Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Same in EVERY democrat ruled state!


Judge Sentences NYC Man to 10 Years for Gunsmithing After Saying 2nd Amendment 'Nonexistent' in Courtroom

“This is a guy who’s an engineer who’s done so much good in life, didn’t have a record, and you sentenced him to 10 years when you could have given him three and a half, - By Jeff Charles
"Dexter Taylor, a Brooklyn-based software engineer, has been sentenced to a decade in prison for building firearms in his home using parts purchased legally
He was arrested after a SWAT raid in 2022, and a jury convicted him of 13 counts last month. 
Now, he is set to spend up to ten years behind bars for what many perceive as an egregious violation of his Second Amendment rights....

#1 This day 1974-----Ray Stevens - "The Streak" (Music Video)

Oprah Winfrey Apologizes for Contributing to Diet Culture: 'I Want to Do Better'

“I want to acknowledge that I have been a steadfast participant in this diet culture through my platforms, through the magazine, through the talk show for 25 years,”
"During Thursday’s “Making the Shift: A New Way to Think About Weight” live stream, presented by WeightWatchers, Oprah Winfrey—WW board director from 2015 to this year when she announced she was stepping downacknowledged her career-long contributions to diet culture...

Milley defends?


Major Western power pushing back on 'insidious plan for global control' | WND | by Bob Unruh

Major Western power pushing back on 'insidious plan for global control' | WND | by Bob Unruh

There's a proposal pending that would give the World Health Organization, that international body that apparently helped China conceal the source of COVID-19, vast new authorities should there be another pandemic. The plan essentially would give the international political entity the authority to make decisions on vaccinations, medication, shutdowns, even detaining individuals, and impose them on the entire globe.

View all!-----Group Who Hates Groups | Facebook

Group Who Hates Groups | FacebookMichael Fleischer

AM Fruitcake


History for May 14

History for May 14 - On-This-Day.com
Mark Zuckerberg 1984 - Founder of Facebook

  • 1787 - Delegates began gathering in Philadelphia for a convention to draw up the U.S. Constitution.
  • 1796 - The first smallpox vaccination was given by Edward Jenner. He enoculated James Phipps using cowpox matter.
  • 1804 - William Clark set off the famous expedition from Camp Dubois. A few days later, in St. Louis, Meriwether Lewis joined the group. The group was known as the "Corps of Discovery."
  • 1897 - "The Stars and Stripes Forever" by John Phillip Sousa was performed for the first time. It was at a ceremony where a statue of George Washington was unveiled.
  • 1942 - The Women's Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) was established by an act of the U.S. Congress.
  • 1948 - Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion proclaimed the independent State of Israel as British rule in Palestine came to an end.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Florida sheriff blamed Biden's government for 'victimizing' Americans after illegal immigrant charged with sexually assaulting child | Blaze Media

Florida sheriff blamed Biden's government for 'victimizing' Americans after illegal immigrant charged with sexually assaulting child | Blaze Media

"Here's a Guatemalan, who came into the country illegally was stopped by the border people released, and made his way to South Florida. And now he commits a crime where he held an 11-year-old girl against her will and sexually assaulted her,” said Palm Beach County Sheriff – Ric Bradshaw.

"We grabbed him. He's confessed to the crime. So he's gonna get tried for a capital crime before he even remotely thinks he's gonna get deported. He's gonna do the time here first," Bradshaw continued. "The federal government is victimizing the people who live in this country by letting these people in here."

The way we were-----Christian vs Muslim World Slave Trades - Forgotten History

Ski Collision Called ‘Homicide’ By Coroner

Poll: Most Democrats In Favor Of Welcoming Immigrants Into Someone Else's Neighborhood | Babylon Bee

At publishing time, sources had also confirmed that a majority of Democrats are in favor of raising taxes to pay for social programs, as long as the taxes are paid by other people. | Babylon Bee
  • U.S. — A new USA Today poll has found that an overwhelming majority of Democrats are in favor of welcoming immigrants from Central and South America into other people's neighborhoods.
  • The study showed that Democrats are very pro-immigration as long as the immigration is to areas very far away from themselves...

Part 2--We don't want journalism back - Don Surber

We don't want journalism back - Don Surber
"...James Bennet had a brilliant takedown of the Times last December. In it, he said, “In my experience, reporters overwhelmingly support Democratic policies and candidates...
How so?
He wrote, 
  • “Illiberal journalists have a different philosophy, and they have their reasons for it. 
  • They are more concerned with group rights than individual rights, which they regard as a bulwark for the privileges of white men
  • They have seen the principle of free speech used to protect right-wing outfits like Project Veritas and Breitbart News and are uneasy with it. 
  • They had their suspicions of their fellow citizens’ judgment confirmed by Trump’s election, and do not believe readers can be trusted with potentially dangerous ideas or facts...

DEI Disaster: Petition Circulating Within Secret Service Community Warns of 'Potential Insider Threats'

DEI Disaster: Petition Circulating Within Secret Service Community Warns of 'Potential Insider Threats'

Conservative opponents of diversity, equity and inclusion — or DEI — initiatives are fond of moving the letters around in the acronym and calling it “DIE.”

It’s meant, obviously, as a bit of a troll. However, when such initiatives compromise the ability of the bureau to protect America’s highest-profile assassination targets, the switch is apt — and no laughing matter.

Gotta Love Hertz!

MUST READ!-They've been refining this slur since 2021!-----Trump and the Republican revolt against democracy, explained in 13 charts - Vox- Mar 1, 2021

The Republican Party is the biggest threat to American democracy today. 
  • It is a radical, obstructionist faction that has become hostile to the most basic democratic norm: that the other side should get to wield power when it wins elections...
  • Below are 13 charts that illustrate the depth of the problem and how we got here. 
  • The story they tell is sobering: At every level, from the elite down to rank-and-file voters, the party is permeated with anti-democratic political attitudes and agendas...

Today’s Republicans really hate Democrats — and democracy

1) Trump’s supporters have embraced anti-democratic ideas...

Lunch video-----Let Wildfires Burn, Scientists Say



FBI confirms it's starting its election censorship campaign again | WND | by Bob Unruh

FBI confirms it's starting its election censorship campaign again | WND | by Bob Unruh

The FBI was a key player in the campaign to suppress accurate but very damaging information about Joe Biden in the 2020 election season. All those salacious scandals and for-profit international business schemes in that laptop abandoned by Hunter Biden? All true, and all described by the FBI, falsely, as Russian disinformation.

"Top-down apocalypse mongering...


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Endorses Democrats’ Unpopular Abortion Until Birth Agenda - JORDAN BOYD

his endorsement of Democrats’ unlimited abortion agenda proves his loyalty lies with the left.
  • In a no-shoes sitdown with former ESPN SportsCenter Host Sage Steele, Kennedy said he believes a woman should be allowed to kill her baby through all nine months of gestation.
  • “...Are you saying all the way up through full term a woman has a right to have an abortion?” Steele asked.“Yeah,” Kennedy replied...

#1 Movie this week 1960-----Please Don't Eat The Daisies (1960) Official Trailer - Doris Day, David ...

The UN General Assembly just backed full ‘Palestinian’ admission - Andrea Widburg

143 nations out of the 193 total voting in favor of the idea (25 abstained).
  • Think about that: Seventy-five percent of the UN is in favor of granting nationhood to a people whose raison d'être is to commit genocide against a UN nation. 
  • The world’s moral compass is broken and, as always, Jews are the canary in the coalmine. 
  • The rest of the civilized world will be next.

#1 This day 1959-----Dave 'Baby' Cortez - The Happy Organ - Big 50's Instrumental Hit

Beavers to the rescue? Smarter than the average CA politician!!-----Eager Beaver - Doomberg

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has launched the initial phase of its beaver translocation
"Aside from humans, beavers are the only mammals that will significantly reorient entire ecosystems to create the habitat they need to thrive. 
  • They fell trees, dam creeks and streams, and create vast wetlands that countless other species benefit from. 
  • In so doing, they often help regions retain water that might otherwise find its way into oceans or distant large lakes...
Perhaps recognizing their value in countering California’s chronic water challenges, state leaders have begun the process of rejuvenating the local beaver population through direct intervention...

They are burning wery well for their cause

Large fire affects the factory of Alpitronic, manufacturer of fast charging stations for electric cars in the city of Bolzano, province of South Tyrol, Italy (08.05.2024) - @Disaster_News - Bjørn K Vottestad

Mike Lee sounds off on US national debt, spending | Blaze Media

Mike Lee sounds off on US national debt, spending | Blaze Media:

Republican Sen. Mike Lee of Utah is sounding the alarm about the massive interest on the nation's debt.

"We're so screwed. And glued. Also tattooed. Interest will top $1.1 trillion this year. That's what decades of reckless, hegemonic rule by The Uniparty™️ does," Lee tweeted.

They have nukes now!-----Iran's Mullahs Desperate for Nuclear Weapons, Do Not Believe Anything Else :: Gatestone Institute

Iran was exposed clandestinely engaging in nuclear activities, including uranium enrichment, at covert facilities in Natanz and Arak. - 

AM Fruitcake