Sunday, January 21, 2024

Klaus Schwab declares voting will not be necessary | Blaze Media

Klaus Schwab declares voting will not be necessary | Blaze Media

The Biden administration is waving the issue aside, telling the public that no matter what kind of car you have, you’ll have problems in extreme weather.

Glenn Beck is confused as he is also experiencing freezing cold temperatures — but the gas still flowed freely into his own car, and he can still drive it.

The Final Nail in the Coffin for GM

"Half-truths" are FULL LIES!-----Was 2023 Really The Second-Hottest Year Since 1884? | ZeroHedge

Was 2023 Really The Second-Hottest Year Since 1884? | ZeroHedge - Authored by Iain Davis via, 
Quite obvious
Unless they are troglodytes that never venture out in daylight, why would anyone in the UK believe such absurd drivel?
The Met Office states:

2023 is provisionally the second warmest year for the UK according to mean temperature. [. . .] 2023’s provisional mean temperature of 9.97°C puts it just behind 2022’s figure of 10.03°C and ahead of 2014’s 9.88°C.

Right, it’s “provisional” drivel...

The Met Office continues:

The methods used to generate the daily grids are described in more detail in [this] report.

OK. So beyond just recording real-world data, what are the “methods” outlined in said report?

[. . .] the Met Office climate data archive [. . .] contains a simplified version of the raw observations generated according to well-defined rules. [. . .] Mean temperature [. . .] is the average of the maximum and minimum temperatures.

At last we have a definition of the “mean temperature” the Met Office claims to be the second highest since 1884. Apparently, it is “generated according to well-defined rules.”

In Met Office speak “mean temperature” isn’t the actual arithmetic mean of daily temperatures but rather the “average” of minimum and maximum temperatures recorded between 09:00 and 21:00 on any given day...

Lunch video-----What's Wrong with Marijuana?


White House dismisses stories of EVs in cold weather | Blaze Media

White House dismisses stories of EVs in cold weather | Blaze Media

The Biden administration is waving the issue aside, telling the public that no matter what kind of car you have, you’ll have problems in extreme weather.

Glenn Beck is confused as he is also experiencing freezing cold temperatures — but the gas still flowed freely into his own car, and he can still drive it.

“The water leak story on election night was to pause the count and see how many ballots needed to be applied to the system.”

“The water leak story on election night was to pause the count and see how many ballots needed to be applied to the system.” - Big Fish @BigFish3000
"Ken Paxton would make a great Attorney General pick for Donald Trump.


Victor Davis Hanson - What Are “They” Afraid That a "Dictator”/President Trump Might Do?

Victor Davis Hanson - What Are “They” Afraid That a "Dictator”/President Trump Might Do? - Victor Davis Hanson
"As Joe Biden’s political viability implodes, the exasperated Left has yet a new narrative: 
Front-runner Trump and his extremist/semi-fascist/Ultra MAGA 160 million are out for “revenge” and “retribution—and that Trump might well become a “dictator” and “trample” the Constitution. 
Ok, let’s examine what a supposed dictator Trump might do if he were to be elected this November?
  • Will he hide the fact that in 2024 he attempted to hire a foreign ex-spy to work with Russian sources to create a fake anti-Biden dossier (while sneakily hiding his payments behind three paywalls), seed it with the media, and hatch lies that Biden was a “Putin poodle” and “Russian asset”?
  • Would a Trump president weaponize a vengeful FBI to begin contracting with X and Facebook to suppress stories he feels will hurt MAGA candidates? Would his FBI alter FISA warrants to go after his leftwing opponents? Would he and his FBI henchmen have leftwing newspapers blacklisted from X? 
  • Would Trump’s future Secretary of State round up 51 right-wing ex-CIA “authorities” to swear and lie on the eve of the balloting that the Russians created the Stormy Daniels nondisclosure agreement? 
  • Maybe Trump will get his DOJ to go easy on any future accusations of tax fraud on behalf of his sons by weaponizing the IRS. 
  • Maybe Trump will dictatorially cancel student loan debt on the eve of the 2026 midterms. Or would he dare by fiat drain the strategic petroleum reserve merely for Republican advantage in the midterms?...

#1 This day 1978-----PLAYER "BABY COME BACK" 1977

State superintendent asks Michigan lawmakers for home school registry

State superintendent asks Michigan lawmakers for home school registry
"All students in Michigan will be registered by the government if the Michigan superintendent of public instruction, Michael F. Rice, has his way.
  • “Knowing where all children are enrolled in an educational setting is an issue of student safety, neither more nor less,” Rice stated in a Jan. 10 letter to lawmakers requesting the state registration...
  • CapCon asked Ackley for data that shows greater dangers for children not registered with the state. He has not replied.
Michael Van Beek, director of research at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, is skeptical of the proposal’s merits. He asked the following questions regarding Rice’s request:
  • How exactly will requiring students to register increase safety?
  • What is the department planning to do with the information in the registry?
  • How will the department identify and prevent the abusive and neglected environments referenced in the letter?...

As the lib-media and entire democrat party work for our global submission!

The tables turn: Judge orders Fulton County DA Fani Willis to respond to misconduct allegations, orders court date | Blaze Media

The tables turn: Judge orders Fulton County DA Fani Willis to respond to misconduct allegations, orders court date | Blaze Media

A Georgia judge has scheduled a hearing to address the misconduct allegations against Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (D). On Thursday, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee scheduled a Feb. 15 hearing to address the serious allegations of misconduct that surfaced against Willis last week. He ordered Willis to respond to the allegations in writing by Feb. 2 Last week, Michael Roman, one of the co-defendants in the election interference case targeting former President Donald Trump, filed a motion to disqualify Willis and to dismiss the case.

Controlling the world through FEAR! And LIES!-----Video: New 'Disease X,' pandemic meeting held by world leaders

Video: New 'Disease X,' pandemic meeting held by world leaders -  TIMOTHY FRUDD
"...the World Economic Forum’s website listed a description of the meeting, which said, “With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization (WHO) that an unknown ‘Disease X’ could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare health care systems for the multiple challenges ahead?”
The “Preparing for Disease X” panelists included WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus...
READ MORE: Mysterious ‘Disease X’ to be discussed by world leaders

AM Fruitcake (from 2020. As Biden's FBI collects its enemy-list info from our banks!)

from 2020. As Biden's FBI collects 

History for January 21

History for January 21 - 
Wolfman Jack 1939
  • 1793 - During the French Revolution, King Louis XVI was executed on the guillotine. He had been condemned for treason.
  • 1915 - The first Kiwanis club was formed in Detroit, MI.
  • 1924 - Soviet leader Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died. Joseph Stalin began a purge of his rivals for the leadership of the Soviet Union.
  • 1954 - The Nautilus was launched in Groton, CT. It was the first atomic-powered submarine. U.S. First Lady Mamie Eisenhower broke the traditional bottle of champagne across the bow.
  • 1954 - The gas turbine automobile was introduced in New York City.
  • 1970 - The Boeing 747 made its first commercial flight from New York to London for Pan American.
  • 1980 - Gold was valued at $850 an ounce. ($2042 today. One of the worst investments ever!)
  • 1998 - A former White House intern said on tape that she had an affair with U.S. President Clinton.

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Former teacher who mocked conservatives online over grooming accusations has been sentenced to 17 years prison for child porn | Blaze Media

Former teacher who mocked conservatives online over grooming accusations has been sentenced to 17 years prison for child porn | Blaze Media

A man who worked as a teacher in Hawaii was sentenced to 17 years in prison for producing child pornography after he mocked and railed against conservatives online accusing the left of harboring pedophiles. 35-year-old Alden Bunag was convicted of distributing videos of himself having sex with a former student who was 13 years old at the time. In addition to the prison time, Bunag must pay $30,000 in restitution and serve 15 years of supervised release.

The way we were-----Bizarre Things People Believed... 60 Years Ago

What Does The WEF Really Want?

No word from Jan 6 prisoners!-----Here's What FBI Agents Found When They Removed Hunter Biden's Gun From the Evidence Vault

Here's What FBI Agents Found When They Removed Hunter Biden's Gun From the Evidence Vault - By Jennifer Van Laar 
"As we reported last Thursday, Hunter Biden's criminal defense attorneys contend that the failure of Hunter's plea agreement and the filing of more serious charges against him in California are the result of "selective and vindictive prosecution" and a "breach of the separation of powers."...
  • It turns out that while preparing for Hunter's July court appearance FBI investigators decided to take photographs of the handgun Hunter's then-girlfriend ditched in a dumpster in Delaware back in 2018, and which was seized by Delaware State Police at that time and placed into evidence. Meaning, the firearm and its storage pouch have been in a sealed evidence bag, in a Delaware State Police vault, since October 2018. When FBI investigators opened the evidence, they found a "white powdery substance," had it tested, and, surprise, surprise, it was cocaine...

Biden's ENEMIES LIST!!-----Feds Asked Banks to Search Americans' Records for Gun Retailers

Feds Asked Banks to Search Americans' Records for Gun Retailers
  • Feds Asked Banks to Search Americans’ Records for Gun Retailers, Words Like ‘Trump’ and ‘MAGA,’ Bible Purchases
"The Treasury Department, on behalf of federal law enforcement after January 6, 2021, asked banks to snoop through customers’ transactions for signs of “extremism,” such as purchases of “small arms” or from gun retailers Dick’s Sporting Goods, Bass Pro Shop, or Cabela’s, according to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)...

Jordan Peterson throws down, warns 'the war has barely started' after Canadian court affirms he must undergo 're-education' | Blaze Media

Jordan Peterson throws down, warns 'the war has barely started' after Canadian court affirms he must undergo 're-education' | Blaze Media

Jordan Peterson is throwing down with gusto and promising that "the war has barely started" after yet another Canadian court ruled he must submit to "re-education" due to his un-woke ways.

A three-judge panel with the Ontario Court of Appeal on Tuesday dismissed Peterson’s challenge against a previous decision by the Ontario Divisional Court, the National Post reported.

The fight is over Peterson's past comments and speech that the College of Psychologists of Ontario reportedly said "may cause harm." A year ago Peterson said he "formally indicated" his "refusal to comply" with the CPO's demands that he undergo "re-education" over his speech.

Feds Order States to Stop with the Silly Road Signs

Collapse of our society!-----Millions of Kids Are Chronically Absent From School. The Problem Isn't Going Away.

Millions of Kids Are Chronically Absent From School. The Problem Isn't Going Away. 
  • While frequent absences were a problem before pandemic school closures, the lasting effects of online learning have led to consistently high absenteeism rates.
"Ever since schools were shuttered during the COVID-19 pandemic, chronic absenteeism among American schoolchildren has skyrocketed. 
Nearly 15 million schoolchildren (almost 30 percent of all K-12 students) were still missing at least 10 percent of school days during the 2021–22 school year—more than a year after most schools had returned to in-person learning. 
Most troubling, 6.5 million students were chronically absent before the pandemic started, indicating that absenteeism is an endemic problem in American schools...

“something fascinating about science”


JPMorgan CEO delivers brutal reality check straight to the heart of Democrats for attacking Trump supporters: 'Grow up' | Blaze Media

JPMorgan CEO delivers brutal reality check straight to the heart of Democrats for attacking Trump supporters: 'Grow up' | Blaze Media

JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is trying to offer Democrats and the media political wisdom about Donald Trump. Speaking on CBNC's "Squawk Box," Dimon warned on Wednesday that constantly attacking Trump, his supporters, and the "Make America Great Again" agenda will ultimately backfire on President Joe Biden and the Democratic Party. "I think this negative talk about MAGA is going to hurt Biden's election campaign," Dimon predicted. "I wish the Democrats would think a little more carefully when they talk about MAGA."

A weapon to used "as necessary" against their political enemies!


Undeniably true!-----NEW Trump 2024 Campaign Ad Narrated By Tucker Carlson

They have always been lying!