Monday, December 11, 2023

How Ecuador Became the Most Dangerous Country in South America

Fascinating! Read it all!!-----The Curious Case of Claudine Gay - by Christopher Brunet

The Curious Case of Claudine Gay - by Christopher Brunet
  • She is the common thread in the Epstein, Weinstein, Dominguez, Enos, and Fryer scandals
"Claudine Gay first came to my attention about a month ago, when she emerged as the central figure in the Ryan Enos data fabrication scandal...
  • Gay’s Role in the Jeffrey Epstein Scandal
The previous Edgerley Family Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences who Gay replaced in 2018, Michael Smith, had drawn too much heat for the numerous scandals he himself was embroiled in… such as the fact that he had approved Jeffrey Epstein's phone & office (the Program on Evolutionary Dynamics is part of FAS). 
Claudine Gay allowed Michael Smith to get away scot-free in the Harvard-Epstein ties investigation — she came in and nicely whitewashed it all away. 
Claudine Gay has Epstein coverup stink on her, and Michael Smith has major Epstein stink on him...

Dave Agema - The following three accuse Israel for what HAMAS has... | Facebook

Dave Agema - The following three accuse Israel for what HAMAS has... | Facebook
"They are the enemy within whose love of Islam supersedes all truth and facts
  • Their goal is the destruction of not just Israel but America itself with sharia law replacing our constitution. They are extreme racists and terrorists at heart. 
I served with Tlaib In the legislature-she is evil personified!...
Representatives Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Cori Bush (D-MO) held a press conference on Capitol Hill Thursday, demanding a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, while accusing Israel of war crimes and genocide.
Tlaib said: “And let me be clear about what’s happening: These are war crimes. The targeting of civilians is a war crime; the targeting of medical facilities is a war crime, the starvation and withholding of water and electricity is a war crime; the collective punishment of 2.3 million people is a war crime, and we refuse to be silent.”...

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill Resigns After Failure to Condemn Antisemitism

University of Pennsylvania President Liz Magill Resigns After Failure to Condemn Antisemitism

Magill and the presidents of Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) faced intense backlash after they declined to say during the hearing whether advocating for the genocide of Jews is permissible on campus.

After Magill’s failure during the congressional hearing, the university president attempted to walk back her remarks — or lack thereof — by releasing a video clarifying that calling for the genocide of Jewish people would, in fact, be harassment on campus.

What is the Gaza Strip? An explanation and personal account

And they own Chrysler!-----Fiat Sold Less Than One Car Per Dealership Last Quarter - The Autopian

Fiat Sold Less Than One Car Per Dealership Last Quarter
"...Specifically: there are more Fiat dealerships in the U.S. than the number of cars it sold last quarter.
Do the math, and you’ll realize that means a great proportion of Fiat dealerships actually failed to sell a single car in three whole months. 
The numbers are stark. There are 359 Fiat dealerships across the country, but the brand sold just 145 vehicles for the whole of Q3...
Let’s put that number into context. 
Fiat sold a full 50 cars in its best month this year. 
  • By contrast, Ford has sold an average of 78 F-Series trucks per hour in 2023. 
  • Chevrolet sold an average of 51 Silverados per hour, just topping Fiat’s best month. 
  • Even the Toyota RAV4 is selling around 1,000 examples a day, which is more than Fiat has sold all year...

Lunch video-----Drowned Maldives

"In 1988 the United Nations said the Maldives would drown by 2018.



'Poor Things': A progressive feminist Frankenstein movie | Blaze Media

'Poor Things': A progressive feminist Frankenstein movie | Blaze Media

The latest film from Disney studio Searchlight Pictures depicts a feminist's literary dream, where a female lead is lauded for promiscuity and her defiance of societal norms in a time when both are most unbecoming.

"Free" money to buy votes. Who cares if they collapse!


Much here, read all!!-----Lest We Forget - by Michael Smith - Unlicensed Punditry

Lest We Forget - by Michael Smith - Unlicensed Punditry
  • The DC two-step is designed to make us forget the bad behavior of our leaders.
"A quick recap of what we knew in 2020, but are beginning to forget just three years later:
  • Ukraine actually DID interfere in the 2016 elections based on Ukrainian court records.
  • Burisma was being investigated far longer than the Democrats claim.
  • Burisma's president was involved in missing American aid to Ukraine - that aid money was transferred to a bank he controlled.
  • There was at least $7 billion in US taxpayer aid missing in Ukraine.
Hunter Biden traded on his father's name to make millions in Ukraine...
  • These things are important, but thanks to David Weisman slow walking this case so that the years of 2014 and 2015 fell out due to the statute of limitations it's almost as if it never happened...
People forget the Bidens were associated with a company, Burisma, that was generally considered one of (if not the most) corrupt companies in Ukraine. 
Its president owned PrivatBank, the bank which billions in US aid was transferred through and subsequently went missing. 
One must remember, during this period when billions of taxpayer dollars were flowing into Ukrainian banks - and vanishing like flash paper in a magic act.
  • It is not much of a stretch of logic to deduce the money used to pay the Bidens was not Ukrainian or Russian - it belonged to the American taxpayer.
  • If proven, it means Hunter and Joe not only perpetrated fraud, they perpetrated fraud on the American people.
Lest we forget.

#1 Movie this week 1992-----A Few Good Men Trailer HQ (1992)

WEF warns 2024 likely to bring ‘catastrophic’ cyber event

WEF warns 2024 likely to bring ‘catastrophic’ cyber event
  • Could this be the latest predictive programming, similar to ‘Event 201’ was for the Covid pandemic?
"...The globalist elites have done their best to inform us ahead of time of what to expect. 
  • They talk a lot about cyber attacks. 
  • Not the little ones we hear about daily. 
  • No, they’re talking about massive ones that will cause widespread panic among the people...
Jeremy Jurgens, the managing director of the World Economic Forum, stated at the WEF’s annual summit in January 2023 that a disrupting cyber event would likely take place before 2025...
If Jurgens’ prediction proves accurate, then that would leave 2024 as the year for this horrific event to go down, because it would need to happen before 2025...

#1 This day 1973-----Charlie Rich - The Most Beautiful Girl In The World - 1973

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook - Theodore
"Bjørn Lomborg - We're being duped:
We're constantly told that wind and solar are the cheapest sources of electricity
But this only true occasionally, when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining
Wind and solar simply don't secure the electricity system 24/7...
A new peer-reviewed, research paper estimates the Levelized Full System Costs of Electricity (including the costs of supply & balance):
It finds that suddenly solar and wind are the most expensive energy sources...

An evil world!

Pfizer mRNA jab leaves 1 in 3 recipients with 'unintended immune response': Cambridge study | Blaze Media

Pfizer mRNA jab leaves 1 in 3 recipients with 'unintended immune response': Cambridge study | Blaze Media

A peer-reviewed University of Cambridge study published Wednesday in the scientific journal Nature has revealed the Nobel Prize-winning technique that paved the way for synthetic messenger ribonucleic acid vaccines is far from flawless. To trick the body into allowing cellular interventions by synthetic mRNA-based therapeutics, scientists discovered they first had to make chemical modifications to the building blocks of the mRNA. Researchers indicated this week that encounters with repeat base modifications often lead to cellular miscommunications, which ultimately trigger immune flare-ups in vaccine recipients.

Preditory policing!-----Ohio Town Charges Drivers $100 To Challenge Speed Camera Tickets

Ohio Town Charges Drivers $100 To Challenge Speed Camera Tickets - DARYL JAMES AND BOBBI TAYLOR
  • Want To Challenge Your Speed Camera Ticket? That'll Be $100.
  • Only 536 people live in this Ohio town that issues 1,800 speeding tickets per month.
"Motorists caught speeding in Peninsula, Ohio, have options: They can pay with Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or PayPal. 
But if they want to dispute a ticket...before vehicle owners can appear in municipal court to defend themselves, they must pay a $100 "filing fee." 
No exceptions. No discounts. No deferrals.
Many drivers skip the expense and plead guilty, which works well for Peninsula...

AM Fruitcake


History for December 11

History for December 11 -
Alexander Solzhenitsyn 1918 - Nobel Prize-winning author
  • 1769 - Edward Beran of London patented venetian blinds.
  • 1844 - Dr. Horace Wells became the first person to have a tooth extracted after receiving an anesthetic for the dental procedure. Nitrous Oxide, or laughing gas, was the anesthetic.
  • 1941 - Germany and Italy declared war on the United States. The U.S in turn declared war on the two countries.
  • 1961 - The first direct American military support for South Vietnam occurred when a U.S. aircraft carrier carrying Army helicopters arrived in Saigon.
  • 1985 - General Electric Company agreed to buy RCA Corporation for $6.3 billion. Also included in the deal was NBC Radio and Television.
  • 1997 - More than 150 countries agreed at a global warming conference in Kyoto, Japan, to control the Earth's "greenhouse gases."

Sunday, December 10, 2023

New Census data shows America is no longer America | Blaze Media

New Census data shows America is no longer America | Blaze Media

We now have a greater share of immigrants in this country, from more extremely divergent cultures, than at any time in our history. Who voted for this, and who thought this was a good idea?

Imagine if we could go back in time to when Congress debated the 1965 and 1990 immigration bills. Lawmakers would promise the public that the nation was about to embark on the largest expansion of immigration ever — indefinitely — that would violate every principle of our balanced immigration system and values of assimilation.

The way we were-----The Little Ice Age: Climate Change - Part 1 - Extra History

How Belgium, Sweden and Denmark became the most dangerous countries in E...

Michael Smith - A quick recap of what we knew in 2020, but are... | Facebook

Michael Smith - A quick recap of what we knew in 2020, but are... | Facebook - Michael Smith
"A quick recap of what we knew in 2020, but are beginning to forget:
  • - Ukraine actually DID interfere in the 2016 elections based on Ukrainian court records.
  • - Burisma was being investigated far longer than the Democrats claim.
  • - Burisma's president was involved in missing American aid to Ukraine - that aid money was transferred to a bank he controlled.
  • - There was at least $7 billion in US taxpayer aid missing in Ukraine.
  • - Members of the Ukrainian parliament have demanded the presidents of Ukraine and the United States investigate suspicions of the laundering of $7.4 billion by the "family" of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych through the American investment fund Franklin Templeton Investments.
  • - Hunter Biden traded on his father's name to make millions in Ukraine.
  • - Hunter Biden was paid millions for a no-show job because we have the bank records of the transfers.
  • - The Biden family has benefited from Joe Biden's position in the US government.
  • - Joe Biden did, in fact, execute a quid pro quo in Ukraine and bragged about it publicly.
These things are important, but thanks to David Weisman slow walking this case so that the years of 2014 and 2015 fell out due to the statute of limitations it's almost as if it never happened...

Like Adolf's brown-shirts!-----Americans warned riots are now a campaign 'tactic'

Americans warned riots are now a campaign 'tactic' - WND News Center - Bob Unruh
"Leftists rioted violently all across the U.S. during 2020, following the Minneapolis death of George Floyd.
But the riots, which decimated large districts of hundreds of towns and cities with billions in damages, and were in fact, extremely violent despite legacy reporters calling them “mostly peaceful” while standing in front of a burning city block, are now more than riots.
  • They are a “tactic,” according to Christopher F. Rufo, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor of City Journal.
In a column there, he explained those riots have been resurrected by extremists in support of Hamas’ terror attack in October in which hundreds of Israeli civilians were butchered.
Those riots, on and off campus alike, reveal “a disturbing truth: the left-wing rioting following George Floyd’s death in 2020 was not an anomaly, but a tactic that activists can repurpose for any cause,” he explained.
And, he noted, the presidential race of 2024 is approaching.

House Judiciary Republicans renew demand for docs from DHS on cutting of Texas border wire

House Judiciary Republicans renew demand for docs from DHS on cutting of Texas border wire

Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, as well as Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Tom McClintock, R-Calif., and Subcommittee on Responsiveness and Accountability to Oversight Chairman Ben Cline, R-Va., have written to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas following up on two requests for more information about the situation in Eagle Pass, Texas, in September. On Sept. 20, a massive surge of mostly Venezuelan illegal immigrants surged into Eagle Pass, leading to the closing of two bridges as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) struggled to deal with the numbers they were seeing.

Three Centuries Of Greta's Family Business

Grow Michigan council says more education spending will draw people to state - Jamie A. Hope

Grow Michigan council says more education spending will draw people to state Jamie A. Hope 
"The Growing Michigan Together workgroup recommends that the state increase school funding in an attempt to attract more residents.
The logic is that if the state spends more money on education, there will be better academic outcomes, which will drive families to the state
The problem is the state’s education data tells a different story....

Lunch video-----Milton Friedman best moments
