Wednesday, January 10, 2024

what director new man-hating 'Star Wars' film said 8 yrs ago | Blaze Media

what director new man-hating 'Star Wars' film said 8 yrs ago | Blaze Media

"Star Wars" used to be about epic space battles, galactic creatures, fearless jedi warriors, and good conquering evil, but like many Disney franchises, "Star Wars" is now heading down the path of wokeness. Pakistani activist and director, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, who the liberal-run media is celebrating as the first woman and person of color to direct a "Star Wars" film, has made it crystal clear that she intends to make the next film radically feminist and anti-male. The backlash from critics and fans has been anything but subtle.

Court Says Locals Can't Stop Auto Plant Being Built on State Land

Federal Court Throws Wrench Into Biden Admin’s War On Appliances

Federal Court Throws Wrench Into Biden Admin’s War On Appliances - NICK POPE
"A federal appeals court shot down the Biden administration’s efforts to repeal (Trump imposed!) existing regulations on dishwashers and clothes washers on Monday.

The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion in a legal battle between eleven red states and the federal government over the Department of Energy’s (DOE) efforts to impose energy and water efficiency standards for dishwashers and clothes washers that asserted it “is unclear that DOE has statutory authority to regulate water use in dishwashers and clothes washers,” according to the opinion’s text. 

  • The Biden administration has attempted to push new standards for both appliances since coming into office in 2021 as part of a wider push to nudge the market toward more energy efficient appliances, which in some cases are generally  less effective than their other models, the court asserted in its opinion...

Lunch video-----Why the Gilded Age Was Golden


Elon Musk succinct response to Mark Cuban's DEI rant perfect | Blaze Media

Elon Musk succinct response to Mark Cuban's DEI rant perfect | Blaze Media

Elon Musk has been making his position on DEI crystal clear through X (formerly known as Twitter).

In a quote tweet, Musk wrote, “DEI is just another word for racism.”

In another tweet, he wrote, “Discrimination on the basis of race, which DEI does, is literally the definition of racism.”

Harvardicide - Don Surber

Harvardicide - Don Surber 
  • Come for the destruction of DEI, stay for academia's collapse
"...The now ex-president of Harvard did our nation a great service by being smug and arrogant at a congressional hearing. 
  • Her hubris revealed what a farce DEI is as Harvard overlooked qualified candidates and chose her simply because she is a black lady.
  • This is Bidenism. 
He chose his vice president and a Supreme Court justice the same way...
But wait. 
There’s more Bidenism. 
He plagiarizes everything, including his biography
Gay plagiarizes too! 
How do you think a dummy like her got a PhD? ...

They WILL wonder.




More devastating than physical affliction!-----Why a 'Loneliness Epidemic' is Upon Us - Intellectual Takeout

Why a 'Loneliness Epidemic' is Upon Us - Intellectual Takeout - Michael Cook 
“...Loneliness is a major social, educational, economic and health issue that will reach epidemic proportions by 2030,”..appears to be a serious health risk for issues like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer disease, stroke, and insomnia. 
One study claims that the health impact of loneliness is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day...
Nearly all the research indicates that loneliness can be devastating... 
In the UK Helen Stokes-Lampard, Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners, has warned that loneliness threatens to overwhelm the government health system...
  • Remarkably, most of the academic studies and media surveys ignore the fundamental question: what kind of society creates a vulnerability to loneliness? 
  • The answer seems obvious: a society where families are small and fractured...

#1 This day 1985-----Madonna - Like A Virgin (Live MTV VMAs 1984)

Is this all it takes to shut down airport terminals?!! Expect to see more?----- LAX Evacuated After Suspicious Item Found In Terminal

LAX Evacuated After Suspicious Item Found In Terminal
"Passengers at Los Angeles International Airport were evacuated from Terminal 3 due to an unattended bag.
The luggage was neglected for over 20 minutes before authorities were called. 
Police deemed the bag's contents suspicious...

"Not since the Civil War"!


Lab leaks and accidents up 50% in UK since pandemic: Report | Blaze Media

Lab leaks and accidents up 50% in UK since pandemic: Report | Blaze Media

This is especially true in Britain, where the Telegraph recently highlighted a 50% rise in lab leaks and accidents since the emergence of COVID. This massive increase in leaks is all the more alarming granted freedom of information requests to the British government, to universities in the U.K., and to government research bodies have revealed that lethal viruses and bacteria ranging from anthrax and rabies to Middle East respiratory syndrome are being stored nearby in large populations.

Not in labor force increased by 845,000 in December, 436,000 were over the age of 65 as 635,000 fewer Americans report having jobs

Not in labor force increased by 845,000 in December, 436,000 were over the age of 65 as 635,000 fewer Americans report having jobs By Robert Romano
"The number of Americans not in the labor force increased by 845,000 to 100.5 million...
What has been unusual during the current period is the number of seniors leaving the labor force, which is leading to labor shortages and mitigating what otherwise might be a steeper downturn.
  • Job openings peaked at 12 million in March 2022 and are now down to 8.79 million, a 27 percent decrease, which again, usually happens in slowdowns and recessions...
  • In fact, since June 2008, the number of seniors not in the labor force has increased by 68.7 percent from 19 million to more than 32.1 million, underscoring the demographic shift that is going on...

AM Fruitcake


History for January 10

History for January 10 - 
George Foreman 1949 - Boxer
  • 1776 - "Common Sense" by Thomas Paine was published.
  • 1870 - John D. Rockefeller incorporated Standard Oil.
  • 1981 - In El Salvador, Marxist insurgents launched a "final offensive".
  • 1990 - Chinese Premier Li Peng ended martial law in Beijing after seven months. He said that crushing pro-democracy protests had saved China from "the abyss of misery."
  • 1994 - In Manassas, VA, Lorena Bobbitt went on trial. She had been charged with maliciously wounding her husband John. She was acquitted by reason of temporary insanity.
  • 2003 - North Korea announced that it was withdrawing from the global nuclear arms control treaty and that it had no plans to develop nuclear weapons.
  • 2019 - In Venezuela, Juan Guaidó and the National Assembly declared incumbent President Nicolás Maduro "illegitimate" and started the process of attempting to remove him from office.

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Speaker Johnson forces CBS News anchor into embarrassing admission after she tries to smear him as an 'election denier' | Blaze Media

Speaker Johnson forces CBS News anchor into embarrassing admission after she tries to smear him as an 'election denier' | Blaze Media

"The Constitution was violated in the run-up to the 2020 election — not always in bad faith — but in the aftermath of COVID, many states changed their election laws in ways that violated that plain language," he continued. "That's just a fact. We presented that argument and those facts to the court. And it was never directly addressed because of the Texas litigation. But that was the only vehicle we had to present that issue squarely to the court."

The way we were-----Horror at Sea; The Burning of TSMS Lakonia 1963

Alaska 737 Max-9 Door UPDATE! 8 Jan 2024

Smokescreens - Part 6 - by Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan

Smokescreens - Part 6 - by Tom Jefferson and Carl Heneghan
  • Data, models and the respiratory virus three-shells game.
  • To sum up, we do not truly know with any degree of precision what the yearly tally of deaths from influenza is.
...Second, when we write “deaths for influenza” or “influenza deaths”, we can only be certain that a fact (death) is associated with an acute respiratory episode (diagnosed in whatever way), but the sequence of events and attribution is unclear.
Third (and most worrying) is the lesson of the RSV example.
Interest in RSV started picking up as vaccine trials started running, and the best-known vaccine was licensed for pregnant women by the FDA on August 21st, 2023.
Some data supporting some of the claims made appeared missing from the approval...

Matt Maddock - From a guy on x: For those who have not figured out... | Facebook

Matt Maddock - From a guy on x: For those who have not figured out... | Facebook
From a guy on x:
  • For those who have not figured out Trump’s affiliation with Epstein, allow me to explain.
"Trump is the one who exposed Epstein in 2008, hence why all of DC fears him. 
  • Trump is Epstein’s #1 enemy. 
  • Epstein was running a blackmail operation. 
He was seeking out the most powerful people on Earth, to compromise and control them. 
He tried to get Trump, but Trump did not bite.
Trump banned Epstein from his properties in 2008, for hitting on the teenage daughter of a club member at Mar-a-Lago. 
Then a couple months later, Epstein pled guilty to State criminal charges in Florida, for paying for sexual services from a 14 year old girl.
See the timeline? 
Epstein, tried to get close to Trump to compromise him, Trump found out Epstein was a sicko, then Trump helped turn him in to local police. 
But eventually the Clinton-controlled FBI intervened, and Epstein was let off the hook...

Another Massive Media Fever Dream Fell Apart Over Christmas. Hardly Anyone Noticed | The Daily Caller

Another Massive Media Fever Dream Fell Apart Over Christmas. Hardly Anyone Noticed | The Daily Caller

The Left hyped up the fever dream the military was infiltrated by extremist threats for years, and the charade fell apart over Christmas. But the appetite for accountability on the Left magically disappeared as soon as the report found there was “no evidence” to support their claims in the first place.

The Pentagon released its long-awaited report on “domestic extremism” in the military, which was commissioned in April of 2021 following the Jan. 6 riot in which a number of active duty members and veterans participated. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin commissioned the report to get better insight into the “problem.”

Juror JAILED for Causing Mistrial

A national disgrace!-----Mackinac Center on X: "Student achievement continues to decline despite record spending on K-12 education.

"Student achievement continues to decline despite record spending on K-12 education. Learn more:" / X

Lunch video-----A World Of Agreement

"Five different groups came up with very similar graphs based on the same set of non-existent temperature data.



WATCH: IDF Finds Hamas Terror Tunnels Under Gaza Luxury Beach Resort

WATCH: IDF Finds Hamas Terror Tunnels Under Gaza Luxury Beach Resort

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released footage Friday of a network of Hamas terror tunnels that it found under the Blue Beach Hotel, a luxury resort for Gaza’s elite.

In a statement, the IDF said:

A fluffle of wimps!-----WATCH: MSNBC Host Starts Crying on Air Over January 6th By Bonchie

WATCH: MSNBC Host Starts Crying on Air Over January 6th By Bonchie
"...Things began with an appearance from Michael Fanone on MSNBC. 
The comically disingenuous former USCP officer turned his presence on January 6th into a lucrative career as an "analyst," you know, as all deeply aggrieved people do. 
In mid-2023, Fanone decided to compare Donald Trump to Osama Bin Laden with a straight face because that's just the kind of person he is.
It wasn't Fanone who gave the worst performance during his interview, though. 
That honor went to MSNBC host Jonathan Capehart, who started crying while live on the air...
