Tuesday, January 23, 2024

UN migration agency seeks $7.9 billion to help people on the move and the communities that host them

UN migration agency seeks $7.9 billion to help people on the move and the communities that host them
"GENEVA (AP) — The U.N.'s migration agency is launching its first “global appeal,” seeking $7.9 billion to help people on the move and ensure smoother pathways to migration, at a time when the fallout from climate change, conflict and both economic distress and opportunities has caused millions to leave their homes...
The U.N. humanitarian aid chief, Martin Griffiths, last month decried a “ severe and ominous funding crisis ”...

AM Fruitcake

History for January 23

History for January 23 - On-This-Day.com 
John Hancock 1737 Served as president of the First and Second Continental Congresses (1775-1777). He was the first signer of the United States' Declaration of Independence.
  • 1556 - An earthquake in Shanxi Province, China, was thought to have killed about 830,000 people.
  • 1845 - The U.S. Congress decided all national elections would be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November.
  • 1937 - In Moscow, seventeen people went on trial during Josef Stalin's "Great Purge."
  • 1964 - Ratification of the 24th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was completed. This amendment eliminated the poll tax in federal elections.
  • 1968 - North Korea seized the U.S. Navy ship Pueblo, charging it had intruded into the nation's territorial waters on a spying mission. The crew was released 11 months later.
  • 1971 - In Prospect Creek Camp, AK, the lowest temperature ever recorded in the U.S. was reported as minus 80 degrees.
  • 2003 - North Korea announced that it would consider sanctions an act of war for North Korea's reinstatement of its nuclear program.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Chief Rabbi says false claims of 'genocide' is a 'moral inversion' meant to tear open lingering wounds of the Holocaust | Blaze Media

Chief Rabbi says false claims of 'genocide' is a 'moral inversion' meant to tear open lingering wounds of the Holocaust | Blaze Media

The Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth took aim at those who suggest Israel has carried out "genocide" against Gaza, noting that the move is a "moral inversion" meant to rip open the lingering wound of the Holocaust, according to a piece written by the rabbi for the Telegraph.

The way we were-----The Race to Reverse the River — A Chicago Stories Documentary

Why ‘Global Warming’ has morphed into ‘Climate Change’

The World Eugenics Forum - by Peter Venetoklis

The World Eugenics Forum - by Peter
"...Predictably, entrenched interests are not amused.
(Argentina President) Javier Milei took his message of economic liberty to the annual gathering of Bestest-and-Brightestest at Davos, Switzerland, the quaintly named World Economic Forum. 
Quaintly, in that these supposed titans of economic knowledge are increasingly proving to be a bunch of detached and delusional dilettantes with dictatorial impulses and not the slightest whit of care as to the harm their ideas would impose on the world's unwashed masses.
Milei's speech, transcribed here and watchable here, calls those dilettantes out on their socialistic desires. He came loaded for bear, with hard historical data that defended and extolled capitalism while shredding collectivism.
The first money quote:
[F]ree enterprise capitalism is not just the only possible system to end world poverty, but also that it’s the only morally desirable system to achieve this...

Fuzzy goals, easy for money to disappear. What's not to like when oodles of "free-money" is available?-----Dallas City Council recommends $1.25 billion bond program, May election for voter approval

Dallas City Council recommends $1.25 billion bond program, May election for voter approval
"The Dallas City Council on Friday expressed support for raising the limit of a proposed $1.1 billion bond program by $150 million and to have voters cast ballots on those plans during a May 4 election...
But they appear to be the likely direction for the now $1.25 billion in proposed bond money hoped to pay for upgrades to streets, parks, housing and a series of other city infrastructure projects over the next five years...

Joe Biden to Republicans: Stop 'Weaponizing' My Open Border

Joe Biden to Republicans: Stop 'Weaponizing' My Open Border

President Joe Biden is urging Republicans to stop “weaponizing” his decision to allow several million economic migrants to cross the southern border, which he emphasized at a meeting of mayors at the White House on Friday.

Here's Why America Just Went Bankrupt and All Our Savings are Gone

Why TV Commercials are Now All Pharma Ads

Why TV Commercials are Now All Pharma Ads - ISAAC SIMPSON
"Media companies won’t write about it, but on Twitter you’ll see the chatter
Watch NFL, the Emmys, or the Golden Globes, the change is undeniable. 
  • Commercials used to shill beer, insurance, trucks, burgers. 
  • Now it’s almost entirely drugs.
In 1996, Claritin advertisers found a loophole in FDA regulations that allowed them to advertise directly to consumers on TV by omitting mentions of the medication...

Lunch video-----Victor Davis Hanson reveals why the elites are afraid of Donald Trump


Sports Illustrated Lays Off Virtually Its Entire Staff Less Than a Year After Going Fully Woke

Sports Illustrated Lays Off Virtually Its Entire Staff Less Than a Year After Going Fully Woke

Venerable sports magazine Sports Illustrated is suffering a major setback this week after its publisher announced that it was laying off the publication’s entire staff. This comes after a neck-breaking turn toward wokeism and other internal problems over the last few years.

What's their real "fear"? That Trump might seek justice for their last 4 years of dictatorial Biden!


In-n-Out Burger dumps Democrat infested Oakland.

In-n-Out Burger dumps Democrat infested Oakland. - James Woods - @RealJamesWoods
“Our Customers and Associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft and armed robberies,” the company said. 
Thank you, Gavin Newsom, for degrading a once lovely California city yet again.

#1 Movie this week 1976-----One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest (1975) Official Trailer #1 - Jack Nichol...

Adolf and Joseph did similar to their universities in the 1930s-----New ‘Afrochemistry’ course widely panned as identity politics dumbing down hard sciences JENNIFER KABBANY

New ‘Afrochemistry’ course widely panned as identity politics dumbing down hard sciences JENNIFER KABBANY
"A new course offered this semester at Rice University called “Afrochemistry” went viral this week and was widely panned by observers as ridiculous, an example of politics polluting the sciences, and an indication of how far collegiate-level STEM has fallen...
“Students will apply chemical tools and analysis to understand Black life in the U.S. and students will implement African American sensibilities to analyze chemistry,” its online description states...

#1 This day 1975-----Please Mr Postman- The Carpenters (1975)

CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It | The Epoch Times

CDC Drafted Alert for Myocarditis and COVID-19 Vaccines, but Never Sent It | The Epoch Times
  • CDC later sent alerts encouraging people to get vaccinated.
"The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prepared to alert state and local officials to an emerging connection between heart inflammation and COVID-19 vaccines, but ultimately did not send the alert, according to a new document obtained by The Epoch Times.
All four COVID-19 vaccines that are or have been available in the United States can cause the heart inflammation, or myocarditis, according to studies, experts, and agencies like the CDC. 
The first cases were reported shortly after the vaccines became available in late 2020...

Their REAL fear!


How military academies are committing 'military suicide' through DEI ideologies

How military academies are committing 'military suicide' through DEI ideologies

Applicants who self-identified as a member of a race the Academy wished to privilege—at the time I was on the Admissions Board it was African American, Hispanic, and Native American—were briefed separately to the committee not by a white member but by a minority Navy lieutenant. Briefings (a minute and forty seconds per applicant, no more) ran through a number of factors quite quickly and offered a recommendation that we had been told was appropriate: “qualified” for USNA if grades A/B for white applicants (but not minorities, who needed only C grades), 600 score in each part of the SAT for white applicants (but about 550 for minorities who come to USNA without remediation), and Whole Person Multiple (points given for grades/tests, school leadership positions, and sports) of at least 55,000 for whites, no bottom for minorities.


Instapundit - 
Evidence Mounts That the Government Planted Pipe Bombs at Capitol on January 6.
Today is not that time. - Glenn Reynolds

AM Fruitcake


History for January 22

History for January 22 - On-This-Day.com
Sir Francis Bacon 1561 - English philosopher, essayist, lawyer and statesman
  • 1771 - The Falkland Islands were ceded to Britain by Spain.
  • 1903 - The Hay-Herrán Treaty was signed by United States Secretary of State John M. Hay and Colombian Chargé Dr. Tomás Herrán. The treaty granted the United States rights to the land proposed for the Panama Canal.
  • 1917 - U.S. President Wilson pleaded for an end to war in Europe, calling for "peace without victory." America entered the war the following April.
  • 1950 - Alger Hiss, a former adviser to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, was convicted of perjury for denying contacts with a Soviet agent. He was sentenced to five years in prison.
  • 1995 - Two Palestinian suicide bombers from the Gaza Strip detonated powerful explosives at a military transit point in central Israel, killing 19 Israelis.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Is it crazy to notice our institutions are falling apart? | Blaze Media

Is it crazy to notice our institutions are falling apart? | Blaze Media

This is just a portion of Stansberry’s scathing account of Boeing's sellout to “environmental, social, governance” and our financial overlords. I encourage you to read the whole thing.

But he hit the nail on the head: "Boeing is a wonderful metaphor for our entire society." Whatever company is involved in all of this stuff, whether it be ESG, “diversity, equity, and inclusion,” or the next elitist idea to emerge out of Davos, anything they build will “fall out of the sky.”

Unless and until our government gets away from this craziness, America's republic will "fall out of the sky."

The way we were-----Brezhnev & The Decline of The Soviet Union Documentary

Wind Turbines Built w/o Permits Ordered Torn Down at a Cost of $300M

WTF?!!-----Climate chiefs admitted net zero plan based on insufficient data, leading physicist says

Climate chiefs admitted net zero plan based on insufficient data, leading physicist says - By Paul Homewood
  • It is hard to underestimate the significance of this new revelation:
"Britain’s climate watchdog has privately admitted that a number of its key net zero recommendations may have relied on insufficient data, it has been claimed.
Sir Chris Llewellyn Smith, who led a recent Royal Society study on future energy supply, said that the Climate Change Committee only “looked at a single year” of data showing the number of windy days in a year when it made pronouncements on the extent to which the UK could rely on wind and solar farms to meet net zero...

The Incandescent Ban and the Lie of LED Efficiency - Intellectual Takeout

The Incandescent Ban and the Lie of LED Efficiency - Intellectual Takeout - Peter Jacobsen
"It happened as I went to grab a new package of baby wipes from under the sink. 
I flipped on my bathroom light, and I noticed something strange—one of my three mirror light bulbs began flickering and ultimately settled at a barely luminous dim setting.
My LED light went out.
The problem is, I changed that light bulb around a month ago as memory serves. 
Aren’t LED lights supposed to outlast the heat death of the universe or some unbelievably long amount of time?
Under this guise and the guise of energy efficiency, the Biden administration finally allowed a 2007 ban on incandescent light bulbs to go through at the end of July this year.
  • The problem is that LED lights are not more efficient in a meaningful economic sense, and, as my story illustrates, they don’t necessarily last longer. 
To understand why, let’s explore some of the technical and economic details behind the mythical efficient LED.
The Lie of LED Efficiency...