Friday, November 17, 2023

Our enemies have purchased our universities!-----Why the Woke Anti-Semitism?

Why the Woke Anti-Semitism? Victor Davis Hanson @VDHanson
"What exactly explains the campus hypocrisy and moral vacuity that fuels both DEI and anti-Semitism? 
...Under their new reparatory admissions, so-called whites make up only 20-40 percent of incoming classes, and as a result Jews are increasingly scarce at tony universities. 
Faculty DEI hiring matches the emerging student profile. 
In addition, foreign students pay full tuition and are courted, especially those with petro-fueled scholarships. 
The transcendent DEI/cultural Marxist ideology that has absorbed the curricula and culture of campuses postulates a bifurcated, victim/victimizer reductionism: Israelis and Jews are Western, white, and successful—and thus hated, while their supposed victims are not, and are thus sympathetic. 
Ergo, there is an increasing hostility of DEI toward Jews...

size of protest is so massive, you have to see it believe it | Blaze Media

size of protest is so massive, you have to see it believe it | Blaze Media

As you likely know, pro-Palestinian protests are occurring across the globe, especially in major cities – including London.

Dave Rubin plays the clip of a recent rally in London, where a sea of what he calls “terrorist sympathizers” gathered to support the crusade against Israel.

Man Washes Car: Gets Charged w/Felonies

Notice something missing from this report? If you guessed "the race of those involved", you know the "scumedia"!-----Eight Teenagers Arrested For Fatal Beating Of High School Classmate

Eight Teenagers Arrested For Fatal Beating Of High School Classmate
"Authorities in Las Vegas arrested eight teenagers in connection with the fatal beating of 17-year-old Jonathan Lewis near Rancho High School. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Lt. Jason Johannson said the teens, who are between the ages of 13 and 17, are all facing murder charges.
Because of their age, their identities were not released...
A video of the fight showed Lewis on the ground, unable to defend himself as the group continued to attack him...

Lunch video-----Nobel Prize Winner Blows Up Climate Alarmism — The Vortex

"Nov 15, 2023 Dr. John Clauser reveals significant errors in UN climate research...


Female boxer takes a stand, refuses to fight after finding out last minute opponent was "not a woman by birth" - Louder With Crowder

Female boxer takes a stand, refuses to fight after finding out last minute opponent was "not a woman by birth" - Louder With Crowder

Of all the sports where biology gives men who went through puberty as males an advantage over women, combat sports is at the top of the list. You wouldn't stand for watching a dude punch a girl in the face. Yet if that dude says they identify as a girl, we're supposed to accept it in the name of equality, tolerance, and all that gay stuff. One female Canadian boxer took a stand and said that, no, she was not going to let a guy punch her in the face. Katia Bissonnette was set to fight in the 2023 Provincial Golden Glove Championship. Then an hour before her fight, she learned that her opponent was born a he while competing now as a she.

Hmmm. Media has buried all these. Imagine if it was Trump...

Ignorance Chic - by Peter Venetoklis

Ignorance Chic - by Peter Venetoklis - PETER VENETOKLIS
"...While we are far less instinct-informed than other higher mammals, we nevertheless have certain predilections born of evolution. 
Among those proclivities is the desire to stand out, if for no other reason than to have a better chance at attracting the best mates...
I write of people ignoring simple and plain truths in favor of embracing and peddling "secret knowledge" alternatives. 
  • This will include such as 9/11 and lunar landing truthers, but it goes way beyond conspiracy theorizing.
  • Consider the phenomenon of the flat-earther...
Why would people do this? I'm going to call it "ignorance chic." If you want to stand out, if you want to present as a cool kid and "hipper than thou," if you want to feel special rather than just one of eight billion, and if you want to find an in-group acceptance, then running with some contrarian idea, no matter lack of evidence, and no matter overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
  • The latest form of ignorance chic, and it's horrifying, is the denial of Hamas atrocities on 10/7...
  • Ignorance chic is also a sufficient explanation for the continued embrace of Marxism by the young, no matter that it killed two hundred million people last century...

Keep voting democrat, this will happen!


Vote democrat for open-borders!-----Deadline Detroit | Police Concerned Burglaries in Upscale Oakland County Neighborhoods Possibly Linked to International Crime Ring

Deadline Detroit | Police Concerned Burglaries in Upscale Oakland County Neighborhoods Possibly Linked to International Crime Ring 
"Bloomfield Township Police said this week they're concerned that recent home burglaries may be linked to an international crime ring that's hitting posh homes in Oakland County and other parts of the state, Channel 7 News reports.
"What we know is that these are highly organized crews that are from well outside of Michigan committing these crimes," Bloomfield Township Police spokesman Nick Soley tells the station...

#1 This day 1956-----Elvis Presley "Love Me Tender" (October 28, 1956) on The Ed Sullivan Show

You'll Smash Your Kid's Smartphone After Reading This

You'll Smash Your Kid's Smartphone After Reading This - STEPHEN GREEN 
"Some of us — and I include more PJ Media VIP commenters than I can count — weren't even half-joking when we said that if 9/11/2001 had been 9/11/2023, thousands or millions of Americans would take to the streets in support of al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden.
Sad to say, we were right.
  • Shortly after the 9/11 attacks that left nearly 3,000 dead and permanently altered the New York City skyline, bin Laden wrote his Letter to America, justifying his murderous act of terrorism, in part because of our "support to the oppressive Israelis in their occupation of our Palestine."..
Thousands of young Americans took to TikTok to express how bin Laden's words have opened their eyes.
"So I just read a Letter to America," is one typical TikToker comment, "and I will never look at life the same. I will never look at this country the same. I will never... please, read it."..

Exactly as Adolf's goons began their march in the 1930s.

Texas A&M defies diversity bans | Blaze Media

Texas A&M defies diversity bans | Blaze Media

Texas A&M’s interim president, General Mark A. Welsh, is openly defying the order. Welsh has not only supported racially based hiring in the past but continues to think DEI bans are not in the “long-range” interests of society and that the policy will not change what the university does very much. He has signaled to his faculty that DEI business can be conducted as usual.

Enriching the worst people in the world, impoverishing the rest!-----Time To Tell America's Climate Cult "Stop!" | ZeroHedge

Time To Tell America's Climate Cult "Stop!" | ZeroHedge - Authored by J.G.Collins via The Epoch Times,
"...Rishi Sunak, Britain's Tory prime minister...said, "there’s nothing ambitious about simply asserting a goal for a short-term headline without being honest with the public about the tough choices and
sacrifices involved and without any meaningful democratic debate about how we get there."
...he understands that aspirations without means are merely pipe dreams. 
  • And he also understands that imposing climate mandates without public discourse or debate is antithetical to the democratic principles that underlies his republic, as it does ours...
In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) mandated that automobiles in the Model Year 2026 CAFE (corporate average fuel economy) standards at 55 miles per gallon for sedans and 39 mpg for trucks and light duty trucks/SUVs. 
 Those are enormous increases of 25 percent and 28 percent, respectively, just since 2020.
The clear intention in raising the CAFE standards so quickly is to force consumers into buying new cars that are either fully or partially electric, hybrids, or fully electric...

AM Fruitcake

History for November 17

History for November 17 - 
Bernard Law Montgomery (Britain) 1887
  • 1558 - Elizabeth I ascended the English throne upon the death of Queen Mary Tudor.
  • 1869 - The Suez Canal opened in Egypt, linking the Mediterranean and the Red seas.
  • 1903 - Russia's Social Democrats officially split into two groups - Bolsheviks and Mensheviks.
  • 1904 - The first underwater submarine journey was taken, from Southampton, England, to the Isle of Wight.
  • 1913 - The steamship Louise became the first ship to travel through the Panama Canal.
  • 1997 - 62 people were killed by 6 Islamic militants outside the Temple of Hatshepsut in Luxor, Egypt. The attackers were killed by police.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

CDC to ramp up surveillance at airports to track viruses | Blaze Media

CDC to ramp up surveillance at airports to track viruses | Blaze Media

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that it plans to ramp up surveillance at some airports in the nation to track infectious diseases, according to a recent press release. With the holiday travel season approaching, health officials hope to reduce the spread of viruses, the agency stated.

The way we were-----The worst US General in World War 2?

This is HILARIOUS!!!😂

A lie from the begining!-----Study Finds Actual Cost of Driving an EV is Equivalent to Paying $17.33 a Gallon

Study Finds Actual Cost of Driving an EV is Equivalent to Paying $17.33 a Gallon - By Steve Straub
"...However, Bennett and Isaac raise an important question: have proponents truly accounted for the myriad of subsidies, regulatory credits, and infrastructure support that bolster the EV market?
  • Their research shows that, without the $22 billion in government incentives provided to EV manufacturers and consumers, the average 2021 EV would cost an owner an additional $48,698 over a decade.
  • Factoring in these subsidies, the cost of fueling an EV parallels a gasoline price of $17.33 per gallon.
  • This figure does not factor in the considerable subsidies included in the misnamed 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, specifically targeting the EV battery production sector...
  • Federal and state subsidies and regulatory credits effectively lowered the retail price of EVs by an average of nearly $50,000...

Critics ruthlessly mock teachers' union president over her post about causes of home schooling spike: 'It's you, Randi.' | Blaze Media

Critics ruthlessly mock teachers' union president over her post about causes of home schooling spike: 'It's you, Randi.' | Blaze Media

Blaze News noted in May that the National Assessment of Educational Progress's 2022 assessment revealed that grade 8 students' history scores last year were the lowest they had been since the NAEP began monitoring in 1994. Significant declines in academic ability were also observed amongst public grade-schoolers in reading and mathematics as well as in other subjects. Such damning figures cast doubt on whether students are learning anything in public classrooms with ATF-linked educators.

HUGE problem with EV Charging Stations that no one mentions | MGUY Austr...

Censors, Censors Everywhere - by Peter Venetoklis

Censors, Censors Everywhere - by Peter Venetoklis
  • Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) recently made the news by proposing a restriction on campaign spending by publicly traded companies...
  • Meanwhile, Congressman Mike Gallagher (R-WI) doesn't like that Tik Tok is propagandizing against Israel, and wants to ban it. 
...there is enormous peril in allowing the government to hush speech. 
None of us should trust a government truth squad not to weaponize its power in favor of one party or the other.
  • Last year, the Biden administration sought to create what was derisively dubbed a "ministry of truth.”...
The system isn't perfect, but no system is. 
Choosing liberty over government power is the better bet just about every time...
Indeed, there are millions who choose to close their eyes to stuff they don't agree with, but will any of them be benefited by having the government act as gatekeeper?...

Lunch video-----A small, but dedicated, band of men come here every day to be upset and ...


Left-wing activist eats his own words after complaining about racial framing of white teen's fatal beating | Blaze Media

Left-wing activist eats his own words after complaining about racial framing of white teen's fatal beating | Blaze Media

While the victim's family tries to process his death, others are puzzling over why this violent episode has not elicited the kind of national response other racially dichotomous incidents have in recent years. The individual who manages the End Wokeness account on X embraced a turn of phrase often employed by BLM activists, writing Saturday, "Say his name: Jonathan Lewis. Last week, a 17-year-old white teen was beaten to death by a group of black kids. You didn't hear anything about this story because it doesn't fit the narrative."

‘Homophobic,’ ‘dumb’ ‘racist’: Michigan Tech professor rants about YAF event

‘Homophobic,’ ‘dumb’ ‘racist’: Michigan Tech professor rants about YAF event - MATT LAMB 
"A Michigan Technological University professor recently ranted about a mock Berlin Wall display set up by the campus Young Americans for Freedom chapter.
YAF set up the display last week to commemorate the 34th anniversary of the fall of the wall. 
For those of you who weren’t aware of it [the wall], good. For those of you who were aware of it, it was childish, stupid, homophobic, dumb, racist twits. That’s the polite version,” Professor Blair said...
“That’s not what college should be about. You know, it should be a place where you could learn, experience, do interesting things, have interesting opportunities – hint, hint, study away – uh, rather than wasting your time and having to address idiots,” Blair said. “They’re idiots out there. Sorry, that’s life.”...
