Saturday, November 25, 2023

Much here, read it all!-----Anarcho-Capitalism and Dr. Javier Milei

Anarcho-Capitalism and Dr. Javier Milei - ROBERT W MALONE MD, MS
  • Argentina has elected an academic economist as president. His battlecry? "Long live freedom, damn it!"
“...Oops, they did it again.
  • First Giorgia Meloni was elected prime minister of Italy. This despite the objections and smears of the self-important and seemingly all-powerful US Deep State and its Mockingbird press, which in the run up to the Italian general election had painted her as the second coming of Benito Mussolini. Never mind that the politics of the corporatist Deep State are a lot closer to Mussolini’s fascist vision than those of Meloni, who in the “real world” pragmatically governs from center-right – to the great disappointment of many on both sides of the spectrum.
In the current US corporate media-approved version of the political spectrum, the go-to political character assassination terms “Trump-like”, “alt right”, “far right”, fascist, libertarian, neo-Nazi, and radical are all bundled up as synonyms, interchangeably and reflexively applied to anyone whose political beliefs are to the right of the modern embodiments of Marx and Engels' version of socialism collectively referred to as “Woke” culture...
  • After decades of alternating corrupt mismanagement by the two entrenched traditional Argentine parties (Peronists vs Radicals), an academic economist of the Austrian school named Javier Milei has been elected President of Argentina, adding salt to the self-inflicted wounds of approved narrative defenders. And once again, we are predictably being gifted with the usual stream of character assassination and hate speech from Deep State corporatist media lapdogs...

"Education" children only to hate, has consequences.-----It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better.

It's Simple Why No Arab Countries Are Taking Palestinian Refugees. They Know Better. - Matt Vespa
"...The military operation comes after Hamas invaded Israel on October 7, murdering 1,200-1,400 civilians in a coordinated assault involving well over 1,000 terrorists. 
The level of barbarity was unprecedented...
On October 28, the ground invasion began, leading to scores of Palestinians attempting to make their way south to safety
Hamas shot some who tried to flee.
As the Left rages against Israel, hurling antisemitic slurs and chanting for more Jews to die, some might want to consider why the civilians have nowhere to go...
  • The Palestinians bring trouble and have a long, sordid history of fomenting mayhem and terrorism in other Arab nations.
  • Egypt is the logical destination for these Palestinians, but Cairo doesn’t want them, and for good reason: terrorism...

Breitbart Business Digest: Americans Aren't Giving Thanks for Biden's Economy

Breitbart Business Digest: Americans Aren't Giving Thanks for Biden's Economy

The University of Michigan’s survey of consumer sentiment was released on Wednesday. The most striking development in consumer sentiment is not the fact that households remain in the doldrums about the economy—that’s been going on for a while now—but a dramatic increase in consumer expectations for inflation.

“The Price Is Rising” with Joe Biden

The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud Quiet. Wonder Why?

The Left Conspires to Keep Election Fraud Quiet. Wonder Why? - Betsy McCaughey 
"You can see it with your own eyes. 
But Democrats and their left-wing media allies call it a "fantasy." 
What is it?
Election fraud...
According to Rasmussen Reports, a staggering 60% of likely voters nationwide consider election cheating a problem. 
Yet the Left denies it's happening.
  • The Washington Post calls it a "myth" and a "fantasy offense."
  • Worst of all, the federal government is suppressing the evidence and censoring anyone who complains about election cheating.
Never-before-seen emails released by the House Judiciary Committee on Nov. 6 reveal that a government-sponsored task force is muzzling public figures, thousands of ordinary Americans, and media outlets like Newsmax and The Babylon Bee when they report election irregularities.
The emails show that officials within the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department -- the deep state -- organized the Election Integrity Partnership in 2020, recruiting academics at Stanford University and the University of Washington to question election honesty and then instruct social media companies such as Google, Facebook, and YouTube to label the postings as "misinformation" or take them down entirely...

Lunch video-----A new mood is abroad in Europe about immigration, as events in Ireland a...



Exclusive: Amazon Prime Video Removes 'The Plot Against the President' Documentary Without Explanation

Exclusive: Amazon Prime Video Removes 'The Plot Against the President' Documentary Without Explanation

Amazon has blacklisted the Amanda Milius-directed documentary The Plot Against the President by removing the title from its Prime Video streaming service without explanation. Consumers are no longer able to digitally rent or purchase  The Plot Against the President from the platform.

As Trump asked: "What has the democrat party done to make your life better?"

Can Europe Become Western Again? - Victor Davis Hanson

Can Europe Become Western Again? - Victor Davis Hanson - American Greatness
"For the first time in a millennium, Europe no longer plays a critical role in promoting Western civilization nor in world history at large...
  • It redefined itself as a postmodern, pacifist, socialist utopian project—most recently predicated on redistributionist entitlements, open borders, and radical green policies that have all inevitably ensured European decline...
And the result is that both Europe at large and its NATO members cannot defend their continent without the assistance of the United States...
The other half of the West is in little better condition.
  • The United States is reeling under $33 in national debt.
  • After embracing various bankrupt academic critical legal “theories,” major American cities are unsafe, unhealthy, and unsightly. 
  • The American southern border is wide open. Eight million illegal aliens have poured in just since January 2021, many of them hostile to the United States.
  • America is increasingly politically, racially, and tribally divided. 
  • It has mysteriously determined not to fully utilize its vast natural resources, especially gas, oil, and rare earth metals.
In this vacuum, the enemies of the West see only opportunity.
  • Russia invaded European Ukraine. Its ongoing aggression still terrifies frontline NATO nations.
  • China threatens periodically to storm Taiwan, as it bullies it neighbors, buzzes U.S. ships and planes, and manipulates currency, markets, and trade.
  • Iran has armed to the teeth anti-Western terrorist organizations like Hezbollah and Hamas...
In sum, the world is safe only when a strong America, along side its European partner, secure their borders, protect the world’s sea- and air spaces, support constitutional and pro-Western nations, and deter thuggish belligerents...

Finally, the people recognize the invasion!

EVERYONE making rules!-----Biden Admin Preparing to Finalize Barrage of Methane Regulations

Biden Admin Preparing to Finalize Barrage of Methane Regulations - NICK POPE
"...The EPA is also looking to finalize regulations for power plant and vehicle emissions in the coming months, according to E&E News.
  • A separate EPA methane tax regulation from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), Biden’s signature climate bill, is currently under White House review and due to become finalized early in 2024. The rule will be based on updated and more aggressive reporting standards...
  • The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is also crafting a methane rule focused on leaks from oil and gas production on federal lands, according to E&E News. The final rule was supposed to be unveiled in September, but the White House has not yet reviewed it.
  • The Treasury Department is also working on tax credit eligibility guidelines for “green hydrogen” projects, according to E&E News...

#1 This day 1958-----The Teddy Bears - To Know Him Is To Love Him - 1958

Europe’s Most Depressing Chart

Europe’s Most Depressing Chart - Dan Mitchell
"Last month, I shared data on per-capita welfare spending in American states.
  • The big takeaway was that states such as New York and California were spending more than twice as much as states such as Texas and Florida
  • And I concluded that “Florida and Texas presumably are reducing poverty while states such as New York and California are subsidizing it.”
Are there similar numbers for the entire world? 
Can we see which countries have the most redistribution spending, on a per-capita basis?...
Here’s a shocking graph from a 2012 World Bank report.

Keep in mind, as you look at this data, that Europe’s population is only about 10 percent of the world total.
This has to be Europe’s most depressing chart...

Worse than Hitler?!!


One of the fastest growing high school sports in America involves guns and ammo

One of the fastest growing high school sports in America involves guns and ammo

Johnson was one of 55 high school students competing at a Future Farmers of America district trap shooting championship in late October in Skagit County, Washington. Clay target shooting is currently one of the fastest-growing high school sports, but not long ago the pastime teetered on the edge of obscurity.

If he's right, trouble ahead!-----Tucker Carlson Offers Grim Warning for the U.S. In 2024

Tucker Carlson Offers Grim Warning for the U.S. In 2024 - Sarah Arnold
"While speaking at the Risk On 360! Global Success Conference in Las Vegas, Carlson painted a grim picture of what the election year may bring as he revealed his concerns about the deepening division and paranoia among Americans.
The 2024 election will be "like nothing we've ever seen," Carlson said amid the promising look that former President Trump will be the GOP nominee— something the Democratic Party has fought long and hard to prevent...

AM Fruitcake


History for November 25

History for November 25 - 
Ben Stein 1944
  • 1850 - Texas relinquished one-third of its territory in exchange for $10 million from the U.S. to pay its public debts and settle border disputes.
  • 1867 - Alfred Nobel patented dynamite.
  • 1955 - In the U.S., the Interstate Commerce Commission banned racial segregation on interstate trains and buses.
  • 1957 - U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered a stroke.
  • 1992 - The Czech parliament voted to split the country into separate Czech and Slovak republics beginning January 1, 1993.
  • 1998 - The IMF (International Monetary Fund) approved a $5.5 billion bailout for Pakistan.(bailing out banks and wealthy investors, not people.)

Friday, November 24, 2023

Muslim woman gives leftist actress Susan Sarandon a powerful 'taste' of reality for weaponizing Muslims at anti-Israel rally | Blaze Media

Muslim woman gives leftist actress Susan Sarandon a powerful 'taste' of reality for weaponizing Muslims at anti-Israel rally | Blaze Media

For Nomani personally, being an American Muslim meant she could travel without a male chaperone, a rarity in countries where Shariah law is enforced.

"I'm going to fast forward because this is just a 'taste' of what it means to be Muslim in America. In 2002, I fled Pakistan with a souvenir that could have gotten me imprisoned or killed: a baby growing inside of me, a wedding ring not upon my hand. Sharia law makes sex out of marriage a crime in Muslim countries like Pakistan. My body? The mullah's tyranny," Nomani explained. "And even dare to be atheist like [Yasmine Mohammed]? It’s also a crime punishable by death — in Muslim countries but not in America!"

The way we were------1964 Vale, S.D. Minuteman Missile Accident

Is China's Economy Built On Corruption?

Building back better?-----Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Rise Sharply in the US, Causes Explained | The Epoch Times

Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Rise Sharply in the US, Causes Explained | The Epoch Times
  • Syphilis comes in many different guises, and despite highly effective treatment, the disease is still surging—due to a variety of reasons. - By Marina Zhang
"Both syphilis and congenital syphilis have been rising over the decades at alarming rates...
  • “More than 10 times as many congenital syphilis cases were reported in 2022 ... than in 2012,” the report authors wrote.
  • “I’ve seen ups and downs and syphilis cases over the years, but nothing in my lifetime compares it to what we’re going through right now,”...


"Ever heard of the “Muxe” or the “Sal-Zikrum”? 
Those are examples from ancient cultures that today’s transgender ideologues like to cite as proof of an alleged third gender that renders irrelevant the “gender binary” of male and female.
But as the latest “What Would You Say” video from the Colson Center on HillFaith, there is more — and less — to the story than the transgender fanatics claim. 
  • If you have a high school or college kid in your household, they really need to see this one.
I know, I know; this shouldn’t have to be said, but, given the depressing state of affairs of American public and higher education these days, it must if the next generation is to have any surviving connection to reality. Mark Tapscott

Not just Jews: Look who's also in deadly sights of Hamas

Not just Jews: Look who's also in deadly sights of Hamas

The report pointed out, "You may be surprised, but Hamas does not call for only killing Jews and eliminating Israel," because its charter, which seeks the eradication of Israel, also, "seeks to expand Islam to become the controlling religion across the globe, targeting any non-believer, which includes 'Main Street' America."

A woman from Belgium is horrified to hear that an Englishman has been vi...

Hit 'em back harder!-----Elon Musk Just Detonated His 'Thermonuclear' Lawsuit

Elon Musk Just Detonated His 'Thermonuclear' Lawsuit
"Billionaire Elon Musk warned conservative media assassin Media Matters for America (MMFA) he'd sue the "news" outlet for not just lying about his Twitter/X platform, but for the mendacious way the George Soros-bankrolled website manipulated data to depict it as a racist outlet that is a "risky and unsafe platform for advertisers." 
On Friday, Musk issued the threat to go "thermonuclear" on the outlet and "their board, their donors, their network of dark money, all of them," and by Monday afternoon had detonated a 15-page lawsuit filed in Texas federal court (read it below)...

Lunch video-----Why EV repair and insurance is a NIGHTMARE | MGUY Australia



DeSantis exposes Newsom's plan to replace Biden | Blaze Media

DeSantis exposes Newsom's plan to replace Biden | Blaze Media

While most Republican voters are prepping for Joe Biden to be the Democratic nominee for 2024, Ron DeSantis believes they might need to think again.

“A lot of people are saying maybe plan B is Gavin Newsom,” a Fox News anchor said to DeSantis.

“He is running a shadow campaign,” DeSantis agrees.