Monday, May 06, 2024

THE most USA President EVER!


Elon Musk sounds alarm national debt | Blaze Media

Elon Musk sounds alarm national debt | Blaze Media

Wealthy business magnate Elon Musk is sounding the alarm about America's massive national debt, warning that unless action is taken to tackle the problem, the U.S. dollar will become worthless.

SEA LEVEL! EVERYONE PANIC! - Willis Eschenbach

Well, I see that the climate hypemeisters are at it again. 
Here’s Google News on the subject.

Figure 1. The usual, from the usual suspects.
So I thought I’d take a look at some of the claims. 
To start with, here’s an overview of the sea level rise around the US coasts...

AM Fruitcake

Happy #CincoDeMayo !

History for May 6

History for May 6 - 
Maximilien Robespierre 1758 - French revolutionary
  • 1527 - German troops began sacking Rome, bringing about the end of the Renaissance.
  • 1851 - The mechanical refrigerator was patented by Dr. John Gorrie.
  • 1889 - The Universalxposition opened in Paris, France, marking the dedication of the Eiffel Tower. Also at the exposition was the first automobile in Paris, the Mercedes-Benz.
  • 1937 - The German airship Hindenburg crashed and burned in Lakehurst, NJ. Thirty-six people were killed.
  • 1941 - Joseph Stalin assumed the Soviet premiership.
  • 1960 - U.S. President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1960.
  • 1994 - The Channel Tunnel officially opened. The tunnel under the English Channel links England and France.
  • 1994 - Former Arkansas state worker Paula Jones filed suit against U.S. President Clinton. The case alleged that he had sexually harassed her in 1991.

Sunday, May 05, 2024

Top Biden DOJ Official in Hot Water After Failing to Disclose Past Arrest During Senate Confirmation

Top Biden DOJ Official in Hot Water After Failing to Disclose Past Arrest During Senate Confirmation

A top Biden administration Justice Department official was not truthful during her Senate confirmation process in 2021 when she said she had never been arrested for an alleged violent crime. Assistant Attorney General for the Civil Rights Division Kristen Clarke has served in her position since May 2021. However, according to news reports, she had an arrest record that was not disclosed when she was narrowly confirmed by the Senate, which led to calls for her resignation.

The way we were-----When We Entered the American Zone, The Sight Was Truly Astonishing (Ep.7).

Former Professor Explains The Woke Takeover of Education ft. Peter Bogho...

Climate Models, Catastrophe Scenarios and the Imaginary Climate Crisis

There is a canyon of difference between the IPCC science report and the climate crisis narrative. 
There is no compelling scientific evidence of a human-caused climate crisis or emergency.
"...However, we do not find a definition of this arguably existential threat to humanity in the expected concentrate of current climate science, i.e. the reports of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)...
  • A certain amount of warming of our planet's climate can indeed be detected if one chooses a suitable starting point in the time series of recent temperatures...
  • However, looking back over the millennia, the hypothesis of an unprecedented warming of our times is rebutted by the Medieval and Roman warm periods, not to mention the Holocene Climate Optimum of around 6,000 years ago.8 ...

Treason!-----Military Leaders Plotted to Disobey Trump’s Orders as Commander-in-Chief on Jan. 6, Whistleblower Claims

Maj. Gen. Walker conveyed a request for assistance at around 1:50 p.m. on Jan. 6 but the Guard was not deployed to the Capitol until about 5:10 p.m.
"Senior military leaders plotted to disobey then-President Donald Trump’s orders on Jan. 6, 2021, because they “unreasonably” thought he might try to use the D.C. National Guard to block certification of the 2020 presidential election, according to whistleblower Col. Earl Matthews.
  • “I think a very plausible argument can be made that through no fault of his own, President Trump’s command authority over both the D.C. National Guard and the U.S. Army itself had been surreptitiously curtailed by the senior leadership of the Army on January 6, 2021,” Col. Matthews, told The Daily Mail in a May 3 interview...

Court system yet to address looming new threat to free speech | WND | by Bob Unruh

Court system yet to address looming new threat to free speech | WND | by Bob Unruh

"The ramifications of this case could chill constitutionally protected civil rights protests across the political spectrum," explained John W. Whitehead, chief of the Rutherford and author of "Battlefield America: The War on the American People." "This is yet another Machiavellian attempt by the government to sidestep the Constitution and prevent Americans from exercising their First Amendment right to speak truth to power." The institute warned the case has the potential for huge influence on speech across all political spectrums as well as the right to protest.

What Happens To Children That Transition? | Helen Joyce

A Golden Age of Renewables Is Beginning, and California Is Leading the Way

The author, Mark Z Jacobson...Other scientists that have looked into his work find it impossible to reproduce his findings.  - Richard Bingham
Does anyone have more info on this? This seems to be an impossible sq mi of panels.

SCIENTIFICAMERICAN.COM - A Golden Age of Renewables Is Beginning, and California Is Leading the Way
California has hit record-breaking milestones in renewable electricity generation, showing that wind, water and solar are ready to cover our electricity needs

Kevin Roberts - The author, Mark Z Jacobson, has produced a number of scientific articles claiming that wind water and solar can power entire grids. 
You will notice that nearly every single study claiming this has him as an author, and he does a lot of referencing his own work.
Other scientists that have looked into his work find it impossible to reproduce his findings. 
He uses custom climate models, which he doesn't share.
Still, he has the prestige of being a Stanford professor, and propaganda outlets like Scientific American will happily let him make any claims he wants, no matter how dubious...

Lunch video-----Thomas Sowell: Is America On the Brink of Collapse Like Rome?



Trump Brings a Surprise Gift to NYC Firefighters, Is Greeted with Cheers

Trump Brings a Surprise Gift to NYC Firefighters, Is Greeted with Cheers

But despite all his restraints, on Thursday evening, the former president once again made lemonade of his lemons when he delivered pizza to firefighters at a Manhattan firehouse shortly after appearing in court for his ongoing criminal trial, according to the New York Post. 

Trump arrived at FDNY’s Engine Co. 8, Ladder Co. 2 in Midtown around 5:30 p.m., carrying two boxes of pizza from Xeno’s Pizza that his campaign had delivered, along with 10 other boxes for the firefighters.

Stop funding America-haters!


All funded with OP$!-----Rutgers administration buckles to anti-Israel activists’ demands - DAVE HUBER

Among other things: ‘Displaced Gazans’ can study on campus; creation of ‘Arab Cultural Center’ by fall
"After an “anticipated escalation” of anti-Israel protest activity resulted in the postponement of final exams on Thursday, Rutgers University administrators ended up caving to all but a pair of the activists’ demands...
The announcement “provided an email template for students” to ask their professors to cancel final exams “in solidarity with students in Gaza” and Rutgers students “who cannot feel a sense of normalcy in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war.”...

Police refuse to do their job!


Cinco de Mayo: The Real Story!

#1 This day 1986-----Pet Shop Boys - West End Girls

The Death Of The Melting Arctic Sea Ice Scam

Recent years, including this one, have not continued the falling trend in Arctic sea-ice coverage, contrary to the alarmist musings of the Green lobby. - John Whitefisk 
  • "Not a lot of people know, or rather a lot of people don’t want it to be common knowledge, that the maximum extent of the Northern Hemisphere sea-ice cover occurs at approximately the same time as the Spring Equinox.
  • This simple fact would undermine the foundations of the ‘warmist’ propaganda, which has focused for the last two months on how warm the weather has been
The Death Of The Melting Arctic Sea Ice Scam

3rd decade at war with Humans!


Study: Risk for getting COVID rises with each shot | WND | by WND Staff

Study: Risk for getting COVID rises with each shot | WND | by WND Staff

The report said the results, from the work of Dr. Naabin Shrestha and others, found, "The risk of contracting COVID-19 was 1.5 times higher for those who received two doses, 1.95 times higher for those who received three doses, and 2.5 times higher for those who received three or more doses." The comparison was against "people who received zero or one dose of a vaccine," the report said, of the results of Cleveland Clinic.

Tons here, must read!-----What 10 Years of U.S. Meddling in Ukraine Have Wrought (Spoiler Alert: Not Democracy) | RealClearInvestigations

Ukraine Meddling vs. Trump
  • The first documented case of foreign meddling originated in Ukraine, as RCI reported in 2022.
  • While allegations of Russian interference and collusion would come to dominate the 2016 campaign, the first documented case of foreign meddling originated in Ukraine.
  • Alexandra Chalupa, Ukrainian-American operative: "I want dirt" on the Trump campaign, Telizhenko recalls her saying.
  • Telizhenko, who served as a political officer at the Ukrainian embassy in Washington, D.C., before joining Blue Star, was an early whistleblower. He went public in January 2017, telling Politico how the Ukrainian embassy worked to help Hillary Clinton’s 2016 election campaign and undermine Trump’s....

AM Fruitcake


History for May 5

History for May 5 - 
Karl Marx 1818 - Socialist writer ("Das Kapital", "The Communist Manifesto"), founder of communism
  • 1862 - The Battle of Puebla took place. It is celebrated as Cinco de Mayo Day.
  • 1865 - The Thirteenth Amendment was ratified, abolishing slavery in the U.S.
  • 1892 - The U.S. Congress extended the Geary Chinese Exclusion Act for 10 more years. The act required Chinese in the U.S. to be registered or face deportation.
  • 1912 - Soviet Communist Party newspaper Pravda began publishing.
  • 1917 - Eugene Jacques Bullard becomes the first African-American aviator when he earned his flying certificate with the French Air Service.
  • 1945 - A Japanese balloon bomb exploded on Gearhart Mountain in Oregon. A pregnant woman and five children were killed.
  • 1961 - Astronaut Alan B. Shepard Jr., aboard Mercury capsule Freedom 7, became the first American in space when he made a 15 minute suborbital flight.

Saturday, May 04, 2024

Lawsuit alleges pro-Palestinian groups behind campus protests collaborate with Hamas | WND | by Around the Web

Lawsuit alleges pro-Palestinian groups behind campus protests collaborate with Hamas | WND | by Around the Web

The lawsuit alleges that AMP and NSJP answered the terrorist group’s “call for mass mobilization” the day after the attack by spreading a “manifesto and plan of attack” in the form of an NSJP Toolkit, which included material identifying the groups as part of an uprising under the “unified command” of Hamas. The toolkit outlines that AMP and NSJP seek “liberation” — what the groups describe as a process requiring “confrontation by any means necessary,” including through “armed struggle,” according to the lawsuit.

The way we were-----The War of the Pacific (1879 – 1884) – The Epic War between Chile and Peru...

The Devastating Effects of Rent Control on the Poor (Part One) - Thomas ...