Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Lunch video-----Excess deaths debate 16 January



Biden's latest rule poised to upend key sector of U.S. economy

Biden's latest rule poised to upend key sector of U.S. economy

“We’ve seen policies like this play out before,” Republican California Rep. Kevin Kiley said in a joint release Tuesday with North Carolina Rep. Virginia Foxx, who is the chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce. “As California’s Secretary of Labor, Julie Su was the architect and chief enforcer of AB 5 which wiped out countless independent contractors. Su is bringing that same radical, destructive ideology to the national level. Plain and simple, this rule constitutes a war on the independent contractor model. Working Americans should have the flexibility to earn a living as they see fit, unburdened by the Biden administration and its anti-worker agenda.”

It's weather, not your SUV or home temperature!


Must see this short video!-----BREAKING: New WEF participant does the unthinkable at 2024 Davos Meeting.

BREAKING: New WEF participant does the unthinkable at 2024 Davos Meeting.

Reverse Robinhood. Take from the poor, give to the rich eco-nutz and Tesla owners.


Chicago-area Tesla charging stations lined with dead cars in freezing cold: 'A bunch of dead robots out here'

Chicago-area Tesla charging stations lined with dead cars in freezing cold: 'A bunch of dead robots out here'
"...Charging stations have essentially turned into car graveyards in recent days as temperatures have dropped to the negative double digits, Fox Chicago reported.
"Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent," Tyler Beard, who had been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook, Illinois Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon, told the news outlet. "And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday."...
...One expert told the news outlet that cold weather can impact the ability of electric vehicles to charge properly.
"It’s not plug and go. You have to precondition the battery, meaning that you have to get the battery up to the optimal temperature to accept a fast charge," said Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association...

#1 This day 1965-----Petula Clark Downtown. original version

In your face, you...Christians!-----NBC Edits "Jesus" from Texan Player CJ Stroud's Post Game Interview (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin

NBC Edits "Jesus" from Texan Player CJ Stroud's Post Game Interview (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin
"On Saturday, the Houston Texans beat the Cleveland Browns in the AFC Wild Card Playoffs.
After the game, an NBC reporter interviewed Texans quarterback CJ Stroud on the victory.
At 22, Stroud is the youngest starting quarterback to win an NFL playoff game and has never been shy about his love for God.
He begins most interviews with a statement of faith and gratitude.
Here is the original live clip just after the game:

When NBC subsequently shared the clip later on social media, however, Stroud’s praise of Jesus was edited out of his remarks. Watch:

Podcaster Nick Jones took the MSM to task and remarked, “Look, I’m not surprised at this story one bit….well, I am surprised….I am surprised because the media just seems like they do not even care anymore.”
“They don’t care about the perception, they don’t care how it looks…they don’t like God and they’re not afraid to let you know that.”



Washington Dems Propose Bullet Tax for 'Privilege of Using Ammunition'

Washington Dems Propose Bullet Tax for 'Privilege of Using Ammunition'

Washington state Democrats are proposing a bullet tax which they justify as being a tax on the “privilege of using ammunition.”

FOX News reported that the legislation, HB 2238, describes the ammunition tax as “a use tax.” It would be “levied on every person in [Washington state] for the privilege of using ammunition as a consumer at the rate of 11 percent of the selling price.”

The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your loved ones jailed for possession of memes, cartoons or any content that could be deemed "hateful".

The Irish government wants to pass a law that could see you or your loved ones jailed for possession of memes, cartoons or any content that could be deemed "hateful".

AM Fruitcake


History for January 17

History for January 17 - 
Michelle Obama 1964 - First lady of the United Status, married to U.S. President Barack Obama
  • 1912 - English explorer Robert Falcon Scott reached the South Pole. Norwegian Roald Amundsen had beaten him there by one month. Scott and his party died during the return trip.
  • 1913 - All partner interests in 36 Golden Rule Stores were consolidated and incorporated in Utah into one company. The new corporation was the J.C. Penney Company.
  • 1934 - Ferdinand Porsche submitted a design for a people's car, a "Volkswagen," to the new German Reich government.
  • 1945 - Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg disappeared in Hungary while in Soviet custody. Wallenberg was credited with saving tens of thousands of Jews.
  • 1961 - In his farewell address, U.S. President Eisenhower warned against the rise of "the military-industrial complex."
  • 2000 - British pharmaceutical companies Glaxo Wellcome PLC and SmithKline Beecham PLC agreed to a merger that created the world's largest drugmaker.

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Massachusetts Officials Pleading with Homeowners to Take in Illegal Aliens

Massachusetts Officials Pleading with Homeowners to Take in Illegal Aliens

The state of Massachusetts is asking private homeowners to take in illegal aliens as the state runs out of room to house the thousands of border crossers who are still flooding into the Bay State.

The way we were-----The Secret Backup Just in Case the Atomic Bomb Wasn't Enough

Supertall Buildings: Why Taller Isn't Better

The text spam FAQ everyone needs in 2024

The text spam FAQ everyone needs in 2024 - TODAY'S TECH HACK

The text spam FAQ everyone needs in 2024

"...The callers pretend to be anything from your bank to an old high school friend, usually with a clever trap included. Their texts can be so convincing!

There’s a right way and a wrong way to handle text spam, and far too many people end up making things worse instead...

  •  Here are the answers everyone with a phone (including kiddos) needs to know...

But "rural districts" lose electric power more often!-----Coming to Michigan in 2024: $125M of electric school buses - James David Dickson

Coming to Michigan in 2024: $125M of electric school buses - James David Dickson
"Rural districts will receive priority placement
Among the wins touted in the MI Healthy Climate Plan 2023 Annual Report: 
$125 million to help school districts buy clean school buses.”...
As the Illinois-based Environmental Policy and Law Center wrote, “This funding will prioritize low income and rural school districts, school districts in areas most affected by air pollution, and other environmental justice factors.”
Ann Arbor Public Schools was an early adopter of the electric school bus. Officials have admitted publicly that the onboarding of just four electric school buses has been a struggle.
  • Cost was a problem. The buses themselves cost five times what a regular bus would, while the charging infrastructure was four times more expensive than estimated.
  • There were also downtime and performance issues...

California Sheriff: Gov. Gavin Newsom Targets the Law-Abiding

California Sheriff: Gov. Gavin Newsom Targets the Law-Abiding

California’s Riverside County Sheriff Chad Bianco breathed a sigh of relief when California’s latest gun control was blocked and he suggested Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) targets law-abiding citizens while giving criminals a pass.

On January 7, 2024, Breitbart News noted that the law expanding gun-free zones for California concealed carry permit holders had been blocked during a last minute appeal by the California Rifle and Pistol Association.

China’s Military Scandal: Why a Taiwan Invasion Might Have Just Become I...

Sensing Online: Environmentalist Religion Explained

Sensing Online: Environmentalist Religion Explained

"Freeman Dyson:

There is a worldwide secular religion which we may call environmentalism, holding that we are stewards of the earth, that despoiling the planet with waste products of our luxurious living is a sin, and that the path of righteousness is to live as frugally as possible. [From, "The Question of Global Warming."]
Freeman Dyson is one of the most highly-regarded physicists in the world...

Lunch video-----Weather Channel Forecast



Lawmakers Planning Direct Infringement of 2nd Amendment with Prohibition on Militias

Lawmakers Planning Direct Infringement of 2nd Amendment with Prohibition on Militias

The extreme left never takes a lesson as learned, especially in its desire to take away our Second Amendment right to bear arms.

This time they have yet another attack on a right that has been safeguarded by the black-and-white words “shall not be infringed.” despite the left’s efforts to destroy that very right.

This newest attack on the Second Amendment is a direct violation of the Constitution itself as Democrats move to ban militias — the very military organizations provided for by the nation’s supreme law —

And the media covers up again!


JUST IN... Elon Musk Rips Mark Zuckerberg For Funding Illegal Voting Vans in 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

JUST IN... Elon Musk Rips Mark Zuckerberg For Funding Illegal Voting Vans in 2020 Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
"On Friday Elon Musk was attacked by smart-mouth leftist who objected to Elon’s recent comments on the suspicious rules and irregularities in US elections.
Leftist Yann LeCun posted, “You know Elon, properly-run social networks do their best to take down misinformation about elections.
That’s when Elon dunked on Yann and tech tyrant Mark Zuckerberg...

Leftist fear-mongers sure do the switcheroo quickly!


It's not the vax that causing the deaths... it the new virus coming down the pike. Yeah, that's the ticket!-----8th Shot of mRNA Vaccine, and the Coming ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’ | Facts Matter

8th Shot of mRNA Vaccine, and the Coming ‘Heart Failure Pandemic’ | Facts Matter
"The largest magazine in America is the AARP magazine. 
AARP stands for The American Association of Retired Persons —and their monthly magazine reaches an estimated 38 million members every single month.
And in the most recent edition of the magazine, they told their nearly 38 million members to “hustle” over and get another COVID, even if they’ve already had 5 boosters.
And this suggestion comes just in time, as scientists are now sounding a new alarm, and warning people that the latest variant of COVID might lead to a global “heart failure pandemic.”
  • Meaning, that if all of a sudden you see people falling left and right due to heart failure—well, that’s definitely not what you think it is. 
  • It’s actually the latest variant of COVID...

#1 This day 1966-----Simon & Garfunkel - Sound Of Silence (1965)