Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Unacceptable! Iran has bought control over our universities!


The Sociopathic Generation

The Sociopathic Generation - LINCOLN BROWN
Nothing demonstrates a desire for peace like hundreds of rabid animals surrounding a falafel shop.
  • Sunday night, another horde of young people descended on yet another victim. This time, the target was a Philadelphia falafel shop owned by Israeli Jews. Per the usual modus operandi, a mob arrived at the establishment named "Goldie" and began shouting, “Goldie, Goldie, you can’t hide. We charge you with genocide.”
  • The world, albeit perhaps too little, too late, is coming to terms with who these protestors really are. Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), during a recent interview with Dana Bash, essentially minimized the rape of Israeli women by Hamas terrorists. None other than MSNBC's Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski met her thoughts with disgust.
  • Even the Blessed St. Greta of the Melting Glaciers is being unmasked. Just the News notes that Thunberg is losing support in the climate movement over her pro-Palestinian stance. Thunberg has repeatedly posted photos of herself holding signs supporting Palestine and attending protests...
Let us have no more musings that these college students and their accompanying anti-Semites are misguided young people or that "from the river to the sea" or calls for intifada are not literal but figurative...collegiate or otherwise, cannot possibly claim ignorance of the brutality of the October 7 attack. 
Even now, almost two months later, fresh reports continue to emerge. 
Yesterday, Yoni Saadon, who witnessed the attack at the Supernova Music Festival, told the UK's Times's Sunday edition:
"She fell to the ground, shot in the head, and I pulled her body over me and smeared her blood on me so it would look as if I was dead too. I will never forget her face. Every night I wake to it and apologise to her, saying ‘I’m sorry’. I saw this beautiful woman with the face of an angel and eight or ten of the fighters beating and raping her. She was screaming, ‘Stop it — already I’m going to die anyway from what you are doing, just kill me!’ When they finished they were laughing and the last one shot her in the head...Read all!

#1 This day 1971-----Family Affair - Sly & Family Stone (UK#15 USA#01) 1972

Cal State faculty launch strike to demand pay raise, more benefits | The College Fix

Cal State faculty launch strike to demand pay raise, more benefits | The College Fix - MAGGIE KELLY
"Professors at California State University are two days into a week of planned strikes at four campuses to demand a salary increase of 12 percent and improved benefits...
In addition to the 12 percent raise, the union has demanded an extension of parental leave from six weeks to a full semester.
They are also asking for “more manageable workloads for faculty, better access to breastfeeding stations and more gender-inclusive restrooms,” the AP reported.
Full-time professors earned an average of $112,397 and lecturers earned an average of $66,159 in fall 2019, according to the latest data from the school’s website...

Lie to your customers? This happens!

Levin: message those claim care innocent Palestinian lives | Blaze Media

Levin: message those claim care innocent Palestinian lives | Blaze Media

Celebrities and politicians like Angelina Jole, Rashida Talib, Corey Bush, Bella Hadid, and Gigi Hadid have all been incredibly vocal about their disdain for Israel and support for Palestine. But none of them spoke up when over 4,000 Palestinians in refugee camps were slaughtered in the Syrian Civil War. Nor did they scream when Lebanon banned Palestinians from working as doctors and lawyers or from owning land.

Public School Puts Boy and Girl in Same Bed on Field Trip

Public School Puts Boy and Girl in Same Bed on Field Trip - DAVID STROM
"In a less civilized age, the parents of this 5th-grade girl would have beaten the crap out of the school officials.
For good or ill, we no longer do that.
We sue. And (vainly) hope that somebody gets fired...

AM Fruitcake


History for December 6

History for December 6 - 
Alfred Joyce Kilmer 1886
  • 1735 - In London, French surgeon Claudius Amyand performed the first successful appendectomy at St. George's Hospital. The patient was an 11-year old boy that had swallowed a pin.
  • 1865 - The 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. The amendment abolished slavery in the U.S.
  • 1877 - Thomas Edison demonstrated the first gramophone, with a recording of himself reciting Mary Had a Little Lamb.
  • 1926 - In Italy, Benito Mussolini introduced a tax on bachelors.
  • 1973 - Gerald R. Ford was sworn in as the vice-president of the United States after vice-president Spiro Agnew resigned.
  • 1983 - In Jerusalem, a bomb planted on a bus exploded killing six Israelis and wounding 44.
  • 1998 - In Venezuela, former Lieutenant Colonel Hugo Chavez was elected president. He had staged a bloody coup attempt against the government six years earlier.

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

German judge lets 8 men who gang-raped girl walk free | Blaze Media

German judge lets 8 men who gang-raped girl walk free | Blaze Media

AGerman court delivered its verdict Tuesday concerning those responsible for the barbaric September 2020 gang-rape of a 15-year-old German girl in the northern city of Hamburg.

Of the eleven men initially charged in relation to the gang-rape of the minor — only four of whom were technically German — two were acquitted. Nine were found guilty. Eight got probation, not exceeding two years. Only one is headed to prison.

The way we were-----Paul Harvey - The Rest of the Story - Farm Boy

The $6.5 Trillion Dollar Problem Nobody Notices

Smearing Capitalism

Smearing Capitalism - JOHN STOSSEL
"You must be lonely. 
The media say loneliness is everywhere in America.
  • A Los Angeles Times columnist says, “There’s a mass loneliness crisis going on.”
  • Capitalism is Making You Lonely, says Jacobin Magazine.
  • Vox claims, Capitalism makes us feel empty inside.”
As usual, the media are just wrong.
In my new video, historian Johan Norberg points out that, “There’s no empirical data that actually shows that we feel more lonely now than we did in the past. … When researchers compare people with previous generations at the same stage of life, they don’t find evidence of increased loneliness.”
But more people live alone now,” I say. “I would think that would make people lonelier.”
“What they never tell you in the reports,” Norberg replies, “is that people who live alone and spend less time surrounded by other people are also more happy with those relationships.”...

Delivery drivers navigate holiday havoc as carjackers, robbers disrupt package rush

Delivery drivers navigate holiday havoc as carjackers, robbers disrupt package rush
  • Workers for Amazon, FedEx and UPS have been targeted, and postal workers have faced 231% increase in assaults in last three years -  By Christina Coulter Fox News
"A UPS driver was out delivering packages when she was surrounded by several suspects who wound up taking her truck in broad daylight. (FOX 5)
It’s the holiday season, which means delivery drivers will be hustling Christmas gifts with dangerous Grinches lurking.
Recent robberies and carjackings of delivery drivers have put a spotlight on the threats they face as they handle the rush of shipments and presents...

Report: US and UK Military Contractors Conspired to Develop Global Censorship Strategy

Report: US and UK Military Contractors Conspired to Develop Global Censorship Strategy

Newly leaked documents have revealed a secretive initiative by U.S. and UK military contractors to establish a global censorship framework in 2018, according to a new report by journalists behind the Twitter Files.

Why Do Intellectuals Love Socialism? Thomas Sowell

They can't "win" with truth, so they lie!-----Removing Colour, for a Sick Story - Jennifer Marohasy

Removing Colour, for a Sick Story - Jennifer
"My Aunty Bunty used to work in a factory in Dundee, in Scotland, with thousands of other women all adding colour to black and white photographs
She was allowed to be creative; the idea was to make people happy. 
So, for example, she could add more pink to the cheeks of young girls on holidays at the beach.
  • Nowadays scientist regularly do the opposite. 
They strip colour from pretty pictures because they want to make people feel sad, specifically about the corals at the Great Barrier Reef. 
They are not very nice people. 
That is the unfortunate truth...




2A Victory: Judge Rules Federal Ban on Handgun Sales to 18- to 20-Year-Olds Unconstitutional

2A Victory: Judge Rules Federal Ban on Handgun Sales to 18- to 20-Year-Olds Unconstitutional

A federal judge on Friday struck down the Biden administration’s effort to ban adults between the ages of 18 and 20 from buying handguns.

Judge Thomas Kleeh, an appointee of former President Donald Trump and Chief Judge of the United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia, ruled in the case of Steven Robert Brown and Benjamin Weekley, who were banned from buying guns under the administration’s edict, according to Breitbart.

It's the culture, stupid!

Leadership matters!-----A Global Reality Check with Stephen Bryen

A Global Reality Check with Stephen Bryen - BILL WALTON
"...As both the wars for Ukraine and Gaza Strip have the potential to widen, even while Taiwan looms, Bryen warns about the United States' diminishing influence in global affairs that have led to a weakened strategic position, particularly in relation to China, Iran and even Russia.
Some excerpts:
  • "We're not controlling events. Events are controlling us. And we're doing some things which are reckless."...
  • “We’re emptying our arsenal to support Ukraine, leaving NATO exposed, very exposed, if the Russians really chose to be troublesome in Europe"
  • “One of the amazing truths about the US and its NATO allies supplying millions of tons of ammunition and hardware to Ukraine is that the allies paid almost no attention to contingencies and freely raided stockpiles that were put there for US and NATO national security defense needs.”
  • We’re still sending billions of dollars to Iran, serving interests that are not our own. "Our national interest is not to allow Iran to conquer nearby countries. And to destabilize the Middle East because it's not in our interest, it's not in Europe's interest, it's not in the world's interest.”

Yup. Dick Cheney's daughter is nuts!


Droughts, Delays, and the Global Economy - AFNN

Droughts, Delays, and the Global Economy - AFNN - John F. Di Leo 
"...The current drought in Central America has caused a severe water shortage in Gatun Lake, which supplies water for the Panama Canal...
With the lake suffering much lower levels than usual, the water in the locks is not high enough for fully laden modern vessels...
  • The delays have increased as water levels drop; ships wait a week or more, as much as three weeks of dead time. 
  • And with ship lease rates averaging between $50,000 and $100,000 per day, a week of unplanned idle time means somebody’s books are really taking a bath.
  • The Panama Canal could handle 32 ship crossings per day just a month ago… Panama reduced that number to only 22 per day on December 1. On February 1, they expect to have to further drop their maximum to 18 ship crossings per day...
But it IS the fault of the Biden-Harris regime’s kind of policies – socialist policies
  • Destructive, big government, tax-and-spend, anti-market policies.
You see, what Central America really needs – or should we say, what the world really needs in Central America – is a second canal. 
  • Why is Panama still the only one after a hundred years?...
Unfortunately, Nicaragua is a socialist country, run by semi-stalinist communists
They can’t print the money needed for such a project, and they sure can’t raise the money needed for it...

#1 This day 1961-----The Marvelettes - Please Mister Postman

Michael Smith - Just read that two of the three people who burned... | Facebook

Michael Smith - Just read that two of the three people who burned... | Facebook
"Just read that two of the three people who burned down the Wendy's in Atlanta where police shot and killed Rayshard Brooks got a $500 fine and no jail time.
Brooks was another bad dude who chose to fight police, strip a taser from one officer and aim it at him, so he got shot.
BLM rioted, of course, and three rioters decided to up their game to arson and torched the Wendy's for the racial crime of having a parking lot.
Cost them $500.
Contrast that with...
  • the J6 protesters who are getting years, sometimes decades long sentences. 
  • How about the ones who have spent years in a DC jail without trial? 
  • Or Trump prosecutor Jack Smith trying to get the names of any person who ever liked a Trump tweet?
  • Maybe having a FBI swat team in armored vehicles (and CNN) raid your house at 6 AM after you had offered to turn yourself in the way they did Roger Stone?
  • How about getting your home raided and being taken away in restraints for praying at an abortion clinic - in front of your wife and kids?
  • How about the dude who posted a meme about Hillary and got 7 years?
"Justice" has become a matter of skin color and party affiliation and as such, there is no justice.

Explains much.


Biden threatens business owners who raise prices to keep afloat during inflation

Biden threatens business owners who raise prices to keep afloat during inflation

Those who don't learn from -- or are in any condition to remember -- history are apparently condemned to repeat it. All three presidents who held office during the 1970s -- Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter -- all faced issues with inflation. All tried price and/or wage controls to get it under control. All, rather predictably, failed. President Joe Biden either didn't learn anything from that malaise of a decade or has (rather plausibly) forgotten it. He's taking the same approach, albeit with a slightly different tack: Instead of implementing price controls directly, he's taking to the bully pulpit to tell those lying dog-faced pony soldier corporations not to mess with Corn Pop and start messing with prices or they'll have something to worry about, jack.

The deep meaning of Goldie | Power Line

The deep meaning of Goldie | Power Line - SCOTT JOHNSONI offered 10 notes on Erik Larson’s In the Garden of Beasts in “In Larson’s garden.” 
The book tells the story of United States Ambassador William E. Dodd as he witnessed the rising terror of Hitler’s rule...
  • In my tenth note I asked: if you had been an American in Berlin in 1933, what would you have seen? 
  • What would you have said? 
  • What would you have done? 
  • What conclusions would you have drawn?
...Yesterday, for example, an anti-Semitic mob screamed threats into Philadelphia’s “Jewish-owned falafel store” (as the Daily Mail describes it) Goldie...
Led by the Philly Palestine Coalition, the mob marched at the Goldie restaurant in Philadelphia’s Center City chanting: “Goldie, Goldie you can’t hide, we charge you with genocide.” below here.

AM Fruitcake