Friday, January 12, 2024

Judicial Watch Uncovers 426 Pages of Records in Lawsuit for Biden Email Alias

Judicial Watch Uncovers 426 Pages of Records in Lawsuit for Biden Email Alias

Judicial Watch released hundreds of pages of records on Wednesday related to President Joe Biden’s alias email account, providing a window into his frequent communication with Hunter and James Biden about his official schedule, meetings, and travel plans.

The emails, hundreds of which are under Joe Biden’s aliases, are relevant to the impeachment inquiry into the president because:

Chicago Public Schools 'Lost' HOW Many Laptops and iPads??? STEPHEN GREEN

Chicago Public Schools 'Lost' HOW Many Laptops and iPads??? STEPHEN GREEN 
"...Nevertheless, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) managed to lose an incredible number of iPads and laptops — roughly 77,000 of them. 
  • Not 77,000 total, since the massive unified district started supplying kids and teachers with pricey computers a few years ago. 
  • They lost 77,000 in one school year. 
  • That's roughly $23 million worth of missing stuff...
  • All told, CPS managed to mysteriously misplace more than one laptop or iPad for every fifth student or teacher. 
  • Every class of 16 students lost, on average, 3.4 computers. 
There's something fishy going on but I'll get to that in a moment.
The trendline stinks, too.

AM Fruitcake


History for January 12

History for January 12 - 
Herman Goering 1893
  • 1908 - A wireless message was sent long-distance for the first time from the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
  • 1943 - The Office of Price Administration announced that standard frankfurters/hot dogs/wieners would be replaced by 'Victory Sausages.'
  • 1948 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states could not discriminate against law-school applicants because of race.
  • 1949 - "Kukla, Fran and Ollie", the Chicago-based children’s show, made its national debut on NBC-TV.
  • 1971 - "All In the Family" debuted on CBS-TV.
  • 1998 - Linda Tripp provided Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr's office with taped conversations between herself and former White House intern Monica Lewinsky.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Lawmakers: Fauci Admitted Six-Foot Social Distancing Based on Nothing

Lawmakers: Fauci Admitted Six-Foot Social Distancing Based on Nothing

Dr. Anthony Fauci completed the second day of his closed-door grilling with members of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, in which he reportedly admitted that the six-foot social distancing rule that emerged at the start of the coronavirus pandemic was actually based on nothing.

The committee, led by chairman Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH), provided a brief recap of Tuesday’s session. Monday and Tuesday’s sessions totaled 14 hours, according to lawmakers. In Tuesday’s session, Fauci admitted that the six-foot social distancing recommendation “was likely not based on any data,” according to the committee.

The way we were-----What Was It Like Aboard The First Luxury Ocean Liners? | Great Liners | ...

They know something's coming.

Merrick Garland Says Department of Justice Will Speed Up the Hunt for Non-Violent January 6 Protestors By streiff

Merrick Garland Says Department of Justice Will Speed Up the Hunt for Non-Violent January 6 Protestors By streiff
"...On January 5, Garland said in a press conference, in which he said (go to 2:38 in the video clip below) that “the Justice Department will hold all January 6 perpetrators at any level accountable under the law whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy.”

Our work continues. As I've said before, the Justice Department will hold all January 6 perpetrators at any level accountable under the law whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy...

Elon Musk advocates for in-person voting, with ID | Blaze Media

Elon Musk advocates for in-person voting, with ID | Blaze Media

Business magnate Elon Musk is advocating for in-person voting and for requiring a government-issued identification to vote. "We should require government ID and in-person voting (unless valid medical/ military/etc excuse), like other countries do or like if you want to buy beer," Musk tweeted. "Literally the same people who said voter ID was racist also demanded that you get a vaccine ID to travel anywhere or work!" Musk wrote in another post.

Company threatens Cyclist for Posting Video of Their Poorly-Driven Truck

Chris Christie Suspends Campaign To Spend More Time With Family-Sized 12-Piece Chicken Meal From KFC | Babylon Bee

Chris Christie Suspends Campaign To Spend More Time With Family-Sized 12-Piece Chicken Meal From KFC | Babylon Bee
Article Image

U.S. — The political world is reeling this afternoon after Republican favorite and frontrunner Chris Christie announced he will be suspending his campaign to run for president. The beloved conservative populist cited his desire to spend more time with his family-sized 12-piece chicken meal from KFC...

Lunch video-----This Is What They Don’t Want You to Know About the Climate Agenda



Police arrest reporter after he asked Trudeau's deputy about the Canadian regime's failure to call out terrorism | Blaze Media

Police arrest reporter after he asked Trudeau's deputy about the Canadian regime's failure to call out terrorism | Blaze Media

Freeland, unaccustomed to a confrontational media, refused to respond and kept walking. However, Menzies kept pace with the Liberal parliamentarian, asking, "Why is your government supporting Islamo-nationalism?" Menzies found himself having to circumnavigate a metal post but was confronted on the other side by another obstacle: a federal RCMP officer. Without identifying himself as a law enforcement official, the plainclothes officer prevented Menzies' progress down the public sidewalk. Menzies responded to his brutal treatment off-camera, saying, "Excuse me, what are you doing?"

We are funding the destruction of our country!


The Guardian blames the Gaza war for global warming.

Instapundit - The Guardian blames the Gaza war for global warming.. - 

"PEAK GRAUNIAD: The Guardian blames the Gaza war for global warming. Really! Let’s look at the numbers.

Wait, what? Half of this supposedly huge amount comes from US cargo planes flying to Israel?

If that is true, then every airplane in the skies is putting out huge amounts of CO2 – which indeed they really do. A single transatlantic flight generates hundreds of metric tons of CO2...

This article is just manipulating numbers to make Israel look bad...

Murderous hacks!


Oppose Reparations? You Have 'White Privilege' - Stop Arguing and Fork Over Your Money - Ward Clark

Oppose Reparations? You Have 'White Privilege' - Stop Arguing and Fork Over Your Money By Ward Clark

Did you know that the idea of reparations for slavery was "sacred?" 

Did you know that if you oppose reparations for slavery, you have "white privilege?" 

Neither did I. Probably because it's nonsensical.

PBS released a new America Reframed documentary of Monday about reparations and the taxpayer-funded network went all in with the bad faith smears, strawmen burning, and stereotyping of those who oppose such measures.

They even found Father Brian Paulson of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States to claim that reparations are something “sacred.”..

#1 This day 1983-----Men At Work - Down Under (Official HD Video)

Royal Caribbean Icon of the Seas

Royal Caribbean Icon of the Seas news
  • Icon of the Seas Comes to Miami This Week...
"Icon of the Seas, the newest ship from Royal Caribbean, is almost here! 
The largest ship in the world represents a new class for the cruise line, with a number of firsts: the largest waterpark at sea, with six waterslides; a suspended infinity pool and the first Royal Caribbean ship with LNG power...

None for Trump?


Video: Machete-wielding thug on rampage in UK finds out what can happen when fed-up folks reach their boiling points | Blaze Media

Video: Machete-wielding thug on rampage in UK finds out what can happen when fed-up folks reach their boiling points | Blaze Media

A machete-wielding suspect caught on video going on a rampage outside a pub in the United Kingdom over the weekend quickly found out what can happen when fed-up folks reach the limits of their restraint.

"Bread and circuses"-----I’ve looked through LG’s new transparent OLED TV and seen something special

I’ve looked through LG’s new transparent OLED TV and seen something special
"The Signature OLED T is a 77-inch TV with a very unique gimmick. 
But it’s hard to imagine the pricey novelty wouldn’t wear off over time...

Here, you can see the contrast film taking up half of the OLED display, while the upper half is transparent...
And the price is anyone’s guess. That rollable OLED ended up retailing for $100,000...

AM Fruitcake


History for January 11

History for January 11 - 
Alexander Hamilton 1755 - United States Founding Father...first United States Secretary of the Treasury.
  • 1805 - The Michigan Territory was created.
  • 1867 - Benito Juarez returned to the Mexican presidency, following the withdrawal of French troops and the execution of Emperor Maximilian.
  • 1922 - At Toronto General Hospital, Leonard Thompson became the first person to be successfully treated with insulin.
  • 1935 - Amelia Earhart became the first woman to fly solo from Hawaii to California.
  • 1958 - "Seahunt" debuted on CBS-TV. The show was aired on the network for four years.
  • 1964 - U.S. Surgeon General Luther Terry released a report that said that smoking cigarettes was a definite health hazard.
  • 1977 - France released Abu Daoud, a Palestinian suspected of involvement in the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

GOP Senators Ask Conference Chair to Meet on Securing Border

GOP Senators Ask Conference Chair to Meet on Securing Border

Several Republican senators, including Marco Rubio (FL), Ted Cruz (TX), and Lindsey Graham (SC), have asked Conference Chair Sen. John Barrasso (R- WY) to call a meeting on securing the border, which Democrats refuse to seal. The letter, shared on Monday, said that Democrats have been rushing through secret negotiations on border security to keep the southern border open.

The way we were-----An Almost Forgotten Inventor - Paul Harvey - the Rest of the Story

Policy Based On Fake Data

And poor Bezos lost billions in his divorce!-----The Washington Post is collapsing, and only Donald Trump can save them

The Washington Post is collapsing, and only Donald Trump can save them - JORDAN SCHACHTEL
  • Jeff Bezos's prized paper is losing $100 million a year.
"There’s only one man who can save the jobs of the corporate and institutional stenographers who work for The Washington Post, and it’s not who they think it is.
A fascinating article from Puck News has documented the ongoing collapse of The Washington Post.
"...During the Trump era, subscriptions were growing 50 percent year over year. Today, The Post is churning paid subscribers at a catastrophic rate.
Four years ago, The Post averaged 139 million monthly visitors. At the end of 2023, that number was down to under 60 million, according to insiders.
Amazon founder Jeff Bezos bought The Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million..."

Why has Xi purged his senior military commanders? - The Spectator World

Why has Xi purged his senior military commanders? - The Spectator World - Ian Williams
  • It could well be that these dismissals are specifically related to corruption at the Rocket Force
"The Chinese Communist Party will no doubt throw a militarized tantrum should Saturday’s election in Taiwan be won by Lai Ching-te, the more independence-minded of the candidates. 
Yet behind these histrionics lies an army in turmoil, with a purge of top generals raising serious doubts as to whether it is up to the task of fighting a war.
The CCP has spent billions of dollars expanding and modernizing its armed forces at a pace rarely seen in peacetime, with the aim of creating a cutting edge force. 
But the money thrown at the generals and their…