Thursday, November 23, 2023

Read, listen. And explain it to your children!-----The True Story of Thanksgiving - Rush H. Limbaugh III

The True Story of Thanksgiving - Rush H. Limbaugh III

The Pilgrims arrived here after an arduous trip across the Atlantic Ocean. They didn’t know why they were, had no idea what to do. They had nothing. The Indians took pity on them. The Indians saw them, and the Indians saved them. The Indians taught ’em how to do things they didn’t know how to do, like grow food, catch beavers, stuff like that.
The Indians saved them, and the Pilgrims thanked them by growing a whole bunch of food and having this big feast. So, the story of Thanksgiving that’s taught is basically how without the Native Americans there wouldn’t be a country because the Pilgrims would have died. At least the Pilgrims were nice enough to pay the Indians back with a big Thanksgiving dinner.
That’s not at all what happened. 
It’s not even close to what happened, which is why I decided to write about it...

AM Fruitcake


History for November 23

History for November 23 - 
Franklin Pierce 1804 - 14th President of the United States
  • 1889 - The first jukebox made its debut in San Francisco, at the Palais Royale Saloon.
  • 1936 - The first edition of "Life" was published.
  • 1943 - During World War II, U.S. forces seized control of Tarawa and Makin from the Japanese during the Central Pacific offensive in the Gilbert Islands.
  • 1946 - Mound Metalcraft changed its name to Tonka Toys Incorporated.
  • 1983 - The first Pershing II missiles were deployed in West Germany. In response, the U.S.S.R. broke off International Nuclear Forces (INF) talks in Geneva.
  • 1998 - Dennis Rodman filed for an annulment from Carmen Electra. The two had been married on November 14, 1998.

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Sanctions relief for Iran shows how little the US has learned | Blaze Media

Sanctions relief for Iran shows how little the US has learned | Blaze Media

This waiver is renewed every 120 days, which means this is not a one-off money infusion to the worst terrorist state in the world. The idea that the White House could use the threat of freezing relief as leverage against Iran — to say nothing of imposing new sanctions — appears not to have crossed anyone’s mind.

So billions of dollars — including an estimated $100 billion in unfrozen assets so far — will keep rolling into the mullahs’ bank accounts for at least as long as Joe Biden sits in the Oval Office.

The way we were-----Dashes through time.

The truth about Gaza that you will not see on television or be told about...

What The Latest Attacks On Musk Are Really All About I & I Editorial Board November

What The Latest Attacks On Musk Are Really All About I & I Editorial Board
"Just as Democrats were trying to downplay the rampant antisemitism in their ranks, what happens? 
Elon Musk, who has lately become something of a darling on the right, suddenly becomes the poster boy for antisemitism. 
  • This is how the left works.
This latest twist started when Media Matters — the George Soros-backed media “watchdog” — released a report claiming that ads for major corporations were appearing next to antisemitic and white supremacist content.
This is a two-fer for the left. 
  • It both attacks Musk — whom the left now hates because he stopped Twitter’s side hustle as the federal government censor — 
  • and it takes the spotlight off the left’s virulent antisemitism on display after the Hamas attacks...

Now they add "accessibility"!------Pentagon asks for $114M to spend on diversity, equity and inclusion in 2024

Pentagon asks for $114M to spend on diversity, equity and inclusion in 2024
  • The Pentagon's DEIA funding request is the most expensive of its kind from the department in recent years
  • The Department of Defense (DOD) is requesting approximately $114 million to finance its latest round of diversity initiatives.
  • The DOD plans to use the funds for "diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility" (DEIA) programs in fiscal year 2024...
  • The department passed only 7 out of 29 sub-audits in 2023 — identical to last year's final results. Auditors found that half of the department's claimed assets could not be accounted for...

Denver spent nearly $4.5 million to transport migrants out of state | Blaze Media

Denver spent nearly $4.5 million to transport migrants out of state | Blaze Media

Over the last year, Denver, Colorado, spent nearly $4.5 million to transport over 12,000 migrants to other states, CBS News reported. A spreadsheet obtained by the news outlet revealed that Denver purchased plane, bus, and train tickets to relocate migrants to nearly every major city in the nation. The majority of the migrants were sent to Chicago, New York, and Salt Lake City, the document showed. Roughly 1,000 migrants were relocated to Texas and Florida. Others were sent to smaller towns, such as Wilson, North Carolina.

Why do Young People support Palestine? | Niall Ferguson

Stop government funding these fake-education, fake-religion, hell-holes!----- Presbyterian chaplain planned BDSM workshop on campus with dominatrix | The College Fix

Presbyterian chaplain planned BDSM workshop on campus with dominatrix | The College Fix - MICAIAH BILGER - ASSISTANT EDITOR 
"A BDSM sex workshop to be hosted by a campus chaplain and taught by a dominatrix was canceled this month at Rhodes College in Tennessee after sparking backlash.
  • The Rev. Beatrix Weil, a Presbyterian Church USA pastor and chaplain at the private college, organized the BDSM 101 workshop to be held on campus, FOX 13 reported. BDSM stands for erotic behavior involving bondage, domination/discipline, sadism, and masochism.
  • “Chaplain Beatrix will host a local dominatrix to share wisdom on how to safely, sanely and consensually learn about bondage, discipline-domination, sadism-submission and masochism. There will be an opportunity to ask questions anonymously,” according to an event invitation obtained by FOX 13...

Lunch video-----Get Ready for Gas Prices to Plummet



CBS anchor ends interview when GOP lawmaker gives perfect reason Biden should face 'consequences' for classified docs scandal | Blaze Media

CBS anchor ends interview when GOP lawmaker gives perfect reason Biden should face 'consequences' for classified docs scandal | Blaze Media

CBS News anchor Margaret Brennan ended an interview with Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio) on Sunday when he explained why President Joe Biden should face consequences for retaining classified documents.

"teen activists"!


"Climate change" an excuse for predatory pricing!-----Homeowners face soaring insurance premiums due to ‘climate change’

Homeowners face soaring insurance premiums due to ‘climate change’ - Yudi Sherman
"Home insurance corporations are using “climate change” as a pretext to raise premiums by up to 300%, according to several reports...
Between May 2021 and May 2022, 90% of homeowners across the country saw their annual premiums increase, reported CNBC...
  • In Louisiana, Citizens Insurance Agency has increased home insurance premiums by 63% over the past year based on “growing windstorm risk.”...
  • "As we have more natural disasters and weather-related events, what we're seeing is insurance companies adding exclusions for particular things," Public Adjuster Vince Perri told CBS News. "If you suffer a wind event, your roof will only be covered under an actual cash value which means they're only going to cover the depreciated amount."..

Your media of choice miss this?

The war has already begun!-----The fight ahead - The Spectator World

The fight ahead - The Spectator World - Spectator Editorial 
  • Will America’s leaders be up to the task of tackling the disinformation campaigns and rampant antisemitism plaguing the country?
"If there could ever be a positive that comes out of the horrific terrorist attacks in Israel in October, it’s this — the battle lines have never been clearer. That may seem obvious in the context of Israel versus Hamas, but for Americans, watching the drawing of the fault lines has been extremely clarifying.

  • In the hours that followed the atrocities, the people who reject any sort of nuance in politics wanted to “put into context” the murders of 1,400 Jews — including elderly Holocaust survivors, women and children. The Manhattan chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, of which Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez remains a member, tweeted support of Palestine and its intention of holding a rally in Times Square.
  • Black Lives Matter Twitter accounts posted memes featuring silhouettes of paragliders like the ones Hamas used to invade Israel. Rally speakers laughed and cheered on the Hamas terrorists.
  • One Cornell professor, speaking at a protest on campus, said of the attacks, “it was exhilarating. It was exhilarating, it was energizing!” and further told the crowd, “you would not be human” if you felt otherwise.
  • Jewish students at Cooper Union in Manhattan were forced to hide in a library and escape through tunnels as a pro-Hamas mob banged on the doors when they heard there were Jews afraid to walk campus. 
  • Posters of the kidnapped children around New York and on college campuses have repeatedly been violently torn down by Hamas sympathizers. 
  • Chants of “from the river to the sea,” a call to wipe Israel off the map, are common at virtually every pro-Palestine rally. 
  • The flagrant antisemitism on display would make the most ardent neo-Nazi blush.
  • On college campuses and cities across America, the events that have followed the October 7 attack have laid bare what the “social justice” movement really stands for. Leftists have shown us what’s under their masks, revealing their true selves and what’s meant by “decolonization.”
They won’t stop at Israel.

#1 This day 1959-----Bobby Darin "Mack The Knife" on The Ed Sullivan Show

Our universities are cesspools of ignorance, violence and fiscal scammery!-----USC professor banished from campus after anti-Hamas comments go viral | The College Fix

USC professor banished from campus after anti-Hamas comments go viral | The College Fix - PEYTON SOROSINSKI - CSU SACRAMENTO
"An economics professor from the University of Southern California is required to teach via zoom for the rest of the fall semester after a heated exchange with a group of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, prompting an academic freedom group to demand his full reinstatement...
In an original unedited video of the exchange, Strauss can be heard saying “people are ignorant” as he walked by, adding “Hamas are murderers. That’s all they are. Every one should be killed, and I hope they all are.”

  • Instagram accounts @uscgraduatesforpalestine and @uscscale posted a shorter edited video to their accounts on Nov. 9 with student faces blurred. In the video, Strauss’s comments about Hamas were edited out, leaving only his words, “every one should be killed, and I hope they all are.”..

"Student debt factories..." Gotta see this short video!

(1) Facebook

President Biden asks 6-year-old girl if she's 17 | Blaze Media

President Biden asks 6-year-old girl if she's 17 | Blaze Media

Biden's first awkward comment was made before children at the event got a chance to view the new "Wonka" movie, a remake of the classic "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" story. "I like kids better than people," Biden said. "I wish I could stay and watch 'Wonka' with you, but I'm not gonna get to do that," he added.

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook

Inconvenient Facts - John Whitefisko
  • A 2,000 year temperature reconstruction of sea surface temperature showing warmer temperature in the Roman and Medieval Warm Periods.

AM Fruitcake


History for November 22

History for November 22 - 
George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans) 1819 - Novelist, journalist
  • 1906 - The International Radio Telegraphic Convention in Berlin adopted the SOS distress signal.
  • 1928 - In Paris, "Bolero" by Maurice Ravel was first performed publicly.
  • 1963 - U.S. President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas, TXTexas Governor John B. Connally was also seriously wounded. Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson was inaugurated as the 36th U.S. President.
  • 1967 - The U.N. Security Council approved resolution 242. The resolution called for Israel to withdraw from territories it had captured in 1967 and called on adversaries to recognize Israel's right to exist.
  • 1983 - The Bundestag approved NATO's plan to deploy new U.S. nuclear missiles in West Germany.
  • 1985 - 38,648 immigrants became citizens of the United States. It was the largest swearing-in ceremony.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Oregon considers reversing decision to decriminalize heroin, fentanyl following rise in open-air drug use | Blaze Media

Oregon considers reversing decision to decriminalize heroin, fentanyl following rise in open-air drug use | Blaze Media

After becoming the first state in the nation to decriminalize hard drug use, including heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl, Oregon is reconsidering its decision due to a drastic increase in open-air drug use, the Telegraph reported.

The way we were-----Dutch Ships of the Golden Age

Footage of Joe Biden looking ‘dazed and confused’ is becoming too common

UK PM Sunak reportedly said 'just let people die', COVID inquiry hears

UK PM Sunak reportedly said 'just let people die', COVID inquiry hears
  • LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was quoted as saying the government should "just let people die" during the COVID-19 pandemic rather than impose a second national lockdown, the inquiry into how Britain handled the crisis heard on Monday.
Patrick Vallance, who was the government's chief scientific adviser during COVID, made a note in his diary on Oct. 25, 2020, about a meeting involving then Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Sunak, who was finance minister...

And who in our government approved the funding?------How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it?

How many aid groups knew Hamas was hiding in a hospital and lied about it? 
"...Now comes an important question for Congress: Which US-funded international organizations knew the truth about Shifa and helped Hamas conceal its war crimes?
...What should be showstopping, however, is the possible complicity of prominent international organizations that receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the United States — groups that are supposed to uphold international law but appear to have enabled Hamas war crimes instead.
  • Within days of the Hamas massacre, Fabrizio Carboni, the Middle East regional director for the International Committee of the Red Cross, began spreading Hamas disinformation — telling international media that Gaza “hospitals risk turning into morgues.” When Carboni said this, he may have already known hospitals in Gaza were used as terror bases and hostages were being stashed under those hospitals. In its 2022 annual report, the ICRC says it received $689 million from the United States last year...
  • The World Health Organization, which received more than $100 million from Washington last year, joined the chorus of pressure on Israel to stay away from Shifa hospital — telling global media the hospital was no longer functioning and innocent patients were dying...