The Cult of Darkness By Edward Hudgins - “Energy is not for conserving; it is for unleashing to serve us, to make our lives better, to allow us to realize our dreams and to reach for the stars, those bright lights that pierce the darkness of the night.”
"Since early men ignited the first fires in caves, the unleashing of energy for light, heat, cooking, and every human need has been the
essence and symbol of what it is to be human. - The Greeks saw Prometheus vanquishing the darkness with the gift of fire to men.
- The Romans kept an eternal flame burning in the Temple of Vesta. Our deepest thoughts and insights are described as sparks of fire in our minds.
- A symbol of death is a fading flame; Poet Dylan Thomas urged us to “rage, rage against the dying of the light.”
Thus a symbol of the deepest social darkness is seen in the recent extinguishing of the lights of cities across Australia and in other industrialized countries, not as a result of power failures or natural disasters, not as a conscious act of homage for the passing of some worthy soul, but to urge us all to limit energy consumption for fear of global warming.
This is not the symbol of the death but, rather, of the suicide of a civilization...