Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The First Clean Air Act was 535AD

Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming | Facebook - John Whitefisk
The First Clean Air Act was 535AD
"Civilization has always expanded during warming periods and collapsed during global cooling. 
Simply correlating historical weather and disease reveals a very solid relationship...

The proof is how they run their cities.


'Complete blasphemy': Commercial fishermen rip Biden's 'ocean justice'

'Complete blasphemy': Commercial fishermen rip Biden's 'ocean justice'

The administration announced the “ocean justice” strategy in December 2023 during the United Nations (UN) climate summit, known as COP28, in order “to advance environmental justice for communities that rely on the ocean and Great Lakes for economic, cultural, spiritual, recreational and food security purposes.” However, several stakeholders in the commercial fishing industry who depend on the fruits of America’s waters to make a living — and are therefore interested in sustainable use of the oceans — say that the administration is overlooking their concerns about how the oceans are managed, especially with regard to the administration’s extensive efforts to fast track industrial scale offshore wind projects.

How Equity Grade Inflation Hurts Jews, Asians and Other Disfavored Minorities :: Gatestone Institute

How Equity Grade Inflation Hurts Jews, Asians and Other Disfavored Minorities :: Gatestone Institute
Alan M. Dershowitz  

AM Fruitcake

History for January 16

History for January 16 - On-This-Day.com 
Norman Podhoretz 1930
  • 1547 - Ivan the Terrible was crowned Czar of Russia.
  • 1919 - The 18th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which prohibited the sale or transportation of alcoholic beverages, was ratified. It was later repealed by the 21st Amendment.
  • 1920 - Prohibition went into effect in the U.S.
  • 1944 - General Dwight D. Eisenhower took command of the Allied invasion force in London.
  • 1988 - Jimmy "The Greek" Snyder was fired as a CBS sports commentator one day after telling a TV station in Washington, DC, that, during the era of slavery, black people had been bred to produce stronger offspring.
  • 1991 - The White House announced the start of Operation Desert Storm. The operation was designed to drive Iraqi forces out of Kuwait.

Monday, January 15, 2024

NASA and Lockheed Martin reveal 'supersonic' jet that could be next generation of commercial air travel | Blaze Media

NASA and Lockheed Martin reveal 'supersonic' jet that could be next generation of commercial air travel | Blaze Media

NASA and Lockheed Martin officially unveiled the agency's X-59 quiet supersonic aircraft on Friday. The experimental aircraft could represent the next phase in the evolution of commercial air travel, according to the agency's recent release. It is suggested that the new aircraft can travel "faster than the speed of sound," reaching a maximum speed of 925 miles per hour.

The way we were-----Snacks Foods That Have Disappeared…That We Want Back!

How the drive for diversity might affect your chances of arriving safely...

FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities

FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities
"The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is actively recruiting workers who suffer "severe intellectual" disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website.
"Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring," the FAA’s website states. 
"They include 
  • hearing, 
  • vision, 
  • missing extremities, 
  • partial paralysis, 
  • complete paralysis, 
  • epilepsy, 
  • severe intellectual disability, 
  • psychiatric disability and 
  • dwarfism."
The initiative is part of the FAA’s "Diversity and Inclusion" hiring plan...

Dave Agema - Its an election year after all, and Joe Biden's... | Facebook

Dave Agema - Its an election year after all, and Joe Biden's... | Facebook 
"Its an election year after all, and Joe Biden's record of accomplishments is sparse, what with 
  • his economy that has left prices inflated some 17% since he took office, 
  • his dismal record on international relations
  • his extreme left agenda on abortion and transgenderism, including mutilating surgeries on children, and 
  • his policy of a wide-open southern border, so that millions of illegal aliens can enter the U.S. has led many to be disenchanted with democrats.
If people were actually honest, the only ones that want Biden are teachers, gov’t workers, illegals and welfare recipients...

Massachusetts Gov. Cutting Firefighter Funds, Offering Financial Aid to Illegals

Massachusetts Gov. Cutting Firefighter Funds, Offering Financial Aid to Illegals

Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey (D) has unveiled $375 million in budget cuts, including cutting funding to firefighters, while at the same time rolling out college financial aid to illegal aliens.

This week, Healey said her office will look to cut hundreds of millions of dollars from the state’s budget to make up for a $1 billion shortfall for Fiscal Year 2024. As part of those budget cuts, cities and towns will lose out on millions in local fire department funding.

The Boston Herald reports:

Greenhouse Deception

OMG! We're all gonna die!-----1 in 4 Michigan homes expected to have unhealthy radon levels; see average in your zip code - mlive.com

1 in 4 Michigan homes expected to have unhealthy radon levels; see average in your zip code - mlive.com
"The average radon level in Michigan is almost twice the national average, and 1 in every 4 homes is expected to have amounts that exceed the recommended federal action level, according to data from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy’s Indoor Radon Program...

Lunch video-----NEVER Disclose THIS (especially if you are 50+)



Prosecutor insists he'll keep trying to convict Christian lawmaker of 'hate'

Prosecutor insists he'll keep trying to convict Christian lawmaker of 'hate'

The district court had ruled earlier against the prosecutor's attempt to convict her, the ADF explained. The appeals court ordered the prosecution to pay her legal fees. Her offense was her expression of her Christian beliefs on marriage and sexual ethics in a 2019 tweet, in addition to a 2019 live radio debate and 2004 church pamphlet.

Believe your own eyes!

Yes, "climate deniers" have facts rather than fear!-----The Death of the 1.5 Degree Climate Target

The Death of the 1.5 Degree Climate Target
"The current path of climate policy is at a dead end—a welcome opportunity to rethink.
  • By Jun Arima, a professor at Tokyo University and a former Japanese negotiator at U.N. climate conferences, and Vijaya Ramachandran, the director for energy and development at the Breakthrough Institute.
How many more U.N. climate conferences will it take for the world to admit that the current climate policy path is at a dead end?
Calls by politicians, activists, and journalists to double down ring increasingly hollow in the face of overwhelming evidence that 2024 will be the first year in which average global surface temperature is likely to be more than 1.5 degrees Celsius (or about 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above that of the preindustrial period before 1900...

#1 This week 1971-----Love Story (1970) - Official Trailer

12 Examples Of The Tremendous Chaos That Is Suddenly Erupting All Over The Globe

12 Examples Of The Tremendous Chaos That Is Suddenly Erupting All Over The Globe - MICHAEL SNYDER
"2024 is going to be such a crazy year. 
So many of the extremely alarming trends that we have been watching for many years are now reaching a crescendo, and events are starting to accelerate at a very rapid pace...
Instability is a word that you are going to hear a lot this year, because order is breaking down all over the planet. 
 The following are 12 examples of the tremendous chaos that is suddenly erupting all over the globe…

#1 The candidate that China hated the most just won the election in Taiwan.  Needless to say, this makes a Chinese invasion much more likely…

Voters in Taiwan elected Vice President Lai Ching-te as their next president on Saturday, defying warnings from Beijing not to support a candidate it has called a separatist and a “troublemaker.”..

As I have been warning my readers for a long time, the moment that China invades Taiwan we will be at war with the Chinese.

#2 In Germany, massive demonstrations by farmers and train drivers have caused much of that nation to come to a standstill

#1 This day 1962-----Chubby Checker-The Twist

Yet he embraced the media attack on any who would wonder!-----Lab Leak Is Not a Conspiracy Theory, Anthony Fauci Concedes

Lab Leak Is Not a Conspiracy Theory, Anthony Fauci Concedes
  • The doctor's claims that he was open to either explanation is flatly contradicted by his literal words.
"Former White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci doesn't believe the lab leak explanation of COVID-19's origins is a conspiracy theory. 
He admitted as much during a closed-door grilling session before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on Monday...

In recent months, Fauci has denied he ever categorically rejected the possibility that COVID-19 accidentally escaped from a laboratory.

DEI is not King's dream!


Does Google know something we don't about a 2024 black swan event? | Blaze Media

Does Google know something we don't about a 2024 black swan event? | Blaze Media

What can we take away from this seemingly minor rule change? My read is that Google foresees an unknown event that the company wants to have the ability to restrict the flow of information around.

In plain English, Google doesn’t know what’s coming exactly, but it might be something previously unconsidered by Google’s lawyers, and Google wants to be able to restrict what information is presented about that event.

Pork crooks should be outed but this grant made 5 years ago, why look now?-----Dana Nessel’s office probing $2M rocket plan that failed to launch

Dana Nessel’s office probing $2M rocket plan that failed to launch
  • Michigan attorney general says it is investigating state grant intended to bring rocket launches to the state
  • The $2 million grant was one of dozens approved in the last hours of the administration of Gov. Rick Snyder
  • The investigator working on the grant is in the AG’s criminal investigations division

“This is a poster child of those last-minute, lame-duck supplementals,” Profit said, referring to the pork-laden spending bills that lawmakers approve late in legislative terms, often in the dead of night...


AM Fruitcake


History for January 15

History for January 15 - On-This-Day.com 
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1929 - Pastor, leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement
  • 1559 - England's Queen Elizabeth I (Elizabeth Tudor) was crowned in Westminster Abbey.
  • 1892 - "Triangle" magazine in Springfield, MA, published the rules for a brand new game. The original rules involved attaching a peach baskets to a suspended board. It is now known as basketball.
  • 1943 - The Pentagon was dedicated as the world's largest office building just outside Washington, DC, in Arlington, VA. The structure covers 34 acres of land and has 17 miles of corridors.
  • 1974 - "Happy Days" premiered on ABC-TV.
  • 1986 - President Reagan signed legislation making Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday a national holiday to be celebrated on the third Monday of January.

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Border Patrol foils human smuggling attempts | Blaze Media

Border Patrol foils human smuggling attempts | Blaze Media

Conservatives have been calling for the Biden administration to secure the nation's southern border.

"By facilitating human trafficking, Biden brings in everything from terrorists to disease to lawlessness. Oh, and more than enough fentanyl to kill every single American. None of this would be possible if Biden weren’t all for it. So what’s in it for him?" Sen. Mike Lee of Utah tweeted.

The way we were-----10 Times The Automobile Industry Covered Up The Truth!