Now, I’ve been pretty clear that there were three main criteria for picking a running mate. -
Kurt - One, the appointment cannot hurt the GOP, like by putting a seat at risk.
- Two, the nominee must be competent to be president.
- Three, the pick must bring something to the table as far as winning the election.
- And I guess I now have to add a fourth qualification. The nominee can’t have shot any puppies.
"Now, I wouldn’t think that I would have to tell anybody that shooting puppies is a bad idea if you want to be elected by the American people.
Americans like puppies.
They don’t like people who shoot puppies...
Yet, Kristi Noem capped Cricket the dog and then wrote about it in her book...
Somewhere across the rainbow bridge,
Cricket is wagging her tail as she watches Noem’s political future dragged to the gravel pit and given
the Joe Pesci in “Goodfellas” treatment...