Saturday, May 04, 2024

National Task Force Lowers Mammogram Screening Age to 40 | The Epoch Times

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation comes as more women are being diagnosed with breast cancer at a younger age. -  Amie
  • A national advisory panel has reduced the recommended age for breast cancer screening, suggesting women get their first mammogram at age 40 instead of 50 and continue every other year until age 74.
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommendation comes as more women are being diagnosed with breast cancer at a younger age. 
It is a reversal of the panel’s previous recommendation suggesting women make an individual choice about getting a mammogram between ages 40 and 49. 
The recommendation applies to women at average risk of breast cancer, as well as those with a family history of breast cancer and those with dense breasts...

Collapse!-----Northwestern Cuts Deal with Encampment Organizers, Establishes Full-Ride Scholarship for Palestinian Students | National Review

“So how will this work? Pro-Hamas demonstrators get to influence decisions on @NorthwesternU hiring of Jewish vendors?!?,”  -  ZACH KESSEL
"After five days of anti-Israel demonstrators occupying Deering Meadow on Northwestern University’s campus, Northwestern president Michael Schill and the rest of the university’s leadership decided to accede to several of the protesters’ demands.
  • ...the university released a list of concessions in a celebratory statement Monday afternoon in exchange for the removal of the encampment on the lawn.
  • Most notable among those concessions is a promise to offer full-ride scholarships to Palestinian students and guaranteed faculty jobs for Palestinian academics...
  • Northwestern will also provide a “house for MENA/Muslim students” and 
  • will “advise (threaten) employers not to rescind job offers for students engaging in speech protected by the First Amendment.”
  • Other concessions in the deal Schill and the rest of Northwestern’s leadership struck with the encampment occupants — one of whom assaulted a student journalist attempting to take video — include student oversight of the university’s partnerships with suppliers and the investment of its endowment...

Appeals court hearing charge that Willis lacked jurisdiction to bring case against Trump! | WND | by Bob Unruh

Appeals court hearing charge that Willis lacked jurisdiction to bring case against Trump! | WND | by Bob Unruh

It's because there's an allegation she didn't, and doesn't, have any jurisdiction over the dispute; that state elections officials should have brought a case, if there was one to bring. The new factor appeared in the case of Harrison Floyd, one of multiple co-defendants in the Trump case. He was a senior member of the Trump 2020 campaign.

This is honestly insane.

X Video-----'INTO THE VALLEY OF DEATH RODE THE HALF-DOZEN . . .' Unfortunately, I'm wholly distracted by the garbage-pail shield encased in a Palestinian flag...

Who says all the romance has been purged from warfare?  PhilipTerzian@PhilipTerzian 
Unfortunately, I'm wholly distracted by the garbage-pail shield encased in a Palestinian flag.
Who says all the romance has been purged from warfare?

Lunch video-----Judith Curry: Climate Scientists Can’t Intimidate Me | Stories of Us

"A lifelong lover of earth sciences, Judith Curry has advocated for integrity and scientific truth since she was a child. 
Despite facing discrimination and bullying in a male-dominated field, Judith spoke out against the lies and manipulation of climate scientists attempting to enforce a political narrative. 
  • After being marginalized by the universities, Judith left academia. 
She now fights for truth and offers the following advice: Keep your mind open, do your research, and live your best life.



Here's why Biden censorship schemes targeted social media | WND | by Bob Unruh

Here's why Biden censorship schemes targeted social media | WND | by Bob Unruh

A new polling reveals some startling American voter perspectives on the media, and it offers an explanation about why the Biden administration has been so intent on censoring social media.

It was a congressional report just this week that confirmed social media companies had tried to defend the First Amendment against attacks by Biden's bureaucrats – mostly unsuccessfully as White House demands for censorship have turned into a major component of most online platforms.

The long game!


If nothing else, Biden has to go before he gives the entire country away.

Michael Smith - If nothing else, Biden has to go before he gives... | Facebook

Susan B Watson
This is getting to be the most frightening era in my life. We really do need to stop this. The protests are a huge distraction to the evil things happening in the WH and Congress.

Models that don't work are worthless!


We don't need new gun laws while we don't enforce current gun laws!-----Columbine Gun Dealers Free From Jail, Served Less Than 4 Years

Columbine Gun Dealers Free From Jail, Served Less Than 4 Years

"Mark Manes and Phillip Duran were the two young men who supplied the Columbine teen killers Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris with weapons for their killing spree. 
  • Manes served 19 months before he was released in June 2001 to a halfway house. He was released in 2002 under electronic monitor...
  • Duran, also a 22-year-old Columbine graduate, worked at Blackjack Pizza with Klebold and Harris. He introduced the teenagers to Manes who sold them the guns. Duran also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 4 ½ years in prison. He was paroled after serving 3 ½ years...

#1 This day 1959-----Come Softly To Me-The Fleetwoods-1959

Remember when we "knew" new weapons would ONLY be be used against America's ENEMIES?-----DARPA reveals 'extra large' Manta Ray underwater drone | Blaze Media

"Our successful, full-scale Manta Ray testing validates the vehicle's readiness to advance toward real-world operations after being rapidly assembled in the field from modular subsections," - ANDREW CHAPADOS
"...The uncrewed underwater vehicle, known as a UUV, is capable of long excursions and delivering a payload, which could include torpedoes or ballistic missiles.
This means that the UUV can be rapidly deployed throughout the world without crowding the pier at naval facilities, as it is has been described as an "extra-large UUV."

Life in Biden's America, part 15,783

Fans of Best of the Web Today | Life in Biden's America, part 15,783: A/C had a leak | Facebook - Judy Crum Latham 
  • Life in Biden's America, part 15,783: A/C had a leak. Coolant last year $60/unit, this year $150/unit, with a newly-mandated, even more expensive, one coming next year. I needed three units.
Benjamin Frank - A former senior DOE official previously told Fox News Digital that the Biden administration's actions would inevitably result in higher costs for consumers.
"Their philosophy is energy efficiency at all costs or energy efficiency no matter the cost," the official said. "That means we are going to see, as a result of their efficiency standards, higher-priced appliances. It's that simple.
"The reality is that we are not talking about saving huge amounts of energy from these new regulations."
Biden admin cracks down on air conditioners as war on appliances continues
Biden admin cracks down on air conditioners as war on appliances continues

Well, facebook speech-progressives are signaling that an important election is on the horizon. "Community standards" and "Spam protection" remain their proven, dependable weapons against free-thought.

I clicked "Like" on two FB posts this morning.

  • Then I clicked "Like" on this post, from Hoffmaster State Park:

Got a FAST slap from our overseers at FB.

  • "Protecting the community from spam" seems an important function these days.

As an avid supporter of our local parks, I naively assumed it was a glitch. 
  • So, I brazenly clicked "Like" again!
Not so fast, my friend!
"Community Standards"!
  • And the billionaires at FB wonder why their profits are crashing"
  • And folks are moving to Twitter/X?

'Politically motivated prosecutions': Jim Jordan investigates DOJ-tied prosecutor in Trump's New York case | Blaze Media

'Politically motivated prosecutions': Jim Jordan investigates DOJ-tied prosecutor in Trump's New York case | Blaze Media

Jordan noted that a New York Times article from 2022 said Colangelo has "a history of taking on Donald J. Trump and his family business." The NYT also wrote that Bragg's decision to hire the former high-ranking DOJ official signaled that his office was seeking to "ramp up its investigation" into Trump. "Bragg's prosecution concerns federal subject matter identical to a matter that the Justice Department closed in 2018, raising concerns that a state-level prosecutor is seeking to relitigate an issue on which the federal government previously declined prosecution," Jordan's letter read. "In addition, Bragg's prosecution relies heavily on the testimony of his star witness, Michael Cohen, a convicted felon with a demonstrable animus towards President Trump."

"The science is clear: we must stop adding to the stock of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to control global warming...

Bjørn K Vottestad - "It's a death from a thousand cuts - like the dog that has his chain shortened one link every the time he has no freedom it is too late."
"This nonsense stands or falls with the election.
  • These thugs are planning some declaration by "act of war" against the climate and god help us all if Bidén's should win the election.

FACT SHEET: President Biden Takes Bold Executive Action to Spur Domestic Clean Energy Manufacturing | The White House FACT SHEET: President Biden Takes Bold Executive Action to Spur Domestic Clean Energy Manufacturing | The White House

AM Fruitcake


History for May 4

History for May 4 - 
George F. Will 1941 - Columnist ("Newsweek"), editor
  • 1626 - Dutch explorer Peter Minuit landed on Manhattan Island. Native Americans later sold the island (20,000 acres) for $24 in cloth and buttons.
  • 1715 - A French manufacturer debuted the first folding umbrella.
  • 1776 - Rhode Island declared its freedom from England two months before the Declaration of Independence was adopted.
  • 1942 - The United States began food rationing.
  • 1979 - Margaret Thatcher became Britain's first woman prime minister.
  • 1981 - The Federal Reserve Board raised its discount rate to 14%.
  • 1994 - Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat signed a historic accord on Palestinian autonomy that granted self-rule in the Gaza Strip and Jericho.

Friday, May 03, 2024

'We are frogs in the kettle': Persecution watchdog sounds alarm on growing threat facing American Christians | Blaze Media

'We are frogs in the kettle': Persecution watchdog sounds alarm on growing threat facing American Christians | Blaze Media

King told the Christian Post that Barber's case not only "highlights the depth of ignorance among school boards and even at the principal level of what rights the Constitution grants people" but also a wider hostility toward Christians. "The big picture, and what people need to grasp, is that's what's going on here in the West, and that's what a lot of people who dislike Christianity are proposing and trying to push forward," said King.

The way we were-----Flippin' Through MAD #165

Degrowth: How to Make the World Poorer, Polluted and Miserable

Survey indicates sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender dysphoria are all primarily caused by vaccination

We are basically causing these effects. 80% of the deviations from traditional norms can be ascribed to vaccination. - STEVE KIRSCH
"The survey - The survey was announced here.
Summary - The data I collected clearly and unambiguously shows that vaccines are the primary cause (79% attributable fraction) of deviation from traditional norms relative to:
  • Sexual orientation
  • Gender identity
  • Sexual dysphoria
If I’m wrong, you need to show us all the data showing this is not the case.
I’ll wait.

Must read!-----Climate Change and EnvironMental issues. | This is a MUST read for all - go to page 5 for a breakdown of the prison they have planned for us - this is not a conspiracy folks, it's all there...

In addition to restraining our energy demand to 60% of current levels, meeting our legal commitment to zero emissions will require that we phase out any energy using activities that cannot be electrified and any sources of emissions beyond fossil-fuel combustion.  - Mac Mc Nally
  •  the target of zero emissions is absolute - there are no negative emissions options or meaningful “carbon offsets.” Absolute Zero means zero emissions
  •  the UK is responsible for all emissions caused by its purchasing, including imported goods, international flights and shipping.
  • Credit to Martin Sewell for the link....API.REPOSITORY.CAM.AC.UK
"Key Message: The big actions are: 
  • travel less distance, 
  • travel by train or in small (or full) electric cars and 
  • stop flying; 
  • use the heating less and 
  • electrify the boiler when next upgrading; 
  • lobby for construction with half the material for twice as long; 
  • stop eating beef and lamb..."

Small Group of Students Defends American Flag from Furious Mob: 'I Love My Country'

Small Group of Students Defends American Flag from Furious Mob: 'I Love My Country'

Students at a violent anti-Israel protest in North Carolina on Tuesday proved there is still hope for the future of the country as they refused to allow the American flag to be replaced with a Palestinian flag.


How the war in Gaza became the Current Thing on campus

American universities are the perfect breeding ground for these uprisings, having long embraced revolutionary ideologies that seek to delegitimize and destroy the foundations of our civilization. - JORDAN SCHACHTEL
"The black and white checkered keffiyeh, the headdress popularized by former PLO chief Yasser Arafat, has become the ultimate chic clothing item of choice on campus...
  • So how exactly did the war in Gaza, a conflict fought between two parties (Israel and Hamas) become the new Current Thing on campus?
  • Perhaps the easiest way to explain this is by first identifying the command and control structure of the protest movements at the individual school level...

Lunch video-----Klaus Schwab Announces The End Of Car Ownership
