Thursday, May 02, 2024

The explosion of phony 'science' causing people to distrust 'the experts' | Blaze Media

The explosion of phony 'science' causing people to distrust 'the experts' | Blaze Media

The idea that science is a self-correcting field is a “fiction,” says Oransky. “That’s just nonsense. The people who are getting caught nowadays — and that’s not everyone — nothing is happening to them.” Often, papers aren’t being retracted or corrected. They’re living on in perpetuity, lost in the massive wave of research that sweeps across people’s desks.

Trump Is Gagged, but Only NOW Does the Judge Wag a Limp Finger at His Trial's Biggest Trash Talkers VICTORIA TAFT

The entire time that Judge Juan Merchan has attempted to silence Donald Trump with a gag order, two of the chief witnesses against him have been free to trash talk the former president in podcasts, interviews, and on YouTube and TikTok.
"And have they ever. 
Now, and only now, has the judge in the case shaken a reproving forefinger at the trash talkers in chief of the Trump trial.
  • Trump's attempt to set the record straight (as he sees it) by posting other people's observations and stories on his Truth Social account has been met with a big fat $1,000 fine per offense for contempt of the court's gag order. On Tuesday, Trump was found in contempt of court for nine violations of the gag order put on the defendant.
One month ago, while on "The View," Stormy told that coven of magpies that she was "absolutely ready" to testify against Trump
She sat with the women to talk about her tell-all documentary called "Stormy."...

AM Fruitcake


History for May 2

History for May 2 -  
Hedda Hopper (Elda Furry) 1890 - Actress and gossip columnist
  • 1813 - Napoleon defeated a Russian and Prussian army at Grossgorschen.
  • 1863 - Confederate Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson was wounded by his own men in the battle of Chancellorsville, VA. He died 8 days later.
  • 1885 - The magazine "Good Housekeeping" was first published.
  • 1933 - Hitler banned trade unions in Germany.
  • 1969 - The ocean liner Queen Elizabeth 2 (QE2) made its maiden voyage.
  • 1970 - Jockey Diane Crump became the first woman to ride in the Kentuck Derby. She finished 15th aboard Fathom.
  • 1974 - The filming of "Jaws" began in Martha's Vineyard, MA.

Wednesday, May 01, 2024

Prosecutors Hit Roadblock, Forced to Hand Win to Arizona Rancher Accused of Killing Illegal Immigrant

Prosecutors Hit Roadblock, Forced to Hand Win to Arizona Rancher Accused of Killing Illegal Immigrant

An Arizona rancher who faced charges of murdering an illegal immigrant won’t be convicted.

Santa Cruz County prosecutors are opting against trying George Alan Kelly a second time after his first murder trial ended in a mistrial, according to KOLD-TV.

A jury of eight voted against convicting Kelly last week by a 7-1 margin.

The way we were-----Why Germany Had to Start the War

Slavery is not a black thing; two famous European slaves from Spain and Greece

Arabella: The Far-Left Billionaires' Network That Vows to Fundamentally Transform America ED MORRISSEY

It sounds like an organization from a James Bond film, like SPECTRE or SMERSH.-
"Unlike Ian Fleming's creations, Arabella Advisors actually exists, and it also seeks to remake America in a Marxist image, according to a new book by Scott Walter. “ARABELLA: The Dark Money Network of Leftist Billionaires Secretly Transforming America” reveals how America's wealthiest progressives use dark-money networking to fundamentally transform American politics.
If you haven't heard of Arabella Advisors, don't be surprised.
Q: How much did Arabella spend in the 2020 presidential cycle?
A: Well, the nonprofits took in during the 2020 cycle, so that's two years, $2.4 billion. 
And in case you're wondering for reference, that is more than the DNC plus the RNC and then add a billion, okay?

The Judge Drops the Hammer on Trump for Breaking Gag Order VICTORIA TAFT

Saying "thank you" to Michael Avenatti for Avenatti's comments on the gag order. From ABC News:

"...Quickly, here are the nine violations of the order according to Judge Mechan:

  • Saying "thank you" to Michael Avenatti for Avenatti's comments on the gag order. From ABC News:

"We can't be hypocrites when it comes to the 1st Amendment," Avenatti wrote. "It is outrageous that Cohen and Daniels can do countless TV interviews, post on social, & make $$ on bogus documentaries - all by talking s**t about Trump - but he's gagged and threatened with jail if he responds."

"Thank you to Michael Avenatti," Trump posted in response, "for revealing the truth about two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!

  • In another post, he reminded readers that the woman who signed the nondisclosure agreement with Trump's attorney Michael Cohen testified that she and Trump had never had sexual relations. That was deemed a violation. 

Related: Hey Media: If Trump Intimidated a Witness on TV Shouldn't There Be Proof He Intimidated a Witness on TV?

Other violations include:

  • Going after witness Michael Cohen in multiple posts for being a convicted felon and multiple perjurer for lying to Congress. Cohen also was convicted of his own tax fraud charges. The post also named Mark Pomerantz, one of the prosecutors who wrote a book on how to Get Trump. 
  • Trump shared a National Review article entitled, "No, Cohen's Guilty Plea Does Not Prove Trump Committed Campaign-Finance Crimes." 
  • Trump was fined for quoting a Fox News story about all the "undercover" liberals trying to get on the Trump jury. 
  • "Disparaging" jurors in an interview when he said they were 90% liberals. 
  • Calling his old friend, National Enquirer publisher, David Pecker "a nice guy."wrote about this issue here. ...

'Shocking and severe': Biden sued for creating new definition for 'sex' | WND | by Bob Unruh

'Shocking and severe': Biden sued for creating new definition for 'sex' | WND | by Bob Unruh

Joe Biden is trying to change the definition of "sex" from the science-based facts that make a person male or female by virtue of their DNA and their body. He wants it to mean anything that a person thinks.


America Is Tipping Over

Where did this tip tsunami come from? - Kurt
I’m a strong believer that when you tip, you should tip well. It’s a touch of class. I know some people resent tipping, but that’s what you do in the United States in the appropriate context. It’s part of our culture. You should just do it because that’s what’s done, and, at least in the past, the people helping you depended on tips because it was assumed you would...
But you know, when I hit the dry cleaners and there’s a tip jar there, that’s a beg too far. 
A tip jar at a fast-food place?...That’s crazy talk, especially in California, where you have to pay a McWorker as much as a Goldman Sachs vice president..
  • Where did this tip tsunami come from?...

Lunch video-----Why Biden’s Just Wrong: NO ONE "Knows How to Make Government Work.”



A shocking number of voters are open to election fraud | Blaze Media

A shocking number of voters are open to election fraud | Blaze Media

Free and fair elections are the bedrock of a democratic republic. If voters are willing to cheat, as the recent Heartland-Rasmussen survey shows, lawmakers must enact policies to stop them. Unfortunately, that has yet to happen.

"Massive immigration..."


18-year-old men can share cabin with preteen girls at Oregon outdoor school if doing so makes them 'feel safer' | Blaze Media

The Northwest Outdoor Science School — reportedly the largest outdoor school in the state, serving 10,000 students annually - CORTNEY WEIL
  • Males as old as 18 may be allowed to share a cabin with preteen girls at an Oregon outdoor school, and the girls' parents will almost certainly be kept in the dark about it, according to reports...

Don'y forget. Ultimately, YOU pay Every one of those taxes!

Hamas poured through the wall on October 7, rampaging and killing, focusing on the thousands of innocent farmers, and the thousands of attendees at a music festival.

Why them?  - John F. Di Leo
"...Why not break through somewhere else, and attack industrialists, or settlers, for example?
The manipulation of public opinion for political effect is always on their minds…
How Did Hamas Choose Their Targets? - AFNN
How Did Hamas Choose Their Targets? - AFNN
Victims included some foreign tourists and hundreds of Israeli soldiers, but the lion’s share of the day’s victims were innocent civilians, ranging in age from infancy to the elderly.

#1 This day 1985-----U.S.A. For Africa - We Are the World

Showing their true, hate-filled colors!-----At Harvard, Protesters Take Down US Flag, Raise Hamas' |

as the Palestinian flags were being removed by Harvard staff, protesters yelled and chanted, "Shame," "Free, free Palestine," and "from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free." - Nick Koutsobinas 
Pro-Palestinian protesters at Harvard University flew three Palestinian flags off the college's University Hall on Saturday evening, The Crimson reported...
The pro-Palestinian stance among college students has swept across many elite universities, including Columbia in New York City and Washington University in St. Louis...

Make no mistake. This is their stated goal!


FDNY firefighter fired by city to free up funds for illegal aliens dies suddenly, leaving behind struggling young family | Blaze Media

FDNY firefighter fired by city to free up funds for illegal aliens dies suddenly, leaving behind struggling young family | Blaze Media

Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens have flooded into New York City where, in many cases, they receive thousands of dollars in free rent monthly from the government. They are also eligible for a host of taxpayer-funded services such as health insurance, medical care, food assistance, and public education. NYC has struggled to find ways to pay down the cost of housing, feeding, and placating this unlawfully imported cohort, which has brought with it upticks in crime, disease, and resource competition, disproportionately affecting America's most vulnerable citizens. As with other Democratic-run sanctuary cities, NYC determined late last year that it would have to make various budget cuts, laying off citizen workers to free up funds for idling foreigners.

The lesson from Columbia - Don Surber

The protest is not getting much traction for several reasons. - Don Surber
...There are aesthetic reasons as well. As I recall, the girls in the Vietnam protests were hot. 
  • Two generations later, the girls are chubbier and wearing masks. 
  • You also don’t know if you will get a surprise when she takes off her jeans...
Times have changed. In the 1960s, colleges were seen as places of scholarship. 
People revered the Ivy League schools. 
  • Over time, the schools shed their reputations in favor of promoting bad science (climate change) and bad policy (DEI) and outright racism (critical race theory)...

AM Fruitcake


History for May 1

History for May 1 - 
Joseph Heller 1923 - Novelist, short story writer, playwright
  • 1486 - Christopher Columbus convinced Queen Isabella to fund an expedition to the West Indies.
  • 1707 - England, Wales and Scotland were united to form Great Britain.
  • 1867 - Reconstruction in the South began with black voter registration.
  • 1889 - Asa Candler published a full-page advertisement in The Atlanta Journal, proclaiming his wholesale and retail drug business as "sole proprietors of Coca-Cola ... 
  • 1931 - The Empire State Building in New York was dedicated and opened. It was 102 stories tall and was the tallest building in the world at the time.
  • 1948 - The People's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea) was proclaimed.
  • 1961 - Fidel Castro announced there would be no more elections in Cuba.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

DHS Keeps Detention Space Unfilled as Criminal Illegals End Up in U.S.

DHS Keeps Detention Space Unfilled as Criminal Illegals End Up in U.S.

“This is a middle finger to Congress, American taxpayers, and the safety of our nation,” Hauman told Breitbart News.

Though Mayorkas has been insistent on keeping detention space at stagnant levels, Acting ICE Director Patrick Lechleitner has said he would like bed space to increase to 50,000 — a figure he called “more appropriate” considering the record levels of illegal immigration seen under Biden.

Since Biden took office in early 2021, more than nine million migrants have been encountered at the nation’s borders, the largest ever recorded in American history over a three-and-a-half-year period.

The way we were-----The First Cross Country Family Road Trip

The Climate Empire Strikes Back

DEI Was Supposed to Help People Like Me. It Didn’t

My bosses wanted my Caribbean face at diversity training sessions. What they didn’t want were my actual viewpoints.
"In February, the Calgary-based Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy published a study on the effectiveness of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)...
  • His conclusion is that DEI training is generally both divisive and counter-productive—which is to say that it exacerbates divisions rather than healing them. 
  • In particular, he reports, DEI training tends to “increase prejudice and activate bigotry among participants by bringing existing stereotypes to the top of their minds or by implanting new biases they had not previously held.”...