be very instructional for all of us.
It was a scene that could have taken place in any large city and probably does every day...
  • A 43-year-old male passenger on the subway witnessed the felony-in-progress of a woman being violently mugged by a homeless man. He pulled a pistol and fired two warning shots in the direction of the mugger. Both shots expended themselves harmlessly. No one was hurt.
  • The mugger immediately fled.
  • The shooter then calmly walked away but was arrested by NYPD officers a short time later.
  • The shooter has been charged criminally...

#1 This day 1970-----I Think I Love You - Partridge Family

Must see video---"...Over 40 people were involved in these mass looting events over the weekend. No arrests have been made...

Over 40 people were involved in these mass looting events over the weekend. No arrests have been made.

They've destroyed our universities!


Israel kills important Hamas commander who kept 1,000 Gazans hostage in hospital | Blaze Media

Israel kills important Hamas commander who kept 1,000 Gazans hostage in hospital | Blaze Media

Israeli forces claimed to have killed an important Hamas commander who was holding 1,000 Gazan hostages in a hospital and using them as humans shields. The development comes after Hamas' initial attack against the Jewish state on October 7.

Flatline: America's Hospital Crisis | Documentary | EpochTV

Flatline: America's Hospital Crisis | Documentary |
“Flatline: America’s Hospital Crisis” is an Epoch Original Documentary that reveals the devastating situation of the hospital closures across the country, examining the root causes and the major players of this health care epidemic and its impact on the local communities...

The way we were-----10 Car Innovations... That DID NOT Stand the Test of Time

AM Fruitcake