Tuesday, April 30, 2024

President Trump: "I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and begin the largest deportation operation in American history" on the first day as President

TRUMP ARMY on X: President Trump: 
President Trump: "I will terminate every open borders policy of the Biden administration and begin the largest deportation operation in American history" on the first day as President

Watch: AOC Calls Protesters Non-Violent; Leader Caught Saying 'Zionists Deserve to Die'

Watch: AOC Calls Protesters Non-Violent; Leader Caught Saying 'Zionists Deserve to Die'

Pretending that chants like, “We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!” and “Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets, too!” are simply “peaceful” displays of youthful activism is like describing the 9/11 terrorists as just “some people did something.”

Ted Cruz and John Kennedy Make Kelley Robinson Look FOOLISH on Biological Men in Women's Sports

"Senators Ted Cruz and John Kennedy challenged Kelley Robinson's assertions, ultimately making her position appear unfounded and foolish. 
This happened during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on transgender rights and the civil rights of LGBTQ Americans, where advocates testified on behalf of transgender youths.

Causation or correlation?-----Instapundit - IF YOU’RE OLD, being fat improves life expectancy.

It may just be a marker for the people who aren’t wasting away with sarcopoenia
"IF YOU’RE OLD, being fat improves life expectancy. 
We’ve seen other studies to this effect. 
It may just be a marker for the people who aren’t wasting away with sarcopoenia, though, rather than any specific benefit to being fat. - Glenn Reynolds

Lunch video-----He admitted it.

"We all knew that bringing in a culture that our ancestors fought to keep out for centuries would end up in disaster



Tech CEO says Gen Zers are pursuing more blue-collar jobs that AI cannot easily take: Report | Blaze Media

Tech CEO says Gen Zers are pursuing more blue-collar jobs that AI cannot easily take: Report | Blaze Media

As the costs and controversies surrounding college education continue to rise, as well as the potential threat AI presents to white-collar jobs, many young people have started looking into trade schools and blue-collar jobs that are not easily replaceable by tech, according to a recent report by Fox News Digital.

"I've noticed..."


Elon Musk - The USA only has ~4% of Earth’s population. Just 1% of Earth moving to America would overwhelm essential medical and other services

It’s not sustainable. @elonmusk
The USA only has ~4% of Earth’s population. Just 1% of Earth moving to America would overwhelm essential medical and other services. It’s not sustainable. 
  • As always, I’m very much in favor of *legal* immigration. Anyone smart, hardworking and honest should be welcome here.
Marty O'Donnell
20,000,000 illegal immigrants and that is just what we were able to record. That is more than 47 state's population! The insanity has to stop and we must secure our border now. martyforcongress.vote
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Democrat money funds hate!


Keeping Up with the Pacing Threat: Unveiling the True Size of Beijing’s Military Spending - Mackenzie Eaglen - American Enterprise Institute

Equal defense spending between the United States and China plays to Beijing’s benefit.
  • Beijing’s publicly released military budget is inaccurate and does not adequately capture the colossal scope and scale of China’s ongoing military buildup and wide-ranging armed forces modernization.
  • After accounting for economic adjustments and estimating reasonable but uncounted expenditures, the buying power of China’s 2022 military budget balloons to an estimated $711 billion—triple Beijing’s claimed topline and nearly equal with the United States’ military budget that same year.
  • Equal defense spending between the United States and China plays to Beijing’s benefit. As a global power, the United States must balance competing priorities in the Indo-Pacific and elsewhere, which spreads Washington’s budget thinly across multiple theaters. Meanwhile, each yuan China invests in its military directly builds its regional combat power in Asia.

#1 This day 1968-----BOBBY GOLDSBORO - HONEY

Weaponized laws!-----A Texas Reporter Busted for Asking Questions Asks SCOTUS To Reject the Criminalization of Journalism

By asking police questions about a public suicide and a fatal car crash for stories on her locally popular Facebook page, they claimed, she had committed felonies punishable by two to 10 years in prison. - JACOB SULLUM
"In 1973, the Texas Legislature made "misuse of official information" a misdemeanor...
Forty-four years later, police and prosecutors in Laredo deployed an amended and expanded version of that anti-corruption law against Priscilla Villarreal, a local journalist whose freewheeling news coverage and criticism of law enforcement officials had irked them. 
  • By asking police questions about a public suicide and a fatal car crash for stories on her locally popular Facebook page, they claimed, she had committed felonies punishable by two to 10 years in prison.
  • In January, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit said there was nothing "obviously unconstitutional" about arresting Villarreal for engaging in basic journalism
...Those implications stem from the abuse of a vague, inartfully worded state law that was aimed at preventing public officials and their cronies from taking financial advantage of inside information...
According to the 5th Circuit, the "benefit" that Villarreal derived by maintaining "her first-to-report reputation" included ad revenue and "free meals from appreciative readers."...

Media-enabled lies!


Biden is the least popular president in 70 years, below Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon: Report | Blaze Media

Biden is the least popular president in 70 years, below Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon: Report | Blaze Media

President Joe Biden has made the record books, but probably not for the reason he had hoped. The New York Post reported that the president is the least popular leader in the last 70 years, below Jimmy Carter and Richard Nixon. The recent poll data could spell the end for the commander-in-chief. The Gallup Poll mentioned that Biden, who is 81 years old, has a staggering 38.7 percent job approval rating for the first quarter of 2024. Biden currently sits three points lower than the one-term George H.W. Bush at the same point in his presidency.

BREAKING: @UF releases brutal statement deriding pro-Hamas protesters it just arrested.

'The University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they’ll face the consequences. The College Fix 

All r

AM Fruitcake


History for April 30

History for April 30 - On-This-Day.com 
Cornelius Vanderbilt 1898
  • 1789 - George Washington took office as first elected U.S. president.
  • 1803 - The U.S. purchased the Louisiana Territory from France for $15 million.
  • 1938 - Happy Rabbit appeared in the cartoon "Porky's Hare Hunt." This rabbit would later evolve into Bugs Bunny.
  • 1945 - Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun committed suicide. They had been married for one day. One week later Germany surrendered unconditionally.
  • 1952 - Mr. Potato Head became the first toy to be advertised on network television.
  • 1980 - Terrorists seized the Iranian Embassy in London.
  • 1993 - CERN put the World Wide Web software in the public domain.

Monday, April 29, 2024

White House Changes How Biden Walks to and from Marine One in Attempt to Shield Him from Bad Optics: Report

White House Changes How Biden Walks to and from Marine One in Attempt to Shield Him from Bad Optics: Report

Biden sometimes appears unsteady, wobbly, aimless and generally does not pick his feet up as high as he once did when walking. Axios reported Friday that, in general, Biden no longer will walk to and from Marine One alone at the White House but will have people alongside him to shield him from cameras.

History!-----In the Shadow of Command | English Full Movie

How Britain’s judicial system is being enriched out of all recognition b...

Principles of British law dating back a thousand years are being abandoned as a direct consequence of immigration to the United Kingdom.

Antifa can't cope a banana - Don Surber

intifada antifas at UCLA are crying because people are bringing bananas to their demonstration at UCLA.

"As they side with the people who raped, tortured, murdered and then mutilated the bodies of young Israelis on October 7, the intifada antifas at UCLA are crying because people are bringing bananas to their demonstration at UCLA.
Linda Mamoun posted a video of a woman eating a banana and taunting the crowd.
Mamoun tweeted, “There was a protestor in the liberated zone at UCLA with a potentially fatal banana allergy. Counterprotestors invaded the encampment and saw all the no bananas warnings. 
The next day they came back waving bananas like settlers waving machine guns & smeared bananas everywhere.”..

From 2020-----MuskegonPundit: Must read!!--"In the midst of all this financial chicanery, the Chinese began furiously buying up Italian real estate and businesses in the North"--Fans of Best of the Web Today

as a consequence thousands of Chinese, the majority from Wuhan, began arriving in Milano.
"...Access was again provided to the Chinese, under the old terms, and as a consequence thousands of Chinese, the majority from Wuhan, began arriving in Milano.
In December of last year, the first inklings of a coronavirus were noticed in Lombardia...in the Chinese neighborhoods. 
  • There is no doubt amongst senior medical officials that the virus was brought here from China. 
By the end of January 2020 cases were being reported left and right. 
By mid-February the virus was beginning to seriously overload the Lombardia hospitals and medical clinics.
As of my writing, they are on the verge of collapse.
The Far-Left politicians sold out and betrayed the Italian people with open border policies and social justice programs. 
One of the reasons the health care system collapsed so quickly is because the Renzi government (and now continued under the Conte government) redirected funds meant to sustain the medical system, to pay for the tens of thousands of immigrants brought in to Italy against the will of the Italian people...

'Shocking and severe': Biden sued for creating new definition for 'sex' | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Shocking and severe': Biden sued for creating new definition for 'sex' | WND | by Bob Unruh

Joe Biden is trying to change the definition of "sex" from the science-based facts that make a person male or female by virtue of their DNA and their body. He wants it to mean anything that a person thinks.

Priceless: Watch Look on Supporter's Face Change When He Realizes Biden Just Lied to Entire Room

Priceless: Watch Look on Supporter's Face Change When He Realizes Biden Just Lied to Entire Room

"If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their students," said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. "While the government may not establish or compel a particular religion, it also may not silence and suppress religious speech merely because others might take offense. People are free to ignore, disagree with, or counter the religious speech of others, but the government cannot censor private religious speech."

Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo on the Mystery of Why Some People Still Wear Masks

WSL - All the Disinformation That’s Fit to Print

Will heavy-handed U.S. intelligence spooks re-elect Trump? Will the New York Times help? - Holman W. Jenkins, Jr. 
"We sometimes lose sight of how downright weird so much news reporting has become. 
Imagine you’re the New York Times
Donald Trump might return to the presidency so you report, as the paper did on April 12, on the “distrust” that exists between him and the U.S. intelligence agencies. 
  • But you leave out the part about top Obama intelligence officers going on national TV to call Mr. Trump a Russian agent. 
  • You leave out the part about FBI counterintelligence leaders knowingly trafficking in fabricated evidence about him. 
  • You leave out the part about 51 former intelligence officials lying to voters to influence an election and help his opponent.
How should we cover Mr. Trump, the Times famously asked on its home page in 2017. 
  • The answer might have been “fairly.” 
  • Don’t lie about him or anyone else...

Lunch video-----I was a High School Dropout and a Marxist Until This Happened... | Thomas Sowell



School officials warned not to censor student's valedictory speech | WND | by Bob Unruh

School officials warned not to censor student's valedictory speech | WND | by Bob Unruh

"If America’s schools are to impart principles of freedom and democracy to future generations, they must start by respecting the constitutional rights of their students," said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. "While the government may not establish or compel a particular religion, it also may not silence and suppress religious speech merely because others might take offense. People are free to ignore, disagree with, or counter the religious speech of others, but the government cannot censor private religious speech."