Monday, January 01, 2024

Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World's Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

Gov. Gavin Newsom to Offer Health Insurance to the World's Migrants in 2024 If They Can Get to California

Beginning January 1, 2024, illegal aliens residing in California will become eligible for taxpayer-funded health insurance — the first state in the nation to enact such a policy.

Terrible News for Anyone Who Owns a Car

As the media celebrates the genius-democrats!-----Worst century ever - Don Surber

Worst century ever - Don Surber 
"...But the biggest problem with this century are the lies. 
The media outlets no longer are content with telling just one side of a story. 
No, now they make things up and report on imaginary facts. 
  • The Russian election interference hoax was used to discredit the 2016 election. 
  • The insurrection hoax was used to discredit legitimate concerns about the 2020 election and to throw shade on the 2024 election...

Lunch video-----AP Year in Review: The top stories of 2023



Joe Biden's Top 5 Worst Moments in 2023

Joe Biden's Top 5 Worst Moments in 2023

President Joe Biden, 81, continued his record in 2023 of awkward and embarrassing moments, as well as alarming incidents demonstrating cognitive decline. Below are the five top worst moments for Biden in 2023:

Climate Change is Crap · Same for Australia 1.5 %


As the media applauds his highness' "beautiful clothes".-----Biden's Brain Turns to Mush During New Year's Eve Appearance With Ryan Seacrest By Bonchie

Biden's Brain Turns to Mush During New Year's Eve Appearance With Ryan Seacrest By Bonchie
  • "...Appearing with Ryan Seacrest, who was doing the live program for ABC News from Times Square, Biden's brain quickly turned to mush under the most basic questioning. 
  • At one point, he was asked what his favorite memories and highlights of 2023 were, which prompted him to talk about how jobs were shipped overseas.
Don't try to figure it out. It's easier that way.

Jill Biden's discomfort is obvious as she gives a deep sigh halfway through his answer and turns to glare at him momentarily...

#1 Movie this week 1950----El Cid 1961 - Trailer 2.avi

Early Voting: Enabler for Election Fraud - Lets Fix Stuff

Early Voting: Enabler for Election Fraud - Lets Fix Stuff 
  • What Is It? What Is The Difference Between Early Voting and Absentee Voting?
Early voting and absentee voting are two distinct methods that allow voters to cast their ballots before the official election day, but they differ in their processes and requirements.

Early Voting:
  1. Definition: Early voting allows voters to cast their ballots in person at designated polling stations before the scheduled election day. This period can range from a few days to several weeks, depending on the jurisdiction...

Absentee Voting:

  1. Definition: Absentee voting allows voters to request, receive, and submit a ballot by mail. In some jurisdictions, it may also be returned in person to a designated location...

Key Differences...

#1 This day 1950-----Gene Autry "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" on The Ed Sullivan Show

It's NOT lack of "access", it's lack of "use" and personal responsibility!----- Highly-contagious infection spread by feces breaks out in Portland as homeless crisis sparks disease common in Third World | Daily Mail Online

Highly-contagious infection spread by feces breaks out in Portland as homeless crisis sparks disease common in Third World | Daily Mail Online
  • Highly-contagious infection spread by feces breaks out in Portland as homeless crisis sparks disease common in Third World
  • In the last month, 45 cases of shigella have been found in Portland , bringing the total from 2023 to 218
  • Multnomah County warned homeless people and same-sex male partners are most at risk of the infection because of their lack of access to hygienic facilities...

Best advice!

Ohio GOP Gov. Mike DeWine Vetoes Bill Protecting Kids from Transgender Experimentation, Trans Participation in Girls' Sports

Ohio GOP Gov. Mike DeWine Vetoes Bill Protecting Kids from Transgender Experimentation, Trans Participation in Girls' Sports

Ohio’s Republican Gov. Mike DeWine vetoed a bill on Dec. 29 that would protect children from dangerous and permanent transgender medical procedures and ban male-born transgender athletes from playing as females in girls’ and women’s sports.

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends presents the top 4 ‘climate hypocrites’ of 2023 – And the winner is… From CLIMATE DEPOT By Marc Morano

Watch: Morano on Fox & Friends presents the top 4 ‘climate hypocrites’ of 2023 – And the winner is… From CLIMATE DEPOT By Marc Morano
"Why don’t we start at the bottom, and then we’ll work our way up. 
  • We start with King Charles. King Charles flew to the COP 28 UN climate Summit in a private jet, and he recently founded the Terra Carta, which is the Earth Charter seeking nature rights, which is trying to grant nature, trees, lakes, rivers, equal rights to humans...
  • ...So continue, who’s next on the list? Marc Morano: The UN COP 28 the Climate Summit itself...

AM Fruitcake


History for January 1

History for January 1 - 
Barry Goldwater 1909
  • 1808 - The U.S. prohibited import of slaves from Africa.
  • 1863 - U.S. President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that all slaves in the rebel states were free.
  • 1934 - The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) began operation.
  • 1959 - Fidel Castro overthrew the government of Fulgencio Batista, and seized power in Cuba.
  • 1979 - The United States and China held celebrations in Washington, DC, and Beijing to mark the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries.
  • 1987 - A pro-democracy rally took place in Beijing's Tiananmen Square (China).
  • 1994 - The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect.
  • 1995 - The World Trade Organization came into existence. The group of 125 nations monitors global trade.
  • 1999 - The euro became currency for 11 Member States of the European Union. Coins and notes were not available until January 1, 2002.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

Chicago Alderman: 'I'm a Democrat,' But Biden 'Let the Border Remain Open' and Migrant Surge Is Causing Crime

Chicago Alderman: 'I'm a Democrat,' But Biden 'Let the Border Remain Open' and Migrant Surge Is Causing Crime

On Thursday’s “CNN News Central,” Chicago Alderman Brian Hopkins said that the city simply can’t handle any more migrants, and as a result of the migrant influx in the city, “We’re seeing crime go up, property values go down” and “We’re seeing communities destabilized.” Hopkins further stated, “I’m a Democrat, but I’ll say the Biden administration has absolutely dropped the ball,” and “every day that goes by while we let the border remain open and while we let cities try to address this humanitarian crisis, it gets worse by the day.”

The way we were------Funny Things You Were Guilty Of… in the 1970s

If you feel sick DO NOT test for COVID19 | The case against using rapid ...

Do we really want muslim supporters of Hamas to choose our next President??-----Muslim Leaders in Swing States Go National With Effort vs. Biden in 2024 Election Over Support for Israel By Ward Clark

Muslim Leaders in Swing States Go National With Effort vs. Biden in 2024 Election Over Support for Israel By Ward Clark
"On Saturday, a coalition of Muslim leaders in swing states announced they are stepping up their efforts to make sure Joe Biden (assuming he's the Democrat candidate, which is anything but certain) loses the 2024 presidential election. 
  • Why? Because he supports Israel...
    The #AbandonBiden campaign officially began earlier in December, led by Muslim leaders in swing states like Michigan, Minnesota and Arizona, who disapproved of Biden’s support for Israel’s counterattacks against Hamas...
    “We will save America from itself, by punishing Biden at the ballot box,” said lead organizer Jaylani Hussein in a statement...

Actually like hiring a recent college grad. Bummer, dude!------Michael Cohen Gave His Lawyer Fake Legal Citations Made with AI

Michael Cohen Gave His Lawyer Fake Legal Citations Made with AI - KRISTINA WONG

"Michael Cohen, a former personal lawyer to Donald Trump, said in court papers unsealed Friday that he had accidentally given his lawyers fictitious legal citations generated by an artificial intelligence program — an admission that could undermine his credibility when he testifies against his former boss...

Denver Mayor: Migrants Will Force our Sanctuary City to Make Bigger Cuts than We Did During Recession

Denver Mayor: Migrants Will Force our Sanctuary City to Make Bigger Cuts than We Did During Recession

During an interview with ABC News on Thursday, Denver Mayor Mike Johnston said that if the sanctuary city doesn’t get help from the federal government to deal with the financial impacts of the migrant influx in the city, the budget impact of dealing with migrants will be so large that they’ll have to cut the rest of their budget by about 10%, which would be a deeper cut than the cuts they made during the recession in the late 2000s and early 2010s.

State Sup. Crt. Rules You Do Not Have to Give Your Passcode to the Police

The End of History (As an Academic Discipline) DAVID STROM

The End of History (As an Academic Discipline) DAVID STROM
"...History Departments are no longer interested in teaching history per se but the history of ethnic groups...
The change in focus is quite striking. 
In only a decade, job postings focused on historical periods and American history have plummeted in number, but postings focused on ethnicity studies have exploded.

Jobs focused on research and teaching of American history were nearly 30% of all jobs in 2011 and 2012, Jobs focused on ethnic groups made up about 16% of the jobs.

Moving forward a decade, American history professors made up 6.4% of the hires, and ethnic studies made up more than half of the jobs...
  • Now imagine what is taught in those classes, and the chances that any of those classes aren’t about spewing Marxist propaganda are near zero...

Lunch video-----Former Pharma Rep on Health Insurance Corruption and Pharmacies



New EV Deemed Total Loss After Battery Replacement Costs More Than Car Itself

New EV Deemed Total Loss After Battery Replacement Costs More Than Car Itself:

Meanwhile, lunatic greenies and government autocrats are still attempting to force people to buy into EVs. Even with that, though, Ford just cut its manufacturing goals for its Ford F150 Lightning electric trucks in half for 2024. So, maybe the car makers are finally starting to realize that EVs are not a growth industry.

The fact is, EV owners who think they are “saving money” because they aren’t buying gas or paying gasoline taxes are fooling themselves. The hidden costs of EVs far outweigh the supposed savings.

Democrats=Civil WAR?!!


"In that case we would all be better off cancelling useless solar panels and wind turbines, and investing in flood and water management project, to mitigate the harm when a small ocean drops on our heads

In that case we would all be better off cancelling useless solar panels and wind turbines, and investing in flood and water management project, to mitigate the harm when a small ocean drops on our heads
  • ...James Hansen has a track record when it comes to talking up authoritarianism – who can forget Hansen’s absurd praise of the Chinese system in 2015, for the alleged advantage of Chinese Communism over Western democracies and republics, when it comes to addressing climate challenges?
  • “I think we will get there because China is rational,” Hansen says. “Their leaders are mostly trained in engineering and such things, they don’t deny climate change and they have a huge incentive, which is air pollution. It’s so bad in their cities they need to move to clean energies. They realise it’s not a hoax. But they will need co-operation...
This is likely just random chance – Australia is famed for its extreme weather, and weather forecasting in Australia is just as big a joke as most other places.
  • But what if the unusual El Nino rainfall in Australia is because of global warming? What if the “new normal” is fewer prolonged droughts, more chaotic weather with shorter dry spells, and more rain, including in the parched interior of Australia?
In that case we would all be better off cancelling useless solar panels and wind turbines, and 
  • investing in flood and water management project, to mitigate the harm when a small ocean drops on our heads. 
  • And people could mitigate their own personal risks, by avoiding purchasing in dubious housing estates which look suspiciously like filled in river valleys, 
  • ditching the EVs and useless town automobiles, and 
  • instead buying long range diesel 4WD vehicles to better handle Australia’s increasingly neglected and flood prone roads, and increasingly unreliable, power cut prone fuel supplies...