COP28: Who Matters? -
Kip Hansen"The inimitable NY Times graphics department
produced a useful and informative graphic about “the top 60 power-producing countries” (meaning electrical production) and what power source — renewable or fossil fuels (by type) — they have been using to make that electricity.
The purpose of the graphic was apparently to show how well some countries are doing in ramping down fossil fuels and ramping up renewables...
- The point of this OpEd is to point out what happens to the graphic when one switches the view to : Compare Totals .
This next image is long and tall, intentionally small, and at this reduced size you will be only able to see the point I wish to make, scroll down through it...
In the Compare Totals view it is obvious that
only five or six (maybe eight) of those Top 60 Countries actually matter as far as use of fossil fuels to produce electricity:
...All the hoopla about COP28,
all the travel, the extravagance, the pontification, speeches, grandstanding, handshaking and general pretense that they are “doing something” will amount to nothing.Nothing if those “those countries that matter” do not agree to make the
huge, economy-crushing, socioeconomically-harmful, nation-destroying decisions that are being demanded of them by “The Climate Crazies” (remember the declaration of the “era of global boiling”)...