Thursday, December 28, 2023

Propaganda was adopted and used extensively by the IPCC in accordance with its own written manifesto

Propaganda was adopted and used extensively by the IPCC in accordance with its own written manifesto - Bjørn K
  • "...Changing the scale to imply a relationship is a classic misdirection and was practiced time and time again (CO2- Temperature, CO2-pH, CO2-Sea level, CO2-Ice volume, etc.) 
  • Restricting the scientific investigation to proving a connection to CO2 and admitting that its target audiences were politicians suggests a biased agenda. 
  • Proclamations of cataclysmic consequences are propaganda and not based on scientific facts.
  • The data are insufficient to validate a current global warming trend or to support that minute increases in CO2 concentrations can cause global cataclysmic consequences...
The fact is―the earth is boringly healthy.

Lunch video-----Making The Data Better

"A look at the nonsensical and comedic data tampering US government agencies are engaged in altering the Icelandic temperature record.


2023 was the year campus antisemitism finally got its reckoning after college students cheer for terrorism

2023 was the year campus antisemitism finally got its reckoning after college students cheer for terrorism

The year 2023, particularly the months after the Oct. 7 terror attacks, featured lawsuits, congressional investigations, and threats to cut federal funding from elite universities. It was the year that campus antisemitism, long bubbling under the radar on college campuses, finally got its reckoning.


ALERT: A federal court in Northern District of Georgia (Atlanta Division) will allow plaintiffs to proceed to trial after they presented expert evidence which found 7 core vulnerabilities in the Dominion voting system

ALERT: A federal court in Northern District of Georgia (Atlanta Division) will allow plaintiffs to proceed to trial after they presented expert evidence which found 7 core vulnerabilities in the Dominion voting system Tom Fitton @TomFitton
1. Attackers can alter the QR codes on printed ballots to modify voters’ selections; 2. Anyone with brief physical access to the BMD (ballot marking device) machines can install malware onto the machines; 3. Attackers can forge or manipulate the smart cards that a BMD uses to authenticate technicians, poll workers, and voters, which could then be used by anyone with physical access to the machines to install malware onto the BMDs...

Under attack!

Mumbling actors, bad speakers or lazy listeners? Why everyone is watching TV with subtitles on | Television | The Guardian

Mumbling actors, bad speakers or lazy listeners? Why everyone is watching TV with subtitles on | Television | The Guardian
"Subtitles aren’t just for the hard of hearing, with Netflix reporting 40% of its viewers regularly use them.
But do we just enjoy them or is there a more annoying reason?...
But if you’re switching subtitles on because you simply can’t make out what the actors are saying, it’s (probably) not your ears that are to blame. 
Hard-to-hear dialogue is a known issue in the industry...
  • The problem starts on the movie set. In decades past, actors had to project loudly towards a fixed microphone. The advent of portable mics has allowed a shift towards a more intimate and naturalistic style of performance, where actors can speak more softly – or, some might say, mumble.
  • It’s an approach to acting Sics says has been around for a long time now, but something he’s certainly noticed more in younger performers...

#1 This day 1966-----The Monkees - I'm A Beliver (Original Video HD)

Instapundit - TAKE A BOW TIKTOK: One in five young Americans has a positive view of Osama Bin Laden

Instapundit - One in five young Americans has a positive view of Osama Bin Laden...

  • One in five young Americans has a positive view of 9/11 mastermind and Al Qaeda founder Osama Bin Laden, according to disturbing results of a poll.
  • The alarming survey also found three in 10 Gen Z voters believe the views of the anti-Semitic terrorist leader who slaughtered thousands of innocent people were a ‘force for good’.

Family members of 9/11 victims said the findings are ‘horrifying’ and proof of a startling trend suggesting some in the younger generation are growing sympathetic to terrorists...

DEI statements?!!


US Navy Loosens Personal Cellphone Use in Basic Training

US Navy Loosens Personal Cellphone Use in Basic Training

Each of these bizarre and woke acts by branches of the armed services demonstrates that the military is more concerned with playing woke politics than it is with winning wars. This does not attract the kind of young men who raise flags over Iowa Jima. Even if the introduction of cellphones to boot camp does not directly cause a degradation of discipline among other maladies to the Navy, the public perception of cellphones at boot camp may feed a general sense that our military is no longer a force that could storm Omaha Beach. This perception will surely accelerate a decline already endemic in the military.

Electricity Becoming Less Reliable DAVID STROM

Electricity Becoming Less Reliable DAVID STROM

...Last week, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) – the body in charge of US and Canadian grid reliability – published its latest 10-year outlook, saying that “sharp increases in peak demand forecasts and the potential for higher generator retirements are raising concerns for electric reliability over the next 10 years”. The regulator is projecting electricity shortfalls in areas where legacy generator retirements are expected before enough replacements are built to meet rising demand.

In addition, there are risks that the future generation mix in some regions could fail to deliver the enough electricity to meet demand under “energy-constrained conditions” including periods of low wind output or sub-freezing temperatures which can disrupt gas supplies to power stations where infrastructure is insufficiently weather-proofed. It says most parts of the United States face blackout risks over the next 10 years.

AM Fruitcake


History for December 28

History for December 28 -  
Woodrow Wilson 1856 - 28th U.S. President
  • 1732 - "The Pennsylvania Gazette," owned by Benjamin Franklin, ran an ad for the first issue of "Poor Richard’s Almanack."
  • 1836 - Mexico's independence was recognized by Spain.
  • 1895 - In Paris, the first commercial public screening of cinematographic films took place.
  • 1945 - The U.S. Congress officially recognized the "Pledge of Allegiance."
  • 1956 - After five years on television, the last "Ding Dong School" was aired on NBC-TV.
  • 1973 - The Chamber of Commerce of Akron, OH, terminated its association with the All-American Soap Box Derby. It was stated that the race had become "a victim of cheating and fraud."
  • 1973 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn published "Gulag Archipelago," an expose of the Soviet prison system.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

SWAT mania! Big-name conservatives get swatted AGAIN on Christmas Day

SWAT mania! Big-name conservatives get swatted AGAIN on Christmas Day

"It is clear federal law is currently inadequate on swatting incidents whether to schools, public figures, or Members of Congress. Such law must be updated. In addition, Congress must address the total failure of federal law enforcement agencies to deal with these violent threats."

The way we were-----10 Air Travel Features From The Golden Age Of Flying

Covid Scientists MISLED Pentagon on Proposal to Do GAIN-OF-FUNCTION Rese...

"Israel 🇮🇱 defends itself against Hamas? “Doctors Against Genocide” is formed!

More (bogus!) things to fear, more power to government to "protect" us!-----Study: 2 new mosquito species moving toward Michigan, potential for more diseases |

Study: 2 new mosquito species moving toward Michigan, potential for more diseases | 
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) — A warming climate is expected to bring more than just milder winters to West Michigan. 
A new study shows two invasive mosquito species are making their way farther north into the Great Lakes region and the potential for more mosquito-borne viruses, including Zika, dengue and yellow fever.
The tiger mosquito and yellow fever mosquito are not new to the United States but have never had established populations in Michigan...
And as climate change promotes more severe storms, additional flooding is expected to generate more “microhabitats” — leaving standing water where mosquitos can breed...

8 Times the Biden Administration Pushed the Transgender Agenda on Children

8 Times the Biden Administration Pushed the Transgender Agenda on Children

Normalizing gender dysphoria quickly became a top priority of the Biden administration, particularly in 2023. But perhaps what made it seem worse was the overt targeting of children, as the Democrat’s administration made clear several times throughout the year.

Here are eight instances of the Biden administration promoting — and even championing — gender confusion on society’s most vulnerable and sometimes going as far as scolding parents who oppose his agenda.

Asian-Americans are Overachievers, This is Why | Thomas Sowell

China's Increased Bullying of Philippines to Test US Resolve :: Gatestone Institute

China's Increased Bullying of Philippines to Test US Resolve - Gatestone Institute - Lawrence A. Franklin 
  • "Despite the allegedly warm atmosphere of the San Francisco Summit between China's Communist Party leader Xi Jinping and US President Joseph Biden, the Chinese dictator reportedly told Biden, "that Beijing will reunify Taiwan with mainland China but that the timing has not yet been decided," and "that China's preference is to take Taiwan peacefully, not by force."
  • It is clear that Xi is doubling down on his claim of sovereignty over almost all of the South China Sea, starting with Taiwan, and understands that he might have only a few "good" months left...
China's repeated targeting of the Philippines appears possibly related to Manila's decision to grant the US expanded military presence in the Philippines, by granting the US military access to four additional air and naval facilities, raising the number to nine. 
The newly installed Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. reversed his predecessor's policy: appeasing China...

Lunch video-----Why is it Not Patented? Wrap an LED Bulb with Electrical Tape and you'll...



New gun limits that defy the law trigger serious lawsuits

New gun limits that defy the law trigger serious lawsuits

The Liberty Justice Center has announced it is going to court to fight two new "local firearm restrictions" that actually defy a state law protecting the right to bear arms. The fight is developing in Nebraska, the organization confirmed, where officials in Omaha and Lincoln both have adopted new limits on the rights protected by the Second Amendment.

If they really cared...


The Electric Car Scheme - "... subsidy paid by government..."

The Electric Car Scheme - By Paul Homewood 
  • If you wondered why EV fleet sales have been doing so well, look no further than the government approved Electric Car Scheme...
  • This means that the employee saves the Income Tax and NI he would otherwise have paid...
  • To be able to save 30% on the cost of lease payments is naturally hugely attractive to potential buyers, and is a subsidy paid by government.



Gavin Newsom's 10-year plan to end San Francisco homelessness hits 20-year mark

Gavin Newsom's 10-year plan to end San Francisco homelessness hits 20-year mark - By Houston Keene Fox News 
"...As Newsom took over following the 2003 San Francisco mayoral election, the then-mayor-elect said that December he intended to "aggressively" make ending homelessness in his city his administration's top priority.
The plan involved a 10-year strategy to end chronic homelessness with "tens of millions" of federal dollars in funding to create 550 "supportive housing" units for the troubled homeless, SFGate reported at the time....
... "Not only does the problem remain unsolved today, but in the time since, he has taken his failures statewide, where communities across California are grappling with the devastating homeless crisis."...