Friday, January 05, 2024

EV buses are (still) a COMPLETE DISASTER | MGUY Australia

The AARP just told its 38 million members to get an eighth (yes, EIGHTH!) shot of mRNA

The AARP just told its 38 million members to get an eighth (yes, EIGHTH!) shot of mRNA - Unreported Truths - ALEX BERENSON
  • Can't make it up. The solution to jab failure is... more jab failure.
  • AARP? Or AARPfizer?
"The lobbying group for older Americans just told its nearly 38 million members to “hustle” for another Covid jab, even if they have already had five boosters.
See for yourself. 
The following question-and-answer column ran in the organization’s December “AARP Bulletin”...

Court acts on Biden scheme to force ER doctors to become abortionists

Court acts on Biden scheme to force ER doctors to become abortionists

A ruling from an appeals court has, for the time being, blocked a scheme by Joe Biden to alter the nation's rules and regulations to force emergency room physicians to become abortionists. According to a report form the ADF, the ruling is from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in a case in which Texas challenged Biden's plan to change the rules, under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, to force those abortion procedures.

“There’s no sea ice at all"

"Fifty years of climate comedy at The Guardian.

It's a scam to identify morons!-----Plant-based sandwiches, salads and pizza are NOT healthier than meat options, study reveals | Daily Mail Online

Plant-based sandwiches, salads and pizza are NOT healthier than meat options, study reveals | Daily Mail Online
"MOST people see the New Year as a chance to kickstart a healthy eating regimen, and maybe even give Veganuary a go...
Researchers analysed a total of 1,868 meals including sandwiches, salads, noodles and pizza from 50 fast food chains across five countries, including the UK.
  • But – in bad news for those trying to shed some pounds – they discovered that overall, plant-based meals were not linked with having less calories...

Lunch video-----High deaths in middle age

"Many countries, including the UK, have continued to experience an apparent excess of deaths long after the peaks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021. 
Numbers of excess deaths estimated in this period are considerable. 



Read it and weep: Javier Milei accomplished in just 18 days | Blaze Media

Read it and weep: Javier Milei accomplished in just 18 days | Blaze Media

Javier Milei has been anything but subtle during his short stint as Argentina’s new president. He’s come in with a fiery vengeance to destroy anything that stands in the way of freedom, and Dave Rubin thinks it’s “absolutely spectacular.”


"...DEI is so big...

Home / X: i/o @eyeslasho 
"DEI divisions at large state universities are often huge. 
At Michigan, for example, DEI is so big that if its payroll were converted to a scholarship fund for in-state students, nearly 900 people could attend Michigan tuition-free...

Easy out!


Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook - Eric Negrón
"Mathematical models project that at the current rate of buildup of the gases thought to cause the greenhouse effect, the average global temperature will rise from the 59-degree base by 3 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit by about 2030, with increases substantially greater at higher latitudes but lower increases near the Equator."
  • One. The global air surface temperature baseline was moved downward to from 59 C to 57 C.
  • Two. The time period has been changed from 1895 to 1850.
  • Three. Return to the previous baseline and there is very little warming.
  • Four. Alarmists swear that a change of baseline does not affect the anomaly pattern.
  • Five. 59 + 3 = 62 F and 59 + 9 = 68 F
Notice anything?

NYTIMES.COM - Temperature For World Rises Sharply In the 1980's (Published 1988)..

#1 This day 1960-----Marty Robbins - El Paso (Live)

A Seat on the School Board Reserved for Illegal Aliens? DAVID STROM

A Seat on the School Board Reserved for Illegal Aliens? DAVID STROM
  • Everybody knows the endgame Biden is aiming for with the border crisis: illegal aliens voting in our elections.
  • It’s not a conspiracy theory if the facts are plain to see; already, 19 states issue licenses to illegal immigrants, and at least here in Minnesota, they are indistinguishable from all other licenses. 
  • Same-day voter registration without ID is already the law of the land here and in many places, and several cities already allow noncitizens to vote in local elections.

A Maryland county wants to go one better: to create a school board seat that can only be filled through the vote of illegal immigrants exclusively.
You read that correctly: only illegal immigrants can vote for the member that will sit in that seat and vote on education policy...

Invited by the democrat party!

Ladapo calls for stopping use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines | Blaze Media

Ladapo calls for stopping use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines | Blaze Media

"DNA integration poses a unique and elevated risk to human health and to the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or egg gametes could be passed onto offspring of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recipients. If the risks of DNA integration have not been assessed for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, these vaccines are not appropriate for use in human beings," he said in a statement, according to a Florida Department of Health press release. "Providers concerned about patient health risks associated with COVID-19 should prioritize patient access to non-mRNA COVID-19 vaccines and treatment."

NEW: Iowa School Shooter Identified, Allegedly Part of the Transgender Movement By Bonchie

NEW: Iowa School Shooter Identified, Allegedly Part of the Transgender Movement By Bonchie
"...Now, the shooter has been allegedly identified as Dylan Butler, and his background is going to bust some narratives...

AM Fruitcake


History for January 5

History for January 5 - 
Walter 'Fritz' Mondale 1928 - U.S. Senator
  • 1781 - Richmond, VA, was burned by a British naval expedition led by Benedict Arnold.
  • 1896 - It was reported by The Austrian newspaper that Wilhelm Roentgen had discovered the type of radiation that became known as X-rays.
  • 1914 - Ford Motor Company announced that there would be a new daily minimum wage of $5 and an eight-hour workday.
  • 1940 - The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) got its very first demonstration of FM radio.
  • 1961 - "Mr. Ed" debuted. The show would run for six years.
  • 1972 - U.S. President Richard M. Nixon ordered the development of the space shuttle.
  • 1998 - U.S. Representative Sonny Bono died in skiing accident.

Thursday, January 04, 2024

Illegal Arrested at Capitol with Machete Was Freed into U.S. by Biden DHS

Illegal Arrested at Capitol with Machete Was Freed into U.S. by Biden DHS

An illegal alien arrested late last month outside the United States Capitol building with a machete and knife was previously released into the U.S. interior by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) after crossing the southern border.

The way we were-----The Rise and Fall of the Mail Order Giants — A Chicago Stories Documentary

‘The police are asking people not to speculate about the incident on soc...

Words are meaningless!-----Houthis Get Strongly Worded Memo From 12 Nations Demanding They Stop Attacks and Release Hijacked Ships By streiff

Houthis Get Strongly Worded Memo From 12 Nations Demanding They Stop Attacks and Release Hijacked Ships By streiff
"A twelve-nation coalition issued what is billed as its final warning to the Yemeni Houthis to stop all attacks on commercial shipping in the Red Sea and release two hijacked ships and their crews, or they "will bear the responsibility of the consequences should they continue to threaten lives, the global economy, and free flow of commerce in the region’s critical waterways."...
However, it may have come too late to be of much use. 
Today, the Houthis hit and damaged the French-owned, Malta-flagged container ship CMA CGM TAGE en route to Alexandria, Egypt, from Singapore.

Tuesday, shipping giant Maersk announced it will no longer use the Red Sea...

Ousting Joe Biden and Obama/Newsom, the Democratic...Dream Ticket? By Ward Clark

Ousting Joe Biden and Obama/Newsom, the Democratic...Dream Ticket? By Ward Clark
"It's been apparent for some time that Joe Biden isn't in any condition to run for president this year...
The question a lot of us are asking is, "What are the Democrats going to do about this?"
Over at the Washington Times, Joe Navarro has some ideas
First, he posits — as I have — a Democrat convention coup to replace the Biden/Harris ticket.

How will Mr. Biden will be persuaded — or forced — to step down in favor of a brokered backroom deal Democratic convention? Mr. Biden wants a grand legacy of his White House days and full pardons to keep him and his family out of prison.

On the legacy front, Democratic strategists will confront Mr. Biden with the reality that if he gets trounced in the general election by Mr. Trump — as polls say he will surely win — Mr. Biden’s place in history will be beside Jimmy Carter as the most hapless president of the modern era...

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Watered Down Vetting Process For Chinese Illegal Immigrants, Email Shows | The Daily Caller

EXCLUSIVE: Biden Admin Watered Down Vetting Process For Chinese Illegal Immigrants, Email Shows | The Daily Caller

The April 2023 email, which was sent by a CBP supervisor to a “master list” of about 500 Border Patrol agents, instructs CBP officials to radically reduce the number of interview questions for Chinese migrants apprehended after illegally crossing into the country from roughly 40 to just five. The “headquarters guidance” came as border agents were overwhelmed with near-record numbers of illegal crossings.

Unsanitary Tent Cities: The BREEDING Ground for Portland’s Shigella Outb...

Joe Biden's Top 5 Trips, Tumbles, and Stumbles of 2023

Joe Biden's Top 5 Trips, Tumbles, and Stumbles of 2023
  • President Joe Biden, 81, found it difficult to stay upright in 2023.
"According to his annual physical conducted in February by physician Kevin O’Connor, Biden suffers from atrial fibrillation, peripheral neuropathy in his feet, and hyperlipidemia...
  • Below are the top five times Biden publicly fell or tripped:
1) February: Biden fell and caught himself before possibly tumbling down the stairs as he tried to board Air Force One in Poland:

2) March: Biden tripped on the steps leading up to Air Force One, potentially putting his 80-year-old body in danger of a severe tumble that could hospitalize him..

Lunch video-----Erasing Australia

"Australia's past was extremely hot, but the inconvenient temperatures before 1910 have been hidden by the Bureau of Meteorology - using the thinnest of excuses.



U.S. Navy sinks four Houthi vessels after they fired on, attempted to board commercial vessel | Blaze Media

U.S. Navy sinks four Houthi vessels after they fired on, attempted to board commercial vessel | Blaze Media

After weeks spent harassing commercial vessels in the Red Sea with apparent impunity, four vessels finally paid the price on Saturday for participating in the Iran-backed Houthi campaign of terror against the West.