Monday, November 27, 2023

Hmmm. "Taking Tuesday"?


NYC Housing Residents Miss Out on Thanksgiving Dinners After Illegal Aliens Get Them All

NYC Housing Residents Miss Out on Thanksgiving Dinners After Illegal Aliens Get Them All

Residents of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) were shocked early this week when illegal aliens who got in line before they did for free Thanksgiving dinners given away by local food banks left many low-income citizens without a holiday meal this year. Reports say that residents of the NYCHA were told when to line up for their turkey dinner and fixings delivery, but when they arrived at the appointed time, they found hundreds of illegals already at the head of the line, according to WNYW-TV.

Wow!-----COP28: Who Matters?

COP28: Who Matters?Kip Hansen
"The inimitable NY Times graphics department produced a useful and informative graphic about “the top 60 power-producing countries” (meaning electrical production) and what power source — renewable or fossil fuels (by type) — they have been using to make that electricity.
The purpose of the graphic was apparently to show how well some countries are doing in ramping down fossil fuels and ramping up renewables...
  • The point of this OpEd is to point out what happens to the graphic when one switches the view to : Compare Totals .
This next image is long and tall, intentionally small, and at this reduced size you will be only able to see the point I wish to make, scroll down through it...
In the Compare Totals view it is obvious that only five or six (maybe eight) of those Top 60 Countries actually matter as far as use of fossil fuels to produce electricity:
...All the hoopla about COP28, all the travel, the extravagance, the pontification, speeches, grandstanding, handshaking and general pretense that they are “doing something” will amount to nothing.
Nothing if those “those countries that matter” do not agree to make the huge, economy-crushing, socioeconomically-harmful, nation-destroying decisions that are being demanded of them by “The Climate Crazies” (remember the declaration of the “era of global boiling”)...

AM Fruitcake


History for November 27

History for November 27 - 
James Agee 1909
  • 1910 - New York's Pennsylvania Station opened.
  • 1934 - The U.S. bank robber George "Baby Face" Nelson was killed by FBI agents near Barrington, IL.
  • 1970 - Pope Paul VI, visiting the Philippines, was attacked at the Manila airport by a Bolivian painter disguised as a priest.
  • 1973 - The U.S. Senate voted to confirm Gerald R. Ford as vice president after the resignation of Spiro T. Agnew.
  • 1987 - French hostages Jean-Louis Normandin and Roger Auque were set free by their pro-Iranian captors in West Beirut, Lebanon.
  • 1989 - 107 people were killed when a bomb destroyed a Colombian jetliner minutes after the plane had taken off from Bogota's international airport. Police blamed the incident on drug traffickers.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Hamas Chief Thanks Iran for 'Victory' Following Israel Hostage Deal

Hamas Chief Thanks Iran for 'Victory' Following Israel Hostage Deal

Hamas terror leader Ismail Haniyeh graciously thanked the world’s most prolific state sponsor of terrorism, Iran, on Thursday for its “firm support” against the ongoing military operation by Israel to eradicate the group in its stronghold of Gaza.

The way we were-----Blizzard of '78 - WCVB Boston (2003) TV Special with Harvey Leonard

Victor Davis Hanson on Wars, Woke Culture, and the Fall of America’s Ins...

OpenAI Tried to Fire Altman Because He Was About to Wake Up the Monster

OpenAI Tried to Fire Altman Because He Was About to Wake Up the Monster - JAZZ SHAW
" more indications of their reasoning have come to the surface.
It wasn’t a case of different “visions” for the corporation’s future, but apparently, a fear that Altman was on the verge of doing something that could potentially have catastrophic consequences for humanity.
Altman and his team had made a breakthrough with a project known as Q* (pronounced “Q Star”) that would allow the Artificial Intelligence to begin behaving in a way that could “emulate key aspects of the human brain’s functionality.”
  • In other words, they may be close to allowing the AI to “wake up.”...

Encouraging lies over facts!-----Welcome to the Future of Climate Coverage, Where the Journalists Are the Activists

Welcome to the Future of Climate Coverage, Where the Journalists Are the Activists - Collin Anderson
  • Covering Climate Now sells top journalists on plan to 'transform media' in response to climate 'emergency'
"In late September, with hundreds of journalists watching, Covering Climate Now co-founder Mark Hertsgaard began a two-day media conference with a call to arms.
Climate change, he told attendees at Columbia Journalism School, isn't just a "problem" or "crisis." 
  • It's an emergency—one that requires breathless, around-the-clock coverage. 
Think COVID, Hertsgaard said, except it's the planet that's sick.
"We know how to cover emergencies—we cover them a lot. … We saw that during COVID, right?" Hertsgaard said in a session titled, "The State of Climate Journalism: Issuing a Call to Action."...

Mayorkas changes tune on need for more border money after repeatedly seeking cuts - Washington Times

Mayorkas changes tune on need for more border money after repeatedly seeking cuts - Washington Times

When President Biden sent Congress his homeland security budget in the spring, his director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement was peppered with questions from lawmakers about why he was asking for a cut in funding and fewer detention beds at a time when the border was out of control. Then-Director Tae Johnson deflected the questions, saying technology and some policy tweaks were all ICE needed.

Is Venezuela About to Annex Guyana?

The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election — Part I

The Errors, The Lie, and The Cover-Up in Georgia’s 2020 Election — Part I - By Jim Hoft
"Material errors were embedded in Georgia’s 2020 Election recount efforts in Fulton County. 
The Secretary of State and his team initially lied about these errors, and then they worked with the Attorney General’s office and the State Elections Board to exonerate the Secretary of State.
  • After the 2020 Election, a Risk Limiting Audit (RLA) was carried out by Georgia’s Secretary of State’s (SOS’s) Office. The results of this exercise confirmed the 2020 Election results.
  • However, thanks to the efforts of Georgian Joseph Rossi, 36 errors were found in the Fulton County data in the RLA report posted on the SOS website...

Lunch video-----Thomas Sowell: This is why the left only focuses on race



San Francisco Business Owner Blames City for Letting Crime Ruin Area

San Francisco Business Owner Blames City for Letting Crime Ruin Area

A longtime San Francisco business owner is facing “financial ruin” after “widespread drug use, violence and filthy streets” destroyed his neighborhood, making it impossible to keep his companies afloat.


Joseph D. McBride, Esq. on X: "EVERYTHING WE SAID ABOUT J6 IS TRUE. (ENTRAPMENT) Watch to see Undercover MPDC Cops: Chanting with Protestors. Climbing the scaffolding with, and encouraging Protesters to, head toward the Capitol Building (Keep Going!) Discussing ANTIFA and whether Protesters will be shot." / X

Disgusting people!-----Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured Sob Stories - American Thinker - Clarice Feldman

Manipulating with Lies and Manufactured Sob Stories - American Thinker - By Clarice Feldman

"As has been the case since the barbarous attack on Israel by Hamas aided by Palestinian civilians, international organizations have chosen by their silence to ally themselves with the butchers instead of condemning the 10/7 attack. 

Canary Mission, which tracks anti-Semitism...notes the silence of those entities from whom we were led to expect more:

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, speaking as head of the WHO (World Health Organization); Amnesty, the International Red Cross, the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights, the UN Special Rapporteur, Human Rights Watch, the EU Commission, Malala Yousafzai, chief of UN women.

Canary Mission is not alone in this observation.

Dr. Einat Walif:

In a better world, on October 8, the UN Secretary General, the head of the International Red Cross and other luminaries would have stationed themselves on the Egyptian border with Gaza demanding the full, immediate, and unconditional release of all the kidnapped hostages, insisting that Israel owes absolutely nothing to Hamas for the release of children, mothers, the elderly, and civilians because there is no world in which such acts are OK. 

Israel is forced to negotiate with the twisted leaders of Hamas for our children only because so many people in official and non-official positions of power failed to do their job and normalized the idea that kidnapping children from their beds and keeping them as bargaining chips is somehow a legitimate act that leads to negotiations rather than to stringent condemnation and global ostracism. 

The "free press" can fairly be characterized as outright liars and enablers of Hamas...

It never happened under President Trump's term!


Dave Agema - Females and Young Adults at Higher Risk of COVID-19... | Facebook

Dave Agema - Females and Young Adults at Higher Risk of COVID-19... | Facebook
"...People who take three doses as compared to two may present different side effects, a Japanese study finds....
At the second dose common symptoms include asthma symptoms, ear fullness, numbness in the upper arm, and injection at the injecting site.
  • Additional vaccines also create a cumulative effect such that people who have taken more shots tend to be at a greater risk of worse symptoms, internist Dr. Keith Berkowitz, who has treated over 200 long COVID and post-vaccine patients, told The Epoch Times.
  • A Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention showed that the majority of people who report anaphylaxis are female....
Never has a drug been allowed to be used with so many side effects and deaths.

#1 This day 1957-----Sam Cooke - You Send Me (Live)

The Green Energy Wall Gradually Coming Into Focus

The Green Energy Wall Gradually Coming Into Focus - From the MANHATTAN CONTRARIAN - Francis Menton
"It’s been obvious for many years that electricity generation from the intermittent wind and sun would never work to power a modern economy.
But how would the infeasibility of the proposed energy transition finally manifest itself to put an end to the madness?...
Over the past few weeks and months, several parts of the coming Green Energy Wall have started to come into focus. 
The two factors that are emerging most significantly at this early stage are 
(1) voters starting to catch on, and 
(2) the inability of wind and solar developers to deliver projects at costs that are at all workable for consumers...

For nearly 3 years--the media, DOJ, judges, and govt witnesses have lied

For nearly 3 years--the media, DOJ, judges, and govt witnesses have lied

New theory explaining how the dinosaurs died laughing | Blaze Media

New theory explaining how the dinosaurs died laughing | Blaze Media

When it comes to how the dinosaurs went extinct, we’ve been fed a number of theories over the years.
They died because a giant asteroid hit the Earth; they died because of catastrophic volcanic activity; they died because of climate change; they died because of shifting tectonic plates.

But now, a new theory has emerged — one that we can’t help but laugh a little at.

"Clean" as defined by eco-libs is DEADLY!-----Climate Change and EnvironMental issues. | Facebook

Climate Change and EnvironMental issues. | Facebook - David Elliott
"Not surprisingly, burying these terrible things might not be the best idea!! 
Not that it was ever a good idea. 
Certainly not very sustainable and most certainly not renewable.

0:00 / 1:07
Senator Gerard Rennick - The Department of the Environment didn’t answer the question so I will. And I quote:
“Bisphenol A is a highly toxic synthetic organic compound used in the epoxy resins of turbine blades...
Bisphenol A is an endocrine disrupter that has been linked to about 80 diseases including cancers and reproductive disorders. It is lethal for young children...
All this is public record information which the wind industry must know.”

AM Fruitcake


History for November 26

History for November 26 - 
Bat Masterson 1853 - U.S. Army scout, lawman, gambler, journalist
  • 1789 - U.S. President Washington set aside this day to observe the adoption of the Constitution of the United States.
  • 1825 - The first college social fraternity, Kappa Alpha, was formed at Union College in Schenectady, NY.
  • 1922 - In Egypt, Howard Carter peered into the tomb of King Tutankhamen.
  • 1940 - The Nazis forced 500,000 Jews of Warsaw, Poland to live within a walled ghetto.
  • 1950 - China entered the Korean conflict forcing UN forces to retreat.
  • 1990 - Soviet President Mikhail S. Gorbachev met with Iraqi Foreign Minister Tariq Aziz at the Kremlin to demand that Iraq withdraw from Kuwait.
  • 1997 - The U.S. (Clinton) and North Korea held high-level discussions at the State Department for the first time.