Monday, May 20, 2024

AM Fruircake


History for May 20

History for May 20 - 
Honore de Balzac 1799 - Novelist
  • 1506 - In Spain, Christopher Columbus died in poverty.
  • 1520 - Hernando Cortez defeated Spanish troops that had been sent to punish him in Mexico.
  • 1774 - Britain's Parliament passed the Coercive Acts to punish the American colonists for their increasingly anti-British behavior
  • 1830 - The fountain pen was patented by H.D. Hyde.
  • 1927 - Charles Lindbergh took off from New York to cross the Atlantic for Paris aboard his airplane the "Spirit of St. Louis." The trip took 33 1/2 hours.
  • 1932 - Amelia Earhart took off to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. She became the first woman to achieve the feat.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

COVID 'social distancing'? 'No evidence' supporting 6-foot demands | WND | by Bob Unruh

COVID 'social distancing'? 'No evidence' supporting 6-foot demands | WND | by Bob Unruh

It was, according to a report at The Federalist, perpetrated by former National Institutes of Health chief Francis "Collins and crew, including the smug and self-righteous Dr. Anthony Fauci, the immunologist who ran the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for a dangerously long time, made a very good living segregating a society at an unprecedented level. The damage done from the scientists’ sign-off on a long and cruel isolation experiment will take a long time to fully measure."

But the whole idea of a "distancing" was based on … no science.

The way we were-----Old TV Commercials over the Years

"Final Warning: America's Last Chance Before Collapse" | Victor Davis Hansen

Ex-FBI Agent Drops Bomb in Jan 6 Film - FBI Execs Get Paid to Arrest 'Terrorists' They Set Up

Ex-FBI Agent Drops Bomb in Jan 6 Film - FBI Execs Get Paid to Arrest 'Terrorists' They Set Up

A whistleblower alleges in the new documentary film “Capitol Punishment 2: The War on Truth” that the FBI actually manufactures domestic terrorism plots to justify the massive $300 million-plus budget it receives each year to fight it.

Further, executives overseeing field offices receive cash bonuses based on the number of domestic terrorist plots they disrupt.

Bank Wants Customer To Sign NDA in Dispute Over $1.50

Lunch video-----John Coleman Debunks the Myth of Global Warming



WHO considers granting special privileges to abortion industry | WND | by Bob Unruh

WHO considers granting special privileges to abortion industry | WND | by Bob Unruh

Republican members of Congress are suggesting there could be consequences for the World Health Organization should that international body of bureaucrats move forward with plans to grant special privileges to an abortion industry player. In fact, the plan would be the withholding of all U.S. funding for that group that apparently allowed China to conceal the source and threat of the COVID-19 pandemic when it first developed.

Which country practices apartheid?




#1 This day 1970-----The Guess Who - American Woman (Official Audio)

The middle-east explained.


Aaron Rodgers says NFL wanted a vaccination rate over 90% | Blaze Media

Aaron Rodgers says NFL wanted a vaccination rate over 90% | Blaze Media

"In the NFL, there was a strong push. They sent stooges out to every team to try and enforce a vaccination level above 90% on every team with zero exemption, with zero informed consent. 'Just get this so that we look good, because Big Pharma's ad spend is humongous,' not just on the late-night shows, it obviously influences Hollywood [and] the NFL." Rodgers explained that only players had a choice surrounding vaccination but staff members did not, and they would allegedly be fired if they didn't get vaccinated. He added that he was thanked by members of the organization for raising questions to NFL staff.

AM Fruitcake


History for May 19

History for May 19 - 
Malcolm X (Malcolm Little) 1925 - African-American Muslim minister, public speaker, and human rights activist
  • 1856 - U.S. Senator Charles Sumner (REPUBLICAN) spoke out against slavery.
  • 1911 - The first American criminal conviction that was based on fingerprint evidence occurred in New York City.
  • 1921 - The U.S. Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act, which established national quotas for immigrants.
  • 1926 - Benito Mussolini announced that democracy was deceased. Rome became a fascist state.
  • 1974 - Erno Rubik invented the puzzle what would later become known as the Rubik's Cube.
  • 1992 - U.S. Vice President Dan Quayle criticized the CBS sitcom "Murphy Brown" for having its title character decide to bear a child out of wedlock.
  • 1998 - In Russia, strikes broke out over unpaid wages.

Travel/computer issues. Hopefully posting will resume soon.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Biden gets sued again for natural gas export ban | WND | by Bob Unruh

Biden gets sued again for natural gas export ban | WND | by Bob Unruh

"Nothing in the Natural Gas Act authorizes the Department of Energy to halt all LNG export applications. For that reason, as recently as July of 2023, the Department of Energy denied a petition calling for a halt to the approval of all new LNG export licenses. In its rejection, the department stated that it had 'no factual or legal basis' for 'halt[ing] approval of pending applications to export LNG,'" they reported. Then Biden, in January, simply declared a ban, "effective immediately and indefinitely." The lawsuit charges that the ban violates federal law as well as the Constitution's separation of powers and exceeds Biden's authority.

The way we were-----Father of the Supreme Court | The Life & Times of John Marshall

Protecting Free Speech: The Early Warning Signs From Around The World

Everything You Need to Know about Bureaucracy, in a Single Tweet | International Liberty

We now have a top-heavy bureaucracy... - Dan Mitchell
"Alex Stapp of the Institute for Progress tweeted about the staggering expansion of middle management in Washington.

The tweet shows five sentences from a story in the Atlantic last month, authored by Gary Hamel and Michele Zanini.
And Mr. Stapp highlights two jaw-dropping excerpts, one about the 50 percent increase in middle managers and one about the five-fold expansion of the federal flowchart.
In other words, we now have a top-heavy bureaucracy...

Solar's Been Taking a Beating Lately - BEEGE WELBORN

"all the solar panels on the roof" caught fire.
"There have been some spectacular flameouts in the land of solar cells lately.
Actually, there was one today. 
Couldn't have made a bigger splash if it tried as it fried.
Yes, you read that right. 
In the middle of a big swim meet with thousands of school kids and parents gathered in Australia under the roof of the Sydney Olympic Park Aquatic Center, that solar panel-encrusted roof lit off...

Biden Asserts Executive Privilege to Block Release of Damaging Special Counsel Audio

Biden Asserts Executive Privilege to Block Release of Damaging Special Counsel Audio

President Joe Biden will assert executive privilege to keep audio and video recordings from his interview with special counsel Robert Hur private.

Hur recommended that no charges should be filed against Biden during the conclusion of his classified documents investigation of the president in February.

But the Justice Department official raised questions about Biden’s cognitive health and memory in his final report on Biden’s mishandling of sensitive materials during his time as vice president.

The Chinese thought it was an elaborate joke | Helen Joyce

Communism Isn’t Cool, It’s Deadly - William Wolfe

To dispel the myth of communism as some utopian, hip, climate-friendly alternative to free-market capitalism, it’s critically important to distinguish between the idealized version of communism presented in popular culture and the harsh reality of its implementation in real life.
  • Over the last few decades, there has been a resurgence of interest in — and support for — communism among America’s younger generations.
  • In 2019, the Independent reported that “More than a third of millennials in the US now approve of communism, while the popularity of capitalism has plummeted since 2018, according to YouGov polling. 
  • The survey found just 57 percent of 23 to 38-year-olds believe the Declaration of Independence better ‘guarantees freedom and equality’ than the Communist Manifesto, with only 50 percent viewing capitalism favorably.”
How could this happen? 
How could the deadliest political ideology of the 20th century, and one of the deadliest political ideologies in human history, be garnering this much support from younger Americans?...

Lunch video-----Jerry Seinfeld | Duke's 2024 Commencement Address



Antifa members at UW encampment harass news cameraman for filming the protest | Blaze Media

Antifa members at UW encampment harass news cameraman for filming the protest | Blaze Media

The Post Millennial's Katie Daviscourt took video of Antifa members using umbrellas and their bodies to block the camera. Mike Harvey, Fox Q13's cameraman, can be heard asking the protesters if they are on drugs because the harassers are acting very strangely. One of the protesters asks if Harvey understands why they are asking him not to film them. "Yes, and, honestly, I don't care because this is a public space; it's a newsworthy event. ... I have a right to report," Harvey tells them.

Hitler used violence to take over the press. Ours joined willingly!